' | | Ea. i -------- - ERR ve YAGHT CLUB OPENS ON FOURTH OF JuLY Three Hundred North Shore Folk Attend Dance at In- itial Frolic in New Home HAS IDEAL LOCATION Membership of 150 Closed; Waiting List ---- The North Shore Yacht club opened Tuesday in a blaze of Fourth of July color and a brilliant all-day par- ty, beginning with water sports, a beach supper and fireworks between dances at night. About 300 attended and it is announced that the mem- bership, 150, is closed and a waiting list entered. For a year the club has waited for the opening day and Tuesday the officers were showered with congratu- lations on the work accomplished by the membership and guests. The club-house is ideally situated at the harbor between the drainage canal and the lake at Wilmette. Mooring water is protected by a break-water. An excellent beach stretches from the house out to the lake and a beautiful marine view, sweeping vast deep col- ored water and sky, will delight the card players or loungers on the pi- azza. Excellent Clubhouse and Grounds The North Shore evolved from the old Evanston Yacht club. The new out-grew the old and larger and bet- ter equipped quarters were demanded, The new house is comfortable and charming. The men's locker is well equipped, including showers. The women's room is de- lightfully decorated and cozy blue tables and chairs make it restful and thoroughly feminine. The lounge gives a feeling of bigness and sugges- tion of ease; card tables and big deep chairs are scattered and there is a fireplace. The hearth has caused plans for winter and the pro- gram is being enlarged for winter sports. The kitchen is well equipped and adequate for ambitious parties. The dance floor is out-doors, adding to its charm on a summer night. Tuesday night the lawn took on car- nival atmosphere. Dancers moved under Japanese lights and later WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1922 3 danced in the light of red fire. The fire- Fireworks Law Violators works were lighted between dances and showed against the blending col- ors of a moonlit sky and lake. Committee's Work Praised Rear Commodore 1. D. Ely is chair- man of the entertainment committee on the Fourth of July kept the police and members were loudly acclaiming the work of his committee as the guests and members drew from the party for home. Martin Svebiliug was chairman of the fireworks committee and he took praise for his workers on the smoothness of the arrange- ments and the taste in selection. Other officers of the club are: Wil- liam H. Noble, commodore; "Skip" Lawson, vice-commodore; C. E. Ware, treasurer; H. W. Thorpe, jr., E. W. DeMoe and F. L. Bateman, with the officers, are the directors. A near casualty was the capsizing of a boat sailed by "Bill" Noble and "Skip" Lawson. Their sail-boat over- turned when they were displaying their '"dipsea'" technique to two friends. The boat was immediately righted and a self-bailing cock-pit cleared the water, so the party put to shore under its own "power" and with- out other than a wetting. py. School Information Free bh Write, Telephone or Call Affiliated Boarding School Association Miss S. H. Shultz, Director 1112 Marshall #ieiu Annex, Chicago Ba Central 0345 yp lavatory and already | § PHONE WINNETKA 110 mmm HARRY PORTER Furniture Moving Expressing Shipping and Packing activities were reported, Keep Police "on the Jump" Boys and their fathers who forgot all about the village ordinance pro- hibiting the shooting of firecrackers moving. The offenders were rebuked by the officers, but no arrests were made, since the violators promised to stop the fun. No injuries from holiday a is ailing but still curable, we is goes pipe every make of battery. Winnetka Exide Battery Service Phone 1387 Would you buy a suit of clothes or an automobile from a cleverly composed "ad", or catalog, without first seeing it? Then, why buy a heater that way? Before selecting your new heating unit come into the ROYAL SHOW ROOM and see our complete line, from the small heater for your hot water tank to the Royal Sectional Boiler for the larger building. no Skyscraper too large to be best heated with ROYAL BOILERS AND FURNACES. No Cottage too small; JUST EAST OF WINNETKA DEPOT R.C.MELENEY Phones Winn. 119 and 614-M. 20 Prouty Annex SPECIAL TRIPS to CITY MOTOR SERVICE a 845 SPRUCE ST., WINNETKA Mlle. Wanda Guazzoni A Native of France Is ready lo form classes of children or adulls for beginning or advanced French. Mlle, Guazzoni has the finest of references, telling of her successful teaching in France and New York City. Phone Evanston 3570M 905 Michigan Ave. Evanston The Most Important Autobiography Since The Education of Henry Adams' UP STREAM An American Chronicle By LUDWIG LEWISOHN For Sale at all EVANSTON AND CHICAGO BOOKSELLERS Royal 8 vol., gilt top, $3.00 BONI & LIVERIGHT, Pub. New York City CH! cJeott Undertaker [Pn Fam now 'in business for myself, conducting the ONLY undertaking estab- ishment Conscientious service is my motto. in Wilmette. 1124 Central Avenue WILMETTE No longer with the Western Phone Wilmette 654 1559 Sherman PALACE Cash Meat Market Evanston IMinois If you can get good meats from us it's useless to try elsewhere Native Rib Roast of Beef, Fancy Leg of Lamb, 1b. 30 and 35c¢ Shoulder of Veal Roast, 1b. Shoulder of Lamb Roast, Ib. Hindquarter of Spring Lamb, per lb. Very Best Plate Corned Beef Fresh Brookfield Butter 45¢ Fresh Dressed Broili Fresh hickens .... 2 in % 26Y2c Calves Fancy Roasting Chickens, Sweet | "jp, 3914¢ Breads Very Best Sirloin Steak, 1b 65¢c Very Best Porterhouse steak, lb. 50c | Fresh Pork Loins, whole, Genuine Ib. 1922 ' Fresh Dressed Veli: ib Lamb Broilers Peacock Bacon, whole slab, 49c¢ - Very Best Round Steak, hE ur HAC HEADQUARTERS for HOME DRESSED CHICKENS For Better Things to Eat! TELEPHONE WILMETTE 420 5 PHONES -- Wilmette NO WAITING Grocery & Market 1146 CENTRAL AVENUE Our Motto -=- "Quality and Service." Charge Accounts Extended to Responsible People.