Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 2 Feb 1924, p. 18

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18 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1924 WANT-ADS ARE YOUR MONEY SAVERS Glencoe TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. MINIMUM | Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS > Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA 10 cents per line in one paper. Rates-- Soe Dan the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. > : Classified advertisements will Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 20 cents per line in all three 50c¢. Average of five words to be ac- or WINNETKA 2000-2001. FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WE HAVE SOME VERY choice acre tracts in New Trier and Northfield town- ships at very reasonable prices. For further see Schaefer & Golbach information 909 RIDGE AVENUE Phone 364 WILMETTE ILLINOIS LTN18-1te Special Offer TO CLOSE ESTATE, HEIRS OFFER fine east Winnetka home at 25% dis- count. Beau. lge. living room, co- lonial staircase, 3 baths, slp. pch., garage, lge. grounds. Act at Once E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Exclusive Agents : 790 Elm St., Winnetka, Tel. Win. 1800 LTN18-1tc SPECULATORS 10 ACRES JUST S. W. OF IND. HILL Club, adjoining finest homes on North Shore. 339 ft. in S. E. Glencoe; all im- provements in and paid; 150 to 300 ft. deep. Snap. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 556 Center (formerly W. R. R. Ave.) Winnetka 254 LTN18-1te FOR SALE--CORNER WASH. AND Vernon Aves. lot 65x182 ft., south front, wooded and nr. trains. Worth $80 per ft., want offer, terms. Tel. Winn. 2032. LTN18-1tc WANTED TO BUY--REAL ESTATE WANT SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE for the season. High class refer- ences furnished. Address, Life, A-50. LTN18-3tc WILL RENT A 10-ROOM HOUSE IN Wilmette (Winnetka, Glencoe) for a term of years, either furnished or unfurnished. Prefer east side loca- tion, but might consider west if sur. roundings are high grade. Address, A-51. LTN18-3te WANTED--TO RENT HOUSE. WILL take a one or two year lease on a small house not exceeding 7 rooms in good location. Address, A-49. LTN18-3tc FOR RENT--FLATS FOR RENT--3_ROOM, MODERN, FUR- nace heated flat, $50 per mo. Priv. entrance. Positively no children. 2 adults employed. Tel. Wil. 706-R. LTN18-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--2 ROOMS WITH BATH on 3rd floor, hot water heat, elec- tric grill for cooking. Pref. couple employed. Reas. to responsible party. Tel. Winn. 2032. LTN18-1tc FOR RENT--2 WARM, WELL FURN. front rooms, south windows, nr. trans. East side. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTN18-1tc FOR RENT FURN. ROOM, CLOSE TO trans., east side. Tel. Winnetka 1921. LIN) S Bye --_ HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE YOUNG GIRL WISHES TO CARE FOR children by the hour or day. Will also serve as waitress. Tel. Winn. 1217. T47-1te POSITION WANTED --COOKING, serving or caring for children after 5 P. M. evenings and on Saturdays. Ada Peterson. Tel. Winn. 599-M. DRESSMAKING AT 746 ELM ST. TEL. Winn. 1758. European dressmaker. T47-1tp SERVICES OFFERED--I HAVE A typewriting machine at home, and can copy all sorts of papers accu- rately, neatly and--reasonably. Ad- dress Wilmette Life, A-52. LT-18-1tc PIANO TEACHER WHO WISHES TO be near Northwestern University will give daily lessons to children in family for room and board. Tel. Edgewater 5790. LT18-1tp WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home, finished work and rough dry. Will call and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave, Wil. Tel. Wil. 1351. LT18-4tp SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST class cook, serving dinners and luncheons. Tel. Wil. 738-W. LTN18-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--PLAYER PIANO, FIRST class cond. looks like new. Tele- phone Winn. 2061. 