Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 8 Mar 1924, p. 22

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IIL ITER ----_----_--,-- r-------- --r-- a VVLIININE LRA CVVWILEINL YX LAALAN, OAL UNA L, AVALLAANRL LO, A 7&T THIS PAGE ATTRACTS 5000 READERS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ] Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Glencoe TALK or GLENCOE. NEWS. papers. the line. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. Deadline for Insertions---°Classified advertisements will or 20 cents per line in all three 50c. Average of five words to be ac- FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--MY SEVEN ROOM HSE.; just completed; 2 car garage; fine location; nice lot. Very ftTeasonably priced. Must sell. Tel. Winnetka 692-J. TN52-1tp FOR SALE--FRAME COTTAGE AND also large barn to be removed. Barn $250. Apply owner, 446 Washing- ton Ave. - Tel. Glencoe 74. TN52-1te HOUSE FOR SALE--5-ROOM MOD- ern bungalow; glazed porch; garage; lot 50 x 187 ft.; good location. Tel. Winn. 524-J. T52-1te cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the FOR SALE--BY OWNER; 5-ROOM WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. house; 2 glassed-in porches; hot Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. water heat; 2 car garage. Address Life, A-95. TN52-1tc FOR SALE--WINN. 3 ROOM. FRAME reside ; 2 baths; . 60 ft. lot; goo FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE ry ths Be dress Life. A-89. LTN23-1tc Your Opportunity to secure a very beautiful home- site, over 100 feet frontage; has 25 trees; convenient to transportation schools and I. H. Club; fully re- stricted; also 72 feet on Walden Rd. 7-room stucco; 3 bedrooms; nicely located; good garden and trees; lot 40x175. Real buy at $12,500. Best value in Winnetka. East of railroad--splendid 7-room frame; located on very fine corner lot, 127x187 feet; wooded and land- scaped. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, water heat, large sun parl., sleeping por., 2-car heated gar, in fine condition, $35,000, terms, offered exclusively by us. Attractive new 6-room stucco home on 50 ft. wooded lot in Hub- bard Woods; 2 heated porches; hot water heat; 2-car garage. 7-room Clapboard Colonial on 75 ft. wooded lot in Hubbard Woods; 4 bedrooms and tile bath; extra toilet and lav. on first floor; garage; owner going abroad, must sell at «once; price $20,000. Water heat with oil burner. We offer an exceptional 6-room stucco bungalow; large light rooms; splendid condition; finished base- ment; 50 ft. wooded corner; 2-car garage; '$16,500. 5-room stucco bungalow, fine con- dition; conv. location; only $11,000. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. ' Exclusive Agents 10 Carlton Annex, N. E. Cor. Oak and R. R.,, Winnetka, Tel. 1800 LTN23-1tc Wilmette Bargains A DANDY LARGE 7-RM. HOUSE ON a beautifully wooded lot having ten large trees on it. Convenient to transportation, market and schools. Must sacrifice for quick sale. Easy terms. bi Make Offer : New 6-room Dutch colonial in a 'most desirable" location. Can youl] tie this for only $13,500. -A Te Fasy Terms Brick veneer semi-bungalow with 2-car gar. Four bedrooms, furnace heat. A GOOD buy for $12,500. Cash required $4,000. Special! Frame house; 6 rms.; furn. heat; lot 57x240; close-in in fine neighbor- hood, 1 car garage, $12,500. For information Phone Wilmette 1750 Wallace B.Clore,Jr. & Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette, Ill. LTN23-1tc Mr. Speculator TEN ACRES JUST SOUTHWEST OF Indian Hill Golf Club at $15,000, less than asking across road. Suitable for spacious home. Heinsen&Clark,Inc. Exclusive Agents 556 Center St. Tel. Winnetka 254 (Formerly W. R. R. Ave.) LTN23-1tc SEASON'S BEST BUYS Attractive 6-rm. stucco, 1ge., heated sun plor., slp. pch., water No- Koal heat, wooded lot, garage, cen- trally located, $19,000. Exceptional 10-rm. brick and stuc- co, sun plor., slp. pch., 2 baths, water heat oil burner, all Ige. rms. $26,500. W. G. Stacey & Co. A Business Built on Service 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 LTN23-1te Owner Says Sell LARGE ENGLISH COLONIAL HOME, Choicest in Hubbard Woods; beauti- ful wooded lot. Price $35,000. Act quick. E.P. Maynard & Co. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winn. 236 TNb52-1te A Splendid Investment BEAUTIFUL NORTH SHORE ACRE tracts, 200x216 ft., adjoining 18-hole municipal golf course; landscaped, winding, paved roads; close to fine new school; 32 minutes to loop; as low as $6,500; 1 cash, bal. monthly. For full particulars telephone Wil. 919-7. T23-1tp Investment securities--Insurance Schaefer & Golbach REALTORS Ridge and Lake Aves. Tel. Wil. 364 LTN23-1te FOR SALE--LOT, 50 x 171, ON WIL- low St., between Locust and Rose- wood. 1082 Ash St, Winn. T52-1tc | FOR SALE -- EIGHT-ROOM FOR SALE--WILMETTE. $12,000 FOR a T-room stucco house on beautiful lot 50 x 175 ft.,, in excellent neigh- borhood. This house is 4 blocks from Ry. depot, 3 blocks to school, only 9 years old; good condition. Has liv. room with fireplace, din. room, kitchen and priv. pch. on 1st floor; 4 bedrooms, enclosed slp. pch. and bath on 2nd; good attic; all oak floors, hardwood trim, good hot water and hot air heating plant, now vacant. Terms fair. Tel. Wil 218 for key. LTN23-1tc FOR SALE WINNETKA; NEAR depot; cozy little bungalow, with garage, fruit trees and fine garden; for quick cash sale, $8,500. Call 877 Elm Street. Tel. Winn. 1689. LTN23-1tc LAKE AVENUE NEAR SIXTH CHOICE WOODED LOT; 50 x 195 FT. MITCHELL BROS. Central and R. R. Ave. Tel. Ev. 961 LTN23-1tc WANTED TO BUY--REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY COUNRTY ESTATE I AM IN THE MARKET FOR A country place of about 10 to 20 acres. Must .be accessible by auto 'to Exmoor country club. Will pay cash if necessary for the right place. Please give full particulars as to lo- cation, description of improvements, price, etc. I will arrange to look it over within the next few days. Address Talk, A-98. TN52-1tc WANTED TO BUY- FARM WANT TO HEAR FROM OWNER having farm for sale; give particu- lars and lowest price. John J. Black, Chippewa Falls, Wis. LT22-2tp WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED TO BUY--7-ROOM MODERN house in Winnetka or Glencoe; nr. transportation. Address Talk, A-96. TN52-1te WANTED -- HOUSE WITH 4 OR more bedrooms; 2 baths. Address Life, A-88. LT23-1tp FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--HOUSE, 872 PINE ST, Winnetka; 5H-rooms; furnace heat; {. * garage. Apply on premises or tel. Winn. 1720. T52-1tc FOR RENT--5-ROOM BUNGALOW; 25 x 50; 4 blocks west of station; living room 10x 24 with fireplace; 2 bed rooms 10 x 11%; 2 windows each; hardwood finish; hot water heat; rental $100. Tel. Winn. 415. LTN23-1tc FOR RENT--IN WILMETTE, 6-ROOM furnished house; east side; 2 blcks. to all transp. Reasonable rent. Quick possession. Address Life, A-91, LTN23-1tp WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--8 OR 9-ROOM house with 3 baths; must be mod- ern and in A-1 condition. Harry Rubloff, Otis Bldg., Chicago. T52-1te COUPLE WITH NO CHILDREN WILL lease unfurnished house for one or two years. Best of refernces. Ph. Winnetka 1717. T52-1tp WANTED TO RENT--9 OR 10-ROOM house; modern; unfurnished; 1 to 2 years. Tel. Drexel 2971. 