Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 9 Feb 1924, p. 18

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1924 WANT-ADS GET YOU QUICK RESULTS Glencoe TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | ; Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. ; , Classified advertisements will Deadline for Insertions--Cassined ad RE TT the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. in the telephone directory, or 20 cents per line in all three 50c. Average of five words to be ac- or WINNETKA 2000-2001. REAL ESTATE--FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES $8.00 per foot 3,000 feet of residence property in Northbrooke (formerly Shermer- ville) about 3 miles west of Glen- coe on the "St. Paul" railroad. This property .is not far from transportation. Every foot is high land, sewers are being layed, water is available. The village is built up to this property. Some one can re- tail this at a profit. Owner wishes to wholesale it. Consequently the price. McGUIRE & ORR 541 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 672 TN48-1tc HOME SPECIALS T-room colonial home with large piece of property in a choice re- stricted section; just come on the market; 3 baths, hot water heat; price at $26,000.00. Owner moving East is anxious to dispose of his 8-room frame home, East side, $14,500. Just listed, modern 6-room frame hot water heat, sun parlor, etec., Hubbard Woods, $15,500. Ask us about business vacant for speculation in the coming section of the No. Shore, at the Ravinia de- pot. This is bound to be a money maker in the immediate future. HILL & STONE Winnetka Office Tel. Winn. 1544 T48-1tc If Winter Comes SPRING CANNOT BE FAR AWAY. Here are some choice Spring Buys to fit your pocketbook. Fine Riparian home, about 2 acres. Stuc. cons.; 12 rooms, 5 baths, water heat; chauf. quarters over garage. Flower conservatory, bath hse., pier, ° etc. Sale price below value. Large 7-room home, 3 baths, beau. liv. and din. rooms. Heated gar., lge. grounds, east location; to close estate will sell at bargain price. 7-room stuc. in fine east loc. 100 ft. wooded lot; 4 bedrooms, toi. and liv. on 1st fl. Only $25,000. We also offer fine homesite of 116 ft. frontage on Forest avenue, nr. Indian Hill club grounds at only $110 per ft . We have complete listings of homes and vacant--get in touch with us before looking elsewhere. Call or phone E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 790 Elm St., Winnetka Tel. Winn. 1800 : LTN19-1te VERY CHOICE 15-ACRE TRACT, 1320 feet south frontage on State road, 495 feet west frontage on Section road, wooded. Ideal for country homes with one or two acre sites. Bargain. 2 6-acre tracts, within 150 feet of State road, terms, per acre $1,600. Several very attractive bargains in Glenview residences, all improve- ments, within two blocks of all railroad and bus service. SCHAEFER & GOLDBACH 909 Ridge Avenue Phone Wilmette 364 LTN19-1te Now [s the Time TO LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR Sale or Rent. I have clients ready to buy HOMES, LOTS, ACRES Write or telephone and I will be glad to call and give your problems my personal attention. L. Sherman Aldrich 105 W. Monroe St. Winnetka 1173 Randolph 2281 LTN19.1tc SEASON'S BEST BUYS T-room stucco, water heat, 50-foot corner lot, $13,500. 7-room remodeled frame, 3 porch- es, water heat, garage, east, $15,000. 7-room stucco, 2 sun plrs.,, sleep- ing and breakfast pchs., water ht, 2_car gar. lge. lot, $26,500. : New 7-room colonial, 3 baths, toi. and lav. 1st flr, water ht., Newport plant, $28,000. W. G. STACEY & CO. A Business Built on Service 6 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 LTN19-1tc I HAVE $5,000 CASH AND A LOT 90x 182 which I will trade for a home in Winnetka, nr. trains and school. House: must be valued at $10,000. Address Talk, A-63. T48-1te WANTED--TO BUY OLD HOUSE. WE have a client that is in the market to buy one or two old houses favor- ably located that can be remodeled and modernized. If priced right, we can get quick action. See QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. Fountain Square Ph. Evans. 