Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 May 1922, p. 16

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| 1 | | 16 WANT ADS REAL ESTATE BEST BUY ON NORTH SHORE Truly a real bargain situated on one of the most beautiful corners on a mag- nificently wooded and landscaped lot 50x156 is a most modern stucco home with lge. commodius liv. rm. with open fire- place, dining room, kitchen, butler's pan- try, sun porch, brkfst. prch. heated and glazed, 3 light, airy bed rooms, slp. prch. and tile bath on sec. flr.; attic over entire house; beautifully finished oak flrs. and everything that goes to make a real homey home; h. w. ht. and garage. Re- markably low priced at $14,500 for quick sale. Terms reasonable. Brand new 8 room stucco in very finest East section; 3 baths; h. w. ht; exquisite colonial finish and decorations; magnifi- cently wooded lot. Will sacrifice for quick sale. LTG27-1te M. E. BARKER & CO. . 415 Linden Ph. Wilmette 407 HUBBARD WOODS, ALMOST NEW Colonial home in best southwest section, near depot and school, 3 large bedrooms, with space for two more, two baths and lavatory, sun parlor, breakfast porch and two sleeping porches. H. W. heat. No-Kol burner, double heated garage. Price reduced to $23,500. Winnetka, a real bargain in a well built colonial stucco home on Foxdale Ave. with 100 feet frontage, 7 large rooms, H. W. heat, fine trees and shrubs. Owner has cut price to $14,500. ! Hubbard Woods, T7-room home with breakfast and sleeping porches, fine lo- cation, nice lot, $10,500. FRANK A. REID 933 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods Tel. Win. 1300 LTG27-1tc 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, LARGE LOT, $5,800. 5 room stucco bungalow, fine loc. $8,300. 5 room new brick bung., beaut. wooded lot $10,500. 6 room new stucco, sacrif. cash, "$1,000, $9,500. 8 room stucco, water heat, lot 46x300, 2 car garage, east. Bargain, $11,500. For Rent--New 6 room house, only $90. Buy this last lot in Wilmette for only 500. 3 suggest you inspect our list of low priced lots, and also the choice ones on the Road, one block to lake, per. ft. $115. M. L.-- MOODY & CO. 511 4th St. Tel. Wil, 2248 LTG27-1tc Unexcelled Service to Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate 5-R. frame bung., convenient to trans- portation. Price $7,500. New b5-R. stucco bungalow, sun, sleep. and breakfast porches. Lot 50x200. Price only $10,000; easy terms. 6-R. brick bungalow, steam heat, lot 50 x145, practically new. Price $14,500. 6-R. brick and stucco colonial (new); E. central location, $18,500. 8-R. brick veneer, H. W. heat, sleep. and sun porches, lot 60x224, 2-car gar- age. $28,000. Attractive business block in center of town, suitable for furniture business or display room. Price $30,000; land alone worth this price. 9-R. stucco, old English type, Glencoe, vapor heat, large wooded lot. Price $28,000. : 11-R.. Uilek, dining, sleep and sun porches, lot 150x180, 3 baths, H. W. heat, 2-car garage with living quarters above. Price $55,000. A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette, Illinois Phones: 640-1417-2066. LTG27-1te FOR SALE--WILMETTE, NEW 5-RM. stucco bungalow, never been lived in, 2 bed rooms, tile bath, good arrange- ment of rooms. Price cut from $10,000 to $8,000 for quick sale on easy terms, $800. down, $75 per month, including all interest. ; One-year-old 6-room stucco with sun por. heated, pannelled dining room, sil- ver fixtures, fine corner lot. $14,000. Location near 'L'. Solid brick house, 3 bed rms., 1 bath, 3 enclosed porches; very deep lot in good location; hot water heat. $14,500. Lot alone worth $5,000 and house could not be duplicated for less than $15,000. See us for good buys in vacants from $30 foot and up. FOR SALE OR TRADE--10-ACRE farm, 1 mile west of Glencoe, 60 fruit trees, 200 chickens, 3 wagons, build- ings; crops all in for this year. Price $8,500. HILL. AND WHEELER 401 Linden Ave. 743 Elm