4845 Grand Blvd. T52-2tp WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE, no children, moderate rent. Tel. Winn. 1174, LTN22-tfe FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE For 643 Walden Road, Winnetka, 9-roems, baths, sun-parlor and sleeping porch, garage for 2 cars, at- tached and heated. Possession May 1st. Price $33,000.00 House; 605 Drexel Ave. Glen- coe, new, T7 rooms, 2 porches brick veneer, vapor heat. Price $18,000.00. Four houses at 133, 137, 143 and 149 Glenwood Ave. Glencoe. Each 6-rms., 2 baths, 2 porches, brick veneer, vapor heat. Price 2 north houses, $20,000.00 each. Price 2 south houses, $21,000.00 each. sale: House; Geo.F. Gonsalves 746 Elm Street Phone Winnetka 62 i LTN23-1te WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT Last Year's Business J SITUATION WANTED--MALE HELP WANTED--FEMALE EXP. MAN, HOUSE AND WINDOW cleaning, floor waxing, furniture polishing, and basement kalsomin- ing. Also odd painting jobs; first class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn. 816. LT7-tfe LET ME WASH AND POLISH YOUR car right in your own garage. Work guaranteed. Closed cars $2. Open cars $1.50. Phone Glencoe 638. Charles Clay. TN52-1te SALESWOMAN WANTED -- SOME knowledge of women's and chil- dren's shoes is desirable. Apply Shoe Dept., Lord's, Fountain Square, Evanston. LTN23-1te WANTED -- STENOGRAPHER FOR general office work. Apply Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 1222 Central Ave, Wilmette. LTN23-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- ODD JOBS, CLEANING, painting, gardening, window wash- ing, by day, hour or job. Tel. Winn. 1273. T52-1te Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J.B. MacFarlane Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-tfc FOUR OR FIVE ROOM APARTMENT or small house for May lst--not over $90 per month. T52-1te \ ENT HORN - ROOMS WOOD SAWED ANY LENGTHS; TO RENT--LARGE, NICELY FURN- ished front bedroom, also living rm., room suitable for married couple or two business people; very desirable home; nr. transp.; kitchen privileges to right party; East side; reference. Tel. Wil. 1091. LT23-1tp FOR RENT--2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; reasonable rent. 601 Main St.,, Wilmette; Sheridan - Cafe. LTN23-1tc FURN. ROOM; nr. lake, station; Tel. Winn. 1543. LTN23-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS, AL- so housekeeping . apt. Tel. Wil 935-M; near all transportation. LT6-tfe LIGHT steam; hot and cold running water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. LT1-tfe LARGE, NEWLY light; main floor; kitchen privileges. CENTRAL HOTEL--ROOMS; outside rooms; FOR SALE--WINNETKA SPECIAL. Choice east Side; rare opportunity to acquire inexpensive home in best section. 9 sunny rooms including 5 bedrooms, library with fireplace, front, 64 ft. wooded--unobstructed view of all directions, overlooking surrounding landscaped properties and village green. 3 blks. to C. N. W. and Mil.. Elec. Sta., 3 blks. to lake, stores, pub. and priv. schools, con- venient to churches, high school and golf. Possession any time. Price right. - Terms. Owner occupies, 611 Oak St., Winn. 1650. LT20-tfc FOR SALE--EAST SIDE WINNETKA, 9 sunny rooms including 5 bedrooms and library with fireplace, south ex- posure 64 feet, beautiful view of at- tractive landscaped properties and village green. Convenient to private and public schools, churches, stores and only 5 minutes to Northwestern and electric station. Possession February 15th-May 1st, price $18,500. Terms. 