WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1922 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OF PERSONAL MENTION Society To Sponsor Triple Card Party Benefit Grove House MAMMOTH bridge party in three sections, one in Win- netka, one in Evanston ana one in Chicago, will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 10, for the benefit of the Grove House for Convalescents. 'Mrs. Hathaway Watson, Mrs Cuthbert Adams, Mrs. Francis Butler, Mrs. Cal- vin Fentress, Mrs. H. A. deWindt, Mrs. R. H. Hobart, Mrs. Lawrence Houtel- ing, Mrs. William B. McIlvaine, Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, Mrs. Merritt Starr, Mrs. John Stuart, Mrs. Arthur Tuttle and Mrs. Morris Wilson compose the committee of the Winnetka division. The drawing rooms in the homes of Mrs. Hathaway Watson, Mrs. James L. Houteling, Mrs Ralph Hobart, Mrs. Hermon B. Butler, and one other to be announced at a later date, will be opened for the affair. Mrs Houteling is a daughter of the ate Mrs. S. B Peabody, who was .cominently identified with the found- ing of Grove House more than thirty years ago. The institution was in- corporated in 1902, and cares for hun- dreds of women and children recom- mended by hospitals and social service organizations, who need a period of rest and care before returning to work. It has had little publicity, de- pending largely upon private sub- scriptions and upon the small amounts the patients themselves are sometimes able to pay. The Evanston party is to be held in the ball room of the North Shore hotel. The committee working hard for its success includes Mesdames D. H. Vernon, Frederick 8. Colburn, George Dryden, Chester Ericson, P. C. Fuller, A. B. Jones, John Towne and John E. Wilder. Tickets for tables for the affair may be secured from any member of (he committee. A number of the local firms and some in Chicago, have gen- erously donated prizes for the benefit. ---- The North Shore Musical Society, formerly known as The Wilmette Musical Society, held the first meeting of the season Tuesday afternoon, Sep- tember 12. Mrs. Frances Copthorne of Hubbard Woods, was the hostess. A most enjoyable program of Indian music was given by Mrs. Marjorie Sherman, Mrs. Ernau Blythe Akely, Mrs. Eugenia McShane, Miss Pauline Pettibone, Miss Dorothy Rae, Mrs. Burkhart and the vocal trio, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Seaver and Miss Rae. The organization holds its regular meeting the first Tuesday of each month. No more beautiful setting for the lecture "Art in Nature," by our great cenius Jens Jensen, could be found than on the Arrowood lawn on last Thursday night. A curtain stretched with the overhanging boughs and the hugh elms behind it, formed an ideal background for those glimpses of na- ture paintings which were made so real by the great understanding of Jens. Jensen. Nature's handiwork was carried be- yond the screen when the Japanese lanterns illumined the flora of the gar- den and the large chestnut tree with its spreading branches adorning the vast lawn. This was the opening of the season of 1922-23 of the North Shore Mac- Dowell Society, whose officers are: Mrs. Milton Arrcwood, president; Jens Jensen, first vice-president; Oliver Hinsdell, secoid vice-president; Mrs. Arthur Dean, corresponding secretary; Pierre Blouke, recor:ting secretary and treasurer. --_C--- The Park Ridge School for Girls is a non-sectarian institution for the care of dependent girls. The cottages at the school are taken care of either by clubs or by private individuals On September 27, the committee in charge of the Chicago Woman's Club cottage are giving a card party at the Winnetka Woman's club. The pro- ceeds from the party will go toward repairs, furnishings of the cottage, and for some little pleasures for the girls. Mrs. Stanley Clague, 323 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, chairman, is being assisted by Mrs. Mark Cresap, Mrs. John R. Montgomery, Mrs. Merritt Starr, Mrs. Frank J. Bersbach, Mrs. G. Stanley Parker, Mrs. Edward Rogers, and Mrs. John Vennema. Tickets may be purchased in Kenil- worth from Mrs. Mark Cresap, Mrs. Lillian J. Taylor, or Mrs. Stanley Clague; in Winnetka, from Mrs. Frank J. Bersbach, Mrs. Edward Rogers, Mrs. Arthur Dean, Mrs. John R. Montgom- ery, Mrs. Percival Hunter, Mrs. Ches- ter Sargent, Mrs. William A. Thrall or Mrs. Dudley French; in Glencoe, from Mrs. George