WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922 15 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS | Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p.m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ole Price. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--WINNETKA -- SEVERAL good buys in 6 and 7 rm. stucco and brick homes; $12,500 to $14,000. Almost new 5 rm. bungalow; sun parlor; good location; $11,000. Col. Frame 7 rm; east; $16,500. . New Col. frame 8 rm. 3 baths; large lot; wonderful value; $25,000. HILL & STONE Winnetka Wilmette Highland Park Wilmette Winnetka 404 Linden Ave. 545 Lincoln Ave opp. NW... "LI." East of Depot Terminal Tel. Win. 1544 Tel. Wil. 1644 TG35-1te INVESTMENTS Our affiliation with Huszagh Musson & Co., of Chicago, who specialize in con- servative loans in the Lake Shore dis- trict of the North Side, where proper- ties are permanent in value and con- stitute the highest grade security ob- tainable, make it possible for us to offer 1st mortgage bonds for your in- vestment, at prevailing interest rates, with every assurance of safety. We shall be pleased to submit further de- tails regarding these securities. SCHAEFER & GOLBACH REAL ESTATE -- INVESTMENT SE- CURITIES--INSURANCE RIDGE AND LAKE AVENUES PHONE WILMETTE 364 LTG2-1tc BARGAINS IN VACANT Opportunity to get excellent lot near Indian Hill Club in a most attractive location, heavily wooded and surround- ed by large homes. 118x175 feet. Easy terms at $74.00 per foot. Fine east front lot near Indian Hill sta- tion and schools, 58x183. Bargain at $70 per foot. Some fine opportunities for investment in attractive lots 50 or 100 foot front on Asbury, Scott and Prairie Avenues, $25 to $30 per foot. Bargain in wooded lot on Walden Road, fine 1ocation for small home, $2,300 cash. HILL AND WHEELER 411 Linden Avenue 728 Elm Street Wilmette 93 Winnetka 142 LTG2-1tc SIX-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, WAT- er heat, modern, large, well arranged rooms 100x150, wooded lot, 2 blocks to the lake. Terms, $13,500. 8-room stucco, large wooded lot, hot water heat, garage, close to transpor- "tation. Make offer. Best ~ bargain, $13,000. 6-room, new stucco home, garage, 2 blks to lake, 100 ft. wooded lot, choicest lo- cation. This is a real buy. $12,500. . Lots three blocks from lake, $40 per ft. and up. M. L. MOODY & CO. 511 Fourth St., Wilmette Tel. Wil, 2248, End "L." LTG2-1tc FOR SALE EVANSTON--ATTRACTIVE 10-room brick; 3 baths, h. w. ht.; large lot; gar.; nr. Davis station; $25,000. HEINSEN & CLARK 5566 Center, n.w. of N.W. depot Win. 254 LTGS-1te FOR SALE--A 7-ROOM STUCCO BUN- galow with garage, tiled roof, hot wtr. heat, bath and shower, sun porch, East side location; convenient to trans. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513-4th Street Ph. Wilmette 1302 LTG2-1te WANTED--MODERN GLEN- COE HOME. LIMIT $35,000. 4 BED CHAMBERS, 2 BATHS, GARAGE. DAVID BEEHLER, TEL. WIN. 1344. WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES H. BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto Insurance, First and Second Mortgages. FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT Wilmette 7-Room frame, combination heat, near steam and elec. R. R., unfurn. $110 per month. 6-room frame colonial hot air heat near steam and elec. R. R., unfurn, $110 per month. New 6-room Dutch Colonial, water heat, near R. R., unfurn., $125 per month. Choice 8-room stucco, 2 baths, water ht., unfurn., $175 per month. 7-room brick, hot air heat, until May 1, 1923. Furnished, $175 per month. Kenilworth T-room stucco, water heat, until Oct. 12, 1923, furnished. $175 per month. Winnetka New 5-room shingle bungalow, hot air heat, unfurnished, $85 per month. Beautiful 7-room stucco, combination heat, until April 1, 1923. Coal included. $200 per month. Thinking of building? Let us show you our good buys in beautifulu section of Winnetka, $25 per ft. and up. W. G. STACEY & CO. REALTORS 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 FOR RENT--FIRST AND SECOND flat. Inquire 1115 Greenleaf Ave. Close to transportation. Unfurnished. LT2-1tp FOR SALE OR RENT--FIVE ROOM bungalow, Winnetka. Phone 1468. Brand new. T35-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--6-ROOM HOUSE HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--MOTHER"S HELPER, AS- sist, children and light housework, own room and bath, no objection to colored. Tel. Glen. 440. . TGas-ife WANTED--WOMAN, GOOD LAUND- ress, and cleaning. Ref. required. Tel. Kenil. 