611 Oak street. Tel. Winn. 1650. LT19-tfc FOUR NEW WINNETKA HOMES; 2 blocks to golf course, where annual dues are only $12, and you can play without waiting; 2 blocks to Sko- kie school; 5 blocks to steam road; street paved. I invite careful in- spection of material and workman- ship. Price reasonable -- desirable neighbors. Frank Kristof, 1111 W. Cherry St, Winn. TH2-4tc HOUSE one block east of station, large yard; garden, sleeping porch, beautiful neighborhood; occupation after April first. Owner, Preston Boyden, 725 Pine Street. Tel. Winnetka 356. LTN22-tfe FOR SALE--BY OWNER; 6-ROOM Dutch Colonial brick veneer house; heated sun porch; tiled bath; hot water heat; 2 car garage. Address Wilmette Life, A-T74. LTN21-3te FOR SALE BY OWNER--ELEGANT nine-room hse., sleeping porch, sun parlor, corner lot, best location. Tel. Wil. 97. 903 Lake Ave., Wilmette. LTN20-3tc FOR SALE--BY OWNER; LARGE 6- room bungalow, 2 years old; attic; garage; excellent location. 1103 Cherry 8t. Winn. Tel. Winn 529-R., LTN23-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS; near transportation. Tel. Glencoe 923. TN52-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--YOUNG BUSI- ness man desires comfortable room, with small private family. Conveni- ent to transportation and lake. Ref- erences. Address Talk, A-93. T52-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE trees taken down, cleaning up lots for building. Tel. Wil. 1579. LTN23-4tc EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR- ing. W. Foster, piano maker; call your home tuner. Tel. Winn. 509-J. LTN7-tfe Painting and Decorating I am now located in Evanston where I will be in a position to give my North Shore customers and friends better service in their painting and decorating as all my work is personally super- vised, giving you the surety of quality and prompt workman- ship. Estimates cheerfully given. O. R.. FRALEY Temporary Tel.--Evanston 5225 LTN22-tfe WANTED -- HOUSEWORK; FURNI- ture polishing, floor waxing; driving by the day or hour. Tel. Evanston 8321. LTN23-1tc EXP'D MAN WANTS HOUSE CLEAN- ing, window washing and floor wax- ing. Tel. Winn. 1035. TH2-1te REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST substantial real estate firms in the Chicago territory has an opening for a high grade man to sell North Shore real estate. The firm is able to give complete cooperation which makes this an exceptional opportun- ity. Only high grade man will be considered and applicant should give complete details as to experi- ence, references which will be held in confidence. Address, Life A-87. LTN23-3tc WANTED--BOY TO DELIVER AND help in store. White Cash Market, 1189 Wilmette Ave. LT23-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE POSITION WANTED FOR GARDENER I INTEND TO GIVE UP MY GARDEN this year and wish to immediately find a position for my English gar- dener. Can recommend him as an exceptional man, desirable in every way; expert in both vegetables and flowers; will also help in the house; must have own living quarters for himself and wife. Tel. Winn. 1184. LTN23-1te NORTH SHORE. HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE WE CLEAN WALL PAPER, CALCI- mine, grass cloth; we wash painted woodwork, and windows as well as polish furniture and wax floors. First class ref. Edward T. Handy. Office Tel. Wil. 1647 after 6 P. M. Res. Tel. Wil. 685. LT22-tfe DON'T WAIT TO HAVE YOUR PAINT- ing and decorating done. The spring wages will advance. Let us do it today. Carl Salo, Northbrook, Il. Box 40. Phone Highland Park 896-Y4. LTN18-8te PAINTING AND DECORATING, DAY or job, by a good painter; not in the trust. Address Talk, 99 TN52-1te POSITION WANTED AS CHAUFFEUR 20 years exp. Best references. Tel. Winn. 819. TN52-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- COOK; GOOD PLAIN, small adult family; also laundress for one day a week; electric wash- ing machine and mangler. Call Glencoe 278 or address 125 Beach Road, Glencoe. TN52-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework and cooking; no washing. 