Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 12 Apr 1924, p. 18

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E ¥ } | 18 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1924 4 -- ? FOR SALE--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS SITUATION WANTED--MALE CLASSIFI | x AT: WANTED--FURN, ROOMS FOR 3|EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONE BY y ED ADVERTISEMENTS . | For Sale Winnetka adults; light hskpg.; April 15 or May | hour or contract. Call Winn. 1902. 2 MODERN, 9-ROOM FRAME COLON- 1st. Tel. Sat. A. M.,, Wil. 839-W, LTN27-tfc General Notices Classified advertisements will be charged only ial; 3 baths; heated garage; glazed LT28-1tc Glendie: inciust to residents of the district from Evanston to porches; large grounds; Sheriden LAWNS, GARDENS TAKEN CARE OF, who are ne NSive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or Ras near school; possession May 1; HELP WANTED--MALE and housework done by reliable man. who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA anal ay 3, Roach, Tol Wann. 1103 Tole or GLENCOE NEWS. swnern 292 Sheridan Rd. Winnetka. WANTED--HIGH GRADE AUTO" ME- Rates 10 cents per line in one 20 kins Te hey Seslient ng (ond WE be a BY a -- : paper. cents per line in all three 3 3 : lions; good pay. Wersted Motor Co., our; washing woodwork; waxing the line, Nobels; MINIMUM CHARGE 30c. Average of five words to ALE Gh, FRAME; 3 BED-| 562 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka. finns. ete. Tel. Winn. 1181. T4-3tc : face type used. Rates for Display type on application fooniaoe Shine Boren: un parlor; LTN28-1tc = 5 . e; water eat; garage; Deadline for Insertions--Classified advertisements will be ac- ada al Rb SR Sn MLE Le cepted up to Wednesd : - # . at once; apply Hanson Motor ! ; riday o'clock T5-1 73 . , : ! Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2050 30000 "EWS WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES ©_C| hswk. and plain cooking; ref. req; . WANTED--YOUNG MAN TO HELP salary $22. Tel. Winn. 1284 or apply I SHOULD LIKE TO v around garage and learn the busi- 1161 Oakley Ave. Hubbard Woods. k BUY A HOME LTN28-1t in Winnetka and will be pleased to Des or aason Motor Co. 7555 Chast : -- FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE hear from anyene shaving fhe kind 2 neLka "Ite | WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. OFFICE § FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE of Slacy L require. 13 pt.8 or 7] OYE OVER 16 YEARS FOR LIGHT) York must be able to take small 3 = 2 rooms for help, 3 or 4 baths to- factory work. The Toy Tinkers, 721 amount dictation; good chance for Winnetka Glencoe Winnetka Home to Rent gether with the usual living room, | --CUStol Avenue, Fvansion, THe A etry Ave: Whaskte, ToL $-ROOM H ining room, kitchen, sun parlors, i 2 '8-1tp $ Kenils ia Reel Lt ae Rr fireplace; 4 bedrooms and 2 bath 180,000.00 jand will only copsider 3 ANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; enilworth 2nd floor with sleeping nerch;| Digh-grade place. 1 prefer the east GARDENER WITH 12 YEARS OF i RL nd a THIS I maid's room and bath on 3rd; 2 car side and will consider Winnetka, professional experience seeks posi- must be neat, exp. Tel. Wil. 1563. S A GOOD TIME TO B v Hubbard Woods or Glenc Pl t i ¥ LOOK THESE OFFERINGS UY.