2190. 84 Abbottsford Rd. Mathi- son. LTG2-1te SOMEONE TO HELP WITH HOUSE- work from 4 to 8 p. m. Family of one. Phone after 4 p. m. Winnetka 1374 T35-1tp WANTED--YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN to assist in household duties. Part of day only. 491 Hill Rd. Tel. Win 466. LTG2-1tp WANTED--A CAPABLE GIRL, SWED- ish preferred, for general housework. 720 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Win. 1819. T35-1te WANTED--GIRL TO WORK IN CON- fectionery store. Tel. Win. 1094 T35-1tc SIT. WANTED--FEMALE = YOUNG WOMAN, COLLEGE GRADU- ate, with teaching experience, desires position as tutor in grammar school or high school subjects. Will accept indi- vidual pupils in home or classes in tutor's home. Tel. Glen. 235. LTG2-1tc WANTED--WORK BY AN EXPER. nurse and dressmaker at 930 Elm St., Winnetka. Lucy Robinson. Tel. Win. 1240. LTG2-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE . Roofing Salesman Wanted | To work from Wilmette to Highland | Park. Closed territory to a good sales- | man with or without roofing experience. | North Shore Roof Crafters | near school. Immediate possession. 3201 Emerson St., Evanston O. H. Lee, 5211 Cornell Ave., Chicago. Tel. Evans. 7026 LTG2-1te LTG2-1tp MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS James B. MacFarlane (Formerly with Mandel Bros.)] Interior Decorator Is now located at 519 4th Street Wilmette Interior Decorating, Ubpholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers, for Furniture and Autos, Etc. Full Line of Finest Fabrics Advice and Estimates given. Phone Wilmette 2228 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO -RENT--7- OR 8-ROOM modern unfurnished house from April 1923, in North Shore town. Address Lake Shore News A-2. LTG2-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--VERY PLEASANT ROOM in good home close to transportation, with or without breakfast, one or two business people. Telephone Winnetka 1352. T35-1tp FOR RENT--LARGE NICELY FURN. room; south exposure; suitable 1 or 2 persons. Convenient to all transporta- tion and cafeteria. Ph. Wilmette 2418. LT2-1tc FOR RENT--ROOM WITH BOARD, MAN and wife, or two gentlemen, four blks from all transportation. Bast side. Also space in double garage. Address Lake Shore News A-5. LTG2-1tp FOR RENT--ROOM, FAMILY TWO adults, near Northwestern station. Rent $5. Breakfast if desired. Address Weekly Talk, A-10. TG35-1tp CENTRAL HOTEL -- NICE CLEAN, outs. rms., stm. ht., hot and cold rung. water. Tel. Wil. 1080, 629 Main St., Wil. LTG49-tfc FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM AND BATH. Tel. Wil. 969-R. 1507 Washington Ave., Wilmette. Call after 7 p. m. LT52-tfe FOR RENT--CHEERFUL ROOM AND board in private home. Address Week- ly Talk, A-8. FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS.; ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M. Nr. all trans. LT1-tfc FOR RENT--ONE UNFURN. BED RM. Gentlemen only. Tel. Win. 1119. LTG2-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM AT 545 W. Railroad Ave. Tel. Wil. 65. 930 Elm St., Winnetka. Tel. Win 1240. LT36-tfc : T35-1tc FOR SALE FOR RENT--ONE LARGE ROOM AND -» VACANT: Chestnut, Ashland, Elmwood. 