735 8th St., Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 455. TN52-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN, housework; must be good cook; 3 in family; no laundry; wages $22. Tel. 1838. T52-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. housework; no laundry; 1% blocks to transportation. Tel. Winn. 1587. TN52-1te WANTED -- GIRL: FOR GENERAL housework; good cook; fond of chil- dren. Tel. Wil. 1341. LTN23-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework; first floor only; $18; own room and bath. Tel. Winn. 680. LTN23-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. housework; cooking; no laundry; references. Tel. Winn. 1029. T52-1tc WANTED--WHITE NURSE MAID TO care for year old baby. Tel. Winn. 247. TN52-1te EXP'D AMERICAN DRESSMAKER wants work in north Shore suburbs; also understands making curtains, drapes and upholstering. Best ref- erences. Address P. O. Box 117, Ev- _ anston. TN52-1tp--L.24 RELIABLE GIRL TAKES CARE OF children mornings, afternoons or evenings. Tel. Winn. 1769. T52-1tc WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or ironed. Tel. Glencoe 171, T52-2tp GIRL WANTS POSI- easy work; car- HIGH SCHOOL tion for afternoon; ing for children or in office. Ad- dress Talk, A-94. TH2-1te WANTED--PUPILS FOR PIANO BY Maurine Martin, student of Bush Conservatory. Tel. Winn. 1485. T52-1te RELIABLE HIGH SCHOOL GIRL will take care of children after school from 3:30 to 6 o'clock, or eve- nings. Tel. Winn. 1723." TH2-1tp WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN BY hour or week. Tel. Winn. 481. T52-1tc WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO DO at home; called for and delivered. Tel. Winn. 1273. T52-1te COOKING OR TAKING CARE OF children: by week, hour or day. Tel. Winn. 1240. TH2-1te WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING to take home, by exp'd laundress. Will call for and deliver. Tel. Wil- mette 834-R or 834-J. LT23-1te COLORED WOMAN WANTS CLEAN- ing or laundry work by the day. Tel. Evanston 4727 and ask for Carrie. LTN23-1tp WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry. Will call and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave, : Tel. Wil. 1351, LT22-4tp SITUATION WANTED MALE AND FEMALE POSITION WANTED--BY COLORED in private family; wife as maid or man and wife man as chauffeur; cook; will take only chauffeur's position if desired. Tel. Evanston T4217. TN52-1tp FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES USED CARS Elgin 6 touring, run 1500 miles, guaranteed perfect, fully equipped. Sacrifice at $500. 1923 Lexington sedan, new; equipped; cost $3,000, $1800. . 1923 Maxwell sport guaranteed condition. like take touring, $550. Linden De Luxe Garage 332 Linden Avenue Tel. 504 Wilmette, Ill LTN23-1te USED CARS. WE HAVE SOME EX- ceptionally good cars this week at bargain prices. Come and look them over. Hupmobile touring. .......... $150 Stevens Duryea tour. ........ 250 Dodge touring .. cr aisiesvene 425 Dodge Sedan i... -iioovisvsss 950 Ford dellVerY: .ccsiciaelsscecsvs 150 and others. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Winnetka 165 and Wills Sainte Claire Dealers LTN23-1te FOR SALE--1923 OLDSMOBILE TOUR. $450; also 1923 Hudson 7 passenger sedan, practically new. Tel. Winn. 692-M. TN52-1tp Dodge Bros. FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE --ONE COMFORTABLE overstuffed divan; Karpen chair, tapestry covered, in good condition. Tel. Winn. 1252. T52-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HSWK., no washing; good wages. Tel. Winn. 1514. LTN23-1te FOR SALE--SOLID OAK BED, MAT- tress and springs. Tel. Winn, 746. » TN52-1te

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