ue anc rd WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1922 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS -- 3 S--------. Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p. m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ole Price. REAL ESTATE SIX-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, WAT- er heat, modern, large, well arranged rooms 100x150, wooded lot, 2 blocks to the lake. Terms. $13,500. Six-room stucco house, water heat, and large garage adjoining, 100 ft. front. new, terms, wonderful location and buy for $13,000. Both of these houses are close to trans. Six-room stucco bungalow, wooded lot, close to trans. Last left at near this price and terms, $8,000. Call for best wooded lot 1 block from lake $110.00. See our lots at $55 and $65 close to "L." Yours for choice bargains, M. L. MOODY & CO. 511 Fourth St., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2248, End "L." LTG52-1te WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES H. BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mortgages. 545 W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 65. LT36-tfc WANTED--LISTINGS OF PROPERTY in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, Glencoe, and Highland Park. A. R. Eddington REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--ROOMS i FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Wilmette Home Specials 7.rm., f. ht. 4d. and s. pchs; 50 ft Ho ER URE Cai ahelin 1 el aR $16,000 6 rm. wat. ht. sun porch new; E. S. 15,000 9 rm. water ht., 2 baths; E. S..... 15,000 7 rm. bung. w. ht. 2 baths; nr lake 20,000 9 rm. strictly mod. best E. S. loc.. 25,000 Brick colonial, 5 lge. chambers, 2 baths, 3 pchs. billard rm. 2 car BATABE. oo vien csi dics sions vererieion 37,000 WILMETTE REALTY CO. 513 Fourth St. A. J. WOODCOCK, Prop. Phone 1304 LTGh2-1tc FOR SALE--VACANT MUST SELL--2 ELEGANT WILMETTE lots, 50x175 each; beautiful shade trees; only $2,950 each; cash or terms. On Isabella near 12th. Grafe, 3561 Broad- way. Ph. Graceland 0910. LTG50-2tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. TEL. Win. 533-M. TG33-1te FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE bath, 2 blocks to depot, $6. T33-1tc ~~ WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT TWO FURNISHED rooms with kitchenette arrangement for 3 persons away all day, preferably near North Shore Country day school. Tel. Win. 436. T33-1te WANTED BY TWO PEOPLE EMPLOY- ed, two light housekeeping rooms, furn- ished or unfurnished or housekeeping privileges. Address Weekly Talk, A-44. TG33-1tp WANTED--FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping or two rooms with board Ref. Address Lake Shore News, A-42. LT52-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR RENT--HOUSE For Rent, WILMETTE: Attractive new 6-room home, breakfast nook, tile bath, hot water heat. Rental, $100. HEINSEN & CLARK Successors to W. J. Moir 556 Center, n. w. of N. W. Depot. Win. 254 LTG52-1tc FOR RENT--RES. AT NO. 434 LINDEN Ave. Winnetka, seven rooms and bath, hot water heat, available Nov. 1st, rent- al $35.00 per mo. Tel. Win. 1211. 2S ah EA aot. TG33-1p FOR RENT--NEW MODERN 6-ROOM Dutch Colonial, in Wilmette $125. Tel. Win. 1055. LT52-1te od FOR RENT--STORE _ FOR RENT--STORE, 14% FT. FRONT, 21 feet deep. 564 Lincoln Ave. Tel. 'Win. 165. LTG52-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL, GENL. housework; good home; family 4; ref. required. 6 room house. Must be will- ing and kind to children. Salary $15. Mathison, 84 Abbotsford Rd., Win. Tel. Kenil. 