i: OCIAL Miss Virginia Wales Will Be Autumn Bride; Date Set for Oct. 21 HE marriage of Miss Vir- ginia Wales to George Bush- nell of Evanston, son of Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Bushnell of Lincoln, Neb.,, will take place at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Albert H. Wales, 385 Ridge avenue, on Saturday, October 21, at five -o'clock. The Rev. Norman Hut- ton of St. Chrysostom's Church will read the service. Mrs. Richard Cutler, sister of the bride, will act as matron of honor and Mr. John Bushnell will serve his brother as best man. Miss Dorothy Brewster of Chicago gave a dinner at her home on Oec- tober 6 for Miss Wales and Mr. Bush- nell. On October 19 there will be a dinner party for the bride at the home of her parents, and Mrs. Charles E. Butler, aunt of the bride, will be hos- tess at a dinner party at her home in Hubbard Woods on October 20. Mr. Bushnell and his bride will be at home after November 1 at 7728 Haskins avenue, Rogers Park. --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Chapman Marshall, 1092 Spruce street, are the proud par- ents of a six-pound boy, Guy Chester Marshall. Mrs. Marshall was for- merly Miss Dorothy Chester, a teach- er in the Horace Mann school. a, Yah Mrs. Anna Forberg, 962 Linden ave- nue, left Saturday of last week for an extended visit with her daughter, Rowena, who is attending the Univer sity of Wisconsin. ---- Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Paulson, 1127 Laurel avenue, left Sunday for New York, to attend a dinner given by Cap- tain Holst on board ship just before his departure for Europe. Miss Kath- ryn Paulsen is leaving this week to attend an initiation banquet at Way- land academy. ee Oe Mr. Everett L. Harris, 334 Forest avenue, has just returned from New York city, where he attended the con- vention of the American Bankers' as- sociation. . --_---- The MacDowell Musical Club of Winnetka held a guest meeting at the Winnetka Woman's club Monday afternoon, October 9. An ensemble program was given assisted by Agnes Bodholdt Conover, Pianist, and Hubert Conover, cellist. The entire program follows: 1 Ouverture zu Sakuntala ........ vn alata tee Carl Goldmark Mesdames Dean, Hunter, Whitman and Kellum 0, Lovely Night .......... von Fielitz PIOYTOL vives orev viens Jessie Johnson Beauteous Morn ....Edward German Mesdames Robinson, Hansel and Cooley Mrs. Dwight C. Orrcutt, Accompanist, III Valse from Suite Op. 15 .. For two pianos . .Arensky . Mesdames Ascheim and Kingery Breezes of Springtime ....! A. Jensen Dreams vic vied sini von Fielitz Wind Fairies: ...... Lucien G. Chaffin Mesdames Robinson, Hansel and Cooley Vv 'Walzer aus dem Ballet "Dornroschen" aii ve Tschaikowsky Mesdames Dean, Hunter, Kellum and Whitman VI Sonata in A Minor For piano and cello Allegro agitato--Andante molte tranquillo Agnes Borholdt Conover --Q-- The Winnetka League of Women Voters has an unusually strong pro- gram for the fall work with many at- tractive features. The, non-partisan afternoon teas being given this week by the district chairmen of the league are for the purpose of enlisting the serious attention of our newcomers to the importance of becoming a member of the league and helping in the work of this organization. On Monday, October 16, the chair- man of memberships of the league, Mrs. Frank T. Crawford, and her com- mittee will inaugurate a one-week in- tensive drive for memberships. On October 25, Wednesday after- noon, at three o'clock, at the Winnetka Woman's Club, Mrs. Florence Kelly, National Head of the Consumer's League and a pioneer in the work for protective legislation for women, will speak on the 8-hour law and other measures pertaining to the protection of women in industry. On Wednesday evening, November 1, at 8 o'clock at the Winnetka Wom- an's Club there will be a candidates' meeting. Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, sec- ond vice-president of the league and chairman of program, has invited all the candidates of the County Com- missioner's ticket from towns outside of Chicago and also the candidates a 1 sew. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1922 CTIVITIES for the president of the Board of Com- missioners of Cook County. This is an important meeting for every voter. Will you do your part to spread this notice among your neigh- bors and friends? The league meetings are open to every citizen in Winnetka. Oc The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Herrick Main, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stillman Main, to Harri- son ReQua Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Johnston, took place on Satvrday afternoon last in Christ Church. Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard read the service at four o'clock. The bridal gown of white chiffon velvet, trimmed with old rose point lace, was very beautiful indeed. The same lace was used in a coronet to hold the tulle veil in place, and the bouquet was a shower of white or- chids and valley lilies. Miss Jannette Main, sister of the bride, and Miss Mary Johnston, sister of the groom, were the maids of hon- or. Miss Main wore orchid chiffon trimmed with brown, a brown velvet hat, and brown slippers and hose. Miss Johnston's frock was of green chiffon, with brown trimmings, and By request the Community Circles of Winnetka will repeat their "stunt party" on Saturday, October 14, at 8 p. m. A small admission will go to the Circle fund for furnishings of 'ne new Community House. -- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barker, Provident avenue, returned from a ten day visit at Chippewa Falls, Wis., on Tuesday. --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. William Ogden Cole- man, 471 Hill road, returned yester- day from a stay at French Lick Springs, Ind. Hg Mrs. Rose Wolff was recently called east by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Gray, and her granddaughter, Both are reported improving. Cin Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McKinney and family, 1215 North avenue, have re- turned from their summer home at Wequetonsing, Mich. ig-- Mrs. N. Reynolds Brooks, 1183 Scott avenue, has as her guest her mother, Mrs. Porter of Boston, for several weeks. Sldgetit Gemmill, 812 Lincoln avenue, have returned from Hamlin Lake, Mich., after an absence of several months. --Q-- she also wore a brown hat and brown slippers and hose. . John Hamilton Main, small brother of the bride, was ring bearer, Byron Webster of St. Paul was best man, ! and ushering were Leon Walker of San Francisco, and Wheelock Whit- ney of St. Cloud, Minn., Edwin Winter of Chicago, James Secor of Toledo, James E. Melville of Omaha and C.: Howard Johnston, Jr. A reception followed the ceremony at the Main home, on Hill road. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston will reside in the Lincoln Oaks apartmen{ in St. Paul. --0-- ; Everyone seems to be doing it in rhyme these days. Invitations, an- nouncements, acceptances, yes and even circle meetings have chosen the "rhymy" way to put their meeting announcements across. In the mail this week came the following bit uf verse: "Oak Street Circle. "On Tuesday afternoon, seventeenth, The Oak Street Circle Replogel will meet. October with Mrs. "Miss Struggles will assist as hostess that day, Come one--Come all! None need stay away. "There'll be a good program we sew easy seams; A"social" hour will follow; you know what that means. i | "So plan to come out on Tuesday of | next week, To the meeting at eight seventy-three Cherry Street." --O-- . The Ash Street Circle will meet Tuesday, October 17, at 2:30 o'clock in the home of Mrs. E. Irving Belote, 915 Ash Street, with Mrs. James L. Woolsey assisting. Mrs. Washburn, candidate for County Commissioner, will speak and Mrs. Roberts Coit Meleney will give a talk on Africa, and will have her African display with her. Mrs. J. C. Keur of Chicago will sing. A, WL The Illinois Democratic Woman's Mrs. W. F. Groene, 903 Cherry street, will return today from a visit in Kansas City, with her mother, Mrs. Sarah White, and other relatives. =O The Evanston Smith College Circle, in which there are many north shore members, met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. El, O. McNair, Jr., in Evanston. Sagi Mrs, John Olmsted and family, who spent the smmer and early fall in the east, returned this week to their home, on Private road. --_--C Mr. and Mrs. William P. MacCrack- en, Jr., 1427 Prairie avenue, has as her guest this month Miss Lalafay Lacy of Waco Tex, Ha, EY Mr. and Mrs. James Prindiville, of Willow road, have returned from the Berkshires. --_---- Mrs. Stamford White has issued cards for a reception to be given at her home, 419 Sheridan road, on Wed- nesday, October 18, in honor of Mrs. H. Earl Hoover and Mrs. R. Leroy Huszagh. CONFECTIONER TO HOSPITAL Gustav Makris, Sweet Shop on Lincoln avenue, was taken to the Evanston hospital Mon- day of this week, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. He was reported convalescing satisfac- torily later this week. The Misses Martha and Elizabeth proprietor of the! Er ----. Kenilworth Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Dee A. Stoker left in Septemler for an extended trip hiough the West. They intend to isit Denver, Colorado Springs, Seattle Los Angeles and San Francisco and on their return trip the Grand Can yon and Kansas City. They are ex- pected home on October 31. ye Miss Ruth Murray of Albany, N. Y.. is the gu st of the Misses Dorothy and Emily Foresman, 515 Essex road. The Misses Foresman entertained a: bridge on Wednesday evening in honor of their houseguest. Mrs. Hen- 1y R. Rathbone entertained at an informal tea on Friday of last week. --_--Q-- Miss Louisa Sanborn, who with her mother, Mrs. Victor C. Sanborn went to Ceylon in July after several months in Italy and France, has gone to Singapore, Mandalay and Rangoon with her aunt, Mrs. G. F. M. Ennis of Colombo. | = | Mr. and Mrs. Bentley McCloud, 416 | Cumnor road, are receiving congrat- ulations