1064 Gage St. TN47-1te FOR SALE--WALNUT DINING TABLE and 6 chairs. Queen Anne style. Will sell for half original price. Tel. Winn. 466. TN47-1tp FOR SALE --OAK DINING ROOM set, and parlor set; kitchen cabinet; fireless cooker. Tel. Winn. 190. TN47-1tc FOR SALE--S8-PIECE EARLY ENG- lish dining room set; very reason- able. Tel. Winn. 537-M. TN47 1tc FOR SALE--COLONIAL MAHOGANY dining room buffet and serving table. 1st class cond. Also mahog- any dining room table and chairs; white iron double bed. Tel. Winn. 986. LTN18-1tc FOR SALE--GRAND PIANO IN GOOD condition; also Federal Washing ma- chine good for at least 2 yrs. more service. Reas. Tel. Kenilworth 589. LTN18-1te WE HAVE A NEW 3-ROOM AND bath, heated apartment. Beau. lo- cated in Glencoe, to give in exchange for part time services. A married man, white, protestant. This is an excellent opportunity for a young couple, otherwise employed. Refer- ences. Address Winnetka Talk, A-53. TN47-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--REAL ESTATE SALES- man. A man who must make at least $5,000 a year. Address Talk, ov. LTN18-1tc WILL PAY $20,000 FOR BEST AVAIL- able 8-room house in Winnetka. Pre- fer two baths. Must be convenient to schools and transportation. Ad- dress, Life 47. T47-1te I WANT A HOME ON THE LAKE with riparian rights. Will pay 35 to 40 thousand dollars for well built house nicely situated. Will consid- er an old house. Please state best terms. Address, Life 48. T47-2tc AM LOOKING FOR A HIGH GRADE house in Winnetka. Will pay up to $35,000. $10,000 cash. Must have sun parlor, sleeping porch and two baths. Address Life, 46. T47.1tc WANT GOOD BUILDING LOT ON East side of Winnetka. Will pay cash for right place for quick sale. Address Life, 45. T47-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSES MOVING EAST--MUST SACRIFICE well-built 8-room home; East side. If interested tel. Winn. 75. TN47-1tec For Sale--Artistic home, priced right; 7-room brick, new; sun- parlor; 3 baths; sleeping porch; h. w. oil heat; heated garage. 3 blocks Hubbard Woods depot; price $26,000. Act quick. lo E. P. Maynard & Co. HUBBARD WOODS Tel. Winn. 236 T-1te WANTED T0 BUY--HOUSES WANTED--TO BUY OLD HOUSE. WE have a client that is in the market to buy one or two old houses favor- ably located that can be remodelled and modernized. If priced right, we can get quick action. See QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. Fountain Square Ph. Evans. 2600 or Prouty Building Ph. Winnetka 2199 : LTN18-3te RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED TO WANTED--FURNISHED HOUSE. IN Winnetka by family of three. Room 219 Evanston Hotel. T47-1tp FOR RENT--APARTMENTS SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR SALE--"EDEN" WASHING MA- chine, swinging wringer, and "Ohio" vacuum cleaner with attachments. Will sell both for $65. Tel. Win- netka 44. LTN18-1tc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 808 Oak St. LTN1-tfc N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave. Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTN1-tfe FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED VELOUR davenport. Tel. Winnetka 1787. LTN18-1tc EXPERIENCED MAN (WHITE) wants house cleaning and odd jobs, good references. Oliver Hertzber- ger. Tel. Glencoe 770. TN45-tfc FOR SALE--3-FPIECE MAH. PARLOR set in good cond. Cheap. Tel. Winn. 1167. LTN18-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J. B. MacFarlane Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-tfc FOR RENT--4-ROOM APT.; MODERN; hot water heat. 353 Adams St, Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 338-J. T45-4tc FOR RENT--ROOMS RENT--ROOM UPSTAIRS; HOT 903 Ash St. T47-1tp FOR water heat; $4 a week. Winn. 1688. