Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 May 1922, p. 7

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et SE A 1 RIEARERE ESRI | 7 rrtii---------------- EN A WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1922 Townsend-Greeley Betrothal Creates Society's Interest ajor J. Henry Townsend and Mrs. Townsend of 67 West 52nd street, New York City, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Elizabeth to Morris L. Greeley, Jr., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Greeley of 655 Maple avenue. The announcement marks the culmination of a romance started sometime ago, when Miss Townsend spent several days as the guest of Miss Elizabeth Greeley. During the war, Miss Town- send served with the Y. M. C. A. in Paris and later with the American committee for Devastated France. She was a classmate of Miss Greeley's at Vassar, class of 1920. Mr. Greeley, who graduated from Harvard in 1915, and served with the A. E. F. as lieutenant of artillery, is in the east at present, visiting at his fiancee's home. Mrs. Townsend and her daughter will visit at the Greeley home in June, --O-- Miss Eva Wilson has sold her home at 1089 Spruce street, to Mr. Sidney P. Stevens of Chicago, who will take up their occupancy sometime in June. Miss Wilson intends to build on her lot at the corner of Spruce and Cedar streets, very shortly. --(---- A meeting of the Indian Hill Cir- cle was held in the home of Mrs. S. C. Hancock, 153 Bertlinglane, on Tues- day last. Mrs. G. A. Harper assisted Mrs. Hancock as hostess. ---- Miss Marion Lasier will present her pupils in a piano recital on Saturday afternoon, the twentieth of May, at 3:15 o'clock at her home, 721 Lincoln avenue. Those who will participate in the program, will be Joan Mac Adams, Nancy and Marion Thomas, Dorothy and Jack Thompson, Margaret ard Louise Hubsch, George Atkin, Mau- rice and Emma Hirsch, Elizabeth Richards, Elizabeth Sutherland, Dor- othy Lum, Jane Forrest, Florence Cap- ron, Janet Orwig, Lily Hamilton, Mar- garet Finch, Jean Hamming, Edward Bauman, John Gerald, Loren and Marica Converse and Jean Mac Leish. ge Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, 1010 Pine street had as their guest last week-end Miss Nell Saunders of Morgantown, W. Va. --O-- The eighth grade of the North Shore Country Day School held its annual dance in the gymnasium on Thurs- day evening. ---- On Monday afternoon the Commun- ity Drama club held its annual meet- ing and luncheon at the home of Mrs. Sherman Goble, 511 Ash street. The following officers were elected for the coming year: president, Mrs. Sherman Goble; vice-president, Mrs. Merritt Lum; secretary, Mrs. Delbert Poff, treasurer, Mrs. Harry Craig; Commit- tee chairman, Program, Mrs. Talia ferro Milton; Players, Mrs. William T. Wehrstedt; and Membership, Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty. ---- The Scott Avenue Circle will hold its last regular meeting of the year, Tuesday, May 16 at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Samuel Dreyer, 1302 Scott avenue. ------ The Oak Street Circle will be enter- tained at the home of Mrs. Olaf Ol- son, 992 Oak street, Tuesday of next week at 2:30 o'clock. Important busi- ness will be transacted and all mem- bers are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kriebel of 695 Lincoln ave- nue, moved to Atlantic City, N. J. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hildebrand, who spent the winter on Jupiter Island, Fla., stopped en route to their home in Milwaukee, by motor, to spend a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Charles Byron, 768 Foxdale avenue. ---- Mrs. David Wagner and two small sons, David and Walter, 1155 Chat- field road, Hubbard Woods, have re- turned from a trip to Knoxville, Tenn. ---- Mr. and Mrs. C. Overell are planning to leave within a short time for an extended tour of Europe, not to re- turn to Winnetka until next Novem- ber. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. MclIn- nerney, who have been at the Drake since their return from California, have moved back here for the sum- mer. ---- In June Mr. and Mrs. C. Louis Rein- hardt, Jr. will occupy the Keddie home at 1004 Pine street, for the re- mainder of the summer. 