3 - Mr _--_ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1922 15 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS | Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p.m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ole Price. WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE WANTED TO PURCHASE--GOOD 6 OR 7 room home in Wilmette suitable for family of four. Price not to exceed 13,5600. Address B-41, Lake Shore News. LTG33-1tc WANTED TO BUY--GOOD SMALLER home east of the C. & N. W. tracks in Wilmette. Can make cash deal for right place. Address B-42 lL.ake Shore News. LTG33-1te WANTED TO BUY--NORTH OF ELM St., west of N. W. tracks, Winnetka, house with 4 master bed rooms, 2 baths, maids' quarters with bath, lot 100 ft. or more. Will pay $30,000. Address B-40, Winnetka Talk. T15-1tc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--Babson says "Buy Suburban property. Prices due for big advance." Here are some genuine bargains. New Dutch Colonial stucco, near lake. 7 1ge, rms. Most clever design. Finest decorations. Beautiful tiled master bath. Splendid deep lot. Only $17,500. Ideal 6 r. stucco in choicest loc. heat. Tile bath. Liv and sleep. pchs. Garage. Fine wooded lot. Best buy ever for $14,500. New 7-r. colonial; all Ige. rms. light and cleverly arranged. All latest conve- niences; splendid tile bath; $18,000. A real bargain. : New artistic 8-r. stucco on deep, magnif- icently wooded lot; H.W. ht., 4 master berdooms, tiled bath, shower, maid's rm. and bath. $21,500. Make offer. M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L'" 415 Linden Phone Wil. 407 LTG33-1te HW, FOR SALE--HOUSE FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS STRICTLY FRESH EGGS Direct from the Farm GUARANTEED NO. 1 SELECT WHITE Leghorn eggs sent by parcel post in 6-doz. lots. Shipments made every day. We do not ship eggs over 48 hours old and as a rule eggs are only 8 to 10 hours old when shipped. Send check - for $1.75 as deposit on special alumi- num case plus $2.50 for eggs. Parcel post. charges paid both ways. All orders received during June will be filled at the above price. THE GABLES R. F. D. No. 4 FOR SALE--WINNETXKA, 7-RM. BUN- galow, 2 baths, large porches, choice location on large grounds, $10,000.00. Also 5-rm. bungalow $7,500.00. Inquire 877 Elm St., Tel. Winn. 1689. LTG33-1tc FOR SALE--TWO BRICK A HOUSES; 1056 and 1080 Green Bay Rd., Glen. Must be torn down or moved away. Ap- ply McQuire & Orr, 69 West Washing- ton St, Chi. . Tel: Randolph 2481. g- TG13-3te FOR SALE--6-RM. HOUSE WITH 100 ft. lot. Big barn, 1 block west of North Shore Highlands. Phone Wilmette. 791-MX. LLTG33-1tc FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and exchanged. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG-tfc FOR SALE--BLACK. FROSTED BABY buggy, gondola shape. Tel. Winn. 1416. T15-1te FOR SALE--GENUINE REED BABY carriage, reversible, used one year. 903 Cherry St., Winn. T15-1tc ee FOR TRADE ONE-TON FORD TRUCK touring car. FOR Phone Glencoe 986. TG15-1tc FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FORD FOR SALE--VACANT FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15 min. walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W., LTG27-tfc A. R. Eddington & Co. Unexcelled service to buyers and sellers of Real Estate. See us be- fore you buy. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, FRONT AND sleeping porches, lot 50x163, beautiful shrubbery and flowers, 1l-car garage, ideal location; must be sold immediate- ly. For quick sale $8,750. 7-room house, sleeping porch, h. w. ht, garage attached, lot 50x186, Al location. Bargain at $9,500. Easy terms. g-room brick, Indian Hill, sun and sleep- ing porches, h. w. ht., lot 60x150, garage attached. Splendid value; $16,500. : Have some attractive values in vacant in Ravinia; $25 to $60 per foot. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette, Phone 640, 1417, 2066. LTG33-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS WITH HOT and cold running water. Tel. Wil. 1080. Also light housekeeping rms. LT30-tfc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--ONE ROOM WITH or without kitchen privileges. (One wo- man). Tel. Winn. 662-J. Ti5-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE XPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN WISH- es ironing or cleaning by day or half day. Tel. Wil. 984-R. LT33-1tp A YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WILL care for children afternoons. Can fur- nish references. Tel. Wilmette 2345. L33-1tp NURSE WILL CARE FOR AGED IN her own home. Tel. Glen. 430. 