2190. LTG52-1te WANTED--COOK TO ASSIST WITH general housework in family with small children, other help kept good home, for right party, with liberal wages. Tel. Glen. 197. TG33-1te WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework (first floor), own room and bath, $16, $18. Mrs. C. H. Walcott, 302 Forest Ave., Winn. Tel. : Winn 680. LT52-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL, 18 YRS OLD (or older) for general housework, no washing, plain cooking, must like chil- dren. Tel. Win. 1114. LTGbH2-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GENER- al housework. Small family; no laundry. Tel. evenings. Wilmette 1965. LTG52-1te WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist with light housework and school age children; own room and bath. Tel. Glen. 440. TG33-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR 1 CAR. AP- & Co., 1157 Winnetka Ave., Wilmette. ply 696 Ash St. or phone Win 96. Ph. Wil. 640. TG24-tfc T33-1te REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE -. North Shore Offerings . Wilmette Seven-room stucco home, one year old, ful wooded lot 50x175 feet. payments. Price $9,250. wooded lot. $36.00 per foot. Walden Road, fine wooded lot on this opportunity for high grade small hpme. blocks to station. school and transportation. the large estates. 411 Linden Avenue. : Wilmette 93. ilme {Oren Terms $1,000 cash and balance on easy monthly Fine six-room, pressed brick bungalow, hot water heat, artistic; close to schools and transportation. New seven-room brick Colonial, lot 50x165 feet, hot water heat, garage, four bed rooms and sun parlor; exclusive location. Our Wilmette Office will answer inquiries. For a Home or Profit WINNETKA, VACANT BARGAINS 50x160, Asbury Avenue, where several new homes are now being built. 62x150 feet, finest section Hubbard Woods (Winnetka), near school and three Price $65.00 per foot. 58x183 feet. Indian Hill section, east side, near lake, grade school and high Special at $70.00 per foot. Bargain in three acres in "Skokie," near concrete road and adjoining one of Price $1,250.00 per acre. HILL & WHEELER sun parlor and sleeping porch, beauti- tile bath, very Price $11,500. Price $17,000. Phone Wilmette 93. Ro Fine popular and exclusive street; elegant Price $2,350. 728 Elm Street Winnetka 142. Sunday) REAL ESTATE Choice Winnetka vacant corner at bar- gain; 75 ft. front, no assessments; ex- cellent locality; won't last long at $65.00 foot. Wonderful bargain in fine Winnetka home; best of construction and in excellent shape; priced at $65,000. Charming White Colonial home on For- est ave., Glencoe; choice locality; 10 rms. 3 baths, large grounds; double garage; owner leaving town; price $41,000; see and make offer. HILL & STONE WINNETKA OFFICE 545 Lincoln Ave. t of Depot Tel. Win 1544 Bay > T22-1tc STOP PAYING RENT DO YOU WANT A HOME? We will build to suit you, and you can pay same as rent. If you own a lot on the North Shore, step in and talk it over. Let us show you how to improve your vacant. HEINSEN & CLARK Successors to W. J. Moir, 556 Center, n. w. of N. W. depot. Win. 254 THE POPULATION OF ANY COMMUNI- ty is limited by the amount of territory it comprises. WILMETTE has grown very fast in the past few years, in fact to double its population it is neces- sary that the Village limits be extended to create additional territory within its boundaries. The possibilities of expanding to the North or South are very remote, conse- quently the only available land lies to the West; this expansion Westward will increase property values consider- ably. Don't you believe good invest- ments are waiting for you there? SCHAEFER & GOLBACH REALTORS Investment Securities Insurance Phone Wilmette 364 LTG52-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE DESIRE TO RENT A HOUSE of about six rooms, with yard; adult, healthy Americans; no children; references, perma- nent; state rental. WILLIAM PRICE, 115% N. La Salle St., Chicago. LTG46-6tp FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--LARGE, COMFORTABLE, corner room; four windows; couch; good bed; lavatory; big closet. Also pleasant single room. Good location Five min. frm "L" and N. 8S. elect. Private family. Tel. 721-M, Wilmette. LTG52-1tp PLEASANT ROOM AND BOARD WITH family of three offered to working woman in exchange for small amount of housework. Tel. Win. 1433. T33-1tp WANTED--GEN. MAID, WHITE, 3 IN family. No laundry, 821 Prospect Ave. Tel. Winn. 1026. References. TG33-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GENER- al housework, family of 3, 6 rm house. Tel. "Win, 1271. WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GENER- al housework, other help kept. Tel. Win. 1137. - TG33-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work