Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 26 Apr 1924, p. 21

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1924 WANT ADS BRING QUICK RETURNS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA General Notices-- TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates-- papers. Deadline for Insertions-- the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE 50c¢. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. Classified advertisements will cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for or 20 cents per line in all three be ac- papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the oclock for the GLENCOE NEWS. or WINNETKA 2000-2001. | saat REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE We Recommend! AN ATTRACTIVE on extra large lot with plenty of shade, fruit trees and 'shrubbery; gazage excellent neighborhood. $13,- A brand new brick, 6-rooms; sun porch; hot water heat; tile bath; extra toilet, lavatory first floor; fine south front lot; near schools and transportation. $17,500 A T7-room Colonial; large sun and sleeping porches; hot water heat; toilet and lavatory, first floor; dou- ble garage; extra large lot; unique within and without. §18,500--Easy terms. A solid brick in Winnetka Heights. Beautiful 8-room Colonial; 2 baths with tile walls; immense wooded lot; vapor heat; wonderful construction. $35,000. Heinsen&Clark,lnc. 556 Center (formerly W. Winnetka 254 7-ROOM HOME R. R.- Ave) LTN30-1tc TWO FINE GLENCOE HOMES--JUST completed; T-room brick veneer and stucco; 4 bedrooms; 2 baths, with ex. toilet and lavatory on the first floor. Beautiful corner lot; 108x132, with fine oaks. In heart of one of Glen- coe's best sections. Easy terms. $22,000. 6-room Dutch Colonial, with 2 baths; extra toilet and lavatory; large living room; lot 66x132. Very good terms. $18,000. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Winn. Branch. Tel. Winn. 1800-1226 10 Carlton Annex Oak Street at the R. R. Service You Will Like LTN30-1te WANTED TO BUY--VACANT FOR RENT--ROOMS SITUATION WANTED--MALE BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE lots in good neighborhood. Will con- sider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. for each lot. Give size, location and best cash price. Address Wilmette Life, A-66. . LTN29-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSES WILL SELL--6-ROOM STUCCO HOME on Oak Street, Winnetka. Has large livings rooms with open stairway, also sun parlor. Breakfast nook off kitchen; 3 large bed rooms and full tiled modern bath with pedestal bowl and set in tub. Large rear porch. Lot 60x200--$14,000. Ad- dress Life, A-168. LTN30-1tc FOR SALE--IN WINNETKA. SIX room frame. Built in 1918. 50 ft. lot with trees. Large living rooms with fire place. Attractively laid out. 1 car garage. Must sell. Price $12,500. Address Life, A-169 LTN30-1tc $5000.00 cash buys choice of two new 6 rm. Winnetka houses on Cherry St., Nos. 1066 and 1070; nr. Skokie school and golf course; all improve- ments in and paid for, price $15,500. Call 877 Elm St. or Tel. Winn. 1689. LTN30-tfc OWNER OBLIGED TO MOVE TO New York will dispose of T7-room for less than mar- ket value. Has large living rms. with fireplace. Two porches and 2 car garage. 50 ft. lot. Is conveni- ent to schools and trans. Attractive terms to responsible party. Phone Winnetka 1226. Address Life, A-167. LTN30-1tc Winnetka home WANTED TO RENT--FURN. OR UN- furnished room near Hubbard 'Woods or North Ave. Sta.; with or without board. Tel. Winn, 2162 20 C CENTRAL HOTEL --TUNDER NEW management---room; light outside rooms; steam; hot and cold running water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. LT1-tfe FOR RENT--LRGE. FURN. FRONT room in private family; central lo- cation; east side; no children. Tel. Wilmette 965-M. LTN30-1tc FOR RENT -- 3-ROOMS; KITCHEN and bath; Winnetka. laundry. 969 Willow St. Home evenings after 6. LT30-1tp FINE FRONT ROOMS; EAST SIDE home; convenient location. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTN30-1te FOR RENT--WELL FURN. ROOM for gentleman; nr. transp. Tel. Winnetka 1921. LTN3-1te ROOM FOR RENT---CALL AFTER 6; 800 Center Street or tel. Winnetka 2175. T7-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. 