A AAI -- VILLAGE OF WINNETKA NOTICE * Winnetka, Illinois, June 3rd, 1922. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the construction of the following improvement of GLENDALE AVENUE, from the north line extended of Elm Street to the south line extended from the east of Oak Street, including the east street and alley returns as far back as the east line extended of said Glendale Avenue, and the west street re- turn at Elm Street as far back as the west line extended of said Glendale Ave- nue, and the west street return at Oak Street north of the center liné extended from the east of Oak Street to the west line extended from the north of said Glendale Avenue; also ELM STREET from the west line extended of said Glendale Avenue to a line parallel with and thirty (30) feet west of the west line extended of said Glendale Ave- nue, by excavating, grading, draining, preparing subgrade, smoothing parkways, constructing combined curb and gutter, catch basin, manhole catchbasins and a manhole, constructing an outlet ditch, and paving with reinforced Portland cement concrete a roadway thirty-six (36) feet wide in said Glendale Avenue between the north line extended of Elm Street and the center line extended from the east of Oak Street, and a roadway eighteen (18) feet wide in said Glendale Avenue from the center line extended from the east of Oak Street to the south line extended from the east of Oak Street, and a roadway thirty-one (31) feet wide in said Elm Street from the west line ex- tended of said Glendale Avenue west for a distance of thirty (30) feet, except at curb. corners, where said roadways shall be widened along curved lines, by protecting, curing and cleaning said pro- posed pavement, including trenching, backfilling, the removal of all surplus excavated materials, and engineering and supervision during the construction of said improvement, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, said improvement and assessment being otherwise known as Winnetka Spe- cial Assessment No. 376,569 in accord- ance with the ordinance heretofore passed therefor, will be received by the Board of IL.ocal Improvements of the Village of Winnetka by or before 8 o'clock P. M., on Tuesday, the twentieth day of June, A. D. 1922, at which hour all bids will be opened at a meeting to be held in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall, in the said Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois. The specifications of said improvement are on file in the office of the Clerk of said Village of Winnetka. Contractors will be paid in bonds bear- ing interest at the rate of six per cent (6 per cent) per annum for all estimates approved by the Board of I.ocal Improve- ments in the sum of One Hundred Dol- lars ($100.00) and over, from the second and subsequent installments of said Spe- cial Assessment, and when the amount of balance due on any estimate is more than the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and no further bonds may be issued against the second and subsequent installments of said Special Assessment, and when the amount of balance due on any estimate is less than the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), the same will be paid by time warrants. The successful bidder for the construc- tion of said improvement will be re- quired to enter into a bond in a sum equal to the amount of such bid, with sureties to be approved by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka and filed with the said Roard of Local Improvements, which bond shall provide that: the con- tractor shall well and faithfully perform and execute said work in all respects ac- cording to the complete and detailed specifications and full: 'and complete drawings, profiles and models therefor and according to the time and terms and conditions of the contract, and also that such bidder and contractor shall prompt- ly pay all debts incurred by such bidder or contractor in the prosecution of such work, including those for labor and ma- terials furnished, and that suit may be brought on such bond in case of default or failure to pay such debts promptly, by and in the name of the Village of Winnetka, for all damages sustained eith- er by the said Village or by any person or party interested, or for the damages sustained by the said Village and all parties in interest, or by any beneficiary or party interested in the name of the Village of Winnetka for the use of the party interested as beneficial plaintiff, to recover for such labor and materials furnished. All bids or proposals shall contain an offer to furnish such bond upon the acceptance of such bid or pro- posal. In addition to the bond required as