gs oN WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1922 DAY SCHOOL PROJECT UNDERWAY Proposed group of buildings to supplant the present structures of the North Shore Day School at Win- netka. The 14%, acres of ground the school has under lease are now the school property by recent pur- chase, the directors announce. oGHOOL LAUNCHES BUILDING PROJECT Country Day School Has New Plans North Shore Country Day school has been incorporated and announces the purchase of the 141, acres of ground it has been using in Winnetka and construction of the first of a group of buildings to cost $275,000 to supplant the present structures. The first unit is an upper school building to cost $80,000 and ground has already been broken. "The North Shore Country Day school at Winnetka, after two years tentative operation has now been in- corporated as a permanent institution not for profit," the directors announce. "Negotiations have been concluded whereby the corporation will acquire title from Francis King Cooke to about 1414 acres of land and the buildings thereon, located between Forest avenue and Church street, Winnetka. The school has been oper- ating in the old buildings on this site during the formative period," the an- nouncement continues. First Unit Underway "The purchase of this valuable prop- erty and the new buildings planned, permanently assure to the residents of the North Shore a modern and beautiful institution comparable to the best preparatory schools of the coun- try. "Ground has already been broken for the erection of the first unit, an upper school building, which dis part of the comprehensive plan. "About three years ago a group of Winnetka men persuaded Perry Dun- lap Smith to consider the develop- ment of such a school, and the offer was finally accepted. Since its in- ception, in spite of inadequate equip- ment, the growth of the school has been remarkable, the enrollment of pupils last year amounting to 285 with a waiting list of 175, Directors Praise Public School "Organized as a corporation not for profit, non sectarian in character and administered by a large staff of com- petent teachers, the school will round cut and supplement the excellent but already crowded facilities of the pub- lic schools on the North Shore. The association between the faculties of the North Shore school and the neigh- boring public schools has been a source of benefit to both groups. "The board of directors responsible for the business management of the school comprises the following Win- netka residents: Frederick H. Scott, Calvin Fentress, Cornelius Lynde, Agyes Boal, Robert H. Ripley, Willoughby G. Walling, Robert Stevenson, jr., H. Spaulding Coffin, and Charles T. Mordock. Community House Names Hostesses for 1922-23 The list of women who will act as "hostesses" in Community House (one each evening) throughout the coming season is complete. This is a volunteer service--one of the many that is being offered to the community through Community House. Those giving this service are: First Week of Month Monday, Mrs. Edmund B. Bartlett. Tuesday, Mrs. Merritt Lum. Wednes- day, Mrs. Taliaferro Milton. Thurs- day, Mrs. Frank T. Crawford. Second Week Monday, Mrs. George D. Wolf, Tues- day, Mrs. Charles E. Butler. Wednes- day, Mrs. Joseph Brown. Thursday, Mrs. Stanley Simpson. Third Week Monday, Mrs. James Beardslee, Tuesday, Miss Ruth Matz. Wednes- day, Mrs. William Woolfolk. Thurs- day, Mrs. Louis Beale. Fourth Week Monday, Mrs. Ralph Snyder. Tues- day, Mrs. William Moffat. Wednes- day, Mrs. Wallace Rumsey. Thurs- day, Mrs. William McCauley. Fifth Week Monday, Mrs. Charles Wise. Tues- Your photograph by appointment in your home or at our studio Stanton Wilhite Photographer WINNETKA day, Mrs. William Truesdale. Wed- nesday, Mrs. Montague Ferry, Thurs- day, Mrs. John Bunker. Mrs. Frank T. Crawford is the gen- eral chairman of the Community House hostesses. . Business Men Hold Dinner in Winnetka Monday, Oct. 16 Business and professional men of the township are to be the guests of the New Trier Commercial association Monday evening, October 16, at a din- ner at Winnetka Community House. The committee in charge of arrange- ments for the dinner promises a pro- gram of unusual interest, which will include a prominent speaker and special music. Every business man in New Trier ig invited to this dinner, which is the first of the regular monthly dinners j given each year by the association. THE KEY KONTEST! is drawing near Adams Pharmacy will offer at an early date A subdivision of the property of one of Winnet- ka's old homesteads. It is in the central eastern part of town, close to the lake, yet convenient to transportation. The Trees Are Magnificent Prices are low for such choice sites. The recent activity in this section indicates a ready market. IF YOU WISH ADVANCE INFORMATION McGUIRE. & ORR Winnetka Office 541 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 672 McGuire & Orr PHONE OUR LOCAL OFFICE Established 1894 Chicago Office 69 W. Washington St. Phone Randolph 2981 LLEESSUE Confort won through a mans own effort proves fo be a double blessing BE HE cash that a man earns; the money that he saves brings him greater comfort than any accidental fortune. Begin to save part of what you earn. Open a savings account now. A small amount of money will suffice. WINNETKA 1559 | Sherman cost you no more than others. Cash Meat Market SAT. ONLY | oon htssomsran oi OUR CHICKENS are strictly fresh, home dressed---and yet they We give our personal attention to the careful selection and dressing of every bit of poultry we sell. Our prices are never high. Evanston Illinois SAT. ONLY Best Fresh Nestes Re Fresh or Pickled Peacock 9Q 1 Dressed oast o Beef Hams 26zc Hens 30c Beef 32¢ Tongue 30c Best Fresh Dressed Feary Leg of Fresh Calves' P k Spring 1 pring 1 Li poaene. 30c. § Hoan 3c lamb. 33: ver" 40c | a ---_- Sips ir Very Best Por- Neome? 183 5 posh; Calves' a terho weet- 3 £ St ; 55¢ Beef ... ¢ breads . 65¢ Swift's Very Best Foney Leg Be Sir Pork Premi 3 Sirloin 0 1 ender- Cr ee AC ve. 28:¢ ie. DIC " a= SPCR v0 ow BISA NE SIRE = PF NSA 5 x ips AR ii 4