18 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1922 + Kenilworth Happenings Mrs. John P. Oleson, 240 Woodstock avenue, returned home Saturday from a visit in Kansas City with Mrs. Frank Nason. Mrs. Nason, who was a former Kenilworth resident, return- ed with her guest for a week's stay. On Monday Mrs. Oleson entertained informally for Mrs. Nason and some of her old friends. Mrs. Oleson also had a visit with Mrs. Abernathy, | formerly Mrs. Tinsman, yhile in Kansas City. Mrs. F. E. M. Cole, 315 Essex road, who seriously injured her hand recently, is reported to be on the con- valescent list, although it is probable that her hand will be out of use for several weeks to come. Mrs. Alfred Roy Hulbert, 528 Ab- botsford road, entertained her Bridge club on Thursday, November 23, at her home. Episcopal Prelates Speak at Church Mass Meeting Episcopal churches of the north shore from Evanston to Glencoe, in- clusive, are to he represented at a mass meeting at St. Luke's Episcopal church, Evanston, Sunday evening, December 2 Bishop Charles P. Anderson and Bishop Brent of the denomination are to be the speakers on the general theme, "The Church's Program." Delegations from the various Epis- copal churches in New Trier will have specially reserved pews at the meet- 'ing. RELIANCE i c@c Your self reliance grows self-denial and RS rapidly as does your SAVIRGS CCNY - - - N a man's savings bank book you will find a record of his the story of his well spent life. You will note indications of approaching pros- perity. Open a savings account at this bank and add regularly to your balance. WINNETKA pus es estrus diny baa ee : \ yepsegasnl jae fae > ps al B ahs TA NJ at LE 1] rf « @®w TURKEYS a" a me ee =~. GEESE The Very Best in Meats for the Thanksgiving Table. » a gnaw» ha B= am waa == = bh ume ww BER pe ® nd mm & ® = hh A 3 sas DUCKS CHICKENS Fresh Fruits Vecetables Groceries ALL KINDS OF NUTS Woodland Grocery & Mkt. Phones Winn. 78 and 79 1083 Gage Street rd Ld LS Wrrss," are y rs ALT - 5 7 29 iS 7) if IN Good to yi always on hand OUknow howitisinevery home--there's usually something that needs attention, a wall or ceiling needs fixing, or you need extra bins or partitions. These jobs are easy with With the least time and expense you get satis- factory jobs that look well and give long service. The better you know wall-board, the more you'll be convinced that you want Cornell- Wood-Board, and nothing else. It's made to give you satisfaction; pure wood fibre, triple- sized to resist heat, cold and moisture; mill- primed for paint or calcimine; or its attractive oatmeal-finish looks well as it is. We have Cornell for you because we know it's the ideal wood-board. ©165 Uses for Cornell-Wood-Board" is a booklet telling how you can make many useful things for the home. You can have it for the asking. Phone, writeor call for it. Winnetka Goal-Lumber Company Quality OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH 1559 |S AL Al E Evanston Sherman Illinois 2 Cash Meat Market xcellent We handle nothing but the BEST Reasonable Prices Specials For Thanksgiving Fresh Dressed Turkeys--- Geese---Ducks---Chickens Carefully selected, tender, juicy poultry---Every fowl that is sold in this market is an invitation to the customer to come back for more. FRESH DRESSED SPRING CHICKENS hy PEACOCK BACON hie HALF or WHOLE UU2 Fresh or pickled beef tongues, perlb. ........ 30c Native rib roast of beef, 3 5 Cc perdb......... 0h... Fancy leg of spring lamb 3 21 C 2 verlbe. i igae ove 3 Very best cut of pot yoasty 81 C 2 per lh... i. cai Buln Milk fed leg of veal, 1 perdbs.. =. .......05 . 24;c Small Pig Pork Loins, whole Very best sirloin steak, PCr: inion cians mosirs 40c Very best rump corned beef, perlh.:........... 28c 4 J