| garage; wooded lot; possession any-| give particulars in reply. Address| estate. head gardener on private] Mrs. Mulford, 835 Elmwood. SLnEsE O = OVER time; 1 year lease; $200 per month. Blve sn ticuls 5 13 reply. dress estate. Nationality Danish. Very LTN28-1te plete 7 rm. Smee oo Rho com. Homes for Sale alk. TH5-2te ini of Siig ve as to character L lonial clapboard. Very Ere Sv oe T-room d i o Tang Ai, ANN GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK., WITH OR ing Withi firegiace CBr rn bbe ta sofonlo Minh prick home near FOR RENT--HOUSES ' . LT28-1tp| without laundry work. Mrs. Helm, " let and lav. on first. 60 ft, lot in| Nokol 6il heat; 3 car savage: To tant| FOR RENT TILL, ST; Ce Ha ideal location as to neighbors, lot with a wealth of EE fos furnished house in Wilmott: 'Tent hs a - -- and On DA vgs garogs alas at $22,500.00. sunny rooms; modern improvements; s WOMAN CLERK WANTED --PREF. playroom in both 4 sn or -room practically new white screened in porch; strawberry bed; Upholsterin Draperies erably. mature and with executive Completely land- frame Dutch Col g P ? & scaped. Newly decorated. $25,000 Frame Suich Colonial home in Huh... 10f cared for by owser; $95hper wo. ability to practically manage estab- OKIE reciorated. $25,800. bard b oods; extra large owner's Tel. Wilmette 757-W. T5-1tp Slip C lished retail food store in Wilmette. condition. 3 bedrms. and bath or sun Paro oes Tsering boron; FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT--S8 ovens SR atu an 1 por., rotar g ? . y : x ; o ) 3 Wd = Skokie golf ng iri ne nat: anter Yall; open porch| rooms; two baths; near lake and IY; WANTED----WHITE MAID POR SER raves nano. fnd, oL off Al ing room; garage with water transportation; 6 months or 1 year; \/ acFarlane eral housework; family of 4; chil- 1 Terms. $15,500 . arage. and ay bain Sr oh but owner $250.00; possession now or later. Ad- 0 2 dren school age; Tojerenues Tel. 1500. s 11; priced to sell quick at| dress Talk, A-138. T4-4t ; 1538 or call 821 Foxdale Ave. oor TEA 7 beds $15,500 for cash above mortgage. - : Formerly with Mandel Bros. Tpaitp por. and sun parlor. Attached heat: 7-RM, Housh COMPLETELY PUR. : : POLgfa sun parlor nels] Res LL & STONE, nished; large screened veranda; de- 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette ROOM "WITH PRIVATE BATH IN z Soil Boni 1 3 old. Lot lightful neighborhood; available May . exchange for certain hours of hswk. bargain for some one TT i WINNETKA TEL. WINN. 1544 ge hn ® Sept, 158 OF Join, $128 Phove Wiimatts 2722 To Yon Tole , s hs oY N. per month. Tel. Winn. 1969. TN5-1t. L.TN4- Peasonanly Qriced, blac with plenily TN5-1te a IN4-tfe || RRFINED WHITE GIRL FOR LIGHT 1aT26 root yy Adscaped; FOR RENT--S8 RM.WINNETKA, SUB- housework; not much cooking. Tel n Terms. $33,000. ye. uy. acrifs stantial brick; h. w. heat. Pavlik, Glencoe 1454, TNg-ite -" "A dandy 6 rm. brick-vene 6 1 r. Tel. Kenilworth 2016. re te foot corner lot. Large liv. ons = ce LTN28-1tp NORT 2 WANTED. 00D LAUNDRY Oy id fireplace. Casement windows OWNER FORCED TO SELL 10-ROOM | jor ANT TTR N >: H SHORE HOUSE 4A Aaweek] Wille Fra Wins ii ; weather stripped, high airy base: house in Wilmette at great samifior| FOR RENT--FURN. OR UNFUR. §- CLEAN 5-1tp : TRENT WIth Stoel SuDL ts oad Boroos for immediate action. Fine east lo. room house; $125; good location; for +154 NING SERVICE ATU ; ' a oh 3 lies 0 sta. srt Inher is sation; corner lot 75x180: conv. to summer. Tel. Winn. 1505. TN5-1tc | WE CLEAN WALL PAPER, CALCI- SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE school. A g ; : a ransp.; large living rm.: . i : ? 