3 ---- i WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1922 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS << Rates--10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednes- day at 12 p. m. Rates for the same advertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face type Charged Double Price. REAL ESTATE A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. UNEXCELLED SERVICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE 7-R. English Colonial in Glencoe, 2 porches, H. W. heat, lot 66x210. Price $18,500. Will trade for a smaller house on N. Shore and cash equity. 6-R. stucco, H. W. heat, lot 50x186; best section of Wilmette. Price $22,000. 8-R. brick, sun and sleep. pchs., H. W. heat, £ baths, 2-car garage, lot 60x 224, very choice East location. $28,- 000 9-R. 'stucco, H. W. heat, nicely wooded lot, price $28,750. This is a real bar- gain. 11-R. stucco, H. W. heat, lot 140x186, $38,000. Don't delay buying lots. They are sure to be higher next fall. Call and allow us to show you some bargains on West side, also Chestnut Ave. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Phones 640, 1417, 2066. Wilmette, Illinois. LTG28-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSE SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE MUST BE SOLD--$500 OR $750 DOWN then $35 or $40 per mo. like rent; new 6-rm. house, large lot, 2 blocks depot. Owner, Paulik, 606 W. Railroad Ave., Kenilworth, IIL LTG28-1tp FOR SALE--WINNETKA ATTRACTIVE 3-room cottage, fireplace, French doors, on nice large lot near depot and school. For quick sale, $4,600. Inquire 877 Elm St., Winn. Tel. Winn. 1689. LTG28-1tc FOR SALE--BUNGALOW BEUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW, 5 RMS. breakfast room, tile bath, built-in book cases, fireplace, 4 closets. Hot water ht., wooded lot 50x145, good neighbor- hood, convenient North Western R. R. electric, 2 blocks north and 2 west of Hubbard Woods station. Owner, 381 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe, Illinois. T10-1te "FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE FOR summer. Beautiful and conv. location. Reasonable to responsible family. 461 Maple Ave., Win. Phone Win. 1632. T10-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--4, 5 OR 6 ROOM house on the North Shore. Tel. Winn. 1015 or address Lake Shore News. B-19. LTG-28 WANTED -- SMALL FURNISHED house; 3 adults. Will ivr bi ldress Lake Shore News -21. oi LT28-1te COTTAGE FURNISHED OR between Highland Park and Evanston. Phone Winnetka 1752 from 8 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. TG10-1te WANTED TO RENT--IN WINNETKA SMALL unfurnished, or Hubbard Woods, small house or rooms for light housekeeping. Phone Winnetka 605. T10-1te dious dining-room and Kitchen, loft above. BUY RIGHT! RIGHT WINNETKA BARG AIN $45,000 FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL One block from Sheridan Road and two blocks from transportation. Mohogany and white enamel trim throughout. Tk First floor has attractive reception hall, immense living-room, commo- and glazed sun and screened porches. Second floor has four master bedrooms, sleeping porch, and two baths; also separate apartment for maids of two rooms and bath. Garage has room for 5 cars, 4 riding horses, room (Arco Hot Water Plant), harness-room and a 4-room flat and hay W. J. MOIR, Exclusive Agent 556 Center St., Winnetka, N. W. of N. W. Depot BRICK STUCCO HOME IN BEST SECTION OF WINNETKA cleaning-room, furnace- NOW ON E Z TERMS Win. 254 FOR SALE--FASHIONABLE LOCA- tion; owner moving soon; must sell 7- room stucco; unusually well arranged modern home, with a beautiful spacious living room, having fine big fireplace and sun porch off it, with disappearing windows, tile bath with built in show- er, extra lav. 1st floor, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Spencer auto feed heat- er and Ruud instantaneous hot water supply, attractive lot with shrubbery, trees, garage in rear; buyer need have no hesitancy about this proposition; price $21,600; terms arranged. WILMETTE REALTY CO. 3 Tel. Wil. 1304 513 4th St. LTG8-1te M. E. BARKER & CO. 415 Linden Ph. Wilmette 407 Have to offer an exceptional home, situated in the most exclusive east side loc., consisting of 3 beautiful master bed- rooms, tile bath and shower, sun and dining porches, attractive liv. rm. with lge. firepl.,, equipped with Spencer self- feeding hot water heat, Rudd instant wtr. heater, sealed gar., on wonderfully wooded and landscaped lot, exceptionally low priced at $21,500. Brand new 8-room stucco in very finest east sec., 