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; $7.00 per week. Tel. Winn. 911. ' T47-tfe NICELY FURN. ROOM FOR RENT; gentleman. Tel. Winn. 1470. T47-1te '| WANTED--BAKER, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT EMPLOYED by large mercantile house in loop has spare time to close and open books, prepare financial statements and Federal tax reports. Charges reasonable. Address Wilmette Life, A-27. LTN17-2te Used Cars Cheap PAIGE tour, with wintér en- Closure Tent... od. ovis see. $150 OAKLAND sedan, 1920 ... $150 OVERLAND tour., 1921... $100 FORD TAXI-CAB .....:... $150 WINNETKA GARAGE 552 Lincoln Ave., Tel. Winn. 1507 LTN18-1te FOR SALE--FORD COUPE, FIRST class mechanical condition, good tires. Very reasonable. Tel. Win- netka 2061. 1064 Gage Street. TN47-1te FOR SALE--OVERLAND TOUR. CAR. Model 85-4. Hanson Motor Co. T47-1tp TN47-1tp The Battle Is On : | FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES CADILLAC MODEL 53, ENGINE RE- cently overhauled and put in good running condition, all rew glass curtains, four new tires, spot light, offered at $400. Robert L. Johnson, LOST AND FOUND LOST--BETWEEN 1050 NO. AVE. AND the No. Shore Depot or on the No. Shore express, a string of amethyst beads, Monday A. M. Reward. Tel Deerfield. LTN15-tfc Winn. 1580. T47-1tc FOR SALE -- VELIE 6-CYLINDER |LOST--5 MOS. OLD FEMALE POLICE new §8-R continental motor, new | Duppy; ans. to name of "Chico. radiator core, new paint job and Finder please tel. Glencoe 862 or re- new side curtains; brakes just re- turn to 1023 Meadow Rd. Reward. lined. This car is in shape to give TN47-1tc real service for several years. el. A Wil, 2220 or Main 0743. TN47-1tp INVESTMENTS WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--ORIENTAL RUG 8x10 ft. Red predominating. Reas. Tel. Winnetka 1577. T47-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS BABY CHICKS--IN 100 LOTS, AS- sorted, $12; Leghorns, $13; Barred Rocks, S. C. Reds, Anconas, $15; Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Mi- norcas, $18; postpaid. Catalogue free D. T, FARROW CHICKERIES, PEORIA, ILLINOIS. LTN18-22tc GUARANTEED FRUIT TREES, BER. ry bushes, shrubs, hedge and per- ennials, at lowest prices. Write or phone Brown Brothers Nursery Co. 2903 Central Street, Evanston. Tel. Evanston 7543. LT18-1tp WOOD TO SELL CHOICE SPLIT OAK AND ASH WOOD cut to length for stove or fireplace, for $10 a ton delivered, not carried into house. Tel. Winn. 2090. LTN18-1te SALE--MAN'S FULL DRESS suit, size 44, in excellent condition; also used traveling bags. Phone Wilmette 1201. LT18-1tc FOR FOR SALE--MERCURY ARC RECTI- fier, for charging electric automo. biles. Tel. Winn. 608. LTN18-1tc FOR SALE--FULL BLOODED AIRE- dale puppy, 6 weeks old, $15. Tel Winnetka 243 LTN18-1tc LOST AND FOUND FOUND--FEMALE PUPPY. FOR IN- formation Tel. Winn. 1867 after 5:30 evenings. LT18-1tc FOUND--ON CENTER ST. ' WINN. Wednesday, a child's sled. Owner may have same by proving property. Tel. Winn. 363. TN47-1te LOST--MUSIC CASE; BETWEEN 529 Elder Liane and 66 Abbottsford Rd. Tel. Kenilworth 2212, T47-1tp LOST--NEAR WEST END OF SPRUCE St.,, diamond ring; Tiffany setting; 3 stones; return to 600 Berkley Ave.; reward. TN45-4tp FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--AUTOS EXP. MAN, HOUSE AND WINDOW cleaning, floor waxing, furniture polishing, and basement kalsomin- ing. Also odd painting jobs; first class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn. 816. LT7-tfe DON'T WAIT TO HAVE YOUR PAINT- ing and decorating done. The spring wages will advance. Let us do it today. Carl Salo, Northbrook, I11. Box 40. Phone Highland Park 896-Y4. LTN18-8tc SITUATION WANTED--BY AN EXP. Glencoe chauffeur. Good ref. Tel 446. LT18-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- GIRL FOR OFFICE work. Experience not necessary. Address Winnetka Talk, A_54. T47-1te WANTED -- THOROUGHLY COMPE- tent woman for cooking and gener- al housework: in family of 4; must live near Winnetka and have good reference. Tel. Winn. 2161. TN47-1te WANTED--HIGH SCHCOL GIRL OR woman to take care of 2 yr. old, every afternoon, 3 to 6. Tel. Winn, 779. Mrs. Howe. TN47-1tc WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework; small house; no washing; attractive room and wages. Rubel, 840 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winn. 115. x T47-1te WANTED--A COMPETENT WHITE maid