2600 or Prouty Building Ph. Winnetka 2199 LTN18-3te TO BUY--REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT A HOME ON THE LAKE with riparian rights. Will pay 35 to 40 thousand dollars for well built house nicely situated. Will consid- er an old house. Please state best terms. Address Life, 48. T47-2te BUILDER WILL BUY 4 OR 5 LOTS in good neighborhood. Will con- sider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. for each lot. Give size, location and best cash price. Address Winnetka Talk, A.-64, TN48-tfe BUYER FOR 6-ROOM BUNGA- near lake and transportation, co-operate with other brokers. The Evey Mclane Company 525 4th Street Tel. Wilmette 500 Near end of "L' LT19-1te WILL BUY FROM OWNER. WILL pay all cash for small houses or vacant to owners wanting to real- ize on their property quickly, Ad- dress Wilmette Life, A-62. LTN19-1tc FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--BEAU. N. SHORE HOME with priv. beach, large house, spaci- ous grounds, from June 15th to De- cember 1st. No a ts.: Ad Life, A-58. BONS NI Sts | WANTED EXP. COOK FOR A GOOD position in a pleasant Winnetka rrr al WN a FOR RENT--ROOMS permanent occupancy. on or before March first. Breakfast preferred. Desired location convenient to Elm Street station, Winnetka. Address Winnetka Talk, A-65. T48-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- HOUSEMAN TO TAKE care of garden, furnace and 2 auto- mobiles. Some chauffering. White pref. Good, steady position for right man. Tel. Wil. 1597. TN48-1te CHICAGO REAL ESTATE FIRM, long established on the North Shore, wants active, experienced local rep- resentative to sell North Shore property. Permanent connection with excellent future for right man. Address Wilmette Life, A-56. L'TN19-3tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE DON'T WAIT TO HAVE YOUR PAINT- ing and decorating done. 'The spring wages will advance. Let us do it today. Carl Salo, Northbrook, 111. Box 40. Phone Highland Park 896-Y4. LTN18-8tc WOOD SAWED ANY LENGTHS, trees taken down, cleaning up lots for building. Tel. Wil. 1579. LTN19_1te Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J. B. MacFarlane Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-tfe LES | A ~ = y ) . FOR RENT--FPLEASANT FURNISHED room, near Winnetka station. Tel. ( Somebody's Valentine <} Winn. 415. LTN19-1te WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--BY BUSINESS gentleman. Furnished room, with private or semi-private bath, for 7 7 Z| 7 7 Zi Z Z 114 4 Z WANTED -- POSITION; WAITRESS or day work. Tel. Winn. 302 before 7:30 A.M, T48-1tp WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN, 50c per hour.,. Tel. Winn. 510-W. TN48_1tc EXP. LAUNDRESS WISHES LAUN- dry or gen. cleaning. Tel. Winn. 334. T48-1tc WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING. Will do cleaning by the day. Tel. Wil. 2486. LT19-1te FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES EXP. MAN, HOUSE AND WINDOW cleaning, floor waxing, furniture polishing, and basement kalsomin- ing. Also odd painting jobs; first class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn. 816. LT7-tfc WANTED--LANDSCAPE GARDENING for private estate; 8 yrs. exp. Best of ref. Tel. Lincoln 2418. LTN19-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--1923 DODGE COUPE, nearly new, wonderful bargain. Tel. Winnetka 692-M. TN48-1tp DO YOU KNOW! Every car on the street is a, used car? Tell us the make and type of used car you want and we will demonstrate when we have one. No obligation to buy. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Winnetka 165 LTN19-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE. POPLAR ST. nr. Willow. Tel. Winn. 216. T48-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WE WANT TO LEASE SOMEBODY'S home along the North Shore, prefer- ably in Winnetka, for a year or longer, possibly with option to buy; a home in which the owners take considerable pride and so, quite naturally, would consider leasing to someone who could assure them that they would give the home the same personal attention. We have two children, son in kin- dergarten and daughter just past two. Two bedrooms might do; but we prefer three. We are willing to pay reasonably for this privilege. We have furniture and furnishings. If you would like to leave vour home in appreciative hands for a time, call Ralph B. Campbell, or Mrs. Campbell, at the North Shore Hotel, Evanston 6400. T48-1te WANTED TO RENT WITH OPTION to buy, 7 or 8 room house, Tel. Winnetka 1669. T48-1te WANT SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE for the season. High class refer- ences furnished. Address, Life, A-50. LTN18-3te WILL RENT A 10-ROOM HOUSE IN Wilmette (Winnetka, Glencoe) for a term of years, either furnished or unfurnished. Prefer east side loca- tion, but might consider west if sur- roundings are high grade. Address Life, A-51. LTN18-3tc WANTED--TO RENT HOUSE. WILL take a one or two year lease on a small house not, exceeding 7 rooms in good location. Address, Life, A-49. LTN18-3tc WANTED TO RENT--MAY 1st, FOR 1 yr, 8-room modern home in Ken- ilworth or Winnetka. Address Wil- mette Life, A-57. LT19-1te WANTED TO RENT--MAY 1st TO Oct. 1st or longer, 5 or 6-room furn. or unfurn. hse. Best of care: fine ref. "el. Wil. 1920. LT19-1tc Mr. Speculator TEN ACRES JUST SOUTHWEST OF Indian Hill Golf club at $15,000, less than asking across road. Suitable for spacious home. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. Exclusive Agents 556 Center St. (formerly W. R. R. Ave.) Tel. Winnetka 254 LTN19-1tec JUST .CUT TO $16,500, EAST SIDE, brick and stucco bungalow, vapor heat, tile wall bath, 50 ft. lot. WILMETTE REALTY COMPANY A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 4th Street Tel. Wilmette 1304 LTN19-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--EAST SIDE WINNETKA, 9 sunny rooms including 5 bedrooms and library with fireplace, south ex- posure 64 feet, beautiful view of at- tractive landscaped properties and village green. Convenient to private and public schools, churches, stores and only 5 minutes to Northwestern and electric station. Possession February 15th-May 1st, price $18,500. Terms. 611 Oak street. Tel Winn. 1650. LT19-tfc FOR RENT--ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; $7.00 per week. Tel. Winn. 911. T47-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. "893° Elm Street. Tel. Winn. 1719.. T48-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--ROOMS; LIGHT outside rooms; steam; hot and cold running water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. b LT1-tfc FOR RENT--ROOM. PLEAS. EAST side, centrally located, business man or woman pref. No other roomers. Tel. Wil. 483. LT19-1te FOR RENT -- WARM, BRIGHT, clean, well-furn. front room, east side home, conv. location, garage also. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTN19-1tc FOR RENT -- NEWLY FURN. ROOM, light, main floor, nr. lake, station. Tel. Winn. 1543. LTN19-1te FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen, close to trans. Tel. Winnetka 1921. LTN19-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. - Tel. Wil. 935-M: near all transportation. LT6-tfe WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HSWK,, small family, no laundry; ref. re- quired. 381 Elder lane. Tel. Win- netka 682. TN48-1tc WANTED--AN -EXF.- WHITE WASH woman 115, days a week; must give ref. Tel. Kenilworth 1901. T48-1te 2nd MAID. T48-1tc FOR GEN. elevated. 530 847-7. T48-1tc WANTED--COMPETENT Tel. Winn. 82. WANTED--WHITE GIRL hswk., no laundry, nr. Laurel Ave. Tel. Wil A PUBLISHING HOUSE DESIRES two junior girl clerks. 16 years. Christian. Steady advancement to highest positions. Salary to start $12.00. Regular employment. Hours 9 to 5. Address Wilmette Life, A-55. LT19-1tc WHITE in family. Good WANTED--A COMPETENT girl; gen. hswk; 4 wages; no washings. Tel. Win- netka 680. LTN19.1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL OF- fice work. Apply 1222 Central ave- nue, Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 1920. L. Hollister, Inc. L/TN19-1tp WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. FOR SALE--T7-PASSENGER PEER- less sedan. Only driven 3,000 miles, $3,200 cash. Also 5-passenger Chand- lor 101m om - for $1,300 cash. Party leaving for Europe. Must be sold at once. Tel. Wil. 2647. LTN19-1te USED CARS Almost New Ford Coupe, wonderful condi- tion, $300. Overland Tour., tion, make offer. Slocum Motor Sales Tel. Winn. 1128 724 Elm . St. LTN19-1tc good condi- CADILLAC MODEL 53, ENGINE RE- cently overhauled and put in good running condition, all rew glass curtains, four new tires, spot light, offered at $400. Robert L. Johnson, Deerfield. LTN15-tfe FOR SALE--COLE ROADSTER, FINE condition, run less than 15,000. miles. Looks like new. Price $750. Edward Zipf, 925 Lake avenue, Wilmette. no laundry, must be good cook. Tel. Winnetka 1713. LTN19-1tc LTN19-1te EB. RAPHAEL NOURSE DODGE tour., Calif. top, excellent. ' cond, $290. 