1.T33-4tc EAST SIDE RESIDENCE, WINNETKA 8 rms., sun parlor, 2 tub baths, 1 show- er and extra lavoratory Fine large lot and beautiful Two car garage. $23,000.00. Stucco Colonial, Winnetka 7-rm. 1 bath and one extra lavatory. Centrally located, near transportation. JOHN F. HAHN 790 Elm St., 1619 Sherman Ave. Winnetka, Ill Evanston, Ill. Tel. 1774 Tel. 2382 LTG33-1tc A SENSIBLE BUY A fine Wilmette home, located on a beautiful half acre, 4 blocks from lake; 7 sarge, cheery rooms, besides servants' quarters, 3 baths, walls decorated with Japanese grass cloth, hardwood floor- ing throughout, hot water heat; 3 car garage, quarters above; near to trans- portation and schools; a fine home amid pleasant surroundings in which to bring up your family; honestly priced at $26,000; terms may be arranged. Wilmette Realty Co. 518 4th. St. Ph. Wilmette 1304 LTG33-1te WINNETKA--ATTRACTIVE 7-R STC. tile bath: htd. sun and slp. pchs.; gar. fine lot 100x180. Only $12,000. W. J. Moir, Winnetka 556 Center St., N. W. of N-W Depot. SCHAEFER AND GOLBACH Tel. Wil. 434. Tel. Wil. 1038 INVESTMENTS INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE SEE US FOR ACRE TRACTS IN NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP LTG31-tfc Low Priced Lots FOR SALE--LOTS IN HUBBARD Woods in nice wooded locations West, growing neighborhood, sure to advance in price. $25 per foot and up. 100 feet on Linden Ave. In the business zone, $100 per ft. Frank A. Reid 933 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winn. 1300. LTG33-1te WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. Charles H. Brethold Loans, Insurance, First and Second Mortgages. 3 545 W. Railroad Ave. co AL trees. FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--NORTH EVANSTON T7-R brick at $100 per mo. till May 1st; or 7-r ste. furnished for summer at $125. Paul Heinsen, 2411 Park PL Phone Ev. 4264. LTG33-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE; GA- rage. Tel. Glen. 5517. TGl5-1te -- WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--WE HAVE 3 clients that will pay up to $175 per mo. for a 7 or 8-room house. : or two years' lease. Palmer & Wisdom, § S. Dearborn. Tel. Rand. 6835. Winn. office, 746 Elm St. Tel Winn. 83. TG15-1te WANTED--5 OR 6-ROOM MODERN pungalow on North Shore, in exchange for 320-acre farm in Judith Basin, Fer- gus County, Montana. 1% miles from railroad station, school, ete. Has 235 acres in wheat. Will trade on equitable basis. Write George H. Osborne, 71 West Monroe St., Chicago. T15-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE, FURN- ished or unfurnished. Three in family. Responsible party. Good ref. Tel Ros- ers Park 2822. LTG33-1tp in basement.. Will make one | DRESSMAKER WISHES FAMILY EN- gagements; reasonable prices and ref- erences. Tel. Evans. 2637. TG15-1te COMPETENT GIRL WANTS COOKING. Wages $18. Or general work. Tel. Evans. 5012 Saturday or Monday. T15:1tc SITUATION WANTED -- GENERAL housework: adult family; best ref.; col- ored. Address P. O. Box 165, Glencoe. TG15-1te WANTED ---YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with housework. Four adults in family. Tel. Winn. 1057. TG15-1tc EXPERIENCED COOK WANTS POSI- tion private family, with child 6 years old. Can furnish refs. Address Lake Shore News B-44. T15-1tp WASHING TAKEN HOME, WASHING and ironing. Tel. Glen. 171. T12-tfc SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1549. LTG24-tfc WINDOW AND HOUSE CLEANER, painting enameling, odd job gardener, day work, Tel. Highland Park 809-W. LTG33-1tp WANTED -- WINDOW CLEANING, floor waxing, paint washing, white- washing. Tel. Evanston 1778. LTG33-1tp SIT. WANTED BY COLLEGE STUDENT during summer, painting, galvanizing, carpenter work, ete. Address Winnetka Talk B-43. T15-1tp EXPERT GARDENER BY DAY OR hour; first class reference. Address Bx. 1, Winnetka, Ill T15-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR COOK- ing and downstairs work. Other help kept. Phone. Win. 1137. 1390 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. LTG33-1tc WANTED--MAID, WHITE, FOR FIRST floor work and cooking. Highest wages; references required. Tel. Win. 1425. LTG33-1tc WANTED---WHITE MAID FOR GENER- al housework; 2 adults. Tel. Win. 206. 296. LTG33-1te WANTED--MAID, FIRST FL. WORK and cooking; good wages; references. Tel. Winn. 113. T15-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN to assist in home where there are chil- dren, part of day only. 491 Hill Rd., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 466. T15-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--HOUSEMAN, TAKE CARE of car, some driving, care of lawn, jobs around the house, no lodging. Steady position all year. 347 Washington Ave. Tel. Wil. 1597. LT33-1tp WANTED--GROCERY CLERK, EXPE- rienced, steady position, good wages, one-half day off per week. A. S. Van Deusen, Wilmette. LTG39-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfc MISCELLANEOUS NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- dener, thoroughly experienced in plant- ing and care of every garden work; estimates