7 agents can show you. John P. Gage, owner. Central Hotel, Wilmette. Residence, Vineland, N. J. LTG2-1tc FOR SALE -- NEWLY DECORATED five-room house on beautifully wooded lot. Located in best section of Winnet- ka, near schools, depots and Municipal Golf Links. See owner, 1086 Oak Street, Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 139. LTG2-1te FOR SALE--2 BARGAIN 50-FT. LOTS; $30 front foot. 2 blocks from Indian Hill Golf course. First buyer gets them. Clarence Miller, 164 Woodland Ave., Winnetka. Phone Win. 1543. LTG2-1tc WANTED TO BUY REAL ESTATE Also location for filling station. We have cash buyers. John F. Hahn, 1619 Sherman Ave., Tel. Evans. 2382. Mr. Webster. LTG2-3te WANTED--LISTINGS OF PROPERTY in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, Glencoe and Highland Park. A. R. Eddington & Co., 1157 Winnetka Ave., Wilmette. Ph. Wil. 640. TG24-tfc FOR RENT--HOUSE . FOR RENT -- SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, Winnetka, three bed rooms and sewing room, hot water heat, large porch, two- car garage, lot 50x200 feet. Three blks to transportation. Ph. Winnetka 142. LTG2-1te WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or flat by young couple. 879 Cherry St., Winnetka. Tel. Wil. 895-Y3. T34-2tp FOR RENT--3-RM COTTAGE, COUPLE only. Tel. Win. 505-W. LT2-1tc two rooms for light housekeeping. Tel. Wil. 821-R. LTG2-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT----BY COUPLE, 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms. Convenient. Garage. Or will rent or buy small house. Address Lake Shore News A-3. Hea LTG2-1tp WANTED--FURNISHED ROOM FOR refined gentleman in Winnetka. Ad- dress Weekly Talk, A-9. T35-1tc Sr = r------ WANTED To RENT--GARAGE 7 WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE NEAR Cherry and Provident. Phone Win. 1392. T35-1tc WANTED--BOARD AND ROOM VANTED--ROOM AND BOARD IN WIN- netka by young man. Address Win- netka Talk, A-1. T35-1tp FOR SALE OR TRADE = FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR RESI- dence, good 80-acre fruit and general farm. O. A. Keeler, Shelby, Michigan. LTG2-1tp T35-1tp | HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--BOY FOR WORK in printing shop. Must be over 16 years old. Tel. Wil. 1920. LTG2-1tp WANTED--FIRST CLASS CHAUFFEUR; must have ref. 'Address Weekly Talk, A-T. TG-35-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--1921 OVERLAND SEDAN, 11,000 miles, 1st class condition; fully equipped. Call at Star Taxi Co., 3 Elm srteet. LTG2-1te FOR SALE--DODGE TOURING CAR, used 4 months; like new; disc wheels, 5 cord tires and many extras. '22 model, cheap for quick sale. Phone Winn. 840. TG35-1te FOR SALE--OVERLAND COUPE AT A sacrifice; just like new. Call Evanston 6018 between 7 and 8 P. M. = LTaz-1te CHANDLER SPORT--1921. Excellent condition throughout; driven one. sea- son. Evanston 6642. Ask for Mr. Ure. | TaN LTG2-1tc | FOR SALE--OVERLAND COUPE IN| good condition, $375. Call Evanston | 5262 at 6:30 P. M. LTG2-1te HUDSON 1921 SPORT--EXCELLENT | condition. Must sell; any reasonable | offer. Evanston 6642, Mr. Ure. [ LTG2-1tc FOR SALE--BUICK SEDAN IN REAL] good condition. Must sell. Real buy for | someone. Phone Evanston 3803 between | 7 and 8 P. M. LTG2-1tc | class condition; five good tires in ex- cellent shape. $250 takes it. Evanston 6642, Mr. Ure. LTG2-1te FOR SALE--MAXWELL SEDAN. MUST sell my Maxwell Sedan at once. Willing to sacrifice. Phone Evanston 2141 be- tween 7 and 8 P. M. LTG2-1tc REPUBLIC 2-TON STAKE TRUCK-- Newly painted; first class condition. About one year old. $400. Call Rogers Park 8280. Mr. Nelson. LTG2-1cc ROAMR--1921 4-PASS. SPORT; DISC steel wheels; like new; many extras; can be bought very reasonably. Phone Rogers Pk, 8282. LTG2-1tc MAXWELL - TOURING--1921; 5-PASS. $200. First class condition. Rogers Pk. 8281. __LTG2-1tc FOR SALE--LEXINGTON SEDAN. LIKE new. Call Evanston 6973. LTG2-1tc FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY GATE-LEG table, pedestal, walnut bed, hall mirror, brown reed chair, gas stove. 595 Rose- wood Ave. Tel. Win. 1673. LTG2-1tc | FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, | cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber | stoves; anything bought, sold and ex- | changed. 