WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1922 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS REAL ESTATE OFFERS J ei Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p.m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ple Price. : REAL ESTATE W. J. Moir Submits NORTH EVANSTON SACRIFICE; unique 6-room Dutch Colonial; deep wood- ed lot; near Lincolnwood; h. w. heat; ivorized birch trim throughout; must see inside to appreciate plan and construction. $14,500. Owner must sell. Make offer. Remarkably easy terms. 2511 Hartzell. Key at 2411 Park PL IN WILMETTE--BRAND NEW SUB- stantial 6-room stucco, tile bath, h. w. ht., breakfast nook; excellent neighbor- hood; fine lot; 1620 Walnut Ave. $11,000. Reas. terms. See interior. Key at our office. IN WINNETKA--ATTRACTIVE T7-RM. ste. in wonderful condition. Gl sun and slp. pchs., tile bath, toilet and lav. 1st fl.; h. w. ht. fine lot; 2-car gar.; $16,500 reas. terms. Near lake, schools and transp. IN GLENCOE--NEW SOLID BRICK colonial, 8 rms., 2 tile baths, 2nd. fl.; gl. and htd. sun and slp. pchs.; large attic convertible into more rooms. Ivory trim throughout; htd. gar.; finely wooded lot 105x165; h. w. ht.; inst. h. w. heater; only $26,000. Owner must sell. WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE HELP WANTED--FEMALE DESIRE TO RENT A HOUSE of about six rooms, with yard; adult, healthy Americans; no children; references, perma- nent; state rental. WILLIAM PRICE, 1157 N. La Salle St, Chicago. LTG46-6tp FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist with housework; 4 adults in fam. 333 Sunset Road, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1057. TG28-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work and help with two children; no washing or cleaning. Tel. Glen 611. TG28-1te WANTED -- WHITE WOMAN .FOR cleaning and laundry work. Tel. Win. 1594. TG28-1te WANTED Tu RENT--SMALL HOUSE or flat, no children, by the first of Sept. Tel. Winn. 456. LT39-tfc WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work; go home nights. Tel. Glen. 991. 363 Washington Ave. TG28-1te RESPONSIBLE PARTY WISHES TO rent 8 or 9-room furn. house in Win- netka. Tel. Winn. 703. T28-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN'L housework; 3 in family; no laundry. Tel. Win. 1026. TG28-1te WANTED--BY RELIABLE, CONSCIEN- tious tenant until late spring, small house in Winnetka, furnished. Reply A-12, Care Weekly Talk. T28-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE = FOR RENT--GARAGE. 995 OAK ST, Winnetka, Ill. T28-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--LARGE, FRONT ROOM, private bath, heated garage. Adults. private family. Tel. Wil. 483. LTG46-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM, twin beds if desired, hot water heat, nr. transportation and cafeteria. 873-J after 6 p. m. LTG43-tfc TO RENT--1 OR 2 ROOMS TO 1 OR more ladies, with household privileges and use of bungalow. Winn. 529-R. LTG46-1tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. FRONT room, garage, 4-room apt. with priv. bath, heat, light, water, gas. Tel. Wil 2302. TG28-1te W. J. MOIR FOR RENT--TWO FURN. BED ROOMS, WINNETKA 254 priv. bath. Suitable for 2 or 3 adults. 556 Center St., just n. w. of N. W. depot. Private home. Tel. Kenil. 1696 LTG46-1tc TG28-1te REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Real Estate ANNOUNCING Our New Location at Ridge Lake Aves. Schaefer & Golbach Insurance Investments FOR SALE--WILMETTE, 1212 ELM- wood Ave., 8-room stucco residence, Ige. living room, fireplace, 4 master cham- bers and maids' room, one bath, screened front porch, oak floors, ivory 'enameled trim in excellent condition. Lot 50x187; beautifully wooded. Compare this with ~ anything at the price. $16,000. Big sacrifice; non-resident owner offers 10-room frame, 2-car garage, exclusive northeast location, water heat, cor. lot 100x186, spacious 1st floor plan and porches, 4 master chambers, maids' room, two baths, beautiful trees, shrubs, etc. Immediate possession. A truly elegant home far below value. $25,000. For information regarding the above and other bargains in homes and va- cant, See w. a. STACEY & co. 36 Lind Ave. Tel. Wil. 308 : iden LTG46-1tc ATTENTION Sheridan Road frontage will more than double in value over today's prices. Now is the time to secure a desirable home site embracing wonderful specu- lative possibilities. Come in and let us show you the best buy today. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513-4th St. Tel. Wil. 1304 LTG45-1tc WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES H. BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mortgages. 545 W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 65. LT36-tfc FOR SALE -- WINNETKA J3USINESS property and store, $18,000. Also Hub- bard Wodds Business lot, with good house. Price just cut to $10,500.00. In- quire 877 Elm St., Tel. Winn. 1689. TG28-1te GLENCOE LAKE FRONT 3 acres, highly improved; riparian rights; fine colonial house. F. J. Woolley, 69 Park Ave., Glencoé. LTG46-4tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--ROOMS, MEN ONLY, ONE block from trans. Tel. Winn. 1559. Ready by Oct. 1st. T28-1te FOR RENT--LARGE FURNISHED RM. in private family. East side, near trans. Tel. Wil. 1511, LTG46-1tc FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS, FURN. OR unfurn. Tel. Wil. 1302. LT46-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM TO BUSI- ness man. 903 Ash St. Ph. Win. 1688. T28-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--BY HUSBAND AND WIFE, both employed, two or three rooms for light housekeeping, or small flat. Un- furnished preferred. Occupancy by Nov. 1. Address 821 Linden Ave., Wing. -2tp WANTED ROOM AND BOARD WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR elderly lady. Address Weekly Talk A-11. TG28-1tp WANTED--GOOD WHITE WOMAN FOR laundry and cleaning. Tel. Win. 1652. T28-1tc WANTED--EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework; home nights. Tel. 'Win. 1594. TG28-1te WANTED--GIRL, WHITE, 18 YRS. OLD, as nurse. 351 Linden St., Winnetka. T28-1tc WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work, with or without laundry. Tel. Win. 820. LTG46-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO DO GEN'L housework; no washing; small family. Tel. Wil. 1095. LTG46-1tc WANTED--COMPETENT WHITE MAID for general housework. No washing. 730 Ashland Ave. Tel. Wil. 1506. L'TG46-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SIT. WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL GIRL would like position staying with chil- dren afternoons and evenings. Tel. Evans., 2637. T28-1tc DRESSMAKING--COATS AND DRESS- es; European. 903 Ash St. Ph. Winn. 1688. T28-1tp SIT. WANTED--FRENCH NURSE FOR children from 3 yrs. up. Box 135, Winnetka. Address P. O. Tel. Winn. 205. T238-1te POSITION WANTED WITH SMALL family as cook. Best refs. Tel. Winn. 1681. T28-1tp EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS work by the day. Tel. Winnetka 1769. Call evenings after 6 o'clock. T2§-1tc FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD. EFFECTS in excellent condition, white enameled and mahogany bed room furniture, mat- tresses and springs, blankets, pillows, living room suite, mahogany library table, odd chairs, two couches, music cabinet, sewing table, Singer sewing machine, rugs, lamps, pictures, orna- ments, china, glass, silverware, curtains, drapes, center pieces, runners, kitchen cabinet and elect. clothes washer and miscellaneous articles; no dealers. Sat- urday and Sunday, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. 1192 Chatfield Rd., Winnetka. TG28-1te FOR SALE--MAHOGANY DINING RM. set, mahogany hall clock, porch furni- ture, card tables, two white enameled chiffoniers, beds, springs and mat- tresses, refrigerator and other articles. 