Pope, and in Evans- ton from Mrs. G. Stanley Parker of the Evanston hotel. Gee The Winnetka Woman's Club will start the work for the season of 1922- 23 on Thursday, October 5. A new departure has been made from the opening of recent years. This will be a luncheon at 1:20 o'clock in honor | | of former presidents of the club. Six of the presidents of other years will be present and each will make a five- minute talk, after which a musical program will be given, in charge of the Music committee. Checks for luncheon reservation may be sent not later than Saturday, September 30, to Mrs. Stephen A. Fos- ter, 596 Maple avenue, chairman of the Social committee or to any of the following members of the commit- tee: Mrs. Marc Newman, Mrs. Frank J. Bersbach, Mrs. Godfrey Atkin, or Mrs. Pierce Ward. No reservations will be made later than Monday, Oc- tober 2. It is hoped that each member of the club will avail herself of this oppor- tunity to attend a pleasant social at- fair, greet other members after the summer's vacation, and start the year with enthuziasm. --( The marriage of Miss Ethel Carl- son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward O. Carlson of Hubbard Woods, to Dr. Harold J. Lynn took place on Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, on Gage street. Rev. J. W. F. Davies, read the servy- ice "at eight-thirty o'clock. After a wedding trip of ten days or so, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn will make their home in one of the new apartments on G- ze street. Ee Oaos Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Thompson, 1067 Oak street, had as their week- end guests Mrs. Thompson's niece, Miss Mildred Joeckel and Mr. Harold Fischer of Lake Mills, Wis. Miss Joeckel was en route to Galesburg to enter Knox college; Mr. Fischer was on his way to Bethlehem, Pa., where he will resume his studies at the Moravian college. rn ( On Tuesday last, the new Oak Street Circle met with Mrs. Richard B. Web- ster on Provident avenue. There was a very good attendance, all of whom immensely enjoyed the musical selec- tions rendered by Miss Marion Osten. The October meeting will be an- nounced shortly and it is sincerely hoped that each and every member will endeavor to be present. -- The first meeting and luncheon of the Woman's Guild of Christ Church, will take place on Monday, the second of October. Rev. R. R. Patton, D. D., a representative of the Presiding Bishop and Council, will speak on the new program for the church recently adopted at the Portland convention. --Q-- Mrs. Harvey Brewer, 759 Burr ave- nue, has become affiliated with the Columbia School of Music. Mrs. Brewer will have charge of the violin department of all branches on the north shore, and will be in her studio at 545 Lincoln avenue, this morning from 10 to 12. --_---- Miss Lois Coffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Coffin, Miss Vir- ginia Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Miller, and Miss Mary Louise von Hofsten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo O. von Hofsten, are leav- ing October 1 to attend Bryn Mawr college. -----0-- A birthday party was given Sep- tember 14 for Charles Harding III at the home of his parents, 915 Eu- clud avenue. The guests included Ann Harding, Bud Robinson, Roy West, Betty and Jimmy Gillies, Bill Rothschild, Bergus and Loring Far- well, and Margaret and Scotsin Web- be. gy Mrs. James F. Porter entertained at luncheon yesterday at her home, in Hubbard Woods, for her daughter, Miss Nancy Porter, who will attend Rush Medical College at the Univer- sity of Chicago this winter. There were covers for twelve guests. Miss Elizabeth Kales will also attend Rush Medical this winter with Miss Porter. The first meeting of the Hawthorne Lane Circle will be held Tuesday, September 26, at the home of Mrs. W. R English, 375 Hawthorne lane. Mrs. Charles A. Tibbals will be the assisting hostess. A full attendance is urged as several matters of interest discussion. --_--Q--- Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Zeda Wilson of Glencoe, which took place on Wednesday, Sep- ice. up their residence in Glencoe. ----O-- Skokie Country club announces a dinner dance for Saturday evening of an interesting group of artists, includ- Missier, violinist, and Robert McDon- ald, accompanist, will present the program at the Musicale. el gull Mr. and Mrs. William Cowper Boy- den, 725 Pine