893 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1719. T7-1tp WANTED WANTED--BY GENTLEMAN, VERY comfortable room; near transporta- tion. Address Talk, A-163. TO RENT--ROOMS T7-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE OR FEMALE Vacant Sacrifice I have been offered $58 cash per foot for my Winnetka 50 foot lot on South side of Ash St., just 150 ft. west of Birch St. Will sell to party making best cash offer up to May 30. Highland Park 690. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE the word; it means more than one fore, recognized the high standard and should be so recognized." with REALTORS. Lloyd C. Ayres Heinsen & Clark A. D. Herrmann Hill & Stone Hill & Wheeler Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. R. M. Johnston & Co. E. P. Maynard & Co. of Suburban Chicago, REALTORS "The word 'REAI/TOR' is a coined word belonging to the National Association of Real Estate Boards. Board of Suburban Chicago, being members of the state and national associations, is the custodian in this section of the legitimate use of those who use the word legitimately have subscribed to the Code of Ethics of the National Association, and that his business is transacted along the lines of square dealing, intelligent service and fair play. It means that the user of the word is accountable for his acts. The courts have sustained the use of the word in advertising to legitimate per- sons or firms belonging to the national organization and have, there- for themselves and for their dealings with the public. use of the word 'REALTOR' is therefore a sign of public protection Property owners for their own good should list their property ONLY The above firms are members of the North Shore Real Estate Board which Board is a member of both the Na- tional and Illinois associations of Real Estate Boards. The North Shore Real Estate who sells real estate--it means that which the real estate men have set The legitimate Murray & Terry Clark T. Northrop Frank A. Reid Schaefer & Golbach W. G. Stacey & Co. Fred'k B. Thomas & Co. Mrs. D. E. Wink Wyatt & Coons LTN30-1tc WANTED PRIVATE PARTY DESIRES TO BUY good 8-room house on North Shore. Prefer Kenilworth or Winnetka. Must have 5 bedrooms and 2 baths and will pay up to $30,000. Please give full particulars. Address Win- netka Talk, A-166 T7-1te TO BUY--HOUSES BARTER AND EXCHANGE WILL TRADE BEAUTIFUL 8 R. HSE. WITH 30 FT. living room; 4 Irge. bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor; maids: room and bath on 3rd fir.; 2 slpg. prches.; ga- rage attached; vapor heat; best N. E. section Wilmette; like to trade for smaller hse. in Wilmette, East side, or Winnetka. Address Wil- mette Life, A-160. LT30-1tc FOR RENT--HOUSES TO RENT--FURNISHED WINNETKA modern 8-room brick adjacent to Park; 1 block to station and 4 blocks to Winn. bathing beach. Will rent from June 15 to Sept 15 at $175 per month. Call Winn. 1800 for appt. LTN20-1te FOR RENT--FURN. OR UNFURN. 6- room bungalow; large porch; »% block from Skokie Golf Club; $150 per month. Tel. Glencoe 927. 466 Adams St., Glencoe. TN6-2tp FOR RENT--8-ROOM HOUSE; UNFUR- nished; on Oak St.,, 3 blocks west of station; very nice yard; sleeping porch. Tel. Winn. 318 or 1393. TN7-1tp FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT--S8- rooms; two baths; near lake and transportation; 6 months or 1 year; $250.00; possession now or later. Ad- dress Talk, A-138. T4-4tc FOR RENT--7-ROOM FURN. HSE. with sleeping porch, for summer months; beautiful location; will build garage; 893 Valley Road, Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 664. TN7-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED MODERN 8-room; 3 baths; 3 porches; 2 car garage, room above; near lake; 386 Fairview Ave., Winn. T7-1te FOR RENT -- MAY 1ST; 7-ROOM frame residence; 5 blocks from depot. Tel. Winn. 900. T7-1tc REAL ESTATE SEVEN ROOM STUCCO SEMI-BUNGA- low; 2 bedrooms and both on first floor; 2 bedrooms on second; in most convenient east location; 3 blocks to "L"; stores, school; lot 