3 baths, h. w. heat, exquisite colonial fin. and decorations, magnifi- d lot. Will sacrifice for cently woode SE ME quick sale. HUBBARD WOODS, ALMOST NEW Colonial home in best southwest section, near depot and school, 3 large bedrms, with space for two more, two baths and lavatory, sun parlor, breakfast porch and two sleeping porches. HW. heat. No-Kol burner, double heated garage. Price reduced to $23,500. Winnetka, a real bargain in a well built colonial stucco home on Foxdale Ave. with 100 feet frontage, 7 large rooms, W. heat, fine trees and shrubs. Owner has cut price to $14,500. Hubbard Woods, 7-room home with breakfast and sleeping porches, fine 10- cation, nice lot, $10,500. FRANK A. REID d Ave., Hubbard Woods $5: 1an rel. Win. 1300 LTG28-1te SOME REAL BARGAINS 8-ROOM STUCCO, WATER HEAT, large wooded lot, garage. Some buy. MUASE vires s ss eninaneressnsrsres $11,500 Maple, near iwsin sais views sen seine 'Wilmette Ave., sewer and water.... Furnished for summer, 7 rooms....$175 Rental, 7 rooms, NeW, 8aS...........$75 M. L. MOODY & CO. 511 Fourth St. Ph. Wilmette 22481 FOR SALE--VACANT EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN DRESS- maker desires work. J. B. Anderson, 903 Ash St., Winnetka. T10-1tp EXP. WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRON- ing or cleaning by day. Phone Wil- mette 984-R. T10-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--BOY BETWEEN 17 AND 20 years of age, to work around house; good pay. Tel."Glen. 785. J. Harry Selz. 740 Sheridan Rd. TG10-1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED GARDEN- er. Douglas Smith, 915 Sheridan Rd., Hubbard Woods. T10-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. LTG24-tfc GARDENER Also house- WANTED--1ST CLASS work and grass cutting. cleaning, window washing; scrubbing, polishing. Will varnish and wax; painting and calcimining. John Grokop, 119-15th St., Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 734. LT28-1tp NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- dener, thoroughly experienced in plant- ing and care of every garden work; estimates on fruit trees, shrubbery, perennials and hardy field grown rose stocks. Edward Sugrosser, 1030 Cen- tral Ave. Tel. Wil. 708-M. LT28-4tp ) PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, NOTARY PUBLIC : TYPEWRITING, MULTIGRAPHING, mimeographing, addressing, folding and mailing, promptly and accurately done. Evanston Letter Service, 620 Davis St. Tel. Evans. 6145. Ltg25-4tc MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Informal bids will be received by H. L. Woolhiser, Village Man- ager, up to noon, May 24th, for the purchase of the frame struc- ture at the corner of Scott Ave. and Gordon Terrace, known as the Hubbard Woods Fire Station, said building to be dismantled by the purchaser or moved out of the Village of Winnetka. Village of Winnetka, By H. L. Woolhiser, Village Manager. TG10-1te 5 RUGS CLEANED YOUR DINING ROOM RUG THAT IS dirtier than the rest of your rugs but you do not want to send it to the cleaners just yet. Why not have us come and clean it right in your home with the Hamilton Beach electric car- pet washer. Work guaranteed. Refer- ences furnished. Kureka Carpet Clean- ing Co. Phone Wilmette 2345. T10-1te WILL TRIM YOUR TREES; ALSO CUT them down and split them up ready for the furnace or fireplace. Richard Marquardt, Gross Point, IIL LTG28-1tp RELIABLE CHAUFFEUR, WHITE, single, 12 years' experience, would like permanent position as chauffeur or as night man in garage. Norman Easto, Care R. F. Milne, 1640 Maple Ave., Evanston. LTG28-1tp WANTED--WORK ON GARDENS AND lawns. Good Winnetka references. Will be in Winnetka permanently soon. In the meantime, drop a card to Mr. J. E. ohn, 17 N. Uunion St., Chicago. He will phone you for details. T10-1te BY EXP. GARDENER, HOUSEMAN, chauffeur, age 31, single. Best refs. 'Willing to work by day or hour. Box 1, Winnetka. T10-1tp WANTED -- HOUSE AND GARDEN work; work done reasonable. Tel. Wil. 895-Y-4. T6-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, COMPRIS- ing solid mahogany dining room suite; upright piano, bedroom and sitting room furniture, kitchen utensils. 