Tm K WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1922 SOCIAL See "A Night in Paris, 1919" at Armory, December 1 NIGHT. | IN PARIS, 1919, is to be pre- sented in carnival on Saturday, December 2, at the Armory, Michi- gan avenue and Sixteenth street, Chi- cago, under the auspices of the Wom- en's Overseas Service League and La Societe des Hommes 40 et Chevaux 8. The carnival which opens at 1 p. m,, will continue throughout the after- noon and late into the evening. It is to be a reproduction of street life in the Latin Quarticr of Paris as seen by the Yanks in 1919. There will be typical French scenes, Maxims, Cafe de LaPaix, A. E. F. Canteen, Hole mn the Wall, The Louvre, Pantheon de 66 TaGuerre, Premonade Champs de Elysses, L'Arc de Triomphe, de I'Etoile, Military Police, American, French, British Soldiers and Pretty girls. Isham Jones and Benson's Or- chestra will furnish music for danc- ing. The patrons and patronesses for the affair are as follows: General John HH. Pershing, Major General George A. Bell, Jr.,, Major General Milton J. Foreman, Major General H. C. Hale, Major General ies i i General : : George H. Harries, Brigadier led the first meeting. Van Horn Mosely, Colonel Thomas Mec- Closkey, Colonel Hanford McNider, Colonel Alvin E. Owsley, Lt. Com- mander Charles W. Schick, Major Al- fred Benson, Captain Waldo H. Evans, Kenesaw Mountain Landis, A. Bar- thelemey (French Consul), Mrs. Og- den Armour. Mrs. Joseph T. Bowen, Mrs. Benjamin Carpenter, Mrs. Fred Countiss, Mrs. Joseph M. Cudahy, Mrs. Charles E. Dawes, Mrs. George Dixon, Mrs. Frank C. Drake, Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, Mrs. Harry Hart, Mrs. Har- old Ickes, Mrs. Noble B. Judah, Miss Mary M. Bartelme, Mrs. Charles Gar- field King, Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, Mrs. George McKinlock, Mrs. R. R. Mc- Cormick, Mrs. Philip S. Post, Mrs. Harry Selz, Mrs. A. A. Sprague, Mrs. Carol Sudler, Mrs. Russell Tyson, Mrs. Arthur George Wells, Mrs. Ira Couch Wood. \d ---0-- A Thanksgiving fete for the benefit of the Americanization work of the New America Shop, 1409 Stevens building, Chicago, under the auspices of the D. A. R., will be given in the Gold Room, LaSalle hotel, Friday, December 1, at 2:30 o'clock. The Misses Bertha Iles and Irene Skinner will contribute Ly providing the dra- matic activities, the former being the president, and the latter, the vice president of the Academy of Dramatic Education. Under their supervision the children are arranging an Amer- ican "Chaure Souris" as it werc. Original dances and pantomimes, read- ings and plays will be harmoniously blended by appropriate music and ar- tistic lighting effects. The patroness- es are Mesdames Cyrus H. McCormicis Sr., L. Hamilton McCormick, Rufus Dawes, Abby Farwell Ferry, James A. Ostrom, Amns W. Walker, Frank W. Van Dusen, John V. Farwell Frank R. Fuller, George L. Cragg, Louis Fowler Hopkins and Hagop Bezazian. Cf An interesting program of violin and piano numbers was given by pu- pils of Winifred Townsend and Mar- guerite Fitzgerald at the home of Mrs. W. Ellison on Greenwood avenue, on Saturday afternoon, November 11. The following pupils took part: Joan Ingram, Marion Suits, Helen Mehren, Neatrice Haas, Margaret Jean Cree, Rose and Marion Klentye, Helen ley, Helen Hare, Marien Crumlish, Lois Bailey, Evadne Newer, Robert Walker, Robert Ellis, John and Robert Meh- rem, Ralph Kline, James Hartnette, George Swigart, Joseph Stone and Harold Miller. Mrs. Ralph Walker, soprano, assist- ed with a group of songs, including "Visi d'Arte" from LaTosca by Puc- cini, which she sung beautifully. The regular studio class recital will be held Saturday morning at 10:30. The work includes, aside from the playing, musical history ard theory. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Aiken, Jr., and children, 849 Lincoln avenue, are leav- ing early next week to spend the winter months in New Orleans. Mr. Aiken will return after the first of the year, but his family will remain there until early spring. ------ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ball have as their house guests, Mr. Ball's perents of Grand Rapids, Mich.,, who will re- main here with their grandchildren, while the Junior Balls spend the com- ing week at Hot Springs, Ark. --Q-- Mrs. Frank R. Fuller, 110 church road, is giving a dance for her daugh- ter, Phoebe, on Saturday evening, December 23, at the Indian Hill club. --Crae Mr .and Mrs. Edward J. Nichols, of Winnetka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Rose Virginia, to CTIVITIE On Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in Christ Episcopal church, occurred the welding of Miss Kath- ryn Roxana Pierce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rundell Pierce of Glencoe, and Lieut. John Hawkins Elleman of the U. S. Corps of En- gineers. Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard offi- ciated. Mrs. Frances Edward Todd was matron of honor and Miss Mildred Truesburg of Rockford, maid of hon- or. The bridesmaids were Miss Syl- via Caughell, Miss Bernice Cawkins, Mrs. Harold G. Schryer, all of Evans- ton, andMiss Allen Bishops of Chi- cago. Gertrude Schryer was flower girl. Lieut. Ernest Calhoun Norman was best man. Ushering were Edward | H. Bowers, John H. Collier, William J. Epes, Walter B. Smith and Harold F. Engerod. ---- At an informal meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry E. Miller, 670 Walden road, last Monday afternoon, Winnetka Smith College Circle be- came an organization. There are some forty odd Smith college alumnae in the vicinity of Winnetka, Hubbard Woods and Glencoe, and a represent- ative number enthusiastically attend- Assisting Mrs. Miller were Mrs. A. Miller Belfield, and Mrs. George W. Gordon. The Circle will meet on the third Monday in each month, the next hostess to be Mrs. L. Sherman Aldrich, 1160 Oak- ley avenue. oe A dancing, card and bunco party is to be given next Tuesday evening at the Winnetka Woman's club under the auspices of the social service de- partment of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league. Mrs. August Pear- son, who is general chairman of the party, is being assisted by the follow- ing women members of her commit- tee, Mesdames H. J. Morin, N. N. Hen- rich, Frederick Hubsch, A. M. Kloep- fer, E. C. Weissenberg, William Schneider, William Dooley, V. V. Muz- zik and Miss Susaa Alles. Cop. iy ond Mr. and Mrs. Marcus D. Richards, 806 Rosewood avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dickinson, Jr., 859 Burr avenue, have issued invitations for a dance next Friday evening, Decem- ber 1, at the Winnetka Woman's club. The invitations, which are written in rhyme, invite the guests to come as gypsy, pirate, knave, king, queen or vamp. Or Mrs. Bob W. Anderson entertained at an informal tea yesterday after- noon at her home, 328 Linden street, in honor of her house-guests, her mother and sister, Mrs. C. M. Pond, and Miss Pond of Minneapolis. Ga Christ church members will hold their annual dinner on Wednesday evening, December 13, at the Winnetka Woman's club. 1t is expected that there will be an attendance of about 400 people. lrg Mrs. Edwin Larned Ryerson is giving a dance this evening at the Ambassador, for Miss Ekzabeth Cope- land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Copeland, 180 Linden avenue. -- Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, 468 Ridge avenue, spoke before the Pekin Wo- man's club, Pekin, Ill, yesterday, her subject being "Educational Conditions in Illinois." ------ Q-- F. W. Copeland, 665 Prospect ave- nue, sailed Saturday for a business jurney around the world. He expects to return home in about six months. OS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barker, 603 Provident avenue, had as their guests early this week, Mrs. Comstock, and Miss Comstock of Milwaukee. ----C-- Mr. Theodore G. Rockwell, 277 Chestnut street, will return home to- morrow from a fortnight's stay at French Lick Springs, Ind. -- New America Shop Board of Direc- tors will meet in Room 921 Fine Aris building, Chicago, en Monday, Novem- ber 27, at 1:30 o'clock. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller have closed their house on the Indian Hill club grounds and have moved to the Drake hotel for the winter. ----Or Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Forrest Me- Lain, 1547 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, announce the birth of a son on November 3. --_--0-- Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Lum, 672 Lin- coln avenue, have as their guest, Mr. Lum's father, Mr. EB. H. Lum of Chatham, N. J. --ie Wednesday evening, Thanksgiving Eve, will mark the opening of the Winnetka Assembly dances at the George H. Arnold, of Hubbard Woods. Woman's club. The first of a series of informal sup- per dances will take place on 3Satur- day evening of this week at the Indian Hill club. San Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnson of Memphis, Tenn., recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Florence Ester, to Dr. Melvin B. Has- brouck of Glencoe. Dr. Hasbrouck came to Glencoe during the summer and has been associated with Dr. J. L. Ralston in the practice of osteopathy. The wedding will take place in Mein- phis on November thirtieth. --C-- Mr: William C. Boyden, 725 Pine street, has gone east to escort his daughter, Miss Margaret Boyden, to the Harvard-Yale game on Saturday. Mr. Boyden wll return home early in the week, and his daughter on the following Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyden are entertaining at dinner for their daughter on Friday evening next, at their home. a Miss Margaret Boyden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cowper Boyden of Knollhurst, will arrive next Thurs- day morning to spend the Thanks- giving vacation here, and