4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922 BENEFIT BRIDGETD SWELL P. T. FUNDS Thursday at 2:30 p. m. is the Time The Winnetka Parent-Teacher asso ciation announced a Benefit Bridge party to be given Wednesday, Novem- ber 15, at the Winnetka Woman's club, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Featuring the afternoon's activities will be readings by Mrs. E. V. L. Brown for those who do not play bridge, and a program of songs at 4 o'clock by Mrs. E. E. Karstrom, with Mrs. Everett Harris at the pianc. Tea will be served at 4:30 o'clock. The Parent-Teacher association was organized to bring about a real co- operation between the parents and the teachers in Winnetka's school life. It has been able to solve the vital problem of securing homes for the teachers. A number of small apart- ments in Hubbard Woods were available and the association has been able to furnish these for the teachers with the most necessary things, but there is still need for many furnishings and it is to provide these that the Benefit Bridge party was decided upon. The social committee of the asso- ciation helps the teacher to get ac- quainted in the community by arrang- ing teas and informal entertainments. A chairman for each grade tries to help the teacher in her particular problems. The work is interesting to the chairmen and much appreciated by the teachers. Tickets for the Bridge party are tc be obtained from Mrs. W. W. Chicker- ing, Mrs. William Huddle, Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. E. E. Stultz, Mrs. Will- iam Dean, Mrs. Wallace Rumsey and Mrs. E. S. Barber. Sinai Congregation Hears Dr. Nathan Krass, Nov. 14 "Loyalties," is to be the subject of an addres by Dr. Nathan Krass, be- fore the North Shore Sinai Congrega- tion Tuesday evening, November 14, in the Jane Kuppenheimer Memorial hall, Skokie school. In the lecture beginning at 8:30 o'clock, Dr. Krass will make special reference to Galsworthy's play. Visi- tors are welcome to the meeting. The school is located at Elm street and Glendale avenue. GIVE MEMORIAL TREES | AT CEREMONIES TODAY Winnetka's park site at Sheridan road and Willow street will be the scene of an impressive ceremony this afternoon at 2 o'clock when the Chicago Chaper, Daughters of the American Revolution, makes formal presentation of Memorial trees to the village as a feature of a beauti- ful Armistice Day observance. Representatives of the village gov- ernment, including Village President John S. Miller, ministers of the var- ious churches, members of the Win- netka Post, American Legion, and representatives of civic bodies will attend the ceremonies. On the speakers' program will be Mrs. J. Ellsworth Gross, regent of the Chicago Chapter, D. A. R.; Mrs. John Orson Barber, Winnetka leader and active in the D. A. R.; Village President Miller, Harold W. Snell, retiring commander, Winnetka Post of the American Legion; Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard, Rev. James Austin Richards, Rev. Paul T. Seashore and Dr. J. °W. PF. Davies. Singing will be led by Mr. Arthur Dean and Miss Katherine Greene. Village Forester Thomas J. Lynch will place the markers on the memor- ial trees. Every resident of the village is invited to attend these ceremonies and join in an appropriate observance of Armistice Day. Building Permits Remain at Low Ebb for This Week Keeping close to the low average that has obtained during the past few weeks, the total of building per- mits issued at the Village Hall in the past seven days amounted to less than $13,000. The largest structure for which a permit was issued was the residence which Mrs. Emma A. Gander is plan- ning to build at 1368 Scott avenue. Mrs. Gander's house will cost $9,000. A permit was issued to Emory G. Wil- der to erect a frame dwelling at 638 $1,800. William F. Flynn, 921 Ash street, was granted a permit to construct a brick chimney on his property. Permits for the construction of private garages were issued to George Bisset, 414 Linden avenue; W. KE. Sethness, 1015 Ely street; George D. West, 511 Cedar strzci, and to Dr. WM. O. Reicthe, 860 Spruce street. OPEN SOON A NEW MARINELLO SHOPPE I will open an approved Marinello Shoppe at 784 Elm Street, over Adam's Pharmacy, on or about December 1st. All regular patrons and emergency calls will be cared for during the installation of the shop. I want to thank all my patrons for their past patronage and loyalty and solicit their new business. TELEPHONE WINNETKA 1840 Mrs. Lawrence B. Russell Hill road at an estimated cost of | HEEL 1 TTHIII The Famous Sediment Zone is one of the many exclusive features which make = Eden. The Eden is the water dirt free. { £1 The Most Perfect Electric Washer on the Market If you want your things really clean, get an important patented Sediment Zone. All dirt washed out of the clothes stays washed out. It falls into this Sediment Zone, leaving the washing You need an Electric Washer to save your strength, your time, your money. When you buy, insist on the Eden--the Washer that saves most and serves best. Costs less than you think. Pay for it monthly with the money it saves. Stop in and let us demonstrate the Eden. only washer having the MACHINES, SIMPLEX and 554 Center Street We also have the THOR, BUTTERFLY and EASY WASHING and HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS. Terms, if desired. NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor Phone 44 "If Electrical and Good, We Sell It"' THOR IRONERS. EUREKA Winnetka It makes a man feel cheap to be sold poor stuff, even at a very low price! What every intelligent man or woman really wants 1s GOOD THINGS AT FAIR PRICES Every article in Taylor's store sells at a reasonable price and is of high quality E.2B.. TAYLOR: & CO. Hardware, Household Necessities, Paints and Glass 546 Center Street, Winnetka Phones 998 and 999 () {TTT ATT TTRITTITEATTIE EE EERE A TEE EEE EEE EE EERE EET ERET TORRE CCE El en TRLEETR