WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1922 WERE SLIPPING PROF. GRANT SYS Discusses the North Shore Geology Do you know anything about your own back yard or your front yard either for that matter? You know about the shrubbery and the lawn and the ant hills and in spots you may know what is down below, eight or ten inches, where you have spaded up a patch for a flower or vegetable gar- den. But do you know what is away down below anything you have ever seen? The geological formation of the North Shore district together with its history as far back as time goes will be described in a public lecture given this week by Professor U. S. Grant of the Department of Geology of the Northwestern university. Professor Grant said in part: "The present physical setting of any district is a result of the operation of a long series of geological proces- ses which began many millions of years ago and have continued unin- terruptedly to the present time. In tracing the history of the district hereabout, we find that below us are many hundreds of feet of sedi- mentary rocks which consist of sand- stones, shales, and limestones. These were deposited eons ago in the same manner as sand, mud, and limestone are being deposited in the ocean to- day. After the laying down of these rocks, and still earlier than the age of the great coal beds of the southern half of the state, the district was ele- vated above sea level and has probab- ly remained above sea level ever since. "Comparitively recently in geolog- jecal times a great ice sheet moving from the north brought enormous quantities of debris and spread it over the bed rock. This material is known as glacial drift and varies In thickness from nothing where the bed rock comes to the surface, as at Stony Island, to 300 feet or even more. After the melting of this great ice sheet a lake, called Lake Chicago, covered the area now occupied by the North Shore and flowed out through the present location of the drainage canal to the Illinois river. The shorelines and the beaches of this old lake are evident in many places here. This lake had a rather complicated history, and later all of the great lakes went through a series of changes; for 3 time their waters flowed out through the Mohawk and down the Hudson; later they went into Canada, past Que- bec and Montreal, and then to the ocean; still later they took the pres- ent line of flow down the St. Lawrence. These changes were due to the re- treat of the great ice sheet and to the fact that all of the Great Lake Re- gion has been tilted bodily toward the south-south-west, and the tilting is going on today." Too Busy to Wait for That Shoreen Building With construction work barely com- pleted on the new and spacious Shoreen Motor Car Corporation build- ing at 2524 West Railroad avenue, Tvanston, business has maintained at such a pace that it has been found necessary for the proprietors to in- stall, immediately, $5,000 worth of genuine Foré parts. The Shoreen Ford car display salon and service station was built over and around a small temperary frame struc- ture and business was never interrup- ted. The big opening of the modern structure is an event®of the near fu- ture. It Would Appear "Andy" Is a Wee Bit Homesick Though "American dollars are as big as phonograph records" from the viewpoint of the European, Andrew Hostnick, who, with his wife and a party of friends, is engaged in an ex- tended motor tour of the continent, says '"there's no place like home" in a communication to the Winnetka Talk Mr. Hostnick will be remembered as the energetic representative of the Winnetka Motor company. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Spencer, 703 Waldon road, returned Monday from Blue Lake, Wis., where they have been spending a vacation. UNIQUE STYLE SHOP WILMETTE Always the newest and most select styles. A COMPLETE STOCK Phone 2403 1126 Central Ave. SHOWS VALUEOF ~~ | MELIGION STUDY Educator Reviews Develop- ment in Work operation by public school officials and people of various communities, students of the university in Harris hall and his topic was "Recent maintain their Sunday schools but, on takings of individual churches to care for the religious life of children and youth more fruitful. They elevate religious education to a plane of effi: integral part of all education. Every community in America needs to have this service performed. In many com- munities it is now being performed Goodrich Sree | | : Widespread