4 - + VACANT-"12 fect on Walden road porches; er ond 2. vor Er RN, 7 RM HOUSE; Woodwork, and windows as well as LTE re EL ash 2 FR ad. a 1 available ay 1 5 ; i tii xXper 3 TY . POS] = Ao, denred off. Taree ioe rE veld Boor Spivants auabl TX Winn 1966. Nea | By, furniture ara, wax floors boiler during vacation. Ne ebjection $100 per ft. Mite fo be Admired. and ceilings canvassed nis Xolls -- Office rel Wil. hl BRL fo travel Rasy ol given ang re: RENT--We have an excellent list | ©ItY combines a perfect home and a WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES Res. Tel. Wil. 685. Sa iial coauired si Autress Lite, A143, 0 of Jarpighed homes for Summer genuine bargain. $38,500. rental. nls have 4 fo y : WANTED--FURN. HOUSE FOR SUM- IN : nished and furnished for 2 Shear V ° mer; in Winnetka or Hubbard CHILDRENS PARTIES ARE A - rental. gi term C wire igi Woods; sleeping porch; write par- Dlshsife Wien yo in Te on We will be glad to show you the | 348 Linden Ave 2 ticulars to S. N. Bonner, 73 East 9th HARDW ; . py : . Tel. Wil. 228 3 or ' on OOD FI,LOOR Your troubles will be solved by writ- a 8 - bove--call us today. LTNZR-1oo( St. Chicago. T5-1tp S ing Mrs. Woodley, 616 Noyes % TT oS VAT " Evanston, or phone Evanston . WANTED TO RENT--SMALL CONV. d 3 E.E.StultsRealtyCo. house, $100 to $125 per mo.; begin- Laid, scraped, cleaned, : LTN2-2tD -- ning May 1st or June 1st for sum- O "Winnetka branch o ; . g ur own patent sanders WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE 10 Carlton Annex Winnetka 1800 Glenview : a hd Ponte, Sse nar __. Oak St. at the R. R. 1226 WANTED TO RENT--MAY 1ST; 7 OR Advance Floor Co. Will onl an sen 413 Proms - Service You Will Tile a eight room house; unfurnished, with " : ; : : : ¥ : 8 En HSE, H.W. HEAT WITH 8 garage; 1 or 2 years. Tel. Jighads A. WASLEFF, Prop. BACKWARD AND DEFECTIVE CHIL- o 1 LTN28-1te acres o beautiful high land ad- é 5-1te 542 So. D b dren tutored by exp'd teaeher; will joining GLEN OAK Acres sub- ; 0. Dearborn St. go to home; reasonable. Tel Evans- ANNEXATION TO WILMETTE OF division, WANTED TO RENT-- 6-RM HOUSE ton 5837. " 1/ON27-2¢ / THAT PROPERTY WEST OF for I months; 3 adults; lease : > : RIDGE AVE. WILL INCREASE 0 start May 1st, 'if possible. Tel. LTN27-4tp || WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING : y 8-1tec nS TI: 2 Story Prick, hot water FOR RENT--APARTMENTS / » hardwood finish, on lot 50x124, Tel. Dearborn 8740 or Kild - - % NO FIRST CIzASS LAUNDRESS OR MAID. half block west of the Rides 9724 for appointment. y hoans E OR Ly A ah. UN- | pris CARDEN SERVICE AFD Yel Glencoe 321 RH INI . ar 3 e dgs.; corner, 3 : 7 rm, 2 story frame nize .00, fronts park; 2 blocks Davis St.; nr. House and window cleaning, "floor SITUATION WANTED-- hehe, Bardwood form ear ase LTN28-2tp steam, "17% immed. possoation.. 603, osing, lawn and garden work, first MALE OR FEMALE ANA Shade trios EAT ARS Tau Lake. St, Lvanston. TN5-1tp Class Tofesenes 'Walsh. Tel. 1035 ] Be 177, two blocks west of Ridge. m a LT25-tfc| SITUATION WANTED--ON ACCOUNT i $14,500.00. I'WO-ROOM KITCHENETTE APART- : of going to Europe, want to find y Yor le OR oy, frame, garage, on S 9 Bo Jpmisdiaie Passession; figison permanent position Sites May Ast , in lag, C ral Ave. ilmette. P : -- " | 8 Tih, 3 Sion atncee, geiame oo; easom $ Best Buys Wilmette 1800. LTN2s-1tc || Developing of landscapes with honest and very. efficient. Can. do | . lot 86x364, half mile west of Ridge | WILMETTE. CHOICE V : R--- particular attention to suburban all the work of household except i Satna) NE TTE. [CHO VACANT COR-|6 RM. FLAT FOR RENT AT 1625 homes. laundry. Address XXX Highland GLENVIE PROPE T nen rom Elevated, 60x150, Central Ave. $75 per month. Tel LAWNS, PLANTING Park Press, Highland Park, Ill W RITY gain, $8,200. 