upon the birth of a daughter, Nancy Ellen. Mrs. McCloud and her small daughter will return home to- morrow from the Presbyterian hospi- tal. hn eid Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone, 312 Sheridan road, who is politically ac- tive, is one of the women booked to speak at several Women's clubs in the State in behalf of Mr. Rathbone and his platform. --_--O-- Mrs. F. F. Skeel and daughter of Edgewater, have purchased and are now occupying the Kessler house at 338 Woodstock avenue. Mrs. Skeel is a sister of Mrs. F. M. Simmons of Wil mette. gm The marriage of Miss Agnes Burk- hart of Kenilworth to Mr. Frank Winkens of Wilmette took place on Wendesday evening at the home of Rev. Herman G. Meyer, 406 Prairie avenue. Miss Alicia Pratt announces the reopening of her DANCING CLASSES on Friday, Oct. 20th, at the Winnetka Woman's Club. CHARACTER, INTERPRETATIVE and the NEWEST BALL-ROOM STEPS will be featured in addition to the usual advanced work. Special class for begin- ners will be included in the course. plicants for Admissi Ap 2 Call Evanston 2433 747 Elm St. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Gerould, who have been living with Mrs. Ger- ould's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tay- lor, Jr., 431 Essex road, are now mak- ing their home with Mr. Gerould's mother in Evanston. --_---- Mrs. Alfred McDougal and Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 Abbottsford road, entertained at an informal brdige on Thursday, October 12, in honor of Miss Ruth Murray, who is visiting the Misses Dorothy and Emily Fores- man. --_---- Mrs. F. W. Cherry, 422 Abbottsford road, entertained her Bridge club at unchcon, Thursday at her home. Mrs. D'Aix, 307 Melrose avenue, and Mrs. Warren Pease, 320 Leicester road, left Wednesday on a short mo- tor trip through southern Illinois, stopping at La Salle, Starved Rock, Peoria and Springfield. io Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone is one of the Kenilworth women who took a table at the benefit card party for Grove House at the North Shore ho- tel in Evanston on Tuesday last. --_-- Mrs. Leon Thomas Ellis, 640 Hin- man avenue, entertained at tea on Sunday evening, October 8, in honor of Miss Gertrude Olds of Cheboy- gan, Mich., who is the guest of Mrs. Walter Wylie, 703 Sherman avenue, Evanston. --O-- Mrs. L. M. Allen, 258 Melrose ave: nue, was hostess at the seventeenth birthday celebration of the Rock Island Railroad on Tuesday, October 10. e_cream your Ze demands Delightful powders lotions and fonics In fact all REE? TOILET REQUISITES Sold and explained on request. You ma find out just what you need by calling af PHOEBE JANE Winnetka 822 WINNETKA , 111. AAA AA LZIIIIIIIIIIIIXIXX - Poultry Broilers, Frying and Roasting Chickens--- Freshly Dressed Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka AZALI AIX IIXIXIXIXIXXIXIXXIXXX IXXXXXIXXIIZXIXIXIZIXIIXIZA 0000000000000 0000004 Forum is giving a luncheon on Mon- day, October 16, at one o'clock at the Arts Club, 608 South Michigan boul- evard, Chicago, in honor of the demo- cratic nominees for Congress who will address the meeting. Those interest- ed may secure invitations by address- ing Mrs. Frank R. Fuller, 110 Church road. --Q-- The Woman's Society of the Congre- gational church will meet Wednesday morning, October 18, at ten o'clock, to Mrs. L. Harrison Mettler will read "My Discovery of England" by Leacock. Because of the coal situa- tion many warm garments will be needed this winter for the children and a full attendance is urged. ---- Miss Lois Coffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Coffin of 841 Pros- pect avenue, will make her debut dur- ing the Christmas holidays. Miss Coffin has returned to Bryn Mawr, where she is a junior, after a summer at Nonquitt, Mass. --_---- Miss Josephine Hoyt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam M. Hoyt, will make her debut during the Christmas holidays. Miss Edith Ray You ng TEACHER of PIANO Lessons at Home if Desired Telephone Wil. 1385 Residence 1319 Washington Ave. TU-EDS announce their First informal Dancing Party TOT Dr. WATSON"S Alco Artist (The Colored Wonders) ge: 73 Hear them Play the Watson Way. Thursday Oct. 19th JONES' HALL WILMETTE YOU ARE INVITED TO BE- COME A MEMBER OF THE ..North Shore Theatre Guild.. Receptions, Teas, etc. Bona, . I OR The annual membership fee of eight dollars entitles you to two tickets to each of the four plays presented by the Guild and admission to all of its social activities, such as Mak heck bl [t ih a th Sh Theat ake your ps payablel[to} the} Nor Ti ore ealre uild and mail itl to the treasurer MRS. OSBORNE McCONATHY 2717 WESLEY AVENUE, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS | ----------------------------------r TTL EEE Emme ANNOUNCEMENT 557 Lincoln Avenue mimi = A special display of the season's most fashionable millinery will be exhibited on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 19th and 20th. NEW YORK GAGE HATS at the SPURLOCK HAT SHOP WINNETKA JE