and increasing interest in religious education, with lively co- announces was reported recently by Prof. John : : E. Stout, of ihe religious education department of Northwestern univer- sity. Prof. Stout addressed summer Developments in Religious Educa- --Jowest cost mileage coer known | | the contrary, they make such efforts by » more fruitful. They make all AA Think of being able to buy . . ciency, provide instruction in tha great common values of religion, and, = in fact, make religious instruction an | eae Sree = iim Ee rst ---- sn a tion." ng t,he somber, of ' cities an towns, . | whose people are taking individual Effective July 20th, Goodrich establishes a revised 1 interest in seeing that children are price list that is a b li f i i BE receiving more intelligent religious * . ase line of tire value. It gives the | training, Prof. Stout declared that the motorist the buying advantage of knowing that what | € Wor i * . 5 £ ] {| Ue at Sst she ties his jelacks In of ale arnt duollly, fi 13 id Sunday School Work 0odri - 1 . ' 1% Wanker and action. schol Jo ie one gully standard. It gives him the long- it and community training schools are mileage, the most satisfactory service and the high- lh ' said. : 4 £1 EN nin Tem Dd est quality his money can buy. Results will provethat |L3 the efforts of individual churches to 1t 1s impossible to buy tire mileage at lower cost | TT -------- -- at such prices as these: ¥ mobile by the hour, day or prolonged Winnetka Motor company at a reason- are made for tours, it is explained. This innovation, the firm manage- ment believes, will meet with a prompt response upon the part of the public of the north shore. The idea is tour may secure a machine at the Tires are the definite standard of tire quality. able renta : ecial arrangements 1 tal fee. Special gement : THE B. F. GCODRICH RUBBER COMPANY, Akron, Ohio successfully. th Need Co-operation e church is not alone in {ts BASE LINE aueiening to the need of a more Sige PRICE Swern POPRICE | adequate program of religious educa- 1 | tion. The public school is also be- 30x 3% CL $13.50 34x4 S.B. $30.85 coming conscious of this need. This fastuation cannot provide the pro- : 31x3.85CL 15.95 32x 43 S. B. 37.70 | gram, but it can co-operate with the } : I church in such a way as to make the DX 3: S.B. 15.95 33x 4: S. B. 38.55 A A oran possible. It is already doing 32x31 S.B 97 OF x4. 58 FET I 18. . * 2 - " . i "Conscious of the primacy of reli- 31x ! gion in He school officials and teach- 32 : . = 26.45 35x 4; S. B. 40.70 -- ers are willing to give substantial X « De. : | i Fecomniton t-te work dono by the : Es 29.15 33x5 S.B. 46.95 | schools. Credit is being allowed b X 4 03, 5 fi substituting one or more units of 30.05 35x5 S.B. 49.30 I. work, or time is being granted out of No extra charge for excise tax. This tax is paid by Goodrich 8 ; glue school program to permit N. b li children to attend the week-da ] y Gi The church and the So E ew vase Lang P Yices are also eff ective re thus co-operating in the educa- ] y , | tion of children and youth." on oodrich Fabric Tires J 1 : Rent a Car" Plan Offer SIZE BASE LINE BASE LINE ' PRICE SIZE | " of Winnetka Motor Co. Fon 3 35" Pouce A or those who do not feel inclined xX 9.65 L£ uss e the obligation of securing SR $ 32x4 S.B. Safety $21.20 tor car as a permanent luxury Xt 10. or uit. the Winnetka. Motor com SE : = 0.65 | 33x4 S. B. Safety 22.35 1 pany, William T. Wehrstedt, proprie- X 937 9. OD. daie tor, extends an unusually attractive : o 16.3¢ 4x4 S. B. Safety 22.85 i Biter in the nature of a "Rent A Car" No extra charge for excise tax. This tax is paid by Goodrich I p an. * . | According to this plan persons de- This revised price lis : I siring the temporary use of an auto- definite a A to Eagan the ore h | prices as (Goodric i thought to be unique in the automo- bile business. WINNETKA] FRUIT STORE| Ei POULOPOS BROS. Fresh Fruit PROPRIETORS 801 Elm Street Winnetka Phone 1371 Red Raspberries, box...» .... 25¢ Sweet Corn, doz, ears... 30c Peaches, basket... 4. T- 25¢ Grapes, db... ........ 20c Cartalopes, each... .. + | 10c Blue Berries, qt a Ld ane Green and Wax Beans gt. 10c Tomatoes, basket... 35¢c Potatoes, Dll et 83¢ Sweet potatoes, 3 lbs tran Welch's Cafeteria Wilmette -- There is always a reason for everything in this | || world. The reason for our success is because : We Try To Please Every Guest That FavorsUs With Their Patronage. Dine Today the Cafeteria Way EEE TT =