St. Ph. Wil. 93 and Winn. 142. LTG27-1tc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--MOVING AWAY; MUST sell my Wilmette residence; large 95 ft. cor. with 15 beautiful trees, shrubbery, currant bushes, crab apple and lilacs. Newly decorated last fall; 8 large rms.; big, roomy porch; hot water ht.; near to trans., schools and churches; just the place for a growing family, who want to get away from rent and into the suburbs. Big sacrifice; $13,500; terms arranged. No brokers. Call WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 4th St. Tel. Wil. 1304 LTG27-1te FOR SALE--HOUSE NEW COLONIAL BRICK HOUSE, NINE rooms, three baths, $25,000. Owner, 449 Ida Place, Glencoe. Phone Glen- coe 195. > TGI-1te FOR SALE--WINNETKA ATTRACTIVE 3-room cottage, fireplace, French doors, on nice large lot near depot and school. For quick sale, $4,500. Inquire 877 Elm St., Winn. Tel. Winn. 5 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED -- UNFURNISHED SMALL house; family of 2. Six mos. advance rent. Phone Winnetka 1478. T9-1te WANTED--FURNISHED HOUSE WITH 2 baths for family of 3, for summer. Desirable location. Anywhere between Evanston and Glencoe. Address Lake Shore News B-16. LTG27-1te FOR SALE--VACANT FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, on Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15 min. walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W. LTG27-tfc FOR RENT--OFFICES FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR RENT--ONE OFFICE ROOM IN the Winnetka Trust & Savings Bank bldg. LTG27-1te FOR RENT-- GARAGE FOR RENT--LARGE, LIGHT GARAGE, $10 per mo. Tel. Win. 889. T9-1tc WANTED--BOARD AND ROOM MAN AND WIFE DESIRE FIRST- class board and room for the summer. FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTGI1-tfc 'CHOICE LONGARE ORIENTAL RUG; mahogany hall console; antique chairs; baby's crib and oriole. Mathison, 84 Abbottsford Rd. T9-1tc FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE and buffet; one sofa, also kitchen chairs and table, garden hose, numer- Tel. Winn. S39. T9-1tc| us other articles. Add, 893 Elm St., | WANTED--LOAN Tel. Winn. 1648. T9-1te WANTED--LOAN OF $5,000 ON HOME | FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY USED HEALY in Glencoe, from private party, 6 per cent interest. Tel. Winn. 834. TGY9-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--BEAUTIFULLY FURN- ished front rooms, East side, hard wood floors. Reasonable. Adults. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTG27-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS, 3 IN SUITE; ALSO one separate room for adults. 731 10th St., Wilmette. Lit27-1tp FOR RENT--PLEASANT FRONT ROOM convenient to transportation and cafe- teria; business woman preferred. Tel. Wil. 1303 LTG27-1te FOR RENT--TWO NICELY FURNISH- ed rooms near transportation, with sleeping porch. Tel. Glen. 628. TG9-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE, COMFORTABLE room, private family; bath; two blks. from lake. Tel. Winn. 1541. TGY9-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--TWO UNFUR- nished rooms with or without bath; June 1st, by the month, East side. Miss Eva Wilson, 1089 Spruce St. T9-1tec HELP WANTED--MALE Caddies, Attention! Plenty of players Saturdays and Sun- days. Playgrounds for recreation. Good Pay. Northmoor Country Club Ravinia, Ill. TGY-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE SIT. WANTED BY ENGLISH WOMAN as children's nurse or traveling com- panion with family going abroad. Good traveller and packer. Three months' service gratis for return fare and ex- penses. R. Edmonds, 1439 No. Clark St., Chicago. T9-1tc WANTED--A WHITE WOMAN FOR cleaning one day a week. Mrs. C. D. Allen, 594 Spruce St. Tel. Winn. 505-M. T9-1te WANTED--A YOUNG GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework to go home nights; 5 rooms; two in family. Tel. Winn. 349. T9-1te WANTED--A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no washing. J. H. Schmidt, 422 Laurel Ave. Tel. Wil. 2001. LTG27-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID, GENERAL housework; must be good cook and have good ref. Small famfly. Tel. Win. 521-W. LTG27-1tc WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; must be clean and a good cook; ref. Laundress employed. Tel. Kenil. 