on fruit trees, shrubbery, perennials and hardy field grown rose stocks. Edward Siegrosser, 1030 Cen- tral Ave. Tel. Wil. 708-M. LT33-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED FOR JULY AND AUGUST, THREE large, beautiful rooms, consisting of living room, dining room and large slp. room with 12 windows; new and newly furnished; kitchen privileges; conve- nient to trans. Winn. 1475. T15-1tp PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references, Foster. Phone Win. 509-J LTG15-tfc | | TOWN TAXI SERVICE 10 PROUTY ANNEX Telephone Winnetka 655 CADILLAC LIMOUSINE Special Trips. T15-1te KINDERGARTEN GRADUATES CON- ducting recreation class for young girls daily from 2 to 6. Sewing, outdoor ac- tivities and playground work. Phone 'Winn. 178. T15-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT 1290 Scott Ave., including porch furni- ture, rugs, bed room sets, oak and bird's eye maple. Brass bed, piano, chairs, tables, Regina music box with 24 records, bookcases, dining room set, oak china cabinet, leaded glass front, like new; vases, dishes, silverware, clocks, two flexible flyer sleds, ice skates, new ladies' galoshes, size 5; skating shoes with skates attached, size 41%; children's toys, including new doll buggy, lawn mower and students' lamp. 1290 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. T15-1tp FOR SALE--PORCELAIN REFRIGER- ator, gas stove, gas plate, child's bed and chiffonier, lawn mower and several garden tools. 50 ft. hose, sand box; all used but short time. Ph. Win. 523-J. LTG33-1tp FOR SALE--BROWN MAHOGANY BUF- fet, 6-ft. Sheraton, in perfect condition. 241 Essex Rd. Winnetka. Phone 1330. LTG33-1te TABLE AND FOR SALE--DINING RM. 6 chairs, $20; Ivory bed, mattress and springs, $25; sanitary couch, $5; com- bination gas stove, $40; baby buggy, $10. Tel. Glencoe 42. T15-1te FOR SALE--ONE LEATHER couch, oak dining room table 12 ft. Black walnut dresser and commode, marble top. Tel. Winn. 1787. T15-1tc FOR SALE--ONE BABY PARK CAR- BLACK riage, one baby yard. Call Winnetka 1526. T15-1tc FOR SALE -- LACQUERED CONSOLE table and mirror; also library table and rocking chair. Prices very reasonable. Tel. Winn. 565 or call at 1173 North Ave., Hubbard Woods. T15-1te FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES exceptional Bargains in cars, easy terms, Nash Touring, 1920 Buick Panel Body Truck Hudson Six-40--winter top Overland 83 Touring Oakland Touring Dodge Coupe, 1920 Kissel Sedan, 1921 Winnetka Motor Co. Distributors of Dodge Motor Vehicles 562 Lincoln St. Tel. Win. 165 LTG33-1te FOR SALE--AUBURN TOURING CAR. In first class condition. 234 Doyle Ct. Tel. Wil. 1029. LTG33-1tp BUICK, LATE MODEL, LOOKS LIKE new; 6-cylinder, 5-passenger touring. used Bros. Niles, Mich. | LTG32-3tp | FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE--REO. 6-1921, MECHANIC- ally perfect; paint good; accessories. Price reasonable for immediate sale. Owner leaving town. Tel. Wil. 1959. LTG33-1tc FOR SALE--1918 5-PASSENGER TOUR- ing Hupmobile; good condition. Tel. Winn. 455. T15-1tp LOST AND FOUND LOST--ROUND GOLD MOSAIC PIN with beetle design, between station and 902 Oak St. Gertrude Edwards. Tel Winn. 679. T15-1te | LOST--LITTLE GIRL'S BICYCLE. 13% | Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1137. T15-1te VILLAGE OF WINNETKA NOTICE Winnetka. Illinois, Juae 20, 1922. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the construction of an improvement in FOXDALE AVENUE, from the south line extended of the present pavement in North Avenue, twenty-two (22) feet north of and parallel with the south line extend- ed of said North Avenue, southerly to a line twenty (20) feet southerly from and parallel with the northerly line extended of lot twenty-nine (29) in block six (6) in Winnetka Park Bluffs Subdivision, in- cluding the street returns at Eldorado Street and Summit Street as far back | as the street lines extended of said Fox- | dale Avenue by grading and preparing the | subgrade for combined curb and gutter | and walk and pavement approaches, con- | tructing combined curb and gutter, storm water inlets, and new sidewalk and pave- ment approaches where altered, adjusting present catch basins, present sidewalk approaches and present pavements, furn- ishing and setting catch basin and man- hole covers, cleaning present pavement, top dressing the present roadway and the new pavement approaches with Tarvia or its equal, covering said Tarvia top dressing with a layer of gravel, removing all surplus materials, including engineer- ing and supervision during the construc- tion of said improvement, all in the Vil- lage of Winnetka, County of Cook, and State of Illinois, said improvement and assessment being otherwise known as Village of Winnetka Special Assessment J No. 376.568 in accordance with the ordi- | nance heretofore passed