Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 12 Apr 1924, p. 4

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1924 ADDITION FOR NEW ORRINGTON Close "Preaching Mission' at Christ Church Sunday One of the most important weeks ever experienced in Christ church parish the Rt. Rev. Paul Jones, formerly of Utah, will conclude his "preaching mis- will terminate Sunday, Apri} 13, when]|- PUBLIC FORUM Ojai, Cal. April 4, To the Editor, WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, Thomas J. Ellison Dies; Resident Here 30 Years Thomas J. Ellison, a resident of Win- netka for 30 years, who during the past three years has made his home in Evans- ton, passed away Thursday morning, April 10, at the age of 87 years. Mr. Lynch was a day late in his call, for the joke is on them. Despite the fact that more than a week has pas- sed since the car was rented, it has not yet been returned to its owners, and the police are looking for the aforesaid Mr. Lynch and the above mentioned car. EE COO OC CE I OO OC CC Excavation Work Started on sion" which has included services and ; Funeral services are to be held this ee 176-R Additi discussion in every department of the| Winnetka, IIL afternoon at 2 o'clock at Scott's chapel, - oom ition to church. Dear Sir: 1022 Davis street, Evanston, and burial Big Hostelry 3 Ds Jones will preach this evening at| As an old resident of Winnetka and | Will be at Memorial Park. o'clock on the subject The Blasphemy pl ; Mr. Ellison, who had been ill onl of War." SE poste. poy two weeks, was prominent in the Odd AN EASTER Tomorrow he will preach at the morn- | (2 ; en ane SOlu-| Fellows lodge for more than 50 years COMPLETED IN FALL ing services on the theme, "The New Tanai Ao 10 oR and recently was given a jeweled em- Way rol Life? and 'in the evening at 8] " "ph. o words of Thomas rr nch blem in commeroration of the 50th an- REMEMBRANCE . i a o 'clock will discuss the subject "The the Post Commander Ce $0 Riversary Of lis 'membershiptin thot Conquest of Fear." oe ; anon organization. ; vividly that the light in the standard : ? : : Plans Also Out for Another Dr. Jones is one of the best known [variety of military mind is darkness, He is survived by his widow, Ger- Carlson Hotel clergymen in the United States, a great|and darkness of a very sinister sort. trude Thorne Ellison, two daughters, friend of American Labor and one who| It would hardly occur to this sort Theda and Frances, and a sister, Mrs. Whether it be a beautiful card, hos Jocytissd a Fan Dosen in the|of person that under the title "puerile George W. Oldfather of Winnetka. a box of fine candy or a novelty an church because of his fearless thinking | bigots" he would be compelled to in- t hild ou will find as Work fay) hosp, Masel oa and liberal tendencies. clude Christ and his twelve Apostles It Would Appear That for Re ge rip yo fll your Orrington hotel TR top, bn the Every resident of Winnetka is invited | and many supremely great spirits since PP Use Prep fhakc it the laraest 45 the LY enw to attend these final services of the |that time. But one regrets that such Wersted Is Out One Car needs. preliminary sketches are being dri preaching mission, which are to be held | 'talk" as that should be given a place| The Wersted Motors company rent- for Victor Carlson. owner. for anoth in the church edifice at Sheridan road and | in your paper, and such a very promi-| .4 o Dodge touring car to one James Come in this week and see apartment Hotel sthat is to bes i Humboldt avenue. nent place and I do hope that you yon." on the second day of thi r complete stock. The prices at the northwest corn ; nace may hereafter allow Mr. Lynch to ex- month. There is nothin y k in a > 3 RT TLR an rca or avis et 3 press himself in private, and that you |: "t1-¢ fact but the fi 2 wae ny e are reasonable. tails Of tha A ine SY e ee Skokie School Honors will publish this little rejoiner. % € mmihehevesat iat te nounced, fy construction work at that Donald Guy Anderson Nous yery Ny corner, where, at present, the ex - T i 2 7 ) Ts ys - tive offices are located, will be Fi Themen cary of te Steoisie Th P ll Smiling Service in the near futare J ; school have determined upon a unique 2 0 y f a Fig + The Greater Orrington hotel, when oii ry Do oul Nndaion, 8 c. & M. Cleaners P . Sh completed will represent an invest EE i a Suits, to d Hed § d rim Op... (MRs. NOE) o ment of $3,000,000. Tt ibra aza | was ks : its, fo Ne pressed, called ior an hotel Ei Mr Ra was no better loved member of last delivered same day s : Community Pharmacy built Ine 102L. was or dl year's class, for the character, true 10 PROUTY ANNEX mart and simple of $600 000. "The Sir ec a * a cost sportsmanship, and unselfish helpfulness Winnetka 1994 dresses for children. CHAS. R. PATCHEN of Phavis strect dH 1¢ corner) of Donald was known to all. The stu- Exquisite layettes for is 200x200 feet an nman avenue | dent's council, after debating means of- infants . . . . Tr pe expressing their sense of loss, deter- 574 Phone he addition is to have 176 rooms, | mined to provide by subscription for a KATHLEEN AIR 809 Oak St., Phone 1635 . 164 Seo mInadations Jor guess, cars ord fund to establish the Donald Anderson Specialist tn Winnetka Lincoln Ave. s s r servants' quarters. | Me ial Meda : piven ea : . 