Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 2 Feb 1924, p. 9

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1924 Cleaning Preparations 50c Rosenberg's Cleaning Fluid, Ro LULU 'S Shaving Needs Ss el 1.) --t $1.00. Gillette' Blades .............. 69¢ g 350 A a ICEL : $0¢' Gem, Jr, Blades... ....oruee 3c £ INC EAT Ba ee 1 19¢ The Norik Shore's Greatest Store : 75¢ Krank's Lather Kreem ...... 6c £ O0C CATON. ses cet ease 49¢ : $1.00 Imperted Bay Rum ......... 69c E mm E The February Sale of Drugs Begins Friday, February First, Continues Eight Days Make Out a List-- . You'll find it mighty profitable to make out a list of your needs in drugs, toilet requisites and other essentials itemized on this page. Special prices justify quantity buy- ing. Anticipate your requirements for a long time ahead. For the Teeth 50c .PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE, 39, 3 for....$1.00 I. 30c Kolynos Tooth Paste, 19¢, 3 for 35¢ Revelation Tooth Pow- der, 2%e, 30x: 7.000 60c 60c Forhan's Tooth Paste. .49¢ =e === _-- $1.00 LISTERINE, ...i..... 69¢ 1491.00 Lavoris: 7... 5 ..... 69¢ [| 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brush i. oon hdtv mats 39¢ 50c Saveall Tooth Paste, 39¢ 3nfoniii 0h wand $1.10 --=R Squibb Dental Cream, 39c¢ 50¢ Pebeco Tooth Paste, 39¢, 3 for $1.00 60c California Syrup of 25¢ Sterate Zinc, 19¢ 40c Fletcher's Castoria..29c I 75¢ Mellin's Food 75¢ Mead's Dextri Maltose For Baby Figs CNET ONS SU Se 55¢ $3.75 Horlick Malted Milk........ $2.89 40c Squibb's Aromatic Castor Oil... .29¢c 25¢ 'Infant's Rectal Syringe......... 15¢ 35¢c Wyeth Glycerine Suppositories. .25¢ LUT TIL Home Remedies Aromatic. .Cascara, 4 02... nis 23Cns Camphorated Oil, 4 oz......... 25¢ & Glycerine and Rose Water, 4 0z..19¢ Glycerine, 4 oz... vv oi i vane 19¢ Boric Acid, Pow. or Crystals, Pll, Let l 2g hamd io 000, 35¢ EpsomaSalts, ¥ 1b. ..L.... 500.4. 10¢ Dobell Solution, 8 oz. bot. ....21c Essence Peppermint, 2 oz. .... 25¢c Essence Jamaica Ginger, 2 oz...25¢ 16 oz. Rubbing Alcohol ........ 50c Oil Wintergreen; 210%: <....\4. 25¢ Triilodine, 2rozie oon vo, 25¢ Rose Water, 402.5." .... 28... .. 19¢ Tr. Green Soapji6ioz. ....5..... 50¢ 1 IHG inn TEELEREERERER EE SHH Jap Rose Soap 3-10c Bars for 25¢ And One Bar FREE! Making 40c worth of Soap for 25¢ JT With every 50c purchase during this sale, you will be given, FREE FREE, a 15c jar of Krank's Lemon Cleansing Cream and 10c tube of Listerine Tooth Paste. Toilet Preparations of Merit From. The House Of From The House Of BALDWIN > TWILIGHT $1.00 Blue Beauty Face [' We have obtained per- Powder............ 89¢ mission to give a 50c 50c Blue Beauty Flacon of their famous Cream: ,.o...L..... 43c 0 b> Black Narcissus Parfum 50¢ Blue Beauty YN FREE with every pur- Rouges... ....... 43c <4 chase of a Double Com- 50c Queen Bess Face © pact of Twilight Kiss Powder... 