1292 or call at 422 Cumnor Rd. Kenil. LTG27-1te WANTED -- BOOKKEEPER WITH some typewriting experience; part time permanent evening work. Answer stating experience and starting salary desired. Address Lake Shore News B-17. LT27-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN"L HOUSE- work, family of 3. Address Mrs. Fred McCann, 1617 Lake Ave. Tel. Wil 1916. LTG27-1te WANTED--GIRL TO CARE FOR CHILD during vacation. Tel. Winn. 1474. LTG27-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN'L housework to go away with family to the country for the summer. Leaving 1st week in June. Good wages to the right girl; must have ref. Tel. Winn. 89. . LT27-1tc NURSE FOR TWO SMALL CHILDREN. Must speak good English; willing worker, references; best wages. Tel. Winn. 1418. LTG27-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work. Tel. Wil. 1859. L27-1tc DRESSMAKING EXPERIENCED OLD COUNTRY dressmaker desires work. 903 Ash St. T9-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 'Winn. upright piano. Price $125. Tel. 1134. T9-1tc FOR SALE--I DINING ROOM SET, white enamelled bedroom set, gentle- men's bed, porch rug (10x15), dining room rug (10x10), also lawn mower. Glén. 128. TG9-1tc FOR SALE--ANTIQUE MAHOGANY Tel. Glen. 918. LTG27-1tc FOR SALE--A 3 PIECE BED-ROOM set extra size solid walnut, inlaid; wall mirror 5 ft. by 4 ft. 2 in., in walnut frame; walnut library table, 4-ft. oak table, oak dining table, oak dining chairs, leather seats; china cabinet, overstuffed davenport and chair, book- sofa, oak library table. case, maple writing desk, birdseye maple dressing table, chair and chif- fonier. Tel. Wil. 47. LTG27-1te FOR SALE--GREEN VELOUR, OVER- stuffed davenport, with 2 green velour pillows; also solid mahogany, library table. Tel. Win. 1533. LTG27-1tc LOUIS IV SOLID MAHOGANY BED. Give new mattress and spring. In- quire Lindwall, 508 Linden St., Win- netka. LTG27-1tg FURNITURE FOR SALE--611 ELM- wood Ave. Phone 951-W. LTG27-1tp FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--LAMP SHADE, 26-IN. $8; small clothes bar 50 cents; porch rugs $1.00; screened doors, little girl's bed $6; steamer trunk $1. Peg blocks, dolls, bureau. Tel. Win. 1158. T9-1tc FOR SALE--SECOND-HAND SUITS and overcoats cheap; also sell your cast off garments on commission. Bonnem, The Tailor Cleaners and Dyers 513 West Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 1944 TGY-1te FOR SALE--LARGE WHITE ENAM- eled bassinet, $5; scale with basket attached, $8; gray reed go-cart, $3.50. Tel. Wil. 1507. LTG27-1te FOR SALE--COLLIE PUPPIES OUT OF champion registered stock; white col- lars, extra long muzzle. 1627 Walnut Ave., Wil LT27-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISC. WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 18). Ltgl7-tfc WANTED TO BUY--A GIRL'S BICY- cle. Tel. Winn. 200. LTG27-1te WANTED--A PARK STROLLER AND child's large desk. Would exchange or sell a Field Special baby carriage, in good condition. Phone Winn. 261. T9-1te FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FORD SEDAN 1921 model. This car has only been run 4,000 miles; it is as good as new and has a complete line of accessories. Winnetka Motor Co. LTG27-1te | BEFORE YOU BUY A USED CAR SEE THE NEW GARDNER GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR $895 LEXINGTON CHICAGO CO. 1008 Davis St. EVANSTON Ltg26-3tc FOR SALE--1918 PAIGE 7-PASSENGER enclosed car; good condition; $575 for quick cash sale. Tel. Wil. 1304. LTG27-1tc SEVEN-PASSENGER AUTO IN GOOD condition; cord tires; two new spot- lights; bumper. Price $300; terms if wanted. Will