259 Cory Ave, Ravinia. Ph. Highland Pk. 1207. LTG28-1tp FOR SALE -- AN ANTIQUE 3-PIECE bedroom set, extra size, solid black walnut inlaid; wall mirror, 5 ft. by 4 ft. 2 in. in black walnut frame; 4 ft. oak table; oak extension dining table; oak dining chairs, leather seats; china cabinet; overstuffed davenport and chair; oak bookcase; bird's eye maple dressing table and chair. Tel. Wil. 47. LTG28-1tc FOR SALE--KIMBALL PIANO, $150 cash. 387 Linden St. Winnetka 616. T10-1tec FOR SALE--ONE DINING ROOM SET, one gentleman's desk. Tel. Glen. 128. TG10-1te BED, BOX scales. Phone TG10-1te 3 PORCH FOR SALE--CARVED MAH. springs, trunk, baby Glen. 738 FOR SALE--GAS RANGE, beds; cabinet desk; refrigerator. Call 1154 W. Pine St. Monday next. Tel 'Win. 120. T10-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--TWO CHOICE SEASON tickets, May Festival. Evanston. $11.50 each. Tel. Wil. 721-J. L28-1tc FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 16 min. walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W. LTG27-tfc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE WANTED TO BUY FOR EARLY POS- session, a small home in Winnetka, not more than $10,000. Require 6 or 7 rooms. Please give location and de- tails. Address Winnetka Talk B-22. T10-1te "WANTED TO BUY--5 TO 7-ROOM house, location Winnetka or Indian Hill. Address Winnetka Talk B-23. T10-1tc FOR RENT--UNFURNISHED APART. FOR RENT--4-ROOM UNFURNISHED apt; also elegantly furnished rooms. Phone Wilmette 1080. LT27-tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE--40 ACRES IN ROSCOM- mon County, Michigan, nearly on beau- tiful Higgins Lake. Log cabin summer house; great fishing, $600. Consider trade. A. W. Peard, 110 Third St. Wilmette. LTG28-1tp WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--BY COUPLE, 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms. Address Win- netka Talk B-24. TG10-1tp FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--BEAUTIFULLY FURN- ished front rooms, East side, hard wood floors. Reasonable. Adults. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTG28-1te FOR RENT -- FINE LARGE FURN. front room with open porch. 10 min. to trans. Phone Win. 513-R. T-10-1tc FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. CALL Winn. 1570. T10-1tp WANTED --BOARD AND ROOM WANTED--TWO ROOMS AND BOARD for three adults. June, July and Aug- ust. Address Lake Shore News B-20. L'T28-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--A GOOD CARPENTER TO do small job of flooring in private house. Tel. Win. 284. LTG28-1te WANTED -- FIRST CLASS WHITE laundress, 2 days a week, steady work. 'Washing Tching ond, genie. gd ingt tes en. el. en. . 'Washington 8 OR aie WANTED--A NURSE TO FILL VA- cancy for 1 month. Family with 2 children, in Winnetka. Call Mrs. Paul Starr, Winn. 60. ddress 695 Prospect Ave. ~ LTG28-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with house work. Small house; no laundry. Tel. Winn. 937. LTG28-1tc WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good wages; in Winnetka; . Phone Winnetka 965. references cits FOR SALE--¢ EXCELLENT SEATS for the North Shore festival. Tel. Wil. 1446. LTG28-1tc FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and ex- changed. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG1-tfc BLUE SERGE SUIT, SILK LINED, small 36, perfect condition, $15; black flannel sport coat, emerald green satin lining, $5; full length spring coat, silk lined, $10; also four hats. Phone Win. 1152. T10-1te GOOD BARN FOR SALE CHEAP, 335 Ridge Ave., Winnetka. T10-1tp FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE and 8 chairs; also Apex mangle, perfect condition. Phone Win. 943. T10-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISC. WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. Ltgl7-tfc INVESTMENTS SCHAEFER AND GOLBACH Tel. Wil. 434. Tel. Wil. 1038 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE SEE US FOR ACRE TRACTS IN NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. Litgls-tfc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES ATTENTION! Owing to several advantageous deals we have made lately we are enabled to offer to the used car buyer this week a few very good second-hand cars at exceptional prices. Some are described below. CADILLAC MODEL 59 SUBURBAN SEDAN WITH so many features it is impossible to state them all. To be really appreci- ated the car should be seen, driven, ridden in and tested in every way. It has run only 15,000 miles, has new cord tires and the price is so low it is a one minute buy for someone who wants a beautiful, luxurious and easily driven sedan. Price $2,300. FORD 921 SEDAN WITH STARTER, DE- mountable rims, spare tire, two bump- ers, double shock absorber, heater, speedometer, clock, spot-light; has been run only 4,000 miles and the motor is perfect. We have had several offers on this car and it will probably be sold within the next few days. Act at once. Price $475. FORD 1920 Touring with starter block, shock absorbers