4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922 OUR AIM---QUALITY AND SERVICE NMUBBARD WOODS Lees (Irocery € Market [-- WINNETKA } [HUBBARD WOODS } 890 LINDEN AVE PHONES 3% w 1700--1701--1702 mas. oC 2 2 Our business is growing and growing. We have over two hundred accounts and are out to get 50 more by Christ- Charge accounts offered to responsible parties. SPECIALS ALL WEEK With every 3 lbs. of our best quality coffee at $1.35 per 3 Ib. can (we have been selling this coffee for 50c per 1b.) we will sell 5 Ibs. pure cane granulated sugar for 19c. Richelieu brand Vulcan coffee, regular 'price 40c, for this week, 3 lbs. for 99c. Edelweis Near Beer, 2 doz. to case, regular 'price $3.50, for this sale $3.10. We will re- fund $1.00 for each empty case returned. Special Palm Olive soap, genuine, 6 cakes for 49c, AND 1 CAKE FREE. ~ Sunmaid seeded raisins, per pkg. ..... 17¢c Sunmaid seedless Raisins, per pkg. ...17c New mixed nuts, just in, fresh lot, regu- lar price, per lb. 45¢c; for this sale, per dle on. i re ea ee ae 35¢ Puffed Wheat, 2 for... ..........0.. 25¢ We carry the highest grade brand of canned goods and package goods that money can buy, the Richelieu brand. [Price list will be mailed on request or 'a sales clerk will call at your house and give you the prices. Save from 25 per cent to 40 per cent and buy the best. EE ------ SPECIAL Gold Ribbon Wednesday Fresh Bordeaux shelled walnuts, regular price per lb., $1.00; for this sale, perdbh...... «.... 0s 75¢c Fresh shelled almonds, regular price per 1b., $1.00; for this sale pelo | TOR ACI CRE 75¢c Special Scotch Tissue extra fancy toilet paper, 1000 sheets to a roll, 10 rolls limit to a customer, regular price, per roll 18c; for this sale, per roll, 12c; 10 rolls for AER $1.00 Potatoes, fancy baking and boil- ing, per peck 25c; per bushel. .90c Extra fancy Jonathan Apples, per bushel $32.10; 12 Ibs... ........ 69c Valencia and Florida Oranges, nice and juicy, small size, 3 doz. IRA OR et th $1.00 12 1bs. extra fancy Baldwin Apples... .... 000 tan 49c 7 bs. nice Jersey sweet Potatoes, 25¢ Extra fancy imported Porto Rico Grape Fruit, while they last, 96 size, per doz. 50c; larger size, per doz. ue ol dea en 75¢c 10 bars American Family Soap, limit 10 bars to customer ..... 47c 10 Kitchen Klenzer for ......... 49c 10 limit to a customer. American Family Soap Chips, regular price 20c; for Wednes- day;per lb. 0. Sagan, 12%5¢ Campbell's Tomato Soup, 3 for .25¢ Jello Assorted, 3 pkgs. for ..... 25¢ 2 Please telephone your order early so we can give you good delivery service. We deliver 4 times daily in WIN- NETKA, HUBBARD WOODS and GLENCOE. SPECIALS ALL WEEK Pufed Rice .......... 00 050 "2s 15¢ Yellow Cornmeal, regular price 15¢; thissale,2for ....5.. oo. i 25¢ White Cornmeal, regular price 15¢; this sale, 2 for Libby's white or green Asparagus Tips, regular price 50c per can, for this sale per can Our very best wash board, regular price $1.25; this sale With every $5 grocery order (not in- cluding soap, Kitchen Klenzer, To- mato soups or assorted Jello) we will sell 10 Ibs. pure cane granulated sugar for 49c. We carry a full line of choice fruits \and vegetables--choice table pears, al- ligator pears, fresh pineapples, honey dew melons, Casaba melons, extra fancy tangerines, pomegranites, delic- ious apples, quinces, extra fancy Mc- Intosh apples, imported Spanish )grapes, choice California Tokay igrapes and lady finger grapes at the lowest price at which they can be sold. One trial order will please you. GROCERIES SATURDAY SPECIALS--November 11th MEATS SPINACH, Per Perla i. tie simu s ress oo vioises ain. wine Aaieiiaal ote 's 29c MUSHROOMS, EXTRA FANCY. When you buy mush- rooms here you buy something good. We carry only the Legs of Lamb... . LS i ihre iat 38¢ best and give the lowest possible price. Saturday only, per lb., 69¢ 2 i Pot Roast... ..... 00 sas ea a iar Toy 22¢ Celery--very choice and fancy, 12 large stalks in a big bunch alt 5c or 6 stalks fOr. . .. 0 vviii inher vnninsonnne 28¢ Small Link Breakfast Sausage. ..........c0 ei vo 20c Sweet potatoes, 8 lbs. for... cov resin esiinen ons 25¢ Sirloln Steak 0 TL AE a i A 45¢ Extra fancy grapefruit, size 64, reg. price 2 for 25¢, for Sat. special, 10c cachorperdoz. ..........cvvovvvmunnrni's $1.10 Always the best cuts money can buy. Oranges, per doz. .. iv me) a. ois iii is 23 siies vm vie ai 39c Visit our butcher shop. You will like our butcher and his Fancy GreenBeans, perat. .. 000 iis. iiss 15¢ Fancy wax 'béans, 2 qts for... 0 ih vi. Uva svat 25¢ Service.