above set forth, and for construction and maintenance, the successful bidder will be required to furnish an indemnity and defense policy in some reliable company, indemnifying the Village of Winnetka against loss from liability for damages on account of injury or death suffered by reason of the performance of the work required to be performed by the said contractor, by any person or per- sons, including such liability imposed un- der the Employers' Liability and Work- men's Compensation law of the State of Illinois, and the amendments thereto, in the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars. JOHN S. MILLER, JR. President of the Board of Local Im- provements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. Your Choice > IBruns- _- wick i Sonar ANT | | Grafo- nola $100 Come in and Hear Them $10.00 Down PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis Street Open Tues, Thurs and Sat. Eve. Phone Wil. 526 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA Winnetka, Illinois, June 3rd, 1922, ] IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the construction of the lowing Improvement of ' AVENUE, from the south line extended | and oral expression at the San Fran- cisco state teacher's college and has parallel with the south line extended of been at the Horace Mann deathor's Avenue, southerly to a line | college in New York for the past two NOTICE following of the present pavement in North Ave- nue, twenty-two (22) feet north of and said North WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1922 ------ NOTICE FOXDALE twenty (20) feet southerly from and par- | years. allel with (6) in sion, including the street returns at El- dorado Street and Summit Street as far back as said Foxdale preparing curb and the present roadway and the ment approaches with Tarv covering said Tarvia top dressing with a layer of gravel, removing materials, ] pervision d netka, Special Assessment No. 376 5AR cordance with the AL UR bassed therefore, will be received by the | at the Hubbard Woods school, who Board of of the |is to enter business : the northerly line of Lot Twenty-nine (29) in Block Six including engineering and su- improvement. 1 he construction of said | school, who is soon to be married; Miss Mabel Vogel, first grade teach- tka, County of [1linois, said TL.ocal extended street lines extended of combined and pavement approaches | aC€ Mann manhole covers, ia or its equal, all surplus Vernon, the Village of Win- Cook and State of 3 improvement and assess-|er at the Hubbard Woods ment being otherwis S i i 3 "Ig otherwise known as Winnetka leaving to continue her studies; Miss ac-| Ethel Liebe, second grade instructor ordinance heretofore Improvements Village of Winnetka by or before 8 o'clock | Miss Wilda P. M. 'on Tuesday, the twentieth of June, bids will netka, Cook County, Illinois. The specifications of s are on file ir > office se C ei ile | 1 the office of the Clerk of i Contractors will b Ing Interest (6 per cent) ments in lars ($100.00) 5100.00) issued against the see Installments of said and when the amount of on any estimate is less than th s less e One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), will be paid by time warrants. 3 I'he successful bidder tion of said quired to drawings, such bidder sustained parties in or party Village of to recover furnished. contain an posal. In addition above set forth, and for construction and maintenance, be required to furnish an indemnity and defense policy in some reliable company, indemnifying the Village : against loss from liability for damages on account of injury or death suffered by reason of the work required to be performed by the said contractor, by any person or per- u g such liability imposed un- der the Employers' Liability and Work- men's Compensation law of the State of Mlinois, and the amendments thereto, in of Five Thousand sons, includin the sum Dollars. President provements FREDERICK DICKINSON, at the rate of six per cent Per annum for all estimates approved by the Board of I.oc I a the Sum of One Hundred Dol- ' and over, from the second RASMESEN'S and subsequent installments of said Spe- cial Assessment, and when the of balance du than the sum of One Hundred Dollars enter 'into a bond in equal to the a sum Siero be approved by the President the said Bowed arches, And filed with tractor Shall 'sel Sng Se, that the con: and execute s : Same alo na complete and detailed profiles an 1s aref and according to the aanedals Bs conditions of he contract, and also that and contractor she - ly pay all debts incurred by ee or contractor in the prosecution of such work, including those for labor and ma- terials furnished, and that