WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1922 HIGH HONORS AT NEW TRIER HIGH Letters and Emblems for Prowess in Athletics Given at Assembly GET BALL LETTERS Girls' Class Teams Honored Along with Boys At a double Assembly at New Trier High school last Friday Principal Eston V. Tubbs, following a brief in- troductory talk, turned the session over to Athletic Director Wilfred Childs, who awarded the school letters and emblems to students who dis- played prowess in athletics. Accordingly letters were awarded for baseball to the following students: Russell Smith, Arthur Siebold, Lionel Anderson, Roy Nelson, Byron Smith, Jack Robertson, Robert De Pau, Lawr- ence McDermott and Wesley Carey. A letter for Track was awarded to Frank Reynolds. Miss Goodman, Girls' Athletic Direc- tor, awarded class baseball emblems to the following: Seniors: Quse Hildur, captain; Jane Waltz, Mary Wills, Mabel For- berg, Jean McLain, Elizabeth Thorsen, Helen Johnson, Dorothy Camp, and Beatrice Bartholf. Juniors: Amy Hagen, captain; Mabel Carlson, Frances Ellison, Ruth Hancock, Pauline White, Mary Lloyd, Virginia Delay, Betty Schwartz, and Willa Hamm. Sophomores: Edna Martin, captain; Edwina Vosburg, Harriet Plowman, Violet Andrews, Marcia Converse, Ruth Eisendrath, Marjorie Lipps, Katherine Koerper, and Florence Scribner. Freshmen: Susan Burlingham, cap- tain; Kate Herschberg, Margaret! Newman, Mary Buell, Fern Lathrop, Eileen Evetts, Charlotte Waltz, Sallie | Windes, and Jean Markley. The following girls were awarded New Trier Girls' Athletic association emblems: Margaret Delay, Janet Olm- sted, Bernice Scully, Bernice Schur, Elizabeth Thorsen, Annie Conner, Virginia Delay, Ruth Hancock, Mary Lloyd, Violet Andrews, Dorothy Camp- bell, Elizabeth Waidner, Mabel For- berg, and Frances Ellison. The final Assembly of the year was held Tuesday morning of this week when L. A. Hutchins awarded the de- bating emblems to the teams consis- ting of Wilbur Bruns, Dwight Chap- man, Flovd White, Robert Koretz, and Walter Hughes. Music for the Assembly was furn- ished by the school orchestra and the Boys' and Girls' Glee clubs. NEW TRIER ECHOES TO BE EXCELLENT EDITION New Trier Echoes, an annual mag- azine issued by the senior class of New Trier Township High school, which is soon to be off the press, promises to be bigger and better this year than ever before, according to word from Echoes editorial offices. In former years very few students have assisted in producing the year book, but this year every senior stu- dent, known to have talent along certain lines, was called upon to aid in the production. Under the manage- ment of a large staff, the magazine has developed rapidly and will be in the hands of eager readers within a few days. New Trier Echoes contains a re- view of all the activities of the class of 1922, in athletics, dramatics and scholastic work. A picture of each member and a class prophecy dealing with the future status of each senior has been written. In addition to these features there is humor with the es sential local application, many snap- shots of school and campus life, and cartoons of original design. Opens Local Show Rooms For Royal Heating Plants R. C. Meleney, expert on heating systems, has established show rooms at 20 Prouty Annex to display Royal boilers, furnaces and tank heaters for the Hart and Crouse company, manu- facturers of that make of heating ap: paratus. Direct and special service for the North Shore is the object of the dis- play location in Winnetka, according to Mr. Meleney. Peach Stones Good Fuel. Peach stones, it has been discovered fn California, burn as well as coal, and give out more heat in proportion to weight. The stones taken out of the fruit (hat is tinned or dried are col- lected and sold for this purpose. No element of uncertainty confronts the purchaser of a Cadillac. Perform- ance, dependability --the service the car will give you throughout its long life --are all known qualities devel oped through a period of more than nineteen years. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY + EVANSTON BRANCH Division of General Motors Corporation 1820 RIDGE AVENUE - TELEPHONE 4841 CADIL LA The Standard of the World Salesroom open evenings | (I iit Hi SUT Sinan nnn = HHH UH TAT DA Golden Kippered Her- ring, oval can, regular J POT i hia 25¢ : = I= Lux, five packages to on this week, 25c; J ES iii 35¢c; 3 for one dollar. Pt., regular price, 45 Best Creamery Butter, = SRA 800 LINDEN AVE. TC ERT CTE CLOT TE TTT UC LEC ULUELULLTLLHLLL price 35c--this week: regular price 35c--this American Family Soap, ten bars to one customer for doz. CE = mining LOLOL LEE EEE LL DELETE ELEN TL i SG a i ilies a Richelieu Sardines in tomato sauce, oval can, FT week ven 25¢c 2 UH e customer, at, per package Richelieu Sweet Gherkins, ten-oz. jar, regular price, 45c; this week, Grape Juice, Bass Island brand, qt., regular price, 95¢c; this week, 75c. Cithisweele ......... 00. fia Hy, ih ea a ee Wisconsin Cream Cheese, 1b. Richelieu Ginger ale and Root Beer, qt. bot- tles,"doz.......... $2.65 0... GROCERIES LT re rr rr TE TT CE TTT TC CT AT CCE THU TLR UL TLE LHL LU MEAT DEPARTMENT 3 = (g] nn Richelieu Sweet Pickled Relish, ten oz., large jar, regular price, 40c; i Hr $2.75 This is Pickle Week. Buy your Pickles during this offer. So se te vies trae ves essere yeeve VER Tl) 39¢ 0 I RS SR ok EE Te EAR Se IE TY Bc AE TE TRE SR dS AE NC OR RE a ae a x -3 [g) RU WINNETKA 00 -1701-1702 FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY IN WINNETKA, HUBBARD WOODS, GLENCOE rr ULL ETTTEETHLL Rrra nnn ne TTT BU GUE UUEUUUULLLL DO YOU LIKE PICKLES? Certainly! Well, this week we'll give them away--ALMOST. Take a good look at the special prices on American Family Soap, Lux, Grape Juice. of Root Beer or Ginger Ale! EE TTT eT Iced and snappy! : Richelieu Corn, No. 2 : Plymouth Rock Straw- : size can, Maine Corn: Campbells Tomat of berry or Raspberry E : and Little Kernel Corn, = Jam, large jar, 35c; 3: ! OZ i ire $2.50 $0up;. per can -10¢ for es a Ree $1 : RA TROL ACUI | CRIT I, 10. 1 0, SR WER REIL) Pork Loins, 1b. Bologna Sausage, lb. Better buy a case Smoked Liver Sausage, Ib. ; ' : Minced Ham, Ib... ..8 coves inne NE Ss Th aa sniptinede 25¢ To Sanna gee 25¢ ae, 25¢c ALL MEATS OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY FOR MEATS PHONE 1702 Er OTL LULU LULL TT THT TS Le Hubbard Woods Grocery and Market EO OOOO EEO OEE OOOO OOOO ORCC HAA EAR ERAT CATT PHONES ,; HUBBARD WOODS LULU TTL ELUTE EEE ELLE EERE LLU EEE Hin annns SOUTER EEO EE ET ------E----G-- TT --_ mn CE mn / "a ! RE SREY rer