to attend one or two of the debutante balls. Miss Boyden, wht is a student at Bryn Mawr, made her debut on Sep- tember 30 at a tea given by her nar- ents in Winnetka. ag The Oak Street Circle will be enter- tained next Tuesday afternoon, No- vember 28 by Mrs. A. L. Adams, 926 Cherry street. The program will be interesting as Mr. William A. Hadley, vhom we always enjoy hearing, will tell of the progress of his Correspond- ence School for the Blind; also Miss Iona Barnes of Winnetka will sing. There is plenty of sewing for all, there- fore a full attendance is desired. ---- Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard has re- turned from China, where she went after a year's stay in the Hawaiian islands. --_--Q-- Mrs. S. P. Shayne of Cleveland, O., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Theodore G. Rockwell, 277 Chestnut street. --O-- The Suburban Neighborly club will entertain at the Winnetka Woman's club on Saturday evening of next week. --_---- On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Alex- ander was hostess at a small informal tea at her rome, 1423 Prairie avenue. Fei The Winter club will meet next Mon- day evening at the Winnetka Woman's club. Davistone Clear Speaker Wins Radio Fans' Approval Winnetka radio fans are evincing a more than ordinary interest in the Davistone Clear Speaker, now being extensively advertised, in view of the fact that the company back of this product is made up principally of Winnetka men. There is every indication that the Davistone Clear Speaker will be an important factor in the development: of the radio industry, because through the Davistone horn messages can be made clear and distinct in a room crowded with people. The material, Davistone, is a patented composition and may be adapted to other uses later on which will be even more im- portant than that of making radio horns. CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB J. G. Stanton Winnetka Manager for Insurance Dept. and Membership Committee NORTH SHORE HOTEL Evans. 6400 Jessie Ropre Land 5 Studio of Bramatir Art 1527 Kimball Building Instruction may be had in Evanston as well as Chicago Phones Harrison 7949 Evanston 1698 | The Pen Thats Guaranteed 25 Years. UARANTEED to hold its jewel-like point for 25 years. Over-size Chinese red barrel with black ends, handsomerthan gold! | Get one here on 30 days' trial. | GivetheDuofold for giftsorprizes. | It's taken the public by storm. | Che PARKER Duofold Duoro , Lady Duotoid $5 ADAMS PHARMACY PHONE 2 7 Ted R. Twining in Charge at Kenilworth Motor Co. Ted R. Twining has assumed man- £ CATERING agerial duties al the Kenilworth E Motor company and is prepared to t Sunshine Cake render expert service for motorists of | i the north shore. £ Frozen Pudding Twining is well known in Wilmette Frozen Charlotte Russe and Evanston, having been an expert machinist in garages in this vicinity Punch made-to-order f 1 8. rhe Koniiworts Motor company is Also Birthday Cake owned by C. A. Thorsen. Wedding Cake 8-HOUR BATTERY We deliver promptly SERVICE in Winnetka, 9 Glencoe and Wilmette Batteries Left Before rs, om 9A. M..C Be Called 819 Oak Phone 112 For At 5 P. M. ATISITIITE INN Glengables Tea Room 376 Park Avenue GLENCOE QUIET COZY, FAMOUS FOR ITS COOKING THANKSGIVING DINNER 1:00 to 3:30 p. m., $1.75 Reservations made before Wednesday, Nov. 29, will insure good service. Only a very small number can be served without reservation. Phone Glencoe 474. MENU Vegetable Soup Celery Olives Radishes Roast Turkey Giblet Gravy Oyster Dressing Cranberry Apple Mashed Potatoes Creamed Onions Baked Squash Rolls, Floribell Bran Bread Orange and Grapefruit Salad Plum Pudding Mince Pie Candy Pumpkin Pie Nuts Ice Cream and Cake Coffee Hemstitching In Gold, Silver, Irish Point, Picoting, Etc, Pleating, Buttons Covered, Stamping, Embroidery and Beading. ; A full line Pictorial Review Embroidery Trans- fer Patterns, Beading, Cross Stitch and Initials, also fine line of laces. Reform Initials in felt. Will not shrink or break in washing. Singer Sewing Machines, sold or rented; also accessories. : High Class Work Quick, Personal Service A. M. CARY 1131 Greenleaf Ave. Near Wilmette Avenue Electric Station Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Ph. Wilmette 2354 Closed Saturdays 3 p. m. IO ON NNW MMW MZ [7 [N NEN NSE EE REN HILL ROAD HOME SITE INDIAN HILL CLUB SUBDIVISION More than 225 feet of frontage. The depth is about 300 feet. All improvements are in. The price is less than other properties in the neighborhood. In fact nearly 25% less. There are other attractive features which we would like to point out to you. If your name is on the wait- ing list of the Indian Hill Club, do not fail to answer this advertisement, but answer regardless. McGUIRE & ORR Established 1894 Winnetka Office 541 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 672 Chicago Office Phone Randolph 2981 69 W. Washington St. @