eu BULLETIN BOMRD HAS SEMMON FOREACH DY Wilmette Baptist Church Adopts Novel Method of Reaching"Passing Throng" PASTOR INVENTS IDEA Thought For Every Day Given Passersby Preaching by means of a bulletin board is the latest method of reaching the "passing throng." The Wilmette Baptist church has in- troduced this novel feature on the north shore and the idea, employed successfully in other localities, was originated by the Rev. Francis Carr Stifler, pastor of the Wilmette Baptist church. The Daily Message Passersby at the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues have their atten- tion arrested by thought compelling messages conveyed by a handsome bulletin board placed on the church lawn. Through the co-operation of the members of the vigorous Young People's society of the church this board is contributing effectively to the preaching ministry of the church. "Many churches have hesitated to install a bulletin board because they did not appreciate the scope of possi- bilities that lay within it," Mr. Stifler writes in the preface of a booklet he issued a few years ago when he adopted the plan of a Preaching Bul- letin Board. "To merely announce from week to week the topics of ser- mons and other church events is the least of the functions of one of these boards. They should rather be made to preach." Explains Effective Methods "Nineteen centuries of Christian thought has developed a wealth of lit- erature that touches the heart of God's truth," the preface continues. "This literature is studded with gems of ex- pression that the plainest man can un- derstand and appreciate. It is these gems that the Bulletin Board can use as its sermons." "These gems should be short, so short that they can be read from a passing car. They should contain no long or unfamiliar words. They should not be prosy. The more they smack of the aphoristic the better they will be. All the devices of rhetoric that give ex- pression sticking power should be sought--alliteration, contrast hyper- bole. Choose words that are pictur- esque rather than words that are philosophical in tone." The booklet of Bulletin Board ser- mons contains suggestions for every "church holiday and observance as well as patriotic and national events and other special occasions. There are also suggestions for plain) every day living. Examples of sermons that have been preached from the Baptist church Bul- letin Board include: "If you would train a child in the way he should go, you must walk once or twice in the way yourself.' -- Josh Billings. "Think seldom of your enemies, often of your friends, and every day of Christ."--Henry van Dyke. "Charity should begin at home, but it should not stay there. Life is ser- vice."--Phillips Brooks. "For. the noblest man that lives there still remains a conflict."--James A. Garfield. The book of suggestions also con- tains a wealth of scriptural quotations covering every phase of life.. HONE WINNETKA 110 P (T--m----;"y HARRY PORTER Furniture Moving Expressing Shipping and Packing SPECIAL TRIPS to CITY MOTOR SERVICE | Te 845 SPRUCE ST., WINNETKA He's Blue With Pinches to Find He's Awake E. L. Vaughn is attending the Wil- mette Post of the American Legion held a circus a few weeks ago. Vaughn came to Chicago several weeks ago intent upon taking up studies at Armour. Upon arrival from Peoria he soon found that his meager savings would barely reach beyond the A. B. C's at the institute and he prepared to return home and settle down to work. With a few days to spare before the homeward journey, he decided upon a sight-seeing tour along the north shore. Observing the charming con- fines of Wilmette he ,quite by acci- dent, wandered into the circus grounds on Twelfth street. There he was in- troduced to the conditions involving the grand prize and made a small in- vestment. Vaughn is attending Armour Insti tute. Dame fortune favored him not a little and he managed to exchange the car "coin of the realm" so satis- factorily that he'll not have to worry about funds for some time to come. Offer Some "Do's" for Fire Prevention Week Known as the college in which the word don't has been eliminated from its academic vocabulary, the National [Kindergarten and Elementary Col- lege--specialist in the business of childhood--today issued a series of "do's" on fire protection and juvenile safety as its contribution to Fire Pre- vention Week. The safety message went to more than 5,400 children of Chicago and environs in the 72 Kin- dergartens and public schools in which college students are serving as cadet teachers. The "do's" follow: Leave all matches in Mother's match box. : Keep away from Mother's cook stove. Be sure fire is out before leaving bonfire. Light bonfires away from buildings. Obey fire alarm signals at once. Be familar with exits. Stoop to floor if there is smoke in room. Roll on floor, wrapping a rug around you, if your clothes catch fire. 1) WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1922 FX SCHOOL BOS FORLICAL PUPLS Step is Necessitated by Heavy Enrollment With the largest increase In the number of pupils enrolled in the Win- netka public schools that has ever been recored in the history of the vil- lage officials of the school have found it necessary to tighten up the school boundaries and to require each child to attend the school in the district in which he lives. The total enrollment of all the Win- netka schools for the month of Sep- tember was 1,150. This means that the enrollment for the year will prob- ably exceed 1,370. Because of the large enrollment it was necessary to put in rush orders by telegraph for extra desks and seats. Each of the four schools has shown a marked in- crease. Established Boundaries The boundaries of the four schools are as follows: Hubbard Woods: On the west of the tracks, all territory north of number 700; on the east of the tracks, all territory north of the center line of Summit street and Lloyd Place. Gree- ley school: All territory west of the tracks and southern portions of Lin- THE KEY KONTEST! is drawing near Adams Pharmacy BN ic aha A ABA A In referring to the best material for Hh Bulletin Board use Rev. Stifler says, d th th th th th th th : ~The Home of The | Well Groomed Car 2 Our Service is unexcelled, Our Storage is reasonable, Our Mechanics are thorough, Our l.ocation 1s central, 724-30 Elm Street Winnetka PHONE 25-841 th th th th th th th th th th Hh th th th th th th th th th 3 th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th 5 5 RICHARDSON'S GARAGE | A HH EH LH A A A A den, Ridge and Forest, optional; on the east of the tracks, all territory south of center line of Cherry street or east of Cedar street, except the block between Cedar and Walnut, which is optional. Fourth and Fifth grades Skokie: All territery west of number 830. Horace Mann: Every- thing not included in the three above districts. DEATH TAKES CHILD William Engelhard, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Engelhard, 1045 Starr road, died Tuesday, October 3, at the Henrotin hospital. North Shore Women Adopt Members of the Boys' Club The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of New Trier township at a meeting this week at the home of Mrs. L. E. Blunt, 1008 Oakwood avenue, voted to adopt a boy in the Chicago Boys' club, paying his membership fees in the club and defraying the expense of his summer outing at Lake Winona. The meeting at which this action was taken, was addressed by Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, of Evanstou, known as the "mother to the Chicago Boys' club". Cholice Sanitary Meats Our butcher shop is the last word in sani- tation and cleanliness. Choice meats are received daily and kept chilled and fresh in our perfect refrigerators. In buying from us you get only the best every day and our prices are no higher than you pay elsewhere. You'll be delighted with our Service if you will let us convince you with a trial. PETERS MARKET A. PETERS, Prop. Phones 920-921-922 734 Elm Street WINNETKA Welch's Cafeteria Wilmette -- We pride 'ourselves in keeping our premises spotlessly clean. Food cooked and serv- ed in a sanitary place always more appetizing. That's why our food tastes so good. Dine Today the Cafeteria Way 1s conditions known. Merchants will ience! \\ Winnetka Transportation Costs play. a larger part in economic than is Western farmers burning good corn because it is cheaper than coal; in the East prices for corn are high as ever. Transportation cost is the answer. find that transfer service will save them a nice piece of money in the course of a year--and that's not mention- ing superior service and conven- generally are our 232 SCULLY TRALEE © EXPRESSING &'MOVING 6 PROUTY ANNEX WINNETKA , ILL. '