suit may be brought on such bond in case of default or faye A JY and in the name of the Vil]: Winnetka, for all damages tage of er by the said Village or by any person or party interested, or for the damages interest, or by any beneficiary interested in the name of the 2 Winnetka for the use of the party interested as beneficial plaintiff, for such labor and materials All bids or proposals shall offer to furnish such bond upon the acceptance of such bid or pro- day D. 1922, at which hour ofi| €r at the Hubbard obened at a meeting to be | leaving to study medicine; Miss Eu- held in the Council Ch: i } lage Hall, hamber of the Vil- the said Village of Win- Many New Teachers (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Edna H. Cleveland, formerly Winnetka Park Bluffs Subdivi- principal of the Horace Mann school, is returning to the profession thi: year and will teach the fifth grade Avenue, by grading ang |@at that school. the subgrade for gutter and The assistant instructor in music walk and pave- | will be Miss C. Louise Peck, who will ment approaches, constructine i 8 curb and gutter, Phi tS comaiagy piso teach 4ho first JE new sidewalk : where altered, basins, present sidewalk approaches and present pavements, furnishing and set- ting catch basin and I adjusting present catch [traveled in Europe and has studied music under some of the leading teach- ers of today. She has had nine years cleaning present pavement, top dressing | €Xperience in the primary grades and new pave- | comes from St. Louis. Among the teachers who are leav ing the village are: principal at the nice Wright McMeekin, for Public Schools school. Miss Peck has Miss Muriel Greeley school, at Rockford; Bays, fourth grade teach- Woods school, aid improvement of Winnetka. e paid in bonds bear- al Improve- amount REAL HELPFUL SERVICE PAINT All Size Cans, Tubes, Special Colors You Can Do Better Here Than Elsewhere Painting, Decorating, Floor Work, Signs PAINT STORE WINN 344 € On any estimate is more no further bonds may be ond and subsequent Special Assessment, balance due sum of the same l for the construc- Improvement will be re- Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phone Wil. RESIDENCE PHONE 537 203. 1150 Wilmette Ave. amount of such bid, with of Local Improvements of Improvements, w 1 perform aid work in all respects ac- and full and complete and terms and 0YBUR 615 Davis St., Evanston 8 MATINEES 2 and 4 Evening 7 and 9 pay such debts promptly, the said Village and all to the bond required as the successful bidder will of Winnetka Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, EThursday, June 5, 6, 7, 8 The Great Picture of the Year "The Four Horsemen Apocalypse" No Advance in Prices NEXT WEEK of the performance of the ($5,000.00) JOHN S. MILLER, JR. the Board of Local Im- of the Village of Winnetka. Village Attorney. Friday and Saturday, June 9, 10 Eugene O'Brien "A Prophet's Paradise" Ligh AR wemm---- -*good'. SUL PLAGE EXPRESSING &'MOVING 6 PROUTY ANNEX A Good Transfer Service UST be rapid, reliable, care- ful and economical. If it lacks even one of these attributes, then it cannot be truly good. Every member of our organiza- tion works toward the end of making the Scully Transfer Com- pany really worthy of the word Next time you need service in our line, call us and see how well we've succeeded! Phone Winnetka 232 EERED! WINNETKA, , ILL. first grade Vi A -- teacher at the Horace Mann school who is leaving to be married; Miss Minerva Ford, third grade teacher in the Horace Mann school, leaving to spend a year at home; Miss Emma Williams, fourth grade teacher at the Horace Mann school, who is re- tiring after twenty-seven years faith- ful service; Mrs. Dorothy C. Marshall, who was married during the Christ- mas holidays, retiring; Miss Doris Shumway, domestic science teacher at the Skokie school, leaving to be married; Miss Elizabeth Bacon, as- sistant physical education teacher a the Skokie school, to enter business: J. A. Humphries, principal at Skokie school, to enter business. a. --_------ ---- 7:15 & 8:45 P.M. and fangs long and sharp enough to reach it. '""The Wonder Picture of the Year" "The SILENT CALL" | featuring STRONGHEART | The Belgian Police Dog i a pair of eyes that go straight to your heart-- COMMUNITY HOUSE Friday, June 9th Admission 25c¢ N Light Airy \ Logical Place to Keep Your Car Clean Roomy Centrally Located An efficient staff of expert mechanics at your service at all times Washing, Simonizing Greasing > J |] = J J [J] [| =» = | ee] ] | = BE | Ed | B : | . [] J B B J] 4 | = A | RICHARDSON'S GARAGE 724-30 PLM Simrer EE IN 6 DSS NRE ENN EE RN /\ | i ? wt ~ a) A ------------ AA a rn SEG, i { 4 i ]