1332 Forest Ave.,, Wilmette. LTN19-1te FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--AUTOS USED unusual ars 2ous makes. CADILLAC'S The Used Car Department of the Evanston Cadillac assortment "of in both Cadillacs and miscellan- To the prospective purchaser of a new automobile in CARS Branch offers an good used the $2,000-$2,500 Trevrieht, W.N. UY : HELP WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WAITRESS WANTED. ORRINGTON (| WANTED BY THE DAY OR HOUR, Hotel dining room, Evanston, Ill. housework, children's mending or LTN19-1tp waitress. Tel. Kenilworth 3008 be- -- fore 7:30 A.M. T48-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home, finished work and rough dry. Will call and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave, 'Wil.© i 'Tel.- "Wil. 1351. LT18-4tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR Salm? FUMED OAK LIV. room rocking chairs, ver cheap. Tel. Winn. 1114. ¥ T45. 1to FOR SALE--CHEAP, A FINE KITCH- en coal range, small gas stove; a rattan couch and some old chairs; also a small bothtub and some win- dow sash from house being re- modeled. Any or all. Tel. Winn. 162. T48-1te FOR SALE--BEDROOM SET OF GEN- uine walnut, dressers with hanging mirror, chiffarobe, bed. Tel. Kenil. worth 1901. T48-1te FOR SALE--2 CHILDREN'S WHITE enameled iron beds. Reas. T 1. Winnetka 760. Tes 1te FOR SALE -- IVORY ENAMELED double bed, box springs, hair mat- tress; white enameled double bed and mattress; Bohn Syphon refrig- erator, capacity 100 1bs.; upright Kimball piano, brown mahogany VENT 2 7 Selle Pr BL 5rd i Vo FOR SALE--DINING ROOM AND LIV- ing room furniture; also 2 large Oriental rugs. Tel. Wil. 1374. : LTN19-1te FOR SALE -- FEDERAL WASHING machine, good for 2 yrs. more serv- ice: also miscellaneous furniture and rugs. Tel. Kenilworth 598. LTN19-1tc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD or GOODS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. {0R Oak St. LTN1L-tfe N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW used household goods. Ave. Evanston. AND 1644 Maple Phone Evans. 103. T.TN1-tfc LOST AND FOUND Evanston 8600 class, who would not ordinarily con- sider. the purchase of a used car, we wish particularly to call attention to our late model, reconditioned Cadil- lacs.. These cars will attract the buy- er who demands dependability, super- ior performance, and, above all, the satisfaction that comes from owning a car whose quality and prestige are universally acknowledged. Our selections are continually changing, and you will find here at an -attractive price a car that suits vour needs. Salesroom open evenings. Your present car accepted in part payment. Cadillac Motor Car Company : Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston Rogers Park 9810 LTN5-tfe LOST--NEAR WEST END OF SPRUCE St., diamond ring; Tiffany setting: 3 stones; return to 600 Berkley Ave.; reward. TN45-4tp LOST--ON WEDNESDAY, PAIR OF skiis, between Motor Service, Wil- mette and Elm St., Winnetka. Find- er please phone Wilmette 2171. Re- ward. LTN19-1te REWARD FOR THE RETURN OF Ranger bicycle which disappeared from Community House, Jan. 30th, between 4 and 5 o'clock. Tel. Winn. 748. LTN19-1tc LOST -- BLACK PIGEON, BANDED left leg, $2 reward. Tel. Winn. 1449 or return to 1293 Scott Ave., Hub- bard Woods. LTN19_ 1te INVESTMENTS An Exceptional Invest- ment--Milk Co. Estab- lished 22 Years. Wholesale and retail, 600 cus- tomers. All new machinery and equipment, north side, made enough to retire, net profit bet- ter than $50 per day. Now can be expanded if desired. Will give you all the assistance nec- essary to get you started right. Will take $32,000, half cash. Balance easy terms. No debts. Address Wilmette Life, A-61, or phone Wil. 948-R. LTN19-1tp NO OTHER WAY! There's no other way to make sure that you'll have money when you need it than by put- ting away a stated amount reg- ularly. The best way to save is to buy shares in a sound Building and Loan Association. It's "forced" saving. It's safe. It's profitable. OUR EARNINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN LESS THAN 7% % WINNETKA BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. E. ADAMS, Sec. 2 Prouty Annex T31-tfe -

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