WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1922 3 WHIPPING. LIQUOR CHASE EVIL SPIRIT At Least That's the Formula Prescribed by Hindus How natives of India believe hard luck may be avoided by application of clubs and switches was described Friday morning by Mrs. William C. Thackwell of Evanston in an address at the North Shore Country Day school in Winnetka. Mrs. Thackwell, who returned a tew weeks ago from a year's trip around the world, spent many months visting all parts of India. "While out driving near Bombay one time we passed a group of natives hurrying along the road, chanting and singing as they went," she said. "In the center of the crowd was a native whose painted face looked fiendish and who carried a huge branch from a tree. He danced as he was pushed along by the throng. Whips and Liquor "An English friend with us ex- plained that the unfortunate fellow was being taken down to the sea where the natives would beat him without mercy because his wife had died, or his house had burned, his crops had failed, or his cattle had died. The natives insisted that he was possessed of the evil spirit which they were obliged to beat out of him. He had been given liquor to make him stupid." Mrs. Thackwell gave facts about the ' situation in India and included in her story many illustrations of strange customs of the east. Describe Strange Customs "If one of your servants in Win- netka were to enter the drawing room * barefooted your parents would be in- sulted," she stated. "But over there it is a mark of disrespect if a ser- vant comes into the house wearing either shoes or hat. Even the Hindu women are barefooted. The women and girls wear a sari composed of many yards of straigh material draped | around the body and covering the head and right ear. One can learn the caste by noting the way in which the sari is draped." School books usually describe the elephant as India's beast of burden, as the means of doing heavy hauling. Mrs. Thackwell said that the motor truck has already replaced the ele- phant, DESCRIBES CIVIL WAR BATTLES TO ARCANIANS M. J. Timberlake, veteran of the civil war, is to give fellow members of the Winnetka council, Royal Arca- num, a real treat Monday evening, March 20, when he will talk on some personal recollections of the war of the Rebellion. Mr. Timberlake was in active service for three years, par- ticipating in several of the most im- portant battles of the war. He was injured when thrown from his mount in the famous pursuit of the Morgan raiders. Winnetka council, Royal Arcanum is conducting a membership drive. The council is divided into two teams, one captained by R. C. Meleney and an- other under direction of J. F. Eckart Sr. The council, as a whole, has been challenged to a membership contest by the Lake Forest council. The los- ing council will be host at a banquet accorded the winners. Mrs. J. C. Lowry and her small daughter, Dorothy, from Grove City, Pa., also Mrs. Lowry's mother, Mrs. D. H. Paul, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Krause, 822 Humboldt Ave. ---- Mrs. Theodore Brown, 765 Willow street, was called east last Thursday on account of illness in her family. IF IT: 18 1C YOU WANT CRYSTAL ICE COMPANY WEIGHT PURITY - - SERVICE PHONE WINNETKA 763 RADIO WILL ACCLAIM N. U. 'CAMPUS DAYS Plans are in process of formulation by thousands of Northwestern Univer- sity alumni in various cities of the United States and Canada to cele- brate "campus days" on May 19. That day will be designated "Northwestern University Day" and meetings will be held in fifty cities, according to pres- ent, plans, Each alumni orgamiza- tion in these cities will send by wire or radiograph a relayed message to the association nearest by and that association will then add some senti- 'ment and pass on the message to the | next city. George S. Dalgety, alumni secre- tary. of Northwestern, is now on tour