'ne Mrs. George F. Gonsalves enter- tained at luncheon and bridge on Fri- day of this week at her home, 635 Rosewood avenue, in honor of Mrs. Ollie Kolb of Princeton, Ind. CTIVITIES Mr. Jerome Cook of St. Louis, will be a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Keddie, 1004 Pine street. ---- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clingen, 358 Winnetka, avenue left yesterday for Louisville, Ky., to attend the races. --(-- Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Kolb of Prince- ton, Ind., are the geusts of Mr. Kolb's brother, Mr. Robert Kolb and family, 224 Ridge avenue. --O-- A meeting of the Garden club of Winnetka will be held next Wednes- day at the home of Mrs. Frederick W. Scott on Sheridan road. The members expect to visit a number of the neighboring gardens during the day. --_---- Indian Hill club will hold its first dinner dance of the season this eve- ning. Among those who will have dinner parties are Mr. and Mrs. Harve Badgerow, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Schoen- thaler, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Berger and Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Lord. SE py Mrs. Roger Ballard and two chil dren, Virginia and Roger, 862 Foxdale avenue, are visiting Mrs. Ballard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield in Milwaukee, this week. --_-- The MacDowell Musical Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Charles Ascheim on Monday after- "American Music" was the noon. topic of the day. Following is the program: Pipeg-of Pan............... . Converse Mesdames Dean and Kellum The Missive =... ive vn Carl Loomis Rose Fantasia '.........: Carl Loomis Blue Are Her Eyes. ..... Winter Watts Pierrot .... 2% deen Winter Watts The 'Rivals ..L......=%% Dean Taylor The Messenger ...... .. Dean Taylor ; Mrs. Atwood Ervica Sonata, 1st Movement...... RI © ON TE WO MacDowell Miss Harsh Roses After Rain ............. Fearvis Irish Foik Song............... Foote Chinese Flower Fete........ Cadman Mesdames Bailey, Thrall, Hansel Cooley The Sea Hath Its Pearls........ Ee a Cecil Burleigh June Mrs. Atwood Caprice? ... souvent. .... Arthur Foote Romance Dancing Marionettes. ..Harold Henry Miss Harsh Wake, Miss Lindy! Mesdames Thrall, Hansel, Cooley Plerrot™.,. .n... «diva Jessie Johnston Mesdames Bailey, Hansel, Cooley Italian Serenade. Mesdames Bailey, Robinson, Hansel, Cooley Mrs. Ewart and Mrs. Kingery were the accompanists of the afternoon. Mrs. Sherwin, the assisting guest, gave a delightful group of readings: God of the Open Air..Henry VanDyke The Santa Fe Trail. ...........% LDR Nicholas Vaschel Schnaffler After the program, a social hour was enjoyed. Thrall, ------ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Coambs of Indian Hill have returned from a two weeks' vacation at Excelsior Springs and Kansas City. --(-- Mr. and Mrs. James L. Houghteling, Jr., are moving to Winnetka some time this month where they have taken a house for the summer. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. George Knox Owsley, 720 Prospect avenue, have returned from a winter's sojourn in Coronado, Cal. Their daughter, Mrs. Lon C. Hill, and two children, whose home is in Texas, are arriving shortly to spend the summer here. ---- Cards are out for the marriage of | Miss Lenore Adah McCall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. McCall of Phil- adelphia, and Ncrman Hillard Mac- Leish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MacLeish of Glencoe. The wedding will take place June 1, at four o'clock, in the Episcopal church, Philadelphia, followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents. ---- Invitations will be issued early next week for the wedding of Miss Caroline de Windt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger A. de Windt, and Albert S. Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gardner of New York, which will take place on June 10. The service will be read at four-thirty o'clock in the Congregational church, followed by a reception at "Ingleside," the home on Sheridan road. Lo Members of the Rosewood Circle will give a dinner at Community House on Tuesday, May 16, at 6:30 o'clock, their husbands to be the honored guests. A very delightful program includes a quartette, a saxaphone sextette and an address by Mr. J. W. F. Davies. The East Willow Street Circle will be entertained by Mrs. Norman K. Anderson, 565 Willow street, on Tues- day, at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. William For- rest will be the assisting hostess. --0-- Miss Alice de Windt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger A. de Windt, will arrive in New York on May 25 on the Conte Russo. She has been a student at Miss Risser's school in Rome since last autumn. --0-- Mr. and Mrs. E. Irving Belote, 915 Ash street, have returned from La Porte, Ind., where they attended the burial services of Mrs. Belote's mother, Mrs. Alice E. Orr. ~-- = Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Scribner, 435 Birch street, are at Excelsior Springs, Mo. --O-- Mrs. Joseph Huth, of Millwaukee, a former Winnetka resident, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Krause, 824 Humboldt avenue, for several days. ee Qe