4... 39c Cds Powder and Rouge. FROM THE HOUSE OF MELBA Offers the Delicate Fragrance of Melba Fleurs Melba Fleurs Powder... $1.00 Melba Fleurs Compact ........ $1.00 Melba Fleurs Cream 0... vues, 75¢ Melba Fleurs Toilet Water ..... $1.25 Melba Fleurs Rouge |. ............ 50c Melba Fleurs Perfume, oz. ...... $2.50 Face Powders Zn : : po 5100 Le Trefle Face Hudnut's, Colgate's = 2 | Powder 0000.0. 79¢ § $1.00 Azurea Face E or Saurze Frezes -- Powder: .......0n: 79c¢ Perfume Nir 50c Luxor Face g REE Powder ........39¢ § Formerly Sold From $1.00 Gardenia Face Powder ....8c £ 75¢ to $2.50 oz. 60ci La: May Face Powder ....... 49¢ = $1.00 Mignonette Face Powder..69¢ 2 50¢ OZ. 50c Djer Kiss Face 5 : Powder ron 39¢ / Hm nn LE ETE AE TARAS 50c¢ La Blanche Kf $1.00-Mavis Toilet Water © ....... 69¢ Powder. ...... 39¢ Wai $1.25 Manon Les- caut Face Powder 89¢ Rouges 50c¢ Dorin 1249 Brunette Rouge 210 97C $1.50 La May Double Compact ..99¢c $1.00 Luxor Compact Powder or.... Rouge ...0......0 dhe einai, 89¢ 50c Tyvdy-Fsther-Rouge v0.0. ii. 35¢ Talcums 25¢c Violet®™Sen Talc 15 0 0 19¢ 2 flalmolivel Pale ......... . 0... 9c 25c lagi ale 0h. nen. 15¢ 25c*Mennen's Borated Talc ...... 19¢ $1.60 Du Barry Talet unica. 49¢ 25ciDjer Kiss, Talc 4. bn an 19¢ 25¢ Johnson & Johnson's Talc, 19¢ 3 for Perfumes $1.50 Azurea or Le Trefle Perfume, LL 0%. sai vin Rr ICRI 98c $1.75 Djer Kiss Perfume, 1 oz...$1.09 $3.75 Houbigant's Ideal, 1 oz. ....$2.75 $3.50 Houbigant's Quelques Fleurs, EY er IME IE TIES S00 SE AR $2.98 30c laxative Bromo B Quinine .......... 19¢ rar ca 0c Pinex. oo vive ins 49c¢ 8 2 3.) 50c Wild Cherry HAN | Cough Syrup ....~39 Men 60c Bell Pine Tar jong and Honey -...... 49¢ Ld Miscellaneous 50c Lapactic Pills, 100 in bot. ...29¢c 75¢c Blaud's Iron Pills, 100. ..%. 35¢ 53¢ 'Cascara,'5 gr. tabletsihi. 45¢ 75¢ Alophen Pills, P. D. & Co.. .45¢ 60c LithiaziTablets .....000 wine 39¢ 15¢ Sulphur and Cream Loz. ....10c 75¢ Baume Analgesic ....LL... 49¢ 75¢ Vickis Vapo Rub .........% 19¢ G0c: Sloan's Liniment ... «ome 49¢ 25¢c Mentholatum. on eimistin 21c Hm LE ET TT TTT Tonics 3 $1.10 Tanlac/ nll LiL) OG 79¢ $1.50 Fellows' Syrup Hypo. Compound' =..c. un 0 $1.19 = $1.50 Elixir Iron Quinine and Strychaine o.oo. n, J. 90c E $1.10 Nuzated Iron oa. .... 79c $1.00 Wampole's Ext. Cod Liver Ol ... vc io. o him 69¢ $1.50 Kepler Malt and Cod Livere@®iliu.l.. etn. oo $1.19 $1.50 Trinner's Bitter Wine of Dron: sion ai ad 89¢ $2.50 Arend's Beef, Iron and VANE i, LE bie vit tiie wn $2.00 $1.00 Pure. Cod Liver Oil ...... 69¢ EUR TTTT LU m Effective Remedies for Coughs and Cold Hi IT Liniments and Ointments SE TT Hin $1.50 Blue Beauty Rose Perfume, Vioz nao. bes NIIPN Eb ae di $1.29 Johann Maria Farina Cologne, 60c, 98c, $1.98 Creams and Lotions KRANK'S : LEMON CREAM 89¢ 50c D. & R. Cold Cream 60c Pond's Vanish- ing or Cold Cr.,49¢ 50c¢ Dame Nature Skin Improver. .39¢c 50c Melrose Cream"... . . = sect, 29¢ 75c Lady Esther Creama.. mai. 49c¢ $1.00 Ingram's Milkweed Cream. .49c 50c¢ Stillman's Freckle Cream ....39c 75¢: Theatrical {Cold Cream. ...... 