street, formally will pre- | sent to society their daughter, Miss Margaret Boyden, at a tea to be given Saturday, September 30, from 4 to 7 o'clock. Miss Boyden will resume her studies at Bryn Mawr on October 4. --0-- Miss Rachel Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Foster of 596 | Maple avenue, who is returning with Miss Boyden to Bryn Mawr college next month, will make her debut at | a tea to be given by her parents dur- | ing the Christmas holidays. -- Mrs. Alfred Benson and son Bruce, | Lincoln avenue, left last week for | Quebec, to meet Mrs. Benson's mother, | Mrs. C. B. Davey, 870 Linden avenue, who arrived Sunday on the S. S. Can- ada from England. Mrs. Davey spent the summer touring through Belgium and France. --0-- | Monsieur Georges Cauuet will open | his French classes at the Winnetka | Woman's club as in previous years, | on October 9. expects to conduct a special class in conversation and a series of lectus. On Dr. G. E. Beard of Chicago Tubercu- losis will be at the Gross Point Health Center, Ridge avenue, near Wilmette avenue, on Tuesday. Sepember 26, at 10 a, m. mette 882, for further particulars. --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rockwell and family, who sold their home on Lincoln avenue, in the spring, and moved temporarily on Pine street, moved into their new home in Chest- nut street, yesterday. VeYyone needs a Jace Bleach You will look Live shades lighter with positively no skin rrrifation when you securea REE? BLEACH MASK Paste bleach and whitening | cream used daily will | complete the rejuvenat- ing process OBTAINED AT |" PHOEBE JANE 747 Elm Street Winnetka 822 WINNETKA, ILL. JESSE ROYCE LANDIS Studio of DRAMATIC ART 1527 Kimball Building Instruction may be had in Evanston as well as Chicago Phones Harrison 7949 Evanston 1698 Miss Burton H. Atwood Teacher of Voice 839 Elm St. Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1214 JOHN MILLS Carpenter and Contractor Estimates given on old and new work 694 CENTER STREET Phone Winnetka 1200 -- Delicious Ice Cream Birthday Cakes Catered to your Individual order Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 ] ] 5 1 1 Ye Le LLL LLL] Situation Wanted Experienced Gardener in all branches Wants permanent position in private family. Good refs. (Married, small family.) Address Oscar Palm, Kibbie, Michigan. and importance will be brought up tor | to Mr. William IL. Rogers of Winnetka, tember 20. Rev. J. W. F. Davies of the | Congregational church, read the serv- | Mr. and Mrs. Rogers will take | this week, and on Sunday afternoon | ing Cooper Lawley, tenor, Alvo De- | | Later in the season he | Telephone Miss Queen, Wil-| Mr and Mrs. Charles Rundell Pierce | of 210 Maple Hill road, Glencoe, an- nounce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Miss Kathryn Roxana Pierce, to | Lieutenant John Hawkins Elleman, | U. S.A. | To | The Archibald Brady family, who | occupied the Alfred G. Freeman house [at 651 Lincoln avenue, during the | summer, have gone to the Moraine | hotel, Highland Park, for the winter. Miss Mary Louise Fenton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenton, 818 Bryant avenue, Miss Eleanor Eckhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eck- hart of Kenilworth, will attend Miss Madiera's school in Washington, D. C., this year. Mr. Frederick Sellers will be the guest of his brother, George Sellers, 807 Pine street, for the winter while he attends Northwestern University. KATHLEEN AIR, Principal Winnetka Branch PHONE WINNETKA 974 Corumsia Scuoor, or Music CL ARE OSBORNE REED, Director MRS. HARVEY BREWER Violin Sight Reading Classes for Piano Ensemble Classes for Violin and Piano 545 LINCOLN AVE' 809 Oak Street Winnetka POLLY. PRIM SHOP Announces a SALE of their Exclusive HAND-MADE DRESSES Sizes 3 to 6, and LIGHT COLORED SWEATERS Phone Winnetka 1635 | | widths. It is with pride we show this dis- tinctive Ruby Pump. Medium broad toe. High arch, narrow at heels. To be worn with or without Buckles. | Our Shoes run to size 9% in all Alfred J RU BY Inc Oa Washington near Michigan RUBY"S Afternoon Pump Warner's WRAP-AROUND A new kind of "wrap-around "' that even the fuller figure can wear. Elastic panels instead of lacing, but enough brocade to prevent loss of figure control. G. L. Zick & Co. DRY GOODS Store of Quality and Service WINNETKA i GE a EE Laine gigs ote igorlct pit Se hs Sd ee Eady. hs aig