Mrs. Roy Clippering of Carmyle, Ind., is a guest of Mrs. Elmer Adams, 873 Oak street. -- A meeting of the Ravinia Club com- mittees of the various north shore towns was held on Thursday after- noon in the French room of the Drake hotel, the members of the committees being the guests of the club on this oc- casion. A delightful musical program furnished by Mr. Jacques Gordon, con- cert-master of the Chicago Symphony orchestra. was given. Mr. Eckstein told of some interesting plans for the coming summer. Officers of the Ra- vinia club include Mrs. William Suth- erland of Glencoe, president; Mrs. R. H. Poole, first vice-president; Mrs. Annette R. Jones, of Highland Park, second vice-president; Miss Ruth Hypes, of Evanston, treasurer; Mrs. George S. Parker, corresponding sec- retary; Mrs. Arthur S. Byfield, record- ing secretary; Mrs. Maurice Mande- ville, charman of the Children's Day program; Mrs. W. D. Kirk, Rest Room chairman; and Mrs. Frank R. Greene. --Q-- Mrs. Frederic Copeland will open her home at 665 Prospect avenue, Win- netka, between 10 and 4 o'clock, on Wednesday, May 17, for the first. .of a series of exhibits and sales of hand made articles for the benefit of the Chicago Woman's club workroom. During the War, the Council of De- fense started what was called a Gift Shop and Work Room for Shut-Ins, women unable to take regular em- ployment. Later the Chicago Wom- an's club, seeing the need, decided to take over this work and continue it. The women in charge are anxious that the work be brought before the people of Chicago and vicinity, and therefore have planned this series of exhibits. Mrs. Stanley Clague, 323 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, will be in charge, Mrs. Copeland the hostess. ---- Anchor Inn, the tearoom managed by the Delta Gammas, is to open Wed- nesday, May 17, with a dinner dance. The counter for golfers has been open since the first of the month and now the dining room will be ready for regular business. There will be danc- ing every Saturday evening beginning June first, open to the public. All north shore Delta Gammas are most interested in the Inn and hope to make it even more successful than last year. : The annual meeting of the North Shore MacDowell club will be held at "The Clearing," the studio of James Jensen on Dean avenue, Ravinia, on Friday, May 12, at 7:30 o'clock, for the election of officers. Announcement is made at this time that Mrs. Edward MacDowell will give an illustrated lecture-recital for the society on June 22. --O The Northwestern University alum- nae banquet will be held Friday eve- ning, May 19, at Community House in Winnetka, at 6:30 p. m. Reservations may be made with Mrs. George S. Dal- gety, 831 Forest avenue, Wilmette, or with Miss Rebeccah Anthony, 1680 Bulff street, Glencoe. Doll House Boosts Fund For the Community House "What will you bid for the beautiful Doll house exhibited in the windows of the R. H. Schell dry goods store on West Elm street?" That is the question directed at Winnetka residents this week. The Dool house is to go to the high- est bidder and the proceeds turned into the "Enlarged Community" fund. 100000000006 000006000606004 * Fresh Dressed 3 Chickens : L 4 to your order. § : : Mrs. Smith $ 819 Oak Phone 112 3 3 Winnetka : ® 3 m------ Gonsalves Leases an Elm Street Store for Office George F. Gonzales, Winnetka build- ing contractor, has leased the store building at 790 Elm street, now occu- pied by the Home Restaurant. The structure is to be completely re- modeled, according to Gonsalves, and will be used as an office for his busi- ness. John F."" Hahn, prominent Ev- anston real estate broker, is to occupy an office in the same building. Posses- sion is expected about May 20. Gon- salves' offices at present are located at 556 Center street. removed discom- may be without fort or remotest danger of injuri- ous after effects with one applica- tion of lar Depilatory Complete direc- Phoebe tions with each package assures Jane the desired re- 747 ELM ST. sults. Winnetka, Ill. Phone 282 quarters at 790 REMOVAL : NOTICE On May 20th I will move my office from 1ts present location,' 556 Center Street, to my new GEORGE F. GONSALVES Elm Street. 790 Elm Street ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce to the people of Winnetka that I will open an office on May 20th, at 790 Elm Street, offering my services as a Real Estate Broker. Loans on property and write Insurance. My wide experience in handling North Shore properties will be at your service in your Real Estate transactions. YOUR INQUIRIES WILL BE APPRECIATED. JOHN FE. HAHN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE ale Phone Winnetka 62 [ will also make

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