Mrs. E. E. Adams, 873 Oak street, was hostess at a dinner party Thurs- day evening for the young women of the Comfort Shop. among Middlewestern cities perfecting the plan. Secretary Dalgety also will ask for a big out-of-town attendance of alumni at Alumni Day exercises at Evanston, June 19. Dr. and Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, 529 Cedar street, announce the birth of a son, on March 4. gs Mr. John G. Redford of Milwaukee, was the guest of Mr. Lee Adams on Thursday. boiler! this Heating System. Forty per cent more heat than you get from your present That is the statement made by a leading Chicago engineer ofter extensive tests of The Breese Engineering Automatic Hot Water and Heating System If you are interested in house- hold economy you can not afford to fail to investigate Telephone Randolph 4140, or write to 112 West Adams Street, Chicago, for Engineer's Report and other information concerning this remark- able new apparatus which brings comfort and economy into the home. Breese Engineering, inc. er Le On a dE RT TE aoe Ye gi High Grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ----S_--_--_--"--_€l MGMDDDGDPGBDGDDHDHDEi M@mEm@mmRBBnGBBnNnH 2 es EEE EEE EE IR -- mm --m__n nnn = WINNETKA = = 890 LINDEN AVE. PHONE HUBBARD WOODS = E = FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY IN WINNETKA, HUBBARD WOODS, GLENCOE E E People have asked us how we could undersell the other stores. We Fall into the habit of trading here. If you wish--arrange a charge = EB want to be put on record as saying that we do not undersell them. account and phone us your order daily. We have four deliveries E E THEY OVERSELL US. Our prices are fair prices that allow us a every day, that make a rush order possible--and we are anxious to E fair profit. serve your every need. : = i Fruits Miscellaneous | = Minute-Tapioca, S.pkgsiiaa 4... ....... 0... Krsna ae de By TTA 25¢ ] BE ; 3 Pearl; Tapiota, 2 pkgs. vue... ....0 0006 0... FEAT Bc = a Ry a et ee Na 0 Grape Nuts, pkg. ..... BERR TS TUR SPC CR AG Ra 7c = BE Large Size Grapefruit, 3 for 25c; 95¢c Aunt Jemints Pancake FIBUER 1... . codons ess» rele sn numsispiae huis va iva 17c BE = The price of oranges is getting high. We have purchased a large ship- Pillsbury's Health Bran a oh. vot. seis cessed, pt 17c = Re ment of Florida oranges and are offering them for a very reasonable Armour's Oats, 2 pgs. 5 ............ Le a a aah hie BW = DTICE OZies + i inv Re rs niain + sons 5 Sisluteihale.s cos bits Beal ay 45¢ and 55¢ Monsoon Popcorn, pkg. 18¢c; 2 for........................ LL Bec = = Uneeda Bisult ... ond... Bun he Sa LAB sna A 6c = EF Navel oranges, Sweetest Yet Brand, peridoz.. st ~via oner 2hc 2d. Toc National Biscuit Graham Crackers, 13eliB for. ove cnn wl Bh LL 25¢c = = Vanilla Walers, ple. 1800 0or cou. ier nnn ss tosses os omdoinysiin 8% = a Rig.-Newtons, 13c;: 8 for Lo ove a LO AN rl ae, 25c = a Ve etables Premium Soda Crackers, HEE Se SE i SO I SB ec TL 2c = B Saratoga Flakes, pkg. 19c; 2 CN Ne 3c = a g National Biscuit Fresh Vanilla Wafer, bulk, 1Ib......... uy Re ee 33c = B= Graham Crackers, IB. (cl iih wiih viii vinnie vie vie me ddan sin a sa hal ie Date 16¢ = New Potatoes, 3 Ibs. for... 25¢ French Sprats, Sardines in Pure OIive Oil, 280 valie. . . . uy. +» eon vont 15¢ EO reen Beant, qt. constrain vine giiitinss sets Befnsnun a BE snaps ve 19¢ Corned Beef, Libby's, 35c value...................ooi iil, 25¢ E Heinz Peanut Butter, large size, 85c value, now........cc0v 0. h.. io 8 29¢ = Green Peppirsy each wi... i Ll a ee 5c Heinz Pork and Beans in Tomato Sauce, regular 20c size.............. 15¢ BE . Heinz Apple Butter, 2-1b. jar, 78C value, now..... ........0 0 digi 50c E Tomatoes, b. AE TS ATE EN I AR RRIF Be Glenwild Brand Molasses, 20c value, NOW... io ci vo annem beens 14c = Large Size California Celery, bunch............. poke 55 sarge SATS 30a ..50c Lux, pkg. nnn ny