for gen. hswk. 3 adults in fam- ily; small hse.; no laundry; wages, $18 per week. Tel. Winnetka 59. LTN18-1tc WHITE, MUST with home-made 1129 Central Ave. LTNI1S8-1tc have bread experience and rolls. USED The Evanston unusual ars. in 2ous makes. Used Car To the new class, who would wish our lacs. particularly late model, ior performance, universally Our selections changing, and an attractive your needs. Your present car payment. Evanston 8600 CADILLAC'S Cadillac assortment of both Cadillacs and miscellan- prospective automobile in sider the purchase of a used reconditioned These cars will attract the buy- er who demands dependability, super- and, satisfaction that comes from owning a car whose quality and prestige are acknowledged. vou will find here at price a car that suits Salesroom open evenings. Cadillac Motor Car Company Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston CARS Department of the Branch offers an good used purchaser of a the $2,000-$2,500 not ordinarily con- car, we to call attention to Cadil- above all, the are continually accepted in part Rogers Park 9810 LTN5-tfe SAFE AND PROFITABLE It's good to save money. It's better to save and at the same time make money. It's both safe and profitable to invest your money in the Winnetka Build- ing and Loan Association. "FORCED SAVING MAKES YOU SAVE!" OUR EARNINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN LESS THAN 7% % WINNETKA BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. E. ADAMS, Sec. 2 Prouty Annex T31-tfc PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIR- PERS Surveyors Laying Out Changes at Kenilworth Despite the unfavorable winter weather, surveyors are busily at work in Kenilworth staking out changes that will be a part of the community develop- ment plan. A party of men with their instruments were at work in the streets near the clubhouse this week. It is ex- pected that these measurements will be used in the first materializations of the plan this spring. Under the supervision of the Com- munity Development company, with a membership composed of one-fourth of the property owners in the village, it is proposed to eventually make Kenilworth the most attractive site for homes on the north shore. Architects' and land- scapers' plans call for an elevation of the electric line and C. and N. W. tracks, movement of business houses west of the tracks, formation of a village square, widening of avenues, planting of trees, and general beautification of the village. Sell Home Sites The immediate object of the Com- munity Development organization is the disposal of homesites in the former golf course located in the southwest section of the village to buyers who intend to erect residences in keeping with the high standards of Kenilworth. Wilmette Youth Is Honor Student at Northwestern Philip S. Eisendrath, of Winnetka, is mentioned prominently among the freshmen at Northwestern university, who won scholastic honors in 1922-23. Class Honor records follow: fresh- man class: 49 women; 42 men; sophomore class, 22 women; 12 men; junior class, 12 women; 2 men. The honor marks average between 80 and 90, out of a possible 100, save in the Phi Beta Kappa list where all nominees are 90 or higher. These honors were conferred this week at chapel exercises at Fisk hall, Evans- ton. EARS FOR STEAMERS Modern ocean steamers are being equipped with sensitive electrical "ears" by means of which sounds beneath the surface of the ocean are easily audible. In fogs or storms these "ears" hear submarine signals when buoys and other signals are invisible. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Public notice is hereby given that the capital stock of Winnetka Trust & Savings Bank has been increased from $35,000 to $50.000. WINNETKA TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, By A. D. HERRMANN . as its cashier. T17-3te --Adv. ing. du W. Foster, piano. I Call your home tuner. Tel. Winn. 509-J. LTN7-tfc ES tal TL as

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