in family 4 adults; no washing. Tel Winn 1330. LT52-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE- work and cooking. Tel. Wil 176. LTG52-1tp WANTED -- EXPER. COOK; SMALL family. Tel. Winn. 1526, LTG52-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE EXPER. STENOGRAPHER WILI, CALL for diction, do billing or typing of any kind at home. New Underwood. Win. _551-M. T33-1tp TYPEWRITING, COPY WORK AND envelope addressing. Tel. Winn, 1186. Miss M. Warney, 556 Center St., Winn. T33-1te WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING by the day by Swedish woman. Tal Wil. 2486, . WASHING TAKEN HOME. WASHING and ironing. Telephone Glencoe 171. T29-tfc VIOLIN LESSONS BY LADY GRADU- ate European College. Address Lake Shore News; A-41. LTG52-1tp FOR SALE--LARGE MAHOG. LIVING room table; antique mahogany buffet; swivel office arm chair; 2 office chairs. 1101 Greenwood Ave., Wilmette, Tel. Wilmette 258. LTG52-1te FOR SALE--AT REAL _ SACRIFICE, handsome mahogany bookcase, carved mahogany glass cabinet, brown ma- hogany library table. Tel. Win. 1461. TG33-1te FOR SALE--RELIABLE GAS RANGE, modern, good condition, reasonable Tel. Win. 511. 561 Cherry St. LTG52-1te FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE DINING RM. table, serving table, 6 chairs, cane back, leather seats, used one year. 1219 Scott Ave. Tel. Win. 1668. TG33-1te FOR SALE--2 BEAUTIFUL SOLID MA- hogany chairs with loose cushions; up- holstered in satin damask. Tel. Glen- coe 336. TG33-1te FOR SALE--FOUR BURNER RELIABLE gas stove, $5.00. Tel. Winn. 987. T33-1te FOR SALE--BASE BURNER STOVE IN good condition, Tel. Highland Park 1249. TG33-1te FOR SALE--SETTEE COVERED IN tapestry; perfect condition. Price $12.00. Tel. Glen. 861. T33-1tc MISCELLANEOUS LEWIS, DRESSMAKER, FORMERLY OF 336 Washington Ave., has moved to 358 Madison Ave. Tel. Glen. 729. LTG52-1te FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES RUSSIAN TECHNIQUE, FANCY DANC- ing lessons; small children specialty. $7 a term, 10 lessons. Tel. Wil. 1234. L51-1te BLACK REED, YELLOW WHEELED, turn stroller. Very good condition. Will sell cheap. Call Winnetka 259. T33-1tc PIANOS TUNED L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Win. 509-J. LTG49-tfe Kenilworth Happenings | Mr. and Mrs. James C. Murray, 433 Crmnor road, were very fortunate in escaping i»jury when their automo- bile skidded and turned over on Western avenue, last week. ah MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS James B. MacFarlane (Formerly with Mandel Bros.) Interior Decorator Is now located at 519 4th Street Wilmette Interior Decorating, Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers, for Furniture and Autos, Etc. Full Line of Finest Fabrics Advice and Estimates given. Phone Wilmette 2228 _FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- DUOFOLD, LIBRARY table, large chair. Tel. Win. 514-J. T33-1tc TUTORING AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER WILL do tutoring by the hour. Grammar and arithmetic a specialty. Address Lake Shore News A-14, LT50-2te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS WILL SELL BEAUTIFUL SEAL COAT 40 in. long; almost new; large marten collar and cuffs. Also fur trimmed eve- ning wrap. Call Mrs. Jarvis, Wilmette 2003 for appointment, LTGS2-1tc FOR SALE--BEFORE NOV. 1ST, ONE set andirons; poker carpet; one six hole gas range. Tel. Win. 31. LT52-1tp FOR SALE--DIETZGEN DRAFTING tables, good as new; great sacrifice. Superior 8815. Wilmette 756. HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--YOUNG MAN, SALESMAN. Excellent opportunity and permanent position. North Shore Gas Co., Win- netka. Tel. Winn. 80. LTG-52-1tc WANTED--PIN BOYS, 5 NIGHTS A week; steady work. Over 14. Ouilmette Country Club. LTG52-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- dener thoroughly experienced in plant- ing and gardening work. Estimates on fruit trees, shrubbery, hardy field grown rose stocks. I am taking orders for fall planting and I shall be pleased to quote the lowest prices on Darwin and Cottage tulips. Also Hyacinths, Daffodils, Narcissus, Lilies, Peonies and all