exchange for roadster. Phone Winnetka 1131. TGY9-1te WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1922 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD used car at bargain prices? We are listing a few below. They must be seen to be appreciated. A few of this week's offerings: Winton 1916 touring; very good mechanical con- dition; top, tires, upholstering and bat- teries, excellent. Price low. Buick Truck 1918 four-cylinder, panel body, new tires, new batteries. This car is in the very best of condition throughout. A bar- gain at this price. Apperson Touring In fair condition throughout; a bargain at our price. Overland Touring 1921 touring, tires almost new, upholster- ing good, curtains new. This car is in good mechanical cond. Priced reason- ably. Hudson 1916 touring, model 6-40, with winter top, in excellent condition Ford Speedster If you want a speedy little car let us demonstrate this for you. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 165 LTG27-1tc FOR SALE--FORD TOURING, 1920, good condition; a bargain for quick sale. Tel. Winn. 1203. LTG27-1tc LOST AND FOUND FOUND--AN AUTOMOBILE TIRE AND cover. Tel. Winnetka 635-W. LTG27-1tc LOST--ROSE COLORED SILK SCARF, between Birch and Rosewood Ave. on Elm. Tel. Winn. 525-W. T9-1te LOST--LITTLE REDDISH BROWN puppy with white spots on head and chest; answers to name of Beby. Name, 'Wilder, on collar. Reward if found. Return to 1168 Asbury Ave. TGI-1te Wherein Ouilmette K. of C. Returns "Good for Evil" After losing a loosely played 13-1 game to Tonti Council Saturday after- noon Ouilmette Knights of Columbus were hosts to a crowded hall at the dance given under direction of Wil- liam Hillinger in the evening. It was one of the best social events given by the local fraternity during the past year. The music was of the best and the beautiful Kenilworth Assembly hall aided in making the affair a success. The baseball game which ended so 'diastrously for Ouilmette was a close fight for six innings when the support of Pitcher "Bob" Greenslade went awry. Ouilmette was forced to play with a patched lineup, as five regulars failed to appear. Columbus will greet the locals at Senn field tomorrow afternoon and, with the first team on the diamond, a real tussle is expected. Garden Incubator Perhaps for a majority of home gar- deners the cigar box or "flat" in a south window answers the purpose of a hotbed or cold frame. It is a thor- oughly-tried and tested device of cen- tury-long use. If boxes have not been stored in advance with a supply of earth, it will be necessary to acquire them now and to go out with a pickaxe or mattock and pry loose some frozen clods of earth to place in the cellar to thaw. alIM5 A MILE ON SIXTIETH BIRTHDAY Man Shows Prowess in Tank at Three Score Years George Ruby, 921 Sheridan road, came in for a bit of mention in the public print last week when he cele- brated his sixtietb birthday by swim- ming a mile in the Illinois Athletic club tank. Norman Ross, famous I. A. C. swimmer, has the foliowing to say about the Wilmette man in a recent issue of the Chicago Daily Journal: "There are many ways of celebrat- ing birthdays, but not mavy parsons observe their sixtieth anniversary in the fashion George Ruby of the Illinois Athletic club plans. "Tomorrow he reaches three score years. He plans to swim a mile at the regular noon meeting of the Otters, the I. A. C. business men's swimming club. From past performances he is well able to cover the distance, a feat well out of the reach of the majority of swimmers of any age. "Mr. Ruby enjoys a dual distinction. He has twice been elected president of the Otters, an honor heretofore con- ferred on no other, and he is the most regular attendant at the noonday swimming classes. Every day he is in the water, swimming a few lengths, diving from the high board, and play- ing a rough game of polo with the younger members. "His agility from the board is amaz- ing; back