T_T ST TTR rw---- ve-------- Ty Sr ---- x ------e i. SA S50 20 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1924 BALLOON TIRES IN FIVE SIZES Adequate to Meet All Needs of Auto Industry That five sizes of balloon tires will effectively meet the needs of the entire automotive industry is tne conclusion of Rubber association executives who have been studying the problem during the past season. As officials of The Goodyear Tire and Rubber company point out, it was early realized the introduction of balloon tires will complicate the line of tire sizes, already rather large, so an effort has been made to limit production of the new type to the fewest number of sizes that will adequately take care of the requirements of different sized automo- biles. The Rubber association now recom- mends to members that standardization on these five sizes be definitely adopted for their future production. The two smaller sizes, according to this plan, will be built to fit a 21-inch wheel only. The six-inch balloon tire is designed to fit either a 20 or 21-inch diameter wheel, while the seven-inch tire is built to fit a 21-inch diameter wheel only. Give me a four-forty twenty-one," may become a common request of small car owners to dealers when balloon tires become popular, because these new type tires are to be designated by different symbols than are used in labeling the regular type of tires now in use. And when a customer asks for a 4.40/21 he will get a tire that takes the place of the present 30x3% size used on Fords and others of the lighter car class. Explain Measurements The first two figures of the balloon tire size, by way of explanation, represent the size of the tire in decimals of an inch, and the figure back of the diagon- al dividing line gives the diameter of the wheel and rim designed to fit this size. In other words, a 4.40/21 balloon tire is a 4.4-inch-cross-section diameter tire for a 21-inch diameter wheel and.a 3% inch rim. Months of experimentation and care- ful consideration for the preferences of various car manufacturers have resolved the balloon tire question down to the five following designated sizes: 4.40/21; 5.25/21; 6.20/21; 6.20/20 and 7.30/20. The new designation of sizes has been selected to avoid confusion with regu- lation tires now in use. The balloon sizes, expressed in terms of inches, as in the case with all tires at present, would be in the order given above: 29x4, 31x6, 33x6 and 34x7. How will these balloon tires replace tire equipment in use at present? The popular 30x3% size used on Fords and the smaller cars will be replaced by 4.40/21 balloons, while the 5.25/21 re- places any four-inch tire and the 4% inch tires now in use may be replaced by either the 6.30/20 or the 6.20/21. Regular five-inch tires will become 7.30/20 in the balloon type. Though balloon tires permit the car owner to carry less air pressure in his equipment, there is the danger of over- loading and under-inflation shortening the life of the tire just the same as with ordinary tires, Goodyear tire engineers pont out. And so they have prepared the following table of air pressures for the various sizes of balloon tires, to- gether with a maximum load that may in safety be carried by the tires. Over loading and under-inflation ruin balloon tires just as easily as they will regular tires. Inflation Table So that the recommendations of the chart be strictly followed for the best mileage results. Load and Inflation Table for Balloon Tires Tire Sections 440 525 620 7.30 Pounds Inflation Load 26 550 725 950 1200 28 590 780 1020 1300 30 630 835 1090 1400 32 670 890 1160 1500 34 710 945 1230 1600 36 *750 1000 1300 1700 38 790 1055 1370 1800 40 830 1110 1440 1900 *Underscored figures indicate most de- sirable load and inflation for each size. Tire engineers and automotive experts are pretty generally agreed that the bal- loon tire has a definite future. And present indications are that these better cushioning tires, with their larger vol- ume of air insuring easier riding, will be furnished as optional equipment by a number of the leading automobile manu- facturers in 1924. It is also rather cer- tainly indicated in tire circles that a great many purchasers of new cars are ready to pay additional prices if neces- sary to get easier riding equipment. It is expected that the New York and Chicago automobile shows in January will teature balloon-tire equipped ma- chines, and Goodyear engineers predict it is not unlikely that most automobile factories in the future will honor speci- fications for the balloon tire at an ex- tra charge. 500 MILLION TAX ON MOTOR CARS IN 1923 In paying $500,000,000 last year in State and Federal taxes, automobile and truck owners . contributed twice the amount necessary for road maintenance and one-half the total sum required for all road work, including both new con- struction, re-construction and mainte- nance. According to the report of the Bureau of Public Roads of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, the cost of all road work in 1923 was about $1,000,000,000. Of this sum about $100,000,000 was needed for carrying charges on road bond issues, while $240,000,000 was ex- pended for maintenance. The balance amounting to $660,000,000 went for new road work. Of the $500,000,000 paid by motor vehicle operators in taxes during 1923 the various states received the lion's share, as about $156,000,000 was col- lected by the Federal Government. This revenue is the result of taxes on the sale of cars, trucks, parts and acces- sories. The states draw their income from license fees, personal property taxes and gasoline taxes. The last Con- gressional appropriation for Federal Aid to the states for road building was $29,- 300,000. Final figures for 1923 are not yet available but those above are approxi- mately accurate, The Lincoln Highway association has not yet compiled all figures on the cost of new construction on the Lincoln Way across the continent for 1923 but estimates that the sum will approximate $12,000,000. Dodge Brothers To Move Into New Sales Station Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicles show- room, located at 519 Davis street, Ev- anston, will move to 1019 Davis street about February 15, C. M. McDonald, manager, announces. The new plant is being redecorated and remodeled 'and will be used as a salesroom and service station. The company's service station now located at 914 Davis street, will be converted into a used car department. A long-term lease has been obtained on the new location, Mr. McDonald states. AUTC PAINTING bis NOT LIKE ORDINARY PAINTING No indeed, our auto painting is an art in itself. We use meth- ods that transform a dingy, shabby looking old car into the latest model. High grade paints and enamels and skilled practice get results. ROBERT W. McINTYRE Rear of Wilmette State Bank Phone Wil. 684 » BUY THAT NEW STUDEBAKER IN EVANSTON We are equipped to give you real home service. "NORTH SHORE STUDEBAKER 1 1035 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON CADILLAC FEATURES ATTRACT AT EXHIBIT Attracting considerable attention at the Automobile Show was the new V- 63 Cadillac cut-open chassis showing the new, inherently balanced 90 degree V-8 Cadillac engine and the Cadillac four-wheel brakes. Visitors at the Cadil- lac display have evinced unusual interest in the advanced construction practices which this chassis exemplifies. Five outstanding features of the new engine have won wide commendation for it. They are a compensated crank- shaft, with greatly enlarged bearing sur- faces, which has eliminated the cross- wide push of the moving parts and re- sulted in a power plant which operates with velvet smoothness at all speeds; cylinder heads which can be removed without disturbing firing; rocker arms with enlarged bearing surfaces practi- cally eliminating all wear; a more acces- sible oil filler; and an improved radiator attachment which makes possible radi- ator removal without interference with the engine. Cadillac four-wheel brakes bring to driving a greater safety and more posi- tive control than has been obtainable before. Designed and built on exclu- sive Cadillac principles, they function smoothly, positively, and with Cadillac dependability. Read the Want-Ads SAFETY FIRST Chains Alcohol 1010 North Ave. WINNETKA 617 { Hubbard Woods Garage 2" Wee carry a full stock and all sizes SKID CHAINS YOU ARE TAKING CHANC ES WHEN YOU DRIVE WITHOUT THEM 724 ELM ST. PHONE 841 RICHARDSON'S GARAGE | WINNETKA nm Be sure to read THE WANT ADS m offering for sale INNETKA TALK USED AUTOMOBILES -- RR =