808 Oak St. Win. Tel. 1212. LTG35-tfe SET; SIDEBOARD, extension table, six leather seated chairs $45.00. Phone Winnetka 755. T35-1tp FOR SALE--ONE WHITE ENAMELED iron bed, box springs and best felt mattress, cheap. 384 Hawthorne Lane, _ Winnetka. TG35-1te TWO BOX SPRINGS AND MAT- tresses for twin beds. Good condition. Phone Winnetka 1819. 720 Lincoln Ave. : ed T35-1te FOR SALE--MAHOGANY DAVENPORT, library table, chairs, floor lamp, rug, kitchen gas range. Call Winn. 64. : _LT2-1te FOR SALE--HOT POINT VACUUM cleaner; full set of attachments. In good condition. $18. Tel. Glen. 348. LTG2-ite FOR SALE--MAHOGANY BED ROOM set, twin beds, dresser, chiffonier, two chairs. Tel. Wil. 1980. LTG2-1tp FOR SALE--RELIABLE GAS STOVE, left hand oven, in good condition. $25. Tel. Wil. 1603. LTG2-1te FOR SALE--COMBINATION COAL AND gas range. Good cond. Reasonable. Win. 564-W. LTGZ-1tc DINING closet, 54-in. ROOM + INTELLIGENT YOUNG MAN WHO IS studying as an accountant, going tc 'Walton School of Commerce, is looking for a position as a bookkeeper. Ref. Tel. Glen. 779. Mr. Rubin. 765 Vernon Ave., Glen. LTG2-1tc REPAIRING AND REPOINTING OF all brick work. New chimneys and fireplaces a specialty. Personal work. O. Otten, Tel. Kenil. 1307. Also tank for sale. 10x3 feet. LTG2-1te JAPANESE HIGH SCHL BOY WANTS position at general work in small family; will do any house work; no salary. 1110 Ashland Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 1095. LT2-1tp CHAUFFEUR, YOUNG FRENCHMAN, H. 8. education, wants position in pri- vate family. Will teach French lan- guage. Address Lake Shore News A-4. LTG2-1tc CHAUFFEUR, A-1 MECHANIC AND driver, 10-years shop and driving ex- perience. Tel. Win. 639-R. LT2-1tc GENERAL WORK DONE, ALSO FURN- aces taken care of. Tel. Win 1783. T35-4tp WANTED--FURNACES TO CARE FOR and general work. Call Winn. 1644. T34-3tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FALL CLEARANCE F USED CARS Dodge Sedan, 1922. Dodge Touring, 1921. Dodge Commercial Chassis, 1920. Cleveland Sedan, 1920. Columbia 6 Sport, 4 Pass., 1920. Marmon 34, Chummy, 1919. These and other cars at special prices for immediate sale. Cash or terms. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165 562 Lincoln Ave. L TG2-1te DORT TOUR. CAR REPAINTED, FIRST class condition. Easy terms. If you want -a real light car that looks good and has real service, that will stand abuse, at a ridiculously low price, call at my house. James Montgomery, 537 Hinman Ave., Evanston. LTG2-1te PIERCE-ARROW--5-PASS. 6-38; THOR- oughly overhauled by the Pierce-Arrow Co. month ago; seat covers; first class condition throughout. Must sell. Phone Evanston 6642. Ask for Mr. Ure. LTG2-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE _ WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL, GENL. housework; good home; family 4; ref. required. Must be willing and kind to children. Salary $15. Mathison. Tel. Kenil. 2190. LTG2-1tc WANTED--WHITE WOMAN, CARE OF children, mending and assist with housework. Ref. required. Tel. Kenil. 2190. 84 Abbottsford Rd., Kenilworth. LTG2-1tc assist with baby. 18 mo. old, $15. ref. required. Tel. Win. 794. T35-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRI, FOR GEN- eral housework, family of 3, 6 rm. house. Tel. Win. 1277. T35-1te FOR SALE--CHANDLER SEDAN, 1919. Good condition mechanically. Owner has new car; will make big reduction for quick sale. Kenilworth Motor Co. Phone Kenilworth 261. LTG2-1te HUDSON--1921 TOURING SEDAN. EX- cellent condition. Must sell; first rea- sonable offer buys it. Phone Ev. 6642. Ask for Mr. Ure. LTG2-1te FOR SALE--LEXINGTON TOURING. Will sacrifice this Lexington for $650. Call Mr. Walden, Evanston 3945 at 8:30 P. M. LTG2-1te DORRIS COUPE--1922. WILL SACRI- fice. Only four months old; looks ex- actlty like new. Ph. Evanston 6642; Ask for Mr. Ure. LTG2-1te FOR SALE--ONE ROSE AND GREEN silk rug 9x5, never used. $25. Tel. Wil. 2266. LTG2-1te FOR SALE--STOVE AND HOUSEHOLD articles, 936 Spruce St. T35-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS PEDIGREED