flips, front and back jack- knives and an occasional somersault being his daily routine. In the friend- ly polo matches his adversaries be- ware of his clutches, for he does not seem to have heard that aged bones are brittle. He is as careless of others' bones as he is of his own. "'How do I do it?' " he said in reply to a question, "Why, it's simple. I have found that there is nothing like a dip in the old pecol at noon to keep me in form. I am able to keep going at a faster clip all day, on account of my regular exercise."" "Mr. Ruby has not been swimming all his life, but became interested in recent years. He is one of the most enthusiastic of the followers of the sport who make the I. A. C. champion- ship teams possible. His name appears at the head of every subscription list, whether it is to send a club team to China or to buy a couple of new teeth some star may have lost in a polo match." Name Committee to Revise 1915 Customs Regulations Washington.--The appointment of a committee to revise the customs regulations of 1915, was announced at the Treasury Department today. The committee will be composed of Mark P. Andrews, solicitor of cus- toms at New York; Henry Blackwood, Deputy Collector at Seattle; John Ford, deputy collector at Chicago, and Miss Catherine R. Pike, of the Treas- ury Department, WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK BY THE day. (Swedish). Tel. Wil. 2486. LT27-1tc WASHING TAKEN HOME. WASHING and ironing. Tel. Glen. 171. T9-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced anti competent. M. J. Sulli- van, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. LTG24-tfc NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GARD- eners, experienced and competent in caring for and planting flowers, vege- tables and everything in the line of gardening. Tel. Wil. 708-M. LT27-1tp WANTED--HOUSE AND GARDEN work; work done reasonable. Tel. Wil. 895-Y-4. T6-tfc MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, NOTARY PUBLI C TYPEWRITING, MULTIGRAPHING, mimeographing, addressing, folding and mailing, promptly and accurately done. Evanston Letter Service, 620 Davis St. Tel. Evans. 6145. Ltg2j-4tc SCHAEFER AND GOLBACH Tel. Wil. 434. Tel. Wil. 1038 INVESTMENTS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE SEE US FOR ACRE TRACTS IN NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP $10 ALLOWANCE ON ANY OLD VAC- uum cleaner in trade on a new vacuum cleaner. We carry all the best makes. See the Hamilton-Beach before you buy. Payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St., Evanston, Ill. LTG27-1ct FOR RENT--APARTMENTS RENT--FURNISHED 3-ROOM including kitchenette and Tel. Wil. 935-M. T9-1te FOR RENT--4-ROOM UNFURNISHED apt; also elegantly furnished rooms. Phone Wilmette 935-M. LT27-1tc FOR RENT--COTTAGE FOR RENT--NEAR LAKE, IN WIN- netka, for July and August, English cottage, rooms cOmpletely furnished; garage. Near transportation. 341 Woodland Ave. Phone Winnetka 237. T8-2tp FOR apartment glazed porch. 3-DAY MAY SALE ON USED PIANOS BIG BARGAINS MUST CLOSE OUT OUR OVER STOCK of trade ins including $450 Conover $150; $400 Bush & Gerts, $125; $425 Vose & Son, $115; $395 Kimball, $125; $350 Girdill, $85; $395 Stark, $155; $375 Story & Clark, $55; $400 Bauer, $75; $500 Steinway, $185. PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis St. Evanston, IIL Ltg25-1te PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-7. Ltgl5-tfc Runabout " Coupe yi. Sedan $ Phone Evanston 4884 Touring--Starter--Dem. M. P. LOUEN, Sales Mgr. - THINK OF IT! A 252,Down Payment on FORD Cars Effective Now! Can you afford to be without one? $¢ 13591 " %* 221.05 « $e 244.15 " Including fire, theft insurance and ten-dollar lock R. D. CUNNINGHAM Reliable :-: Dependable Cars 810 CHURCH STREET EVANSTON $143.57 down $36.55 monthly 34.40 " 43.20 " 47.758 4 Next to Post Office - p= E----------

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