24 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1922 OUR Al ---QUALITY AND SERVICE TTUBBARD WOODS «ves (Grocery € Market [5 890 LINDEN AVE PHONES WINNETKA 1700--1701--1702 ! HUBBARD WOODS i mas. Our business is growing and growing. We have over two hundred accounts and are out to get 50 more by Christ- Charge accounts offered to responsible parties. SPECIALS ALL WEEK California Muscatelle Grapes, No. 1 size can, regular price 25c, this week . ...15¢ Plymouth Rock pure strawberry or raspberry preserves, large jar, regular price 50c, for this week 35¢, 3 for . .$1.00 French Mushrooms, small size cans, regular price 45c, for this sale 39c; larger size cans, regular price 90c, . .79¢ French imported peas, extra sifted, reg- ular price 42¢, for this sale 36¢, or, perdoz........c. ues il meen $4.00 American Steel wool, regular price 15¢, this sale, per pkg. 10c; 1 doz. pkgs., $1.10 Special seeded and seedless raisins, per PSPS Be BE 15¢ We will have the finest Christmas Trees you ever saw. The prices will be the cheap- est that you can find any- where. Order early and get the best. 7 SPECIAL F Gold Ribbon Wolecisy 10 1bs. pure cane granulated sugar, 10 lbs. limit to a customer ...69c Medium large jar Marichino Cheri ries, 5 oz. regular 40c, for Gold Ribbon Wednesday, limit 5 to a customer, Jar... c. 50s sv 25¢ Sunshine Crackers in tin can, reg- ular price, 80c; Wednesday, 2 limit to a customer, can ..... 63c Ivory Soap, small size, 10 limit to a customer, 10fér->. ........ 69c Ivory Soap, large size, 10 limit to a customer, each. ... .... 12 1-2¢ Lux, 10 only to a customer, ....89c Jap Rose Soap, limit 10 to a cus- tomer; 10: barsAfor............. 75¢c Fresh Bordeaux shelled walnuts, regular price per lb., $1.00; for this'sale; perlb. ..... 0.00, 75¢c Fresh shelled almonds, regular price per lb., $1.00; for this sale Peridy L . ai a iite eae 75¢c Special Scotch Tissue extra fancy toilet paper, 1000 sheets to a roll, 10 rolls limit to a customer, regular price, per roll 18c; for this sale, per roll, 12c; 10 rolls AE Eh rl en $1.00 Potatoes, fancy baking and boil- ing, per peck 25c; per bushel. .90c Extra fancy Jonathan Apples, per bushel 32.10: 12 Ibs... ......» 69c Valencia and Florida Oranges, nice and juicy, small size, 3 doz. fOr mB ER $1.00 12 1bs. extra fancy Baldwin Apples... aa 65¢c 7 lbs. nice Jersey sweet Potatoes, 25¢ Extra fancy imported Porto Rico Grape Fruit, while they last, 96 size;sper doz, un, Saw iy 50c American Family Soap Chips, regular price 20c; for Wednes- day, peridb. s.o.x hhh 1214c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 3 for .25¢c Jello Assorted, 3 pkgs. for ..... 25¢ Please telephone your order early so we can give you good delivery service. We deliver 4 times daily in WIN- NETKA, HUBBARD WOODS and GLENCOE. SPECIALS ALL WEEK With every 3 lbs. of our best quality coffee at $1.35 per 3 Ib. can (we have been selling this coffee for 50c per Ib.) we will sell 5 Ibs. pure cane granulated sugar for 19c. Richelieu brand Vulcan coffee, regular price 40c, for this week, 3 Ibs. for 99c. 'Special Palm Olive soap, genuine, 6 cakes for 49c, AND 1 CAKE FREE. Libby's white or green Asparagus Tips, regular price 50c per can, for this sale per can New mixed nuts, just in, fresh lot, regu- lar price, per Ib. 45¢; for this sale, per | PE BA TR TRE Te Se hd 35¢ Puffed Wheat, 2 for FOR THANKSGIVING We will have a fine lot of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens. If you will place your order early it will give us an opportunity to select a fine bird for you. GROCERIES SATURDAY SPECIALS November 18th RR Celery--rvery choice and fancy, 12 large stalks in a big bunch at BSc or 6 stalks for: ..«.o. ii Jus i vie ite oo Sweet potatoes, 6 lbs. for. .................. Extra fancy grapefruit, size 64, reg. price 2 for 25c¢, for Sat. special, 10ceachorperdoz. ................. Oianges, ver G02." nisin Rpg saul Fancy Green Beans, perqt. ...... ........... Fancy wax beans, 2 qts. for................ Nae os low price Te 25¢ Fresh Dressed Chickens, per Ib. - - 30c¢ Frogs st $1.10 Prime Rib Roast Beef, per Ib - wie 38 : : : et low pice R 7th Rib Roast of Beef, per lb. - - - 30c¢ MEATS