5 Wil, 1468. LTN28-1tc : g T5-1te f 7 rm, brick bungalow, all con- bla active stucco, 1% PRUNING | venience "and Imp ovmonts 200% | Boh aan fruit freee, liz J00 | _____FOR RENT--orwicEs Men for ons ope promis. | I rae tah Mio. ean road and one bloc W S "| FOR RENT--OFFICE SPACE IN POST FW, KARES furnished by Square Deal Employ: | rom state roads, bargain $16,000.00. ° G. tacey @o| Oftice building, northeast corner Elm LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR ment Agency, 1807 Grand Bodlevard, | rm. frame, 2 story, hot water and Lincoln, Winnetka. Ayres Boal 1011 S : Tel. Douglas 3709. LT28-1tp | heat, hardwood finish, garage on REALTORS 1305 Peoples Gas Building. Tel. pruce St. Tel. Winn. 1902 corner lot 90x175, within two blocks | 336 Lind ] Harrison 1043. T4-3tc T2-5tc || EXPERIENCED, REFINED, COLOR- of steam road and one block from inden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 ed couple as chauffeur, and 2nd maid styte Toads ; $13.000.00. LTN28-1te | FOR RENT--FRONT OFFICE, SECOND oF Sook Sani furn. best ref. Address a story frame, g: f EG r-Br ildi I Life, A-147. LT -1t sob Tolicks "0 HE, Sis She Ji PT SEN Wan phon PAD LID eats mt ain d ' y "y 4 , handy wi a i 0) D) g $12,500.00. 2399. LTN26-tfc| repair Address Life. 141. inds| FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS S Th 3 LTN28-1tp | FOR SALE--GENUINE QUARTER C aefer & Golbach For Sale FOR RENT--STORE sawed oak dining set in Jacobean i; FOR RENT IN WINNE Ss S finish, beaut, period design, 60 in. Phone Wi, Averie desirable business Efhly gk C. A. WAGNER and CO. bustet, Serving tullegtes 'wagon, 94 S Usd Cp 364 : 5 o space 15 ft. x 60 ft. Tel Evanston Landscape Gardeners in foils and Bh A Sah in €e S Lor cre Tracts mn 2 Beautiful LiL or evenings. Tel. Evanston 5 Pruning, grading; shrubs and bien, " Big Bak Den New Trier and Northfield " aw owers taken. special care of. prch. sun screen 6x7, 1 sanitary 5 FOR REN! rs TT .. Tel. Winnetka 991 couch, oak bookcase; kitchen table; LTN28-1te Residenc ENT--GARAGES Residence Tel. Winnetka 1274 kitchenette gas stove with oven and (CGS) , = T5-1te boiler; gas range; 2 brass beds, GARAGE FOR RENT--164 WOOD- i = ; ° o 8 vo Ni C springs and mattress, A-1 cond.; 2 1stinetive . : 1 ve, innetka. Tel. Winn. |= prs. pillows; blue velvet runner and > Nearing completion, Woodlawn 543. T5-1tc CHALFYEUR A No. 1; SEVEN YRS. rug; new 9x12 blue Kimbark rug; . > , ; . on high grade cars; mechanic; wringer; wash boiler, etc.; 50 ft. Dutch Colonial and Feld Avenues, situated in WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE married; white. Tel. Northbrook| hose on rack; odd dishes; cooking one of the prettiest residential dis- RESPONSIBLE PART aii L/7N23-1n{ utensils; foe hoya e/0el. Wil. 350-W. ERR A EET tricts of Glencoe. rent 'garage; Yn a i living room, LLL gl Colonial shingle type, 7 room vn rey om} Av 22 AY A TE aD In room, kitchen, butler's' pantry 2 bath 1 ti : : 3 : - Ann; Yr oors ire furl 21] in Jump or bynes nd lavatory. Second floor: two lit : ; Glen, Suh prrlop and -- RE player WA ge role Bae arge bedrooms with i- zarage, downstairs lavatory, fin- f gating bath. Finest nae ar ished attic. Lot 75x140, wooded Pon RENT--ROOMS Have Your Old Floors