therefor, will be received by the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Winnetka by or before eight o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, | the fifth day of July, A. D., 1922, at which hour all bids will be opened at a meeting to be held in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall, in said Village of Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois. The specifications of said improvement are on file in the office of the Clerk of said Village of Winnetka. Contractors will be paid in bonds bear- ing interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum for all estimates ap- proved by the Board of Local Improve- ments in the sum of One Hundred Dol- lars ($100.00) and over, from the second and subsequent installments of said Special Assessment, and when the amount of balance due on any estimate is more than the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and no further bonds may be | issued against the second and subsequent installment of said Special Assessment, land when the amount of balance due on any estimate is less than the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), the same will be paid by time warrants. The successful bidder for the construc- tion of said improvement will be required to enter into bond in a sum equal to the amount of such bid, with sureties to be approved by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka and filed with the said Board of Local Improvements, which bond shall provide that the contractor shall well and faithfully perform and execute said work in all respects according to the complete and detailed specifications and full and complete drawings, profiles and models therefor and according to the time and terms and conditions of the contract, and also that such bidder or contractor shall promptly pay all debts incurred by such bidder or contractor in the prosecution of such work, including those for labor and materials furnished, and that suit may be brought on such bond in case of default and in the name of the Village of Win- netka, for all damages sustained either or failure to pay such debts promptly, by. tained by the said Village and all par- ties in interest, or by any beneficiary or party interested in the name of the Vil- lage of Winnetka for the use of the party interested as beneficial plaintiff, to re- cover for such labor and materials fur- nished. All bids or proposals shall con- tain an offer to furnish such bond upon the acceptance of such bid or proposal. In addition to the bond required as above set forth, and for construction and maintenance, the successful bidder will be required to furnish an indemnity and defense policy in some reliable company, indemnifying the Village of Winnetka against loss from liability for damages on account of injury or death suffered by reason of the performance of the work required to be performed by the said contractor, by any person Or persons, in- cluding such liability imposed under the Iimployers' liability and Workmen's com- pensation law of the State of Illinois, and the amendments thereto, in the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars. JOHN S. MILLER, JR. President of the Board of I.ocal Improve- ments of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T15-1tc Tennis Editor Gives Dope on Illinois State Tourney The week of Monday, June 26, marks play in the Illinois State Ten- nis Championship tournament on the Skokie Country club courts. Complete information relative to the tourna- ment is furnished the readers of this paper by Tennis Editor Mercer Beas- ley, who is Tennis Coach at the Indian Hill club. Mr. Beasley will give detailed re- ports of the tournament in the next two issues in his "Tennis Topics" column. Don't miss this news from an expert. Read his advance dope in this issue. Miss Florence Newport entertained at Bridge on last Friday afternoon. -- Miss Florence and Beatrice Pease are giving an informal dance at their home on Friday evening. : -- Mrs. Leon M. Allen entertained the Bridge club at luncheon on Tuesday afternoon. Eating Out? Anchor Inn Ridge Ave. at Sheridan Rd. Evanston, Ill. NOW SERVING Luncheon: Table d@' hote, 50¢ and A la Carte Afternoon Tea: 2:00 to 5:00 Plate Dinner, 75¢ Anchor Inn Special, $1.00 Sunday Dinner: $1.00 and $1.50 DANCING Saturday Nights Beginning June3rd. Dinner: McNie, 266 Forest, Winnetka, Ill. | by the said Village or by any person or TG15-1tc party interested, or for the damages sus- -- -- -- mm ---- -- Cs 810 Church St. -- RE ck: ss sams ----- _-----oA A Phone Evanston 4884 Sy Lg nningham | eliable ependable ars Nextito Post Office | The Oldest Automobile Dealer in Evanston PERSONAL SERVICE COUNTS The only Dealer on the North Shore selling the same car for 10 consecutive years Ford and Lincoln Cars a | | | | ! | i a i md ll