hardy perennials. I also take care of private places during vacation. Ed- ward Siegrosser, 1030 Central Ave., Wil- mette. Tel. Wil. 708-M. T24-tfe WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish houseman experienced and competent. M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine St., Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1549. LTG24-tfc SITUATION WANTED -- CHAUFFEUR, A-1 driver and mechanic. Or odd jobs in painting and carpentry work. Win. 639-R Wm. Bartz. LT52-1tp PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER WILL do first class work for you at 85¢ per hour, or take your work by contract. Tel. Wil. 1972. T33-1tp LOST AND FOUND LOST--OCT. 24, 1922, BET. SCOTT AVE. and North Ave., Hubbard Woods, Loose Leaf Book containing list of customers, being clientele of Raal Silk Hosiery Mills Representative. Address Winnetka Weekly Talk A-45. T33-1te FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM IN private home, east side, near trans. no other roomers, will rent to one per- son only. Tel. Wil. 633. LTG52-1te CENTRAL HOTEL -- NICE, CLEAN, outs. rms., stm. ht., hot and cold rung. water. Tel. Wil. 1080, 629 Main St., Wil. LTG49-tfc FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM AND BATH. Tel Wil. 969-R. 1507 Washington Ave., Wilmette. Call after 7 P. M il i Mame FOR RENT--ONE ROOM WITH HOUSE- hold privileges if desired. Tel. Winn. 529-R. LTG52-1te FOR RENT--ROOM SUITABLE FOR two, also ivory baby carriage, $7; white enamel crib. Tel. Wil. 821-R. LTG52-1te FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM LARGE AND well lighted, h. w. heat, not far from station. Tel. Winn. 415. T33-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, kitchen privileges if desired. Tel. Win, 1719, T33-1tc FURNISHED ROOMS WITH STEAM heat and hot water, 556 Center St. Phone Winnetka 1186. T33-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT- able for one or two, near restaurant and trans. 806 Elm St., T33-1te FOR RENT--ROOM WITH KITCHEN- ette. Tel. Win, 631-J. LTG52-1te LOST--MAN'S DIAMOND RING; GOLD bezel setting; 1% carat; North Ave. and Foxdale, Winnetka, Fri., Oct. 20, 11:30 a. m. Liberal reward. Tel. Nevada 8685. A. R. Wolfe, 3216 W. Park Ave., Chicago. T33-1tp PERSON WHO TOOK MEAD RANGER bicycle Wednesday from in front of Parr's repair shop will be prosecuted unless it is returned at once. Tel. Win. 1184. TG33-1te LOST--COLLIE DOG, BOBBIE, SABLE and white with black tail; has Roman nose. Reward. Tel. Winn. 929. LTG52-1tc LOST--POCKET BOOK, OCT. 5TH, CON- taining $53. Will finder please return to owner whose name was inside? Re- ward. T33-1tp LOST--BLACK LOOSE LEAF REAL- tors' list book. Finder call for' reward. 'Wil, 2248. LTG52-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and ex- changed. 808 Oak St., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG35-tfe FOR SALE--BRAND NEW PORCELAIN ice-box; porcelain kitchen cabinet; ma- hogany desk; hose; garden tools, etc Winnetka 1462. 480 Sheridan Rd. Win. LTG52-1te FOR SALE--SEALINE FUR COAT, size 36, in fine condition. Price $40. Tel. Glen. 861. T33-1tc FOR SALE--7 PAIRS OF SHUTTERS. Also wicker baby carriage. Good con- dition. Phone Winnetka 336. T33-1tec FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE AND bassinette on wheels; good condition. Tel. Win, 670-W. T33-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES USED CARS EASY TERMS Marmon 4-passengér chummy--1919, Dodge Touring--1916. Dodge Chassis--1920. Overland Touring--1916. Overland 4 Touring--1921. Columbia Sport--1920. Cleveland Sedan--1920, Buick Panel Truck 1918. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn, 165 562 Lincoln Ave. LTG52-1te CADILLAC--TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, 1921 Victoria model 59, seats 4; price $2,500; has had utmost care; mechan- ically perfect; cannot be told from new car; extras; demonstration by appoint- ment only. Address A-38 Lake Shore News. LTGbH2-1te FOR SALE--DETROIT ELECTRIC CAR like new, used little, good cord tires, seat covers, double control, latest im- provement, closing an estate. Tel. Evans 4535, 1508 Elmwood Ave. LTG52-1tc FOR SALE -- STUTZ 1920. SPORT touring, original paint; looks like new; four new cord tires; driven 10,500 miles. First class mechanical cond. $950. Tel. 