Le a aie. <> WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST I 19, 1922 EE ------------ Myr. Duncan Passes Keeps 'Em Cool Out Seegars, Yes, | It's a Tiny Daughter Mr. Donald Duncan, who holds sway at the well patronized Duncan's Con- fectionery at 786 Elm street, passed out many, many seegars this week for which he was forced to ring up the crimson no sale indicator. Not that Mr. Duncan is doing such a large credit business. Far from | such, for Mr. Duncan is givin' away. Reason: Tiny girl arrived at Dun- | can home last Sunday. No, it has no | name, 'cause they're (meaning the Proud Parents) still a-arguing about it. You see, they had it all figured | out that the youngster would be des- | ignated Donald. Well, there's no feminine equiva-| Harry Roberts, North Shore Ice joa tor such a name, unless it's Whi is a busy man this time of | . |the year. But, he's not too busy to do | . hetti and Heat | his share in the New Trier Day activi- | Wine, Spag ties. His ball club will be there. Served at Naples, Says Andy A ; RR Andrew "Andy" Hostnick, who keeps 5 YOUR HEADLIGHTS the editor informed as to his where- | abouts on his tour of the Continent, | Under the law of Illinois every auto- sends a post-card from Naples. mobile must be equipped with two "We have seen Naples but are not headlights and a tail light. The head- | lights should be of equal power. The | ready to die. Wine and spaghetti a| specialty here--and heat, as well." tail light should be at left of the Andy and his party are doing |center of the car and should illumi- Europe by auto. He was formerly | nate the number plate with a white connected with the Winnetka Motor | light. The tail light should, of course, company as salesman. | be red. PHONE WINNETKA 132 NORTH SHORE LAUNDRY NELSON BROTHERS We are here to serve you 806 ELM STREET WINNETKA, ILL. Xx Autumn approaches we suggest that in your wardrobe you'll find more than one used gar- ment which we can restore to surprising newness and life. Simply Phone Robert M. Birck Co. Winnetka 619 555 Lincoln Ave. Main Office and Plant 1811 Benson Avenue Evanston Expect New Bank Building "To Be Opened in Five Weeks "| Within five weeks The Winnetka | tle Personal property tax for the year | State Bank expects to be located in 1919 have been placed in the hands | |its handsome new home on Elm sa AFTER DELINQUENTS of Magistrate C. T. 13 Northrop, 556 Names of Winnetka delinquents in | Center street. Payments may be made | at the magistrate's offices, READ THE WANT ADS | street just east of the Boal build- | Ing. | Work has been progressing rapidly |on the new structure and it is ex- pected the concrete flooring will be | laid next week. | Fixtures have been installed and | safety deposit boxes will be in place (in the near future. Two hundred ad- ditional boxes are being installed, it [1s said | "A NEW SONG"--SERMON | "A New Song" will be the sermon | topic at the Scandinavian Evangelical | church at 886 Elm street this Sunday evening at the 8 o'clock services. The | | regular Mid-week services at the] | church is Wednesday evening at 8:15] PERSONAL SERVICE Our customers find a personal service here which is both pleasing and helpful. To the friendly atmosphere of this store we attribute much of our success. THE HUBBARD WOODS PHARMACY E. O. Carlson, Prop. Hubbard Woods, Illinois Telephones Winn. 610 & 1139 |v [} "clock. | CREDIT This especially justifies our interest in the NEW TRIER COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION. and Savings Bank iv" Carefnl Scrutiny 'of CREDIT is sound policy for our Bank. Winnetka Trust STE emcee de ee Er we :