DT omar rrr RS TT SEE ----------g WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1922 Em_-- 1a Social Happenings bl Mr. and Mrs. Laird Bell and Miss Helen Bell are leaving today for an extensive trip abroad, instead of last week, as was previously announced. The younger children of the family will be with friends in Minneapolis. -- Yr Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Zipf are at their summer home, Maple Lodge, Lake Geneva, for the summer and the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Zipf, are occupying their home at 596 Vitae road, during their absence. _O-- Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Shoemaker and son, Robert, 188 Myrtle street, have returned from a motor trip through the east. They visited Wash- ington, Atlantic City and New York, returning by boat from Buffalo. -_0-- Mr. Sidney Greeley, who has been visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mcerris L. Greeley, 655 Maple avenue, for the past fortnight, returned to Framingham, Mass., on Saturday last. ------ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Erickson and family, 565 Hawthorne lane, left Thursday morning on a motor trip through Wisconsin and upper Michi- gan, returning via the western route of southern Michigan. ee Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lathrope had as their guests for the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Culley Wilson of Racoon, Ind., also Mr. Lathrope's father has been their house guest for the past fortnight. -- Mrs. R. A. Akridge of Evansville, Ind., mother of Mrs. Clifford Baugh of 887 Ash street, will arrive Sunday to accompany the Baugh family to Peli- can Lake, Wis.,, where they plan to spend the coming month. Em § anand Mrs. M. V. Smurr of Evanston, formerly of Wilmette, announces the engagment of her daughter Catherine Faye, to J. Milo Dickman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dickman of Fayette, Iowa. ---- Malvin M. Albright of Hubbard Woods, a student at the Art Institute, was awarded third place in the Fresh Air Sanitarium contest for a fountain design. ----- Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Barnum have rented their home at 735 Walden road, for the balance o¢f the summer, and left Saturday for Black Oak Lake. ---0-- Mrs. Henry A. Gardner, 844 Bryant avenue, with Henry, Jr., Clifford, and Miss Marie, are staying at the Chi- cago Club in Charlevoix, Mich. --_--)-- Miss Elizabeth Duffy has returned from a stay on a ranch in South Da- kota, and has resumed her play- ground work at the Kenilworth beach. Aaa ¥ anand Miss Mildred Affleck entertained at a large tea on Friday afternoon of last week. Interior Decorating Paper Hanging Exterior Painting Oscar A. Anderson WINNETKA 1015 Oak Street Phone 1472 Tuesday Evening | Public Invited | Subject: 'RICH CONSCIOUSNESS' (Law of Prosperity) Music--Spanish--Russian Composers, etc. 431 S. Wabash Ave., Doors Open 7 P. M. -- RECITAL HALL 8:15 P. M. Lecture Recital ~-- given by -- Don C. A. Zelaya Son of the Ex-President of Nicaragua, and World-known Authority upon :-- Psychology--New Thought--Theosophy and Spanish Music July 18th Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Fetcher and family, have rented their home for the coming year, and sailed Monday for a year's tour of Europe. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Freeman have rented the George W. Gordon home at 874 North avenue, until the middle of September. Ea § aman d Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. Welsh of Foxdale avenue, announce the birth of their daughter, Sallie Ellen, on Fri- day, July 7. --_--)-- Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden and daughters of 725 Pine street, will spend the greater part of the summer at Hyannisport. -- o-- Mrs. Frank R. Fuller, 110 Church road, returned Wednesday from a visit of several days with friends in Men- | at South Amherst, Mass., to remain Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Karnopp, | 455 Linden avenue, left Winnetka yes- terday to spend several weeks at Devil's Lake, Wis. -- The Ridge Avenue Circle played hos- tess to thirty children and mothers from the Chicago Commons at the beach on Wednesday. em ()-- Mr. and Mrs. Sanford B. White, 795 | Foxdale avenue, gave a birthday party for her small son, Sanford, Jr., on Friday of last week. ---- Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Woolfolk, 615 Cherry street, are leaving next week to spend. the remainder of the summer at Rochester, N. .Y ---- Mrs. John Buckingham, 266 Linden avenue, is leaving today for her farm | Cherry street, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kingery, 809 Pine street, have as their guests, Mrs. Kingery's aunt, Mrs. Wilson of New York city. ----- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Hollister, 788 returned Wednesday evening from -a motor trip through northern Wisconsin. OWN A LOG CABIN in the Woods On the ONTANAGON TRAIL On the Shores of Beautiful BLACK OAK LAKE Wisconsin See DR: J.. 0. ELY Room 813-22 E. Washington St, Chicago or BROWN BROS. LUMBER CO. Rhinelander, Wisc. 1559 P ALACE Evanston Illinoi sherman | Cash Meat Market| °° If you can get good meats from us it's useless to try elsewhere Native Rib Roast of Beef, a i BT Fancy Leg of Lamb, Ib. 33c Shoulder of Veal Roast, W. .. Ib. Shoulder of Lamb Roast, Ib. Hindquarter of Spring Lamb, per lb. Very Best Plate Corned Beef Benefit of the Sunday Night Opera Forum. Only Free Offering Acceptable. Bring Your Friends TH WE EE NE OND NEN NNN UN ENN ONE NNN NNN DUN MEN NNN NNN NNN DEN NNW NN SRN GN ORE WN ONE GEN NN SED NNN NEN GON UN BEN NON GEN NNN NE MND NN UGE GON NEN NNN NN GON EN EN EEE rr ENJOY NEXT WINTER! heater at the Be free from worry over cold rooms or a cold house. your inefficient heating plant NOW with a "ROYAL." Let me come to your home and help you solve your heating problem; or choose your own ROYAL SHOW ROOM Replace JUST EAST OF WINNETKA DEPOT 20 Prouty Annex MII II III TTT TT TTT re ye rr rr rr ll Td CE TF EE RR TR RT RR RR PR RR RR RRR RRR 0 0 rr re fb Rb BB BB 0 BB BR RB BR NB RB 0B 8 0B RB 0 0B ROR ENON BR RN FN J R.C. MELENEY Phones Win. 119 and 614-M "ROYAL HEAT CAN'T BE BEAT' [rarer peegp----------------se ER REE EE EEE EEE EEE EER 4% WN WW WD EN WN WS UU NN SS A ONE UN NR EN GD WN NES EE ee ae es ema Choice Pot Roast . . . .. Fresh Flank Steak. . .. Fresh Brookfield Butter 45¢ Fresh Calves Sweet Breads 65c Ib. fh Very ..25¢ Very Genuine Ib. 32V%¢ 1022 | VY 12Y2¢ Fresh Dressed Ib. Broilers | Very Wo steak, 1b. at Fresh Pork Loins, whole Chops, 1b. Peacock Bacon, whole slab, Fresh Dressed Boiling Chickens ..........25Vc Fancy Roasting Chickens, lL Ty 391/¢c Best Sirloin Steak, Ce ie aa 4le Best Porterhouse ? Best Rib Lamb a rs 40c TeaoaedRi Ty lag .35¢ Best Round Steak, MSc rie te SAC HEADQUARTERS for HOME DRESSED CHICKENS Summer Wares at Taylor's A big store full of things that respectable people need in the of many sizes and kinds, summer time, Watering-pots Keep your border well-watered. Garden tools, all the varieties you know, and some that you've never met. Shovels and pails for the little ones to use on the beach. Knives to take with you when you go camping. blades of fine steel. Ask the salesman for one with TAYLOR'S 5460 Center Street WINNETKA oh - N