'Winn. 1728, TG33-1tp WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfe ELECTRIC IRONS, VACUUM CLEAN- ers repaired, vases wired; all electrical appliances sold. Tel. Adams. Wil. 1040. L43-tfc BICYCLE. TEL. TG33-2te WANTED -- GIRLS' Glen. 155. AUCTION SALE I WILL SELL AT AUCTION ON TUES- day. October 31, at 10 o'clock a. m. at my residence, 331 Cedar and Wade St., Ravinia, near Sheridan road, all my household furniture consisting of bedroom set, dining room and kitchen furn., oriental rugs and all furnishings in a modern home. Sale will begin promptly at 10 o'clock. JULIUS FIELDER. LTG50-2tc Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumber- land avenue, entertained the After- noon Bridge club at luncheon recent- ly at her home. ---- Mrs. John Marshall Roberts, 328 Warwick road, entertained her Bridge club at luncheon on Thursday, Oc- tober 26. ly The Russian Literature class met at Mrs. LeRoy. Woodland's home at Leicester road, on Wednesday, Octo- ber 26. --_0-- : Mr. H. P. Harrison, 307 Abbottsford road, has left on a week's motor trip to his country place in Leland, Mich. --0-- Mrs. Merritt H. Dement was a din- ner hostess at her home, 337 Abbotts- ford road, last Saturday evening. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Winnetka held on the fifth day of September, 1922, the following ordinance was passed by three-fourths of the members of the said Council: The Council of the Village of Win- netka do ordain: SECTION 1. That the following de- scribed real estate, to-wit: The South Ninety-nine (99) feet of Lot Four (4) in the re-subdivision of Blocks One (1), Two (2), Three (3), and Four (4), and the vacated street known as Bellevue Place, lying be- tween Blocks One (1) and Two (2) Four (4) on the west, in Lake Shore subdivision of Lot One (1) in Nicholas Simon and Others' Subdivision of part of the Southeast fractional 1 of Sec- on the east and Blocks Three (3) and tion Twenty-one (21) and of frac- tional Southwest quarter (SW 14) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thir- teen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, being vacant and unimproved and at no time used by the said Village for any purpose, is no longer necessary, appro- priate or required for the use of the said Village or profitable to said Vil- lage, nor is its longer retention by said Village for the best interests of the said Village, and that the said real estate be sold pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. SECTION 2. That a copy of this or- dinance, together with a proposal to sell the said real estate, shall be pub- lished in the Winnetka Weekly Talk, a newspaper published regularly in said Village on Saturday of each week, for a period of not less than sixty days after the taking effect of this ordinance, which propnsal to sell shall state that all bids recesved for the said real estate will be considered and opened at a reg- ular meeting of the Council of said of the Village of Winnetka, its approval Village on, to-wit: November 21st, 1922. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by a vote of three- fourths of the members of the Council and posting, and that bids for the purchase of said property will be received by the Village Clerk, up to eight (8) o'clock P. M. November 21st. 1922, which bids will be duly opened and considered at the meet= ing of the said Council to be held Novem- ber 21st, 1922, in the Village Hall of the Village of Winnteka, at eight (8) o'clock P. M. All bids sent to the said Village Clerk shall be marked on the outside "Bid for real estate." The said Council reserves the right, pursuant to statute, to reject by majoritv vote any or all bids. The said real estate will be conveyed by the Village of Winnetka by proper and sufficient deed to the bidder whose bid shall be accepted, and who shall duly pay or secure the purchase price there- for to the Village of Winnetka. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA, JOHN S. MILLER, JR., President. T27-10te en