471 Hawthorne Lane, Winn. Tel. Winn. 433. TG28-1te FOR SALE--Leaseholds and household ef- fects in one home in Glencoe, three in Highland Park and one in Highwood. Proce $350 to $650. Rents $40 to $85. Will take automobile in exchange. All modern and good furniture. Address H. S. Matz, Box 445 Highland Pary, Ill. LTG45-tfc FOR SALE--NEW ART FIBRE FURNI- ture cheap; 3 ferneries, 1 large arm rocker, 1 clothes hamper (brown finish), 1 child's rocker (old ivory). Made by KE. J. Stoddard. Phone Winn. 1413 or call 582 Provident Ave., except Sunday. T28-1tp FOR SALE--ENAMELED BOHN RE- frigerator, single metal bed, spring and WANTED--ROOM AND MEALS BY mattress, two ivory reed chairs, lawn young man. Refs. Address Lake Shore mower and few garden impléments. News A-13. T28-1tp Tel. Wil, 602. LT46-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, WANTED -- CAPABLE YOUNG MAN, cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, preferably high school student, for 2 to 3 hours' work each morning before 8 in Hubbard Woods. Address Winnetka Talk. T28-1tc WANTED -- LANDSCAPE GARDENER wants permanent position. 35 years' experience. Robt. Schutt, 1608 Walnut St., Wilmette. LT46-1tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Suli- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1549. LTG24-tfc SIT. WANTED--PERMANENT _POSI- tion by experienced gardener and care- taker. A-1 references. Thos. G. Kees, Lake Forest, Ill. Tel. 68. LTG46-1tp FOR SALE--VACANT FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 756x300 EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15 min. walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W. LTG27-tfc FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE--6-ROOM STUCCO RESI- dence, 3 bed rooms, medium size; 1 bath, 4 clothes closets, sleep and sun porches, both glazed; nice large living room; din. rm. and kitchen, large basement. French doors and windows. Garage and play- house. Lot 40x155 ft.; fruit trees and bushes, garden. Good location, east side; $2,000 or $3,000 cash; balance $150 per mo. Ph. Winnetka 1492. FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE 7-ROOM Winnetka home, furnished. Now rent- ing for $225 per mo. Can be rented Oct. 1st to May 1st at $175 per month. P. W. BRADSTREET 520 Linden Ave. Ph. Winn, 147 and 162 T28-1tc FOR RENT--EAST SIDE WINNETKA, 8-room furn. house, from Nov. 15th to May 1st. Also unfurnished 7-rm house. Tel. Winn. 851 after 6:30. LTG46-1tc FOR RENT--5-RM. FLAT, OCCUPANCY Oct. 15th. Inquire at 784 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1719 T28-1tc FOR SALE APARTMENT FOR SALE--NEW 12-APT. BLDG, SIT- uated close to Howard St. and the lake in Rogers Park. Yearly rental $17,600. For particulars phone Rogers Park 3246. TG28-1tp WANTED--ALL KINDS OF ODD JOBS. Tel. Winn. 639-R. Ask for William. T28-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--EXPER. GIRL (WHITE) for cooking and first floor work; good wages; references required. Tel Win. 113. LTG46-1tc WANTED--TWO COMPETENT WHITE maids, cook and second. Tel. Winn. 565 Sunday morning. LTG46-1te WANTED -- RELIABLE, COMPETENT woman to work on the steam table at Welch's cafeteria, 1101 Central Ave. Wilmette. LTG46-1tc WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN, HALF day, preferably afternoons, to assist with housework and cooking. 910 Chestnut St. Tel. Wil. 2357. LTG46-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work; no washing; $15. Tel. Win. 523-R. Res. 789 Burr Ave., Hubbard Woods. LTG46-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN'L housework; refs. req. Neat and com- petent. Tel. Winn. 1606. 1302 Scott Ave. LTG46-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework from 9 to 5 o'clock every day except Snnday. Tel. 'Wil. 1158. LTG46-1tc WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'L HOUSE- work, two in family. Apply 923 Elm- wood Ave., Wilmette. TG28-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF infant 4 or 5 afternoons a week; 1:30 to 6:00 P. M. Tel. Sunday morning, Win. 496. T28-1tp stoves, anything bought, sold and ex- changed. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG35-tfc FOR SALE--VERY CHEAP, A FINE GAS stove; other articles, including fine books. 246 Pleasant Hill Rd. Tel. Glen. 250. TG28-1te FOR SALE--FURNITURE, GAS STOVE, good as new; bargain; 100 lb. ice box, $8; also children's furniture. Tel. Glen. 681. TG28-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY LIBRARY table, tapestry wing rocker, mahogany colonial dresser. Tel. Wil. 1117. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--TWO BEAUTIFUL LUX- ury chairs of solid mahogany, new up- holstered in satin damask. Practically new. Tel. Glen. 336. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--LLOYD GONDOLA BABY carriage used one year; cost $50; will sell for $10. Can be refinished, good as new. Tel. Win. 1519, LTG45-2tc OAK DINING TABLE, 4 CHAIRS, leather covered ($25); pr. portieres, mahogany talking machine, 50 records. Phone Winnetka 464. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--DINING ROOM OUTFIT, including table, 6 chairs and tea cart, sanitary couch. Tel. Win. 1763. LTG46-1tp FOR SALE--BRASS BED, BOX SPRGS, hair mattress, weathered oak library table, $35. Tel. Winn. 1717. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--ROUND FUMED OAK DIN- ing room table. Exe. condition. 477 Elder Lane, Winnetka. Winn. 1595. T28-1tc FOR SALE--MASON AND HAMLIN upright piano, $40. Bargain. Tel. Wil. _ 820-W. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--SQUARE PIANO, $25. 648 Cherry St., Winnetka. Telephone 297. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--RELIABLE GAS STOVE used one year. Large ice box. Dresser and odd pieces. Phone Glencoe 681. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--SEASON TICKET FOR Chicago Orchestra for Sat. night. Good seat, main floor. Reduced rate. Phone Win. 974. T28-1te FOR SALE -- DARK BLUE POIRET twill dress, size 36. Excellent cond. Ph. Win. 1277. T28-1tc FOR SALE--IVORY BASSINETTE AND mattress. Perfect condition. $10. Tel: Winnetka 1531. T28-1tc BUILDING TILE FOR SALE CHEAP. 533 Lincoln Ave., Glencoe. Phone Glen- __coe 587. i TG28-1te FOR SALE--NAVY BLUE TRICOTINE suit, practically new; size 44. Tel. Win. 1416. T28-1tc FOR SALE--CHILD'S BED IN GOOD condition. $5. Tel. Winnetka 847. T28-1te FOR SALE--LADY'S BROWN TAIL- ored suit and waist, size 36, $15. Winn. 543-M. LTG461te FOR SALE--CHILD'S HIGH CHAIR, $5. Tel. Win. 393. WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES USED CARS TERMS Reo Panel Truck, 1921 Dodge Touring, 1916 Dodge Winter Top, 1917 Overland 83-B, 6 Ford Sedan, 1921 Ford Speedster, 1918 Dodge Coupe, 1920 Haynes Touring, 1918 WINNETKA MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165 562 Lincoln Ave. LTG46-1te WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfe WANTED -- PROPERTIES, FARMS, autos, etc., for exchange. Can match any trade. State your wants for what you don't want. Describe fully. Addr. Lake Shore News B-97. LTG45-2tc WANTED--BICYCLE FOR A T7-YEAR- old boy. Tel. Winn. 523-R. Res. 789 Burr Ave., Winn. LG46-1te WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND good wicker go-cart. Tel. Win. 1652. T28-1tc WANTED TO BUY--DOLL CARRIAGE. Ph. Winnetka 631-J. T2§-1tc FOR SALE--STEPHENS SALIENT SIX; 1921 model, 5 pass. sedan. Fully equipped with front and rear bumpers, seat covers, 4 brand new cord tires. Car run about 10,000 miles. C. F. Collins, 560 Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glen. y LTG46-1te FOR SALE--ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE, guaranteed batteries, $250. Charging motor. Reas. Lyon and Healy upright piano, $50. - Tel. Wil. 1512. LTG46-1tc FOR SALE--1922 FORD COUPE. 5463608. Run less than 1,000 miles. Must sell. Ph. Mr. Leonard, Winnetka 617. TG28-1te FOR SALE--1922 OVERLAND SEDAN, used 5 months. Perfect cond.; many extras. Tel. Glen. 331-W. TG28-1te MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENT street, Wilmette, JAMES B. MCFARLANE, [Interior Decorator (formerly with Mandel Bros.) wishes to announce that on and after October 1st he will be located in the store at 519 4th Miss Kate Adams, Interior Decorating, Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers, Eic. Phone Wilmette 2228 formerly occupied by Advice and Estimates LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES LOST--YOUNG COLLIE DOG, BROWN and white; scar over right eye; brown spot on forehead. Answers to name of Bobby. Tel. Win. 569. Reward. TG28-1te