1 Perennials WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1922 SECURES IT MHESTORS B00 Emerson Discourses on "Blue Sky" Schemes Springfield, 111.,--"Blue sky" is too mild an expression to describe some of the corporations which seek to sell stock," Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson today declared in announcing that the Illinois Securities Law, in three years of operation, has saved Illinois investors at least $125,- 000,000. "'Golden' or 'sapphire sky' would more nearly express it, in view of the descriptive literature sent out to an unsuspecting public," the Secre- tary said. Hundreds of companies which here- tofore have operated unmolested have been barred by the Securities Depart- ment of the Secretary of State's office, and Mr. Emmerson believes that at least $100,000,000 worth of worthless stock, in addition to that officially barred, has been kept out of the State because the corporations issuing it knew that it was useless to apply under the terms of the law. "The way some of these companies operate," Mr. Emmerson explained, "is illustrated by a company incorporated under the laws of Delaware with an authorized capital of $5,000,000, which recently was denied permission to sell some of its stock in Illinois. It pro- posed to manufacture a certain patent- ed piece of machinery. With the appli- cation presented to the Securities De- partment were samples of the glowing literature issued by the company set- ting forth the enormous profit invest- ors could make by purchasing this stock. An investigation showed that the company had issued $1,670,000 of its capital stock to the promoters to pay them for their trouble, that it had no assets, that up to the present time it had not been able to obtain a patent upon the machine it intended to manufacture, and that it had not even completed a model machine. The pro- moters intended to use the money obtained from the sale of stock for the development of the machine, which was still in the experimental Shrubs, Evergreens Grounds Planted Satisfaction Guaranteed Cut Flowers GREENWOOD NURSERY A. STACHEL, Prop. 290 Greenwood Axe., Glencoe Phone 155 ql" UNIQUE STYL SHOP WILMETTE A very attractive stock of the latest ladies, and misses, Fall Apparel Phone 2403 1126 Central Ave. 0 Be Sure to Buy Your Poultry Broilers and Roasting Chicken, ------------------------------------e etc., from Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka : It's Coming! Watch for the Key Contest Adams Pharmacy Winnetka stage, and to pay large salaries to the promoters themselves. "But for the Illinois Securities Act, people in this State could not have been protected against this scheme. "The wiles of the stock jobber are many and the Securities Department of my office is collecting some very in- teresting information on this subject. "One of the new schemes which is being worked a great deal lately is the self-styled Home Building Companies, originating in the South or East. The certificates of the companies are usu- ally so verbose and complicated that none but an expert can find out what the agreement really is, but investiga- tion of some of them has shown that the originators of the company and the associated brokerage company which they also control, usually manage to RANDOLPH BEAUTY SHOP 1159 Wilmette Avenue Brown Bldg. Mme Lucia Lissner specialist in Marceling Hair Coloring Shampooing Facial Massage Hairdressing Acne Treatments Manicuring ~~ Face Packs Phone Wilmette 2070 get all of the first three or four pay- ments made by the subscribers, five to seven and one-half per cent of all sub- sequent payments and from 25 to 75 per cent of the profits, if there are any, besides reeiving large salaries. The investor is required to wait three years for a loan, and then is likely to be disappointed. Through the Attor- ney-General I recently secured injunc- tions against two of these companies in Chicago on the grounds of deception and fraud. SLIP COVERS Artistic Drapery Service DEAL DIRECT WITH US AND SAVE THE DECORATOR'S PRICE 2330 Warren Ave. Chicago 4075 Phone Seeley INCLUDING LABOR AND MATERIAL Satis- Davenport faction Abso- $1 4.00 a Chair anteed $8. 50 Also a wonderful selection of imported Coverings at a tremendous reduction, due to our wide exqgerience in the making of Covers, enabling us to give you su- perior quality. GOLLIN BROS. Formerly With Mandel Bros. ESTABLISHED 1854 FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS 612 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON, ILL. C.H. JORDAN & COMPANY PHONE EVANSTON 449 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO PHONES RANDOLPH 1346-1347 = Call or Write 713 MAIN ST., EVANSTON TRY THE WANT AD MEDIUM Phone Evanston 6121 Dr. John L. Ralston announces that Dr. Melvin B. Hasbrouck is associated with him in the prac- tice of Osteopathy at 353 Park Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 43 and 564. MAGAZINE AGENCY. specials: Saturday Evening Post, WILLIAM A. HADLEY Home Journal. Renewals and new Subscriptions to all Magazines solicited. Our Country Gentleman and Ladies' Winnetka 913 OAK STREET Phone Winnetka 323 PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS We carry a complete line of Window Shades WM. EDWARDS - Painter and Decorator Paints, Oils, Wallpaper, Glass Phone Glencoe 951 Glencoe, Illinois 366 Park Ave. LY] ~~ GOLD BRICK always promising appearance "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep" looks good. It has to. Its is its sole virtue. Looks alone will not sell goods today. Merchandise with a name--the name of its maker--has the call. For only the maker of worthy goods can long afford to ad- vertise. At the High Court of Public Opinion any other sort is soon condemned. Wise merchants and manufacturers seek the good papers to tell the story of their wares. The publish- ers seek the reputable advertising for the readers' guidance. The well-informed buyer seeks news of good merchandise through the columns of the best papers. This proves the value of advertising. Neither ad- vertiser nor publisher can prosper without your patronage. Therefore, it is to their advantage to cater to you. They do it, too. And it is distinctly to your advantage to be guided by the message they lay before you--the advertise- ments. Read them regularly! (» Ja | Dea