POLICE DOG (GERMAN Shepherd) from Armour's Green Bay Kennels. Beautiful wolf sable; eight months old; very intelligent. Can be seen at 82 Essex Road, Winnetka; ph. Kenilworth 1635. T35-1tc FOR SALE--ONE BROWN MARVELLA cloth coat, beaver trimmed; cost $150; will sell for $40. One black duvtyn coat, squirrel collar; will sell reas. Both parctically new. Tel. 2266 Wil- mette. LTG2-1tc BLACK REED, YELLOW WHEELED, LOST--BROOCH, BETWEEN LINDEN and Lincoln on Elm street. Pearls and emeralds. Reward. Mrs. J. F. Holland, Virginia Hotel, Chicago. Ph. Superior 1690. T35-1tp LOST--GIRLS' RED AND WHITE "Crown" bicycle Hallowe'en night from North Shore Country Day School. Ph. Winnetka 572. T35-1te PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Winnetka held on the fifth day of September, 1922, the following ordinance was passed by three-fourths of the members of the said Council: The Council of the Village of Win- netka do ordain: SECTION 1. That the following de- scribed real estate, to-wit: Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13), in Block Five (5), of Jared Gage"s Subdivision, be- in a part of the East Half (E 1%) of the Northwest quarter (NW 14), also part of the West half (W 1%) of the Northwest quarter (NW 14), fractional Section Seventeen (17), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian; also part of the East Half (E 1%) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1) of fractional Sec- tion Eight (8), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, as shown upon the plat of said subdivi- sion recorded in the office of the Re- corder of Cook County on the 8th day of February, A. D. 1872, as Document 12837, in Book 1 of Plats, at page 25, all within the Village of Win- netka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, EXCEPT that part of each of said lots lying Northeasterly of a line ex- tending from the Northwesterly line of said Lot Ten (10) to the Southerly line of said Lot Thirteen (13) and fifty (50) feet Southwesterly from and parallel to the Easterly line of said Block Five (5), and EXCEPT that part of said Lot Twelve (12) described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South- westerly line of said Lot Twelve (12), said Southwesterly line being also the Northeasterly line of Linden Ave- nue, twelve and one-tenth (12 1-10) feet southeasterly of the Northwest- erly corner of said Lot Twelve (12) as measured along said Southwest- erly line of said Lot Twelve (12), thence Southeasterly and East along a curved line, tangent to the said Southwesterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) at said point of beginning, con- vex Southwesterly, having a radius of seventy-seven (77) feet, to a point fourteen (14) feet North of the South line of said Lot Twelve (12), said South line being the North line of North Avenue, and forty-one and seven-tenths (41.7) feet East of the said Southwesterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) as measured along a line parallel with and fourteen (14) feet North, as measured at right angles to the said South line of said Lot Twelve (12), of the said South line of said Lot Twelve (12), said curved line being tangent to said last men- tioned line at the said last mentioned point, said last mentioned point be seventy-three and three-tenths ( Isat Siseemt on a suaigt line South- easterly from point of beginning, thence East along a line parallel and fourteen (14) feet North of the said South line of Said Lot Twelve (12) measured at right angles to said South line of said Lot Twelve (12), to the Southeasterly line of said Lot Twelve (12), thence Southwesterly along said Southeasterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) to the Southeast corner of said Lot Twelve (12), thence West along the said South line of said Lot Twelve (12) to the South- west corner of said Lot Twelve (12), being the intersection of the North line of said North Avenue with the Easterly line of said Linden Avenue, thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot Twelve (12) fifty-eight and four-tenths (58.4) feet to the: point of beginning, and EXCEPT that part of said Lot Thir-- teen (13) described as follows: All of that part of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Five (5) of Jared Gage's Sub- division lying south of and adjoin- ing a line fourteen (14) feet north of and parallel with as measured at right angles to said South line of twin stroller. Very good condition. Will sell cheap. Call Winnetka 259. T35-1tp FOR SALE--GENUINE REED BABY carriage practically mew. Tel. Winn. | 1055. 