59¢ 35¢ Sanitol Face and Cold Cream. .29¢ 50c HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM, 35¢ 50c Hudnut's Marvel- ous Cold Cream ..39c 50c¢ Espey's Fragrant Cream 50¢ Orchard White Ha IC $1.25 Bayer's Aspirin, only 99c O0c Bem ...o +i. Lainie miei oa 49¢ $1.50 Maltine and Cod Liver Ji HE Oa os AT 1.19 $1.25 PertuSsin «ve cicero Tons + ores 99¢ Ll Ld Disinfectants $1.00: Originalslysol nov. oscars 69¢ 25ce J3 0. Bug Powder i.v.0 Gs 15¢c 25¢ Phoenix Rat and Roach Paste ....15¢ $1,000 Roach or Bug Liquid $1,000 Moth Killer, large size .... $1.00 Enoz Moth Spray Enoz Moth Sprayer LTH 0c: 'Furpa fai ut mss ovis oi0s 49¢ 40c. Pirst Aid Oil LLL 00s. 0h 3le 35¢ I: 1. Kidney Plaster... ... 23 d7c nm Relladonna Plaster ... Soaps 5 25¢ Woodbury Facial Soap . 19¢ 3 for 55¢ FACIAL SOAP forSkin.Scalp and Complexion. 20c Pear's Unscented, doz. ........ $1.39 20c Stork Castile, 15¢, 3 for I 40c 10c Jergen's Violet Glycerine, 9c, doz. 90c Broadway Toilet and Bath Soap Regular 10c Bar Special 69c Dozen 15¢ Flash Hand Soap, 3 for ........ 25¢ 25¢ Packer's Tar Soap, 19¢, 3 for ....56¢ 30¢ Resinol Soap, 25¢, 3 for ........ 70c unm TT Te February Sales Special A Jergen's Soap Box 89c This box contains 1 Woodbury's Facial Soap, 1 Violet Glycerine Soap, 1 Casto- lay Castile Soap and 6 other bars of Jergen's Soap, only 89c. STR TT $1.00 Krank's Lemon For the Hair Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 39¢, 3 for $1.00 Shampoo: iv. denis asus 89¢ $1.50 Van Ess Tonic or Massage ..o..iiio. 0d. A 1.09 50c Florentine Sham- ~~ POO. vuln dire ili 29¢ Ly MULSTFIED | 75¢c Stacombiivws. ant fod 49c¢ i aint ob $1.00 Danderine .....u0lw 79¢ % Sez 10c Wanous Shampoo Bag, 3 for Jeub:adlioa 23¢ 65¢ Glover Mange Remedy coma iihl ceria 50c HHH Manicure Needs $1.00 Prophylactic Hand Scrub. .69¢ 50¢c Glazo Nail Polish 35¢ Cutex Cuticle Remover .... 10¢i Emery Boards .oovvicinn 7c 35c: Mad Nail: Polish). lai. 29¢ 60c Bonney, Shine... si deomiods 49¢ 50c Najl- Piles... oo 25¢ ne inne Laxatives 35¢ Sol. Citrate Magnesia, 15¢ 50c Hinkle's Pills, 100 ......19¢c $1 American Mineral Oil, 1 qt. 75¢ $1.25 Squibbs Mineral Oil 69c¢ 50c Pluto; or Abilene Water ........ 35¢ 60c California Syrup of Figs ....... 49¢ 35¢ Aromatic Cascara Nature's Law-Lax Reg. $1.00 Nujol 69c Regular as Clockwork msm 34c mn, Miscellaneous Home Needs 39 Syringe Tubing... 50... 19¢ $1.50 Fountain Syringe ...... $1.19 Regular $1.50 Hot Water Bottle $1.19 50¢ Rubber Gloves .39¢ $1.59 Enameled Irri- gators, complete $1.19 Hn Hn

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