LOST--AN AIREDALE PUPPY; NO collar; white spot on chest. Answers to name Lad. Reward. Tel. Win. 1071. T28-1tc JOST--DOG, SMALL BLACK "SCOTTY", terrier, from A. W. Davis farm, Locust Rd., Winn. Tel. Wil. 1789. Reward. T28-1tp LOST--A RED ELSIN VELOCIPEDE. Reward if returned to Mrs. Roth, 511 Willow St. Tel. Win. 1428. T28-1tc BEFOREjYOUEBUY A USED CAR SEE THE NEW GARDNER GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR $895 LEXINGTON CHICAGO CO 1008 Davis St. EVANSTON LTG37-tfc LOST--PEARL NECKLACE ON SATUR- day, Sept. 16, on Milwaukee electric or cor. of Ash and Poplar St., small plati- num and diamond clasp. Reward if re- turned to 535 Ash St. T28-1tc WANTED TO RENT MIS. WANTED TO RENT--VACUUM CLEAN- er 2 hours each week. Tel. Win. 1245. T28-1te LOST -- OLD FASHIONED GOLD bracelet week of Sept. 11th, between Lincoln and Eldorado; valued as keep- sake. Inscription N. B. N. to E. K. Reward. Tel. 978 Winneka. T28-1tp LOST--$10 REWARD FOR RETURN of wire haired fox terrier puppy missing since Sept. 12. Brown ears, black markings on back, white body. Please return to F. A. Stein, 564 Maple Ave. T28-1te Says War Proved Value Of Gas Fired Heaters The average residence plant burning coal seldom shows an efficiency in ex- cess of 30 per cent, it is said, meaning that 70 per cent of the heat values in coal are wasted in radiation, flue losses, imperfect combustion and in other ways. In a gas fired boiler of the best type 80 per cent or more of the heat units in gas fuel are diverted to the useful work of heating. Of course the very tangible losses represented in damage to the house and its contents, by ashes, dirt and soot incident in the use of coal and the labor in handling a coal fired plant are eliminated when gas is used. It is simply a matter of turning a valve. The war and the scarcity of fuel it created provided the necessary stimulant to American inventiveness, and the presént highly efficient gas fired boiler for heating, especially residences, is a concrete effect. A good many such boilers have been installed in private houses in the territory of the Public Service com- pany during the last two or three years. TELEPHONE FACTS The telephone conversations which take place every day over the wirss of the Bell system require in the ag- gregate an amount of time equivalent to 200 years. In the states east of the Mississippi River there are more telephones than there are in all the world outside of the United States. Over 4,500,000 telephone calls are made in New York City daily. The average number of telephone calls in all the cities and towns ot Great Britain is only 2,550,000 daily, PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG15-tfe LIGHT, SPEEDY GRID oUAD AT NEW TRIER Feel Fighting Spirit Will Carry Men Through "Light, but speedy and shifty," is the phrase that tells the story of New Trier's prospective 1922 football team. Lacking in hefty athletes, the school boasts a bevy of fast and intelligent players who are destined to be of con- siderable annoyance to suburban league championship aspirants, it is predicted. About seventy-five candidates for football honors turned out at Coach Linden's call early this week. The backfield is very light, accord-- ing to the school critics, but will have some fast and shifty material in men like McDermot, Madsen, Blymyer, Stoddard, Jones, King and Martin. At quarterback, Wilson and Blymyer seem destined to vie for the regular berth. The backfield averages 132 pounds. The line 1s heavy in the center, but tapers off toward the ends. Candi- dates for line positions include Tom King, Sutter, Jarrett, Hurlburt, Rob- bins, Crush, Rengal, Hughes, Fellman, Osgood, Peaster Wood and Horn. New Trier first game is Saturday, September 30, with Des Plaines High school as the opposition. One casualty of the practice season is DePau who this week suffered a fractured collar bone. AUTOMOBILE FIRE The Wilmette Fire department was summoned to Sheridan road Monday afternoon to extinguish a blaze in an automobile on the boulevard. The damage to the machine was slight, ac- cording to Fire Chief Zibble.