2 T353-1tc FOR SALE--PONY, HARNESS AND cart. C. A. Thorsen, Ph. Kenil. 261. LTG2-1te PIANOS TUNED EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING. L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Win. 509-J. LTG49-tfc -- WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfe WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND bicycle in good condition, for boy 6 vears old. Tel. Kenil. 88. LT2-1te MISCELLANEOUS ESTABLISHED 9 YEARS AND STILL in business. GEO. W. ETTINGHAUSEN Expert Watch and Clock Repairing. 1070 North Ave. Phone Winnetka 989 -- a T35-1tc SAVINGS You are getting 39% on your Savings Account? I will give you 6% and a First Mortgage (Real Estate) Gold Bond. Safer than any bank. Phone Wilmette 494. LTG2-1te LOST AND FOUND LOST--BLACK SUEDE BELT, TRIM'D with cut steel and German silver buckle, Sunday evening between Pine St. and North Shore electric station. Tel. Winn. 1418. T35-1tc ILOST--BROWN BEAVER HAT ON said . Lot Thirteen (13), said South line of said Lot Thirteen (13) being the North line of North Avenue, and extending from the Northwesterly line of said Lot Thirteen (13), east to a line drawn parallel with and fifty (50) feet Southwesterly from as measured at right angles to the Northeasterly line of said Lot Thir- teen (13), situated in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, is no longer necessary, appropriate or required for the use of the said Village or profitable to the said Village, nor is its longer retention by said Village for the best interests of the said Village, and that the said real estate be sold pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. SECTION 2. That a copy of this or- dinance, together with a proposal to sell the said real estate, shall be pub- lished in the Winnetka Weekly Telk, a newspaper published regularly in said Village on Saturday of each week, for a period of not less than sixty days after the taking effect of this ordi- nance, which proposal to sell shall state that all bids received for the said real estate will be considered and opened at a regular meeting of the Council of Sad Village on, to-wit: November 21st, SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by a vote of three- fourths of the members of the Council of the Village of Winnetka, its approval and posting, and that bids for the purchase of said property will be received by the Village Clerk, up to eight (8) o'clock P. M. November 21st, 1922, which bids wilj be duly opened and considered at the meeting of the said Council to be held November 21st, 1922, in the Village Hall of the Village of Winnetka, at eight (8) o'clock P. M. All bids sent to the said Tuesday at Horace Mann School. Tel. Winnetka 1674. Mrs. A. Peters. : T35-1tp [LLOST--WHITE COLLIE WITH BROWN on ears. Reward. Miss P. Schroeder. Tel. Winn. 822, T35-1tc LOST--A PACKAGE OF DOILIES NEAR track or west on Elm St. Reward given. Ph. Win. 555-M. T35-1tc FOUND ON PINE ST. NOV. 1, A GIRL'S bicycle. Call 557-W, T35-1te Village Clerk shall be marked o outside "Bid for real estate.' The. iis Council reserves the right, pursuant to statute, to reject by majority vote any or all bids. The said real estate will be conveyed by the Village of Winnetka by proper and sufficient deed to the bidder whose bid shall be accepted, and who a hE % Secure the purchase erefor to the Village o VILLAGE OF WINNER A etka. JOHN S. MILLER, JR. President. T27-10tc BREN SLES A