i Mig a oy prayer To : hardware and fixtures "through. price $26,500.00. CENTRAL HOTEL -- UNDER NEW Made Like New beautifully upholstered, specially de- dining room which is canvassod English Tudor Menagement rains; light outside by a new electric sandi Signeq Seots. Tel Wi. 24 and panelled. Kitchen has til 3 udor, 7 rooms, 2 rooms; steam; hot and cold running Pri sanding pro- LTN28-1te Shes Hite tile Pains (L tiled), sun parlor and water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. cess. Prices very reasonable. ' wall 1 arge built- . LT1-tfo Call for estimates. LEAVING FOR CALIFORNIA, OLD iz ios Bos, Entire house metal garage, breakfast room, finished D., J... CLARK antique solid walnut bed, dresser, id 8 iviped ons oor ga- attic. Lot 75x140, wooded, price FOR RENT--LARGE, LIGHT, FURN. Evanston 4517 secretary, and living room furniture; taneous water heater. Lot 0x $28,500.00. room; priv. family; near | transp.; ty ILvNNile NSW Shite Richens oquipmen; pas 165 beautifully dR of Sox : Woman preferred. Tel. Wil. 832-R. = pictures and books, including 10 Shtubs and perennials. One of Saees 1of.change or prior : L/ ea Sa as) e finest small homes on the sale without notice. Address ||LarRGk. = -- TUTORING -- ALL BRANCHES OF | 502 Washington A i Z north shore. $22,500.00 owner, Winnetka Talk, 136. family: Poon phan YATE high school mathematics, elementary : Inston aver. LTN28 18 L. F. LINES T4-3te Wil. 716-7. eidry LTN28-1te chemistry, beginning intermediate 1152 Asbury Avenue c and commercial Spanish. Individual | SOLID MAHOG. DRESSING TABLE; innetka 420. FOR RENT--2 FURN. RMS. SUIT- suction only. For appointment ivory cane bed and dresser; very LTN2S-1te able for light hskpg. or otherwise. Dhiotie SWijmette 355. Tns-nol' omtorighier bvergiiger leath, Shain " el. Wil. 821-R. LTN28- ' rass ed, coi springs, mattress; ; FOR SALE -- SCOTT AVE. NEW : 8-1te WANTED_--POSITION AS CARETAK-| odd chairs; 150 ft. good hose and New Winnetlk B home ready May 1st; 4 bedrooms, 2|1 OR 2 ROOMS; CHOICE LOCATION; in private home; married; will do | reel; cretonne and ruffled Swiss a uy baths, steam heat, sun parlor, $17,500. reasonable. Tel. Wil. 2107. ' gar a housework and can drive curtains; 6 flower boxes; small rugs; 7 RM. COL.: LG Tel. Winnetka 690. LTN28-1tc LTN28-1te dh ig A. J. Sellick, P. O. box | Simplex ironer; other household £4 con. 14. SUN-SLP. PCHS.; 56, Deerfield. T5-1tp | goods. Tel. Winn. 2116. LTN28-1te . 'w. ht. toi.-lav. 1st fl, dbl. gar.; FOR SALE--HOUSES FURN. RM. TO RENT; NR. TRANS $ extra Tor folie ast 4. dhl.gary . IRN TOF : . BANE: EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND [FOR SALE--GOOD FURNITURE, DIN- Te a enn SERIE i ga o : 5 3 » 1 x y or iano; i : . Heinsen& Clark Inc before May 1st; half cash. = Lequite WANTED TO RENT--HOOMS hour. Phone 639-W after 6:00 Bb. m.| rel Evanston 655% for APoointmtat 9 ° 1076 Ash St., Winnetka. Ti-3tc | WANTED--RM. IN WINN, BY QUIBT T5-1tp Senn J. Barrett, 1936 Sheridan Rd. 556 Center Winn. 254| FOR SALE OR RENT_BRAND NEW lady, emp.; nr. N. W. Station; in|SITUATION WANTED BY A FIRST Vanston. LT (formerly W. R. R. Av.) house. in. Wilinette; bargains. nocd Pt Home light housekeeping | class gardener; 16 hrs. a week to|FOR SALE--USED ORIENTAL RUGS: LEN -Utp]e cash' Addrems Life, ARE To-Tin)- Boris, oe. Price. Adress alin "PEte. Address Telk, A-145, all sizes; prices ranging from $10 -1tp . TN5-1tp to $400. Tel. Wil. 1949. LTN28-1tc

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