WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1922 LETTER ANNOUNCES LEXINGTON PROGRAM 1923 Plans Told Manager of North Shore Branch The acgompanying letter, received this week by W. L. Hays, manager of the north shore branch of the Lexing- ton Chicago company, from F. B. An- sted, president of the Lexington Motor company, explains in detail the pro- gram of the company for 1923. The letter reads: The announcement of our 1923 pro- gram as just issued by our Sales De- partment, might call for some com- ments from the writer on the price situation, generally, and our product in particular. It has been the aim of our company to produce in liberal quantities, closed models for the early fall season, which will continue in regular pro- duction month in and month out. The Royal Coach, the most masterly development in the closed car field, that it has yet been my pleasure to inspect, should surely give us volume business almost instantly from its in- troduction. As the name would indi- cate, it is a de luxe edition of a car in the closed car type which has become so popular. The dealer who is con- nected with the manufacturer who has been foresighted enough to have a popular model and in liberal produc- tion, of this type, is indeed fortunate. The demand for this type of car will far exceed the supply that will be available during the next six months. It is not just a top-and-body affair, gotten out with a lick and a promise. It is a thoroughly finished and well designed closed car of the built-up type for the customer who has never been able to see the vast difference in price range between open and closed models. I know that you will be de- lighted with this extraordinary motor car. Our New Sedan at $2,545 has made almost an instant appeal. It is as finished in every particular as cars heretofore ranging in excess of $4,000. We have been pushing the manufac- turers hard to supply us with enough merchandise of this type to fill the re- quirements of our dealers. If you have not yet had this model on your floor, you can well appreciate the rea- son, and that is our demand on it, be- cause we have been manufacturing it now for more than sixty days. The new Brougham which will be in production the latter part of this month is to our closed car line what the Lark has been to our open type. It is the snappiest, best looking thing on wheels. The inherent goodness of the Lex- ington product, its power plant and its every detail ot superior construc- tion remove it from the common gar- den variety of motor cars. Our dis- tributors and dealers desire it so. Our ever increasing clientele and owners are looking forward to Lexington --not for an ordinary automobile, but for an extraordinary motor vehicle in its performance, riding qualities and other characteristics. The improvements in conditions, generally, insure a return of pros- perity which is well founded on the improved foreign situation, as well as on the crop conditions. The stock mar- ket--always months in advance as a barometer--indicates a return to sound and satisfactory conditions. Hardly an article that reaches my desk from sound students, fails to in- dicate but an optimistic outlook for the early future, increasing from month to month to a more satisfactory national prosperity. The raw products entering into the construction of motor cars, basic In their nature, such as iron, steel, lum- ber, glass, etc., have reached prices which will not he appreciably lowered in the next five vears, but there are a number of manufactured products such as textiles, shoes and hardware, | which will have to undoubtedly stand further deflation. Fortunately for the automotive in- dustry its deflation is nearly complet- ed. We find in our own business that of all the many items entering into the construction of both open and closed models, the market seems to be for a stiffening in prices, rather than a lower level. It is my confident personal judg- ment, for what it is worth, that Lex- ington prices will be higher before they are lower. Very sincerely yours, Frank B. Ansted. President. Ohio Woman Raising Ready to Help | Theodore ("Ted") Flynn, Winnetka Commission House, will be there again this year starting off the races and contests on New Trier Day. He is called upon to officiate at all Winnetka field days and is the best man for the | job. Tree Surgeon Thomas J. ("Tommy") Lynch, Win- netka Village Forester, who also con- ducts a prosperous Tree Surgery busi- Lion, Found Starving Defiance, Ohio.--About a month ago a Baltimore & Ohio brakeman car- ried to Mrs. C. G. Shirley, who oper- ates a small restaurant patronized largely by railroad men, a basket containing what he thought was a | pup. He found it, in an empty freight car, nearly dead rom starvation. [ Mrs. Shirley fed her new pet, nam- | ing it "The Bum." | Now the animal is developing a | shaggy mane on a massive head, | walks impatiently in a circle, strikes with its paw and growls. It has never barked. It's hide is developing Ye | plan if you prefer. Good music for your children To give your children the benefit of the world's best music, you need a Victrola and Victor records. Many parents have made home more attractive to the children, with a Victrola. It is proving both an entertainment and an education for the young. We can supply you with the Victrola you want for your home. ness in the township, is a veteran of the World War who came back from France prepared to make things jog right along in these parts. Things have been jogging, yes, galloping along ever since in "Tommy's" business. er CI SE 4 1. RR A culiar marking of splotches, It pre- fers a raw meat diet and is growing rapidly. It is a lion! REAL HELPFUL SERVICE PAINT All Size Tans, Tubes, AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Speclal Colors vou Can Do Better Here Than Elsewhere "Eyansion 140 1549 Sherman Avenue RASMESEN'S FAINT WINN 7} $ RELIABLE TAXI WINNETKA SERVICE FURNITURE STORE R. F. Hudson, Prop. We Buy, Sell, Exchange Baggage and Expressing Furniture, Rugs, Plumbing, 886 Willow Street Winnetka, Illinois Phone Winnetka 686 Heating, Autos. | Phone Winnetka 1212 1 808 Oak St. | | Mrs. Shirley believes the cub was | stolen from a menagerie by some helper who was forced to abandon it while making his getaway freight. on a | | EE A Real Home can be built by us for ¥6500-00 We can sell you the Lot Make the Loan Write the Insurance Build the Home Let Us Figure on Building Yours NORTH SHORE CONSTRUCTION and REAL ESTATE IMPROVEMENT CO. F. H. GATHERCOAL, Pres. Office and Mill REAL ESTATE BROKER 213 Woingon Ave, Easy payment North Shore | TALKING MACHINE CO. 1 === 554 Center St. Winnetka Phone 1793 HART & CROUSE CoO. HART & CROUSE CO. STEAM BOILER ROYAL WARM AIR FURNACE ROYAL SECTIONAL PUSH-NIPPLE SELECT A ROYAL HEATER! A dozen types in a hundred sizes from which to make your selection. ey These types of "ROYALS" dinstalled in many NORTH SHORE HOMES HART & CROUSE Co. ROYAL ROUND PUSH - NIPPLE WATER BOILER MEET ME WEDNESDAY AT NEW TRIER DAY CELEBRATION OR ANY DAY at the ROYAL SHOW ROOM 20 PROUTY ANNEX :: FHONES WIN. 119 & 614-M R.C MELENEY NORTH SHORE AGENT ee = 1 Rh BE So EI SSE SE - SATE Sree EI Asiky SN i aosman 45