3 The two and four-room i oii A Maoh RE ye Child Training for Piano Study Sm nged das ih i Sohn Alling the ideals which had characterized Pringipal of PYienedkn Dranth rents ay 8 ither fur-|hj fished or unfurnished, but with com- i the members of last year's class Columine koe) of Naas Fi C .. g® ° 'te servi : : of 2 as ass pists Ber ie 3h glen eta Lhe heard of what was planned, they asked rst hurch of Christian Science over. ite addits at to be allowed to share--and many have . eX J oy Bote be one of done so. The fund is to be completed North Shore Window & Christ Scientist Reading Room Addition Same H ioht this week, and those who have not al- House Cleaning Co 4 ' do : erg ready been reached may send their con- 4 Wilmette, Ill, i The addition will be the same height | tribution to Principal Williard Beatty 10 Prouty Annex, Tenth St. and Central Ave. hig? Wahaus Are as fhe present seven story building-- | at Skokie school. Phone Win. 1994 Sefvites: : Hours: with six floors of living quarters. Winnetka, IlL Sida at 11 'A: M Daily (except Wednesday and There will be seven stores on the Wed ya Testimonial Meet Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. ground floor, making o total of sigh || SLIP COVERS COMPLETE Sy Texmaitat Meetns [FYE LN TEN x n. Space SO a Me . has also been provided J a De Sasa Davenport SPRING SUITS Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Sammon. Si M02 P M c . 1 Se we nat Sotis- $11.00 Subject of the Lesson Sermon Baker Tddy and all other author he addition i : i oe . : : ize ristian Science Liter And ERB IR fran \ Sour Nothing better can be had in Boring Shre Sin, 8 iknees aud way Ds' read.borromed or gran guest's cars and will be completed in|| anteed J . i i : i September or October, about one year || Also a wonderful selection of im- quality, price and ls The Public is cordially invited to Setend ihe Churel; Services and visit from the time that the present build-|| Ported Coverings at a tremendous Fverything for the ladies. We G Len 02 : E ing: was completed. 5 Approximately || I 30ction due to our wide expe- have oud dy t T SLAIN wih be Spent.on the how A] Sin dE ET [|] Fave srerytmag Fenty Io won dition, or a total investment of $3,000,- || quality. Upholstering reasonable, 000, with the addition and main struc- GOLLIN BROS. Unique Style Shop ture. Formerly Wi Mandel Bros. 1126 CENTRAL AVE. The site just leased from North- 713 MAIN $1, HV ANSTON Ph. Wil. 2403 western university has a frontage on Phone Evanston 6121 Orrington avenue of 116 feet, giving a Sa total frontage of 327 feet for the Greater Orrington. The new section will contain additional private dining HIGH GRADE WORK rooms, lounge rooms and other public ; ' rooms. The total number of rooms in is assured when you give us the Greater Orrington will be 408. your car to paint and finish for Ground Rental $4,066 you. You will be astonished Ground rental of land, under the and delighted at the way we do additon, will be, $4066 annually, fo our work and the money we wil for the next twenty-five years, and save you. Most people will think six per cent of the value of the land you have a new car, because our for the next fifty years. finish is so smooth and new. Mr. Carlson, has an option to pur- chase the fee right at $67,800 during Ri the next two years, or at $90,400 dur- ROBERT W. McINTYRE ay, ing the following eighteen years. The Rear of Wilmette State Bank Black head site has a depth of 154 feet on the Phone Wil. 684 north end and 100 feet on the south . h end, adjoining the present hotel. All of the shops in the present Orrington ~ stays tig t are rented. Excavation work for the addition is : on red handle nearing completion and concrete is . already being poured for the founda- SPE TIAL h WwW k tion. Announcement has not yet been 1S e€e Now you can have a hatchet, made as to who will issue the bonds for the addition. Peabody Houghtel- pammer whim with a head that ing & Co. handled the $1,200,000 issue . 1s always tight-- of the original building. An Ice Cream Brick g As in the Sass of fhe main Jirusey f Unrivaled Good A Plumb, with the Take-up A everything from plans to structura (0) nrivaie oodaness : work will be directed by Mr. Carlson's Wedze iuat Fetighiens the han- staff of architects and engineers. Dur- ce wi a turn o Ee SCrew. ing the winter months a large ware- BUTTERSCOTCH house was constructed on Ridge ays: Come in and let us show you nue at Foster street for service to the . 5 ' Orrington and to the Library Plaza. in New York these better tools, with their red ICE CREAM handles and black heads. When Calli en Lalling Try the HYDROX $1,000 Sundae Now is the proper time to seed the "Pride Full and fertilize your lawns. We car- TALK Because ( : Quart ry the best fertilizers and lawn »" . o5 Carbonated Brick y seeds. . 2000 Adams Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. Ristow Confectionery, W G. Matteoni Bros., 742 Elm St. Hubbard Woods Pharmacy innetka 200 1 Snider-Cazel Kenilworth Pharmacy Easy to Remember! Put it on the Tab! THANK YOU! HARDWARE 546 Center St. Phone 998-999 Winnetka

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