0 Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, Ill. Telephone .......cosseen Winnetka 388 Telephone .............. Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION. ........ $2.00 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday Boon to insure appearance in current ssue. Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Entered at the postoffice at Winnet- ka, Illinois, as mail matter of the sec- $n class, under the act of March 3, 879. Saturday, February 11, 1922 "THE BUSINESS MEN'S DUTY" "The big definite duty of the busi- ness man in- 1922 will be to lend every agency in his power to pro- mote sane, sensible thinking in America." The best way in which to promote sane, sensible thinking is to indulge in it, and thus to re- flect it in speech, as well as in poli- cies of work. There is no mental state more easily cultivated than that of feel- ing sorry for oneself. It has been the natural reaction to the general talk or depression and contributory to the reality of that state. Now an effort is being made to correct the ill effects of the suggestion of the evil times that have been upon us, and business men are being called to their duty to do their full part in that national work. In the last generation great strides have been made in public education concerning the physical being. Remarkable advance has been made by students in the realm of psychology, but the man in the streets and the woman in the home still has the very slightest under- standing of his mental workings, and of the ways that he reacts to the suggestions that come to him. s the next subject to he added to the curriculum in the college of experience and public education, a subject that will open new and un- tried ways of adding to the pleas- ures of life without compromising the serious work that is done. "As a man thinketh, so is he" is true in the experience of everybody. We are only beginning to learn that "as a man speaketh, so is his neigh- bor likely to be," is equally true. -- PRINCESS MARY'S WED- DING GIFT Pictorial evidence of the placing of boxes bearing the inscription "Princess Mary's Wedding Gift," in convenient places in London is at hand, boxes in which the general public may place contributions to the fund from which is to be bought the gift bearing the love and good wishes of the people of the realm to the daughter of the King. England is, indeed, a happy coun- try. The people have evolved a system of government which gives them all the freedom that they would enjoy in a republic and re- tains for them the symbol of their greatness and unity in the royal family, with all the picturesque dis- play that the institution of the crown affords. The people will give gladly to the gift for the princess, feeling that they are performing a patriotic service, having a hand in the romance of the princess, and generally enjoying themselves. It is a pleasure that they can well afford. > "Half of the new theatrical ventures in New York this season have failed," Roland Holt told the Drama club the other day. "Gertie's Garter" and others of its kind have had short runs only. Half of last season's plays deserved to fail. Be it said to the glory of the public it has more decent taste in drama than the producers. The majority of the gentlemen in the amusement business would gorge the public on "Gertie's Garter" stuff till the cows came home if the public would stand for it. But the public won't. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 A PREACHING PRESS Charles Sheldon, of "In His Steps" fame, calls upon the editorial profession to join forces with the ministerial, to "preach" through the columns of the newspaper at that congregation which stays at home on Sunday morning, im- mersed in the paper, unwilling to go to church to hear the preach- ment that it is good for them to hear. And the editor of the self- respecting newspaper does preach, preaches daily the virtues of civic rightness, of community responsi- bility, calling upon the more for- tunately placed in the community to accept the burden of being the keeper of the happiness and physi- cal well being of the unfortunate members of the public to which he belongs. The newspaper which is managed by men who lay claim to being good citizens, give themselves and their columns to the forwarding of every, good cause that is to be promoted in the community. They safe- guard the interests of the people when they are threatened, by serving as a medium through iwhich civic duty is urged and facts presented to the public. In Hosur 615 Davis St., Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Evening 7 and 9 NEXT WEEK MONDAY and TUESDAY FEB. 13 and 14 FRED STONE IN "BILLY JIM" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY FEB. 15th and 16th KATHERINE MAC DONALD IN "The Beautiful Liar" FRIDAY and SATURDAY FEBRUARY 17th and 18th CONWAY TEARLE IN "THE MAN OF STONE" 7 A= 4 7 PACKING Y WATERPROOF 777 1 WATCH FOR VAN'S MOVES ' Packing & Storage If contemplating mov- ing out of city this Spring, better see us and get our rates on either crating or long distance hauling. 2M IR [] » Wilmette~ 32 * Evanston 731% | [Phones fact they do preach after the ap- proved manner of applying the standards of Christian living to the daily behavior of people who profess to believe in them. The Press is not far behind the Pulpit now in these unregenerate days as a force for righteousness in the community, ---- SOLDIER COMES FIRST The proper care of disabled and un- employed ex-soldiers should come be- fore the erection of expensive war memorials, according to the American Legion's legislative committee, which has condemned the plan of the George Washington Memorial Association to gain state support in erecting a Viec- tory building in Washington, D. C. President Harding is reported as hav- ing endorsed the project and written to governors of states recommending aid. Requires Cash, Often a man falls to embrace an ops portunity because he is "shy."--Boston Transcript. The Smartest and Best Dressed Women in Chicago have their Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT ~ THE WILSON "Made with your own material" Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 N. State CHICAGO 16 N. Wabash m---- AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue SKIRT SHOP I-------- COOK ELECTRICALLY and use the "STANDARD 9 because -- "STANDARD" ELECTRIC STOVES Fill all the specifications for a perfect cooking machine. Here are some of the outstanding features of the "Standard"-- They are SAFE because of the doing away with matches and the menace of an open flame fire; then there is no possibility of escaping gas nor can there be an explosion. They are ECONOMICAL because, being equipped as they are with insulated, heat-retain- ing aluminum oven and wells the food continues to cook for a long period after the high heat is shut off. The Electric Well has all of the ad- vantages of a fireless cooker with none of the objectionable features; there never is any offen- sive odor or taste, due to the fact that in the "Standard" Well the heat never falls below cooking heat as is the case in fireless cookers. At this low temperature food will cook all night for less than 2 cents. We call attention to our "301" model which operates on your lighting circuit. 209 N. Michigan Blvd, Randolph Chicago, has these stoves 3900 always on display for your inspection. M. A. ANDREWS, Resident Representative, Phone Winnetka 546-R. The Handy Route Limited Trains for Milwaukee leave Winnetka every hour from 5:54 a. m. to 12:54 a. m. Express Trains for Waukegan leave Winnetka every half-hour from 6:16 a. m. to 12:16 a. m. then 1:26 a. m. and 1:56 a. m. Travel is a Real Pleasure Over the North Shore Line To those who make frequent trips to Mil- waukee and other points on the North Shore Line a jaunt over this convenient route always means.an hour or so of rest and relaxation. The heavy electrics roll smoothly along at a swift, steady pace--- the seats are roomy and comfortable--- the employes are efficient and courteous. No detail of service or convenience, how- ever minute, is left undone in making your journey one of pleasure and satis- faction. And no matter what the hour or weather, you are assured a prompt arrival at your destination. Take advantage of this convenient route, EE NORTH SHORE Pr ---------- Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. Winnetka Ticket Office, Elm Street Phone Winnetka 963