and new tires. This car runs as smoothly and as easily as a larger car. We will gladly demonstrate. Price $250. FORD 1918 Sedan with a smooth running motor and new tires. The body and uphols- tering are in fine condition. This car has been used very carefully and is a bargain at fifty dollars more than we are asking. Price $175. HUPMOBILE Model 32 Touring in good running order. New battery, good tires, upholstering, top and body fair. This is a service- able little car and a good buy at our price of $150. BUICK TRUCK Panel body, 4-cylinder 1% ton. in wonder- ful condition. Has new cord tires, new battery, and body looks like new. This truck should sell very readily. If Jou are interested act quickly. Price $300. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. Phone Winnetka 165-166. FOR SALE--LATE MODEL CADILLAC. re-bored motor, new pistons, pins, rings, timing gears and all parts neces- sary to make a perfect running motor, good cord tires, new khaki top, recently painted; for quick sale, $950. Hubbard Woods Garage Winn. 617. - fk Tel. TG10-1te FOR SALE--1918 PAIGE 7-PASSENGER enclosed car; good condition; $575 for quick cash sale. Tel. Wil. 1304. LTG28-1tc FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--STUDEBAKER TOURING very good condition; will sell cheap. Tel. Winn. 1203. LTG28-1te FOR SALE--MAXWELL TOURING CAR in good condition. Price $100. Apply 819 Park Ave. or call Wil. 313. LTG28-1tc FOR SALE--BAKER ELECTRIC, MOD- el Colonial, without batteries, with charging plant, $150. Tel. Evans. 6288. TG10-1te | BEFORE YOU BUY A : USED CAR SEE THE NEW GARDNER GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR $895 LEXINGTON CHICAGOJCO. 1008 Davis St. EVANSTON LTG26-3te LOST AND FOUND LOST--SMALIL, WHITE CAMEO RINO, Tel. Winn. 757; valuable keepsake. Please return to 344 Provident Ave. (Reward.) T10-1tc FOUND--EYE GLASSES ON WINNET ka beach. Owner can have same by paying for ad and calling at the Win- netka Shoe Store, 804 Elm St. H. LLuensmon. y T10-1tc LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, MA- hogany brindle Boston bull dog, white chest and stripe on head. Answers to the name of Dawn. Reward. 1423 As- bury St., Win. Win. 6367. T10-1tc MAL BY A IE CONCENED I) 102 Files Reveal Antiquity of 'Speed Up Plan' Washington,--The idea of speeding up the mail service of the United States by the use of airplanes was first conceived more than one hundred years ago, Postmaster-General Hubert Work discovered in a recent inspec- tion of the department's files. While going through the records of the Post Office Department shortly after he assumed his new duties, Work came across the following edi- . torial, which appeared in the Free man's Journal (now called the Nor- ristown, Pennsylvania, Herald) of March 1, 1822: "We would advise the Postmaster- General to avail himself of the novel and very ingenious flying machine, invented by James Bennett, of Phila- delphia, by which we conceive the mails would be transported with much more celerity and their arrival at the places of destination be much more certain than is the case at present." Commenting upon the friendly ad- vice of this foresighted editor of a century ago, Work said: "If that was true then it is true today, and I wish I might be able to advise this old editor that we are today using the 'flying machine," with splendid results, in transporting the mails with safety and celerity." The remarkable development of the mail service in the past several de- cades was strikingly brought out by the discovery in the department's re- cords of 1833 of a "wonderful feat" performed in that year. The feat spoken of was the carrying of mail and news dispatches by relays of horses every five miles between Wash- ington and New York in fifteen hours. "It created the greatest enthusiasm along the way," the record stated, "as the rider appeared in a cloud of dust and leaped to the saddle of an- other horse." The record referred to the unfortunate death of one of the riders on this trip who was thrown from his horse. BLUE GOOSE INOIS Our prices are never high - Buy here and save money South Water Fruit Market "BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY" WINNETKA, ILL Phone Win. 392 Lettuce ..... = Fresh Pineapples . . . . 25¢ and 35¢ Rhubarb, 31bs. ....... 7. 28c Strawberries, low price. Mushrooms, low price. Extra Fancy Winesap Apples, 2 Ibs. . . 25¢ Oranges, doz... o.. i=. .i. Scio I5c Fresh String Beans, qt. . . ..... 15¢ New Potatoes, Peck. . ...... . 70c EE EERE EEN ENE EEN EEN ENE EEN ENE EEN EERE EEE EE vx sins wen. 100, 15¢, 20c StS i -- in |