' - Be wid : Ro "Evanston Woman's club. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OF PERSONAL MENTION Invitations for Holiday Parties Flood the Mails HE Winnetka Woman's Club will entertain for the young people of college and high school age on Thursday after- noon, December 28. Sons and daughters of club members are invit- ed to the club on that day at three o'clock. A Christmas play, entitled "A Christmas Fantasy" will be given by a group of high school students, after which there will be informal dancing. The music will be furnish- edby the Kippy orchestra. Ushers for the entertainment will include Misses Marjory Janney, Mary Ott, Fredericka Walling, Marcell Venuema, Virginia Gordon, Sara Chickering, Cathryn Hamilton, Elizabeth Boyden, Blanche Spiegel and Susan Burling- ham. ------ North Shore alumnae of Kappa Gamma sorority are completing ar- rangements for a Spanish ball to be given on the evening of Saturday, De- cember 30, at the Evanston Country club, to swell their building fund. The ball room will be transformed into a bit of old Madrid, and assistants in Spanish costumes and dances by Senorita Conchita and Senor Buis will be features of the evening. It is the only formal subscription dance of the year. Provision for bridge in the card room, will be made, in addition to the dancing upstairs. Patronesses for the ball are Mrs. C. W. Pank, Mrs. Lewis G. Blessing Mrs. Frank B. Dyche, Mrs. John Hard- ing, Mrs. Dennis Gent, Mrs. Gordon Bull, Mrs. F. W. McDonald, Mrs. W. E. Burch, Mrs. Griswold A. Price and Mrs. Edward C. George. Miss Charlotte McDonald and Miss Jean Calhoun who are in charge of the dancing will be assisted by Miss Dorothy Burch, Miss Ethel Flentye, Miss Norma Lawlor, Miss Mildred Bodach, Miss Margaret George and Miss Virginia Davis. Miss Helen Dyche, who is chairman of the ar- rangements for bridge, will be assisted by Miss Mary Howe. --g< A fourth performance of "Peg o' My Heart," the production by the North Shore players which delighted 'ca- pacity Houses" in Winnetka and in St. Luke's parish house last week, was given last evening at 8:16 o'clock in the auditorium of the The pro- ceeds will go to the building fund "of the National Kindergarten and Ele- mentary college, whose removal from Chicago to the new Evanston cam- pus at Ridge avenue and Sheridan road will take place shortly. Patrons and patronesses for the performance were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Dawes, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pat- ten, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Buffington, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berry Ennis, Mr. and Mrs. A. Starr Best, Mr. and Mrs. Har- rison B. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Couk, Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Ely, Mrs. G. T. Black, Miss Edna Dean Baker and Miss Florence Capron. --_---- Dr. Alice Barlow Brawn, just recent- ly returned from Serbia, will be the guest of Mrs. Morris L. Greeley, 655 Maple avenue, until her departure for Hope, Kansas, to spend the holidays with her family. During the last year of Dr. Brown's stay in Serbia, she was affiiliated with the Serbian Inter- national Educational Committee, of which Dr. Rosalie S. Morton of New York city is chairman. During the year, this committee has placed sixty young men and women in the universi- ties of the United States, in order that they may become acquainted with American Ideals and later go back to Serbia to teach their own people and to introduce Social Service. These young folks are studying in the main, Agriculture, Medicine, Dentristy, En- gineering, and Social Service. After a visit with her family, Dr. Brown expects to return to Winnetka. --0-- Today's debutante is Miss Elizabeth Copeland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Copeland, 180 Linden street, who will be formally introduced this afternon at a tea given by Mrs. Ben- jamin Carpenter and: Mrs. Copeland at the Carpenter residence, 1645 As- tor street, Chicago. In the receiving line with Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Cope- land and Miss Copeland will be a group of debutantes, among them: Misses Marjorie King, Laura Thomp- son, Genevieve Carpenter, Alice Car- penter, Lydia Hibbard, Alice deWindt, Ellen Thorne, Carol Elting, Helen Isham, Polly Packard, Marion Warner, Janet Lawrence, Frances Heyworth, Barbara Dunham, Elizabeth Smith, Margaret MacCaughey, Virgina Den- nehy, Edith Farnsworth and Nancy Newell. ------ 'Mrs. R. J. Wilson will entertain in card next Friday afternoon at her home on Ridge avenue. The MacDowell Musical Club of Winnetka gave a most enjoyable pro- gram of Organ and Oratorio music at the Glencoe Union church on Monday, December 11, at 2:45 o'clock. The club included the Musician's Club of Evanston, the Musical Club of Wil- mette, and the Community Drama Club of Winnetka as its guests, as well as unlimited guests for its own members. The artists on the occa- sion were Mrs. Percival Hunter, organ- ist, Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, organist, Mrs. Guy Stuart Bailey, soprano, Mrs. John W. Hansel, contralto, Mrs. Wil- liam Thrall, soprano, Mrs. Harvey Brewer, violinist, and Mary Porter Pratt, organist, the assisting guest. The following program was presented: | Prologue: March From Suite in G minor. . . Rogers The Bells of St. Anne de Beaupre . . os ali ts aL Russell EDITOR'S NOTE: The chimes of St. Anne Church, Beaupre, Canada, .. (actual notes)--gathering of the faithful--chanting of the choir, "Bonne St. Anne, prier pour nous" --the procession--the miracle---- benediction--bells in distance Finale (Symvhony No 2) ... Widor Mrs. Orcutt. Hear Ye, Israel (Elijah) Mendeissohn Mrs. Thrall Christmas Offertory Short Sketch a, 0idsa. Stebbins BerceuUSE i, civ v +5 vw viv on Kinder Mrs. Hunter My heart ever faithful, sing praises ter vi eee Bach He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Messiah) . . .-. . 53.5» Handel Mrs. Hansel Adagio (Concerto in G minor) Bruch Mrs. Brewer With Verdure Clad (Creation) Hadyn Mrs. Bailey A Cloister Scene . 1... 5% 5. Mason Scherzo--Caprice. . . .. ..... Ward Ruaahsody -. ..x0. sii Rossiter Cole Miss Pratt Duet--Zion spreadeth her hands for aid. (IDlijahy . .. . 2 Mendelssohn The Angel (Harp accompaniment on organ) Rubinstein Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Hansel Organ Duet--Fest--Postludium SPE RE Ee Janssen Introducing the melody of "America" Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Orcutt. --Q-- Mr. Harold Zeiss has purchased the house at 461 Maple avenue, until re- cently occupied by Mr. Montague Ferry. Mr. Zeiss is taking possession at once and will occupy the house as a home. rn Plans for an attractive party for the kindergarten kiddies of the Winaetka Congregational Church Sunday school on next Saturday afternoon, Dec. 16th, at 2:30 are being arranged. The committee in charge, Mrs. Edmond Bartlett, Mrs. Theadore Coyne and Mrs. Stanley Simpson with Miss Mil- dred Mock the director, is asking each child to bring a used toy wrapped prettily in Xmas array to be put in a huge bag for Santa Clause to take down to the Chicago Commons when the little ones down there will be made very happy. The mothers are asked to come to the party and enjoy the festivities too. ----Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coffin will in- troduce their daughter, Miss Lois Coffin, at a tea to be given at their residence, 841 Prospect avenue, on Friday, December 29. Cards were in the mail yesterday for a dance to be given by a coterie of north shore women at the Ev- anston Woman's club Tuesday eve- Two sets of invitations have been issued by Mrs. Oliver S. Picher for dances to be given at the Indian Hill club. On Wednesday evening, De- cember 27, Mrs. Picher will entertain for her daughter, Charlotte, and on Thursday evening, December 28. for her son, Oliver, who returns Tuesday next from Talf school in the east. --O0-- With the sudden bite of winter winds the lovers of winter sports are making very definite plans for taking advantage of the season, which has been a bit late in coming. At Indian Hill club the skating pond is in per- fect condition, and the toboggan slide will be up and in working order very soon. --(-- Mr. and Mrs. James F. Porter of Hubbard Woods, are expecting their two sons, Eliot, who is attending Har- vard, and Edward, who attends Mor- ristown School, Morristown, N. J., home the latter part of next week, for the holiday vacation. --0-- Mrs. Arthur R. Dean, 441 Willow street, was hostess at a small dinner party last evening in honor of her son, Fuller, preceding the dance at the North Shore Country Day school. ---- Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Page Rees, 826 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods, left yesterday to spend Christmas in New Orleans. They will return home late in the holiday week. --_--O-- There will be a dinner dance at Indian Hill club for members and friends this evening. Cards were in the mail yesterday for a dance to be given by a coterie of north shore women at the Evans- ton Woman's club Tuesday eve- ning, December 26. The hostesses in- clude Mrs. Bruce MacLeish of Glen- coe, Mrs. Willing D. Kirk of Glencoe, Mrs. Oliver Morton Knode of Win- netka, Mrs. Gordon Ramsay, Mrs. Frederick W. Penfield, and Mrs. Henry Pierce Pope of Glencoe. are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weinstock, re- cently sold their home on Cherry street and are at present building a new residence at the corner of Walden road and Pine street, which they hope to occupy in the spring. ----== Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byron, 768 FFoxdale avenue, have as their house- guests, Mr. Byron's sister, Mrs. Camp Robinson and three children of Al- berta, Canada. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. John Quick Magie are giving an informal tea Sunday after- noon from 5 to 7 o'clock, for the lat- ter's sister, Miss Katherine Prest, a bud of the season. ei The Musicians Club of Women will give a program arranged by Mrs. Har vey I. Brewer of Winnetka and Miss Ruth Hypes of Evanston in Recital Hall, Fine Arts building, December 18, at 2:30 p. m. The members taking part are Mildred Smith Bolan, Mrs. Emil S. Ehmen, Helen Hedges, Flor- ence Larrabee McLeary, Mora Mur- dock, Elizabeth Olk-Roehik and Zetta Gay Whitson. The accompanist is Al ma Birmingham, S--p-- A French composers' program was given December 5 at the home of Mrs. Orval Simpson, 932 North ave- nue, Winnetka, by the North Shore Musical society of Wilmette. Mrs. Starbuck of Winnetka was the as- sistant hestess. After a short read- ing of French composers, Mrs. Cop- thorne, Mrs. Akely, Mrs. Seaver, Miss Ethel Flentye, Miss Dirk, Miss Paul- ine Pettibone and Mrs. Simpson gave a very enjoyable program, after which dainty refreshments were served. --0-- The Winnetka Assembly Christmas party will be given at the Woman's Club Saturday evening, December 23. Quite a number of dinner parties have been arranged, the largest of which will take place at the Indian Hill club. The Assemblies have been a source of great. pleasure to many Winnetka people and from all indications the Christmas party will be a continued pleasure. --O0-- If you can spare an hour or two, Wednesday morning, December 20, to help finish some sewing for destitute children in time for Christmas, come at ten o'clock to the meeting of the Woman's Society of the Congregation- al church at Community house. There will be a social hour and a read- ing by Mrs. John R. Fletcher. Bring a tiny toy to slip in the pocket of one of the garments. --_--O Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Tilroe, 978 Oak street, announce the marriage of their brother, Harry A. Smith, to Gertrude S. Kain of 1514 Jonquil terrace, Rog- ers Park, Thanksgiving eve., at Ow- ensboro, Kentucky, the ceremony be- ing performed by Father Maloney of St. Steven's Catholic church of that city. --_--0-- Mrs. James Keddie gave a most in- teresting talk at the home of Mrs. Douglas Taylor, to the Pine Street Cir- cle, on her recent trip to Scotland, England and Paris, Mrs. Keddie illus- trated her talk with pictures and souvenirs gathered at the various points of interest that she has visited. --_--0-- The Hawthorne Lane Circle will meet Tuesday, December, 19, at 2 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Fritz Wag- ner, 561 Hawthorne lane, with Mrs. Elmer J. Baker, assistant hostess. A full attendance is desired as matters of especial interest and importance will be discussed. --0-- Mr. and Mrs. John R. Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard Casselberry have issued cards for a reception on New Year's Day, from 4 to 7 o'clock, at the Leonard residence, 861 Bryant avenue. J. E. SWIFT TEAL BUSINESS & LIFE INSURANCE Representative New York Life Insurance Company 1017 Central Avenue, Wilmette .Phone Wilmette 37 "It Takes the Worry Out of Life" For Christmas Suggestions POLLY PRIM SHOP (Virginia P. Noe) 809 Oak St. Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1635 The Oak Street Circle will meet at 2:30 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon, December 19, at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Groene, 913 Cherry street. Mrs. G. Osten will assist Mrs. Groene as hostess. To this meeting all members are urgently invited to come and do the last bit of sewing on garments to be sent out for Christmas. Our program of music is to be exception ally splendid, in that Mrs. John Mar shall will sing and Mr. Eugene Feuchtinger, a pianist of note, will play; also Mrs. Charles F. Karnopp will read "A Christmas Accident," by Anne Trumbull. 2 o-- Mr. and Mrs.John Stuart of Hubbard Woods, have issued cards for a dance to be given at Indian Hill club on the evening of Saturday, December 30, for their daughters, the Misses Joan and Ellen Stuart. Miss Joan Stuart is coming home from Miss Farmington's school, early next week, to spend the holidays with her par- ents. CATERING Sunshine Cake Frozen Pudding Frozen Charlotte Russe Punch made-to-order Also Birthday Cake Wedding Cake We deliver promptly in Winnetka, Glencoe and Wilmette Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 WINNETKA Miss Pauline Rudolph, daughter of Mrs. Franklyn Rudolph of Sheridan road, will arrive home today from Kent's Place school, at Somerset, New Jersey, to spend the Christmas vaca- tion with her mother. Messrs. Frank nd Charles Rudolph are expected home on the twenty-first from eastern schools, Frank from William College, and Charles from Morristown School, in New Jersey. y --_--0-- On Saturday evening of next week, Mrs. Frank R. Fuller of 110 Church road, will give a dancing party for her daughter, Phoebe, at the Indian Hill club. Your photograph by appointment in your home or at our studio Stanton Wilhite Photographer WINNETKA 330 TRIANGLE AUTO ,..., | REPAIR SHOP = | Located in the Triangle Garage and Motor Company. 330 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING THAT- LASTS-- RADIATOR TROUBLE? or perhaps you need In eith- er case we can take a new one. care of you. ONCE A CUSTOMER, ALWAYS A CUSTOMER NNN NN The Hupmobile gives you the brilliant, dashing performance you look for in cars that cost mere; it assures you the low operating and main- tenance costs you hope to get in cars that cost less. |