50x150. This is a real bargain at $14,000. Make offer, unusually easy terms. McGuire & Orr 348 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil 228 LIST YOUR. PROPERTY FOR SALE or rent with Harold Bradley & Co. 717 North Michigan Ave. Tel. Su- perior 9100 or call Mr. Penick, Wil 2811. LTN29-4tc $22-$33 per foot Don't Overlook Close to Home Many outsiders are making North Shore Right near your money property. home there are many offer- on ings that will show large profits in a few months. Close express transportation on N. S., to fastest bordering Municipal golf links, dues $15 year. For particulars Address Wil- mette Life 164. LTN30-1tp REAL ESTATE Winnetka Home Specials 7-ROOM BRICK AND STUCCO, WELL built, new and modern, 3 baths, oil vapor heat; attached garage. Must be sold, $24,000. 9-room attractive old home, on superb lot, in best locality, 3 baths, hot water heat, $29,000. 6-room modern stucco, owner leav- ing Winnetka, large living room with fireplace, 2 fine open porches, oil hot water heat, garage, easy terms, reduced to $14,500, 8-room practically new, Colonial brick with vapor heat, 2 baths, beau- tiful 100 ft. lot among new homes, $35,000. 7-room modern stucco, vapor heat, extra large wooded lot, with wealth of shrubs and perennials, near schools, lake and transportation. Very anxious to sell, $25,000. Every one of the above homes is a bargain. In most cases, the prices have been reduced, in others, we feel that material reductions can be obtained for the interested purchas- er. Our advice is at your disposal. HILL & STONE Winnetka Office Tel. 1544 T7-1tec BARGAIN IN VACANT THE HIGHEST POINT ON WEST shore Lake Michigan. Lot 100x140 facing on Sheridan Road, Highland Park. The same size lot across st. sold for $150 per ft. If you want a bargain and an exceptional home site in very exclusive neighborhood, act quickly. Price $125 per ft. Ad- dress Owner, Wilmette Life, 165. LTN30-1tp IN i i ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 0 YEARS TIME OR MORE Lomi Road, Chestnut Ave., Ashland Ave, Elmwood Ave., 7th St, 10th St, Tots 2,7 and 10, .B. 11; L. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 5; LL. 3and 4, B. 9: 1.9, 10 and 12,B°10;:1L. 5, B. 13, LI, Y and 3," B, 17; X...16, B, 18. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. LTN29-tfc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--T house; lease to start between July 1st and Sept. 1st for one or two years. Write C. L. Bode, 215 No. Michigan, Chicago or tel. Glencoe 654. TN7-1te OR 8 ROOM WANTED TO RENT--FROM JUNE 1st, small house; year lease or long- er; 2 adults; in Wilmette or neigh- boring suburbs; near transp. Ad- dress Life, A-152. LTN30-1te FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UN- furnished; 916 Oakwood; 3-rooms; in-a-doer bed; hot water heat. 918 Oakwood--6-rooms; . 2 in-a- door beds; 2 baths, one with show- er; hot water heat; renovated throughout; immediate possession. TN30-tfe FOR RENT--WINNETKA, 1ST OR 2nd floor; small flat; 1st floor apart- ment furnished; occupancy June 1st --Oct.; 2nd floor, unfurnished; avail- able June 1st. Tel. Winn. 248. TN7-1te FOR RENT--5-RM. HEATED FLAT; modern; $65 per month; hot water heat; tel. Evanston 3979. 1229 Dar- row Avenue. LTN30-1te FOR RENT--4-ROOM FLAT IN WIN- netka; May 1st. Address Winnetka Talk, A-159. LTN30-1tc FOR RENT--OFFICES Make More Money Five men or women thoroughly ac- quainted with the North Shore can earn $50 or more weekly in special congenial work. Chance to get in permanently with income of $10,000 and up yearly. For appointment write N. W. Caine, 1020 Otis Bldg., Chicago. LTN30-1tp WE HAVE A SPLENDID OPPOR- tunity for someone desirous of mak- ing money at home in spare time or full time. Ray Studio, Evanston, Ill LTN30-2tc HELP WANTED--MALE $50 TO $75 WEEKLY--SALESMAN with ability to become manager in this territory, prefer marriea iuaii who has done house to house sell- ing. Must be live, wide awake, will- ing to work and able to handle men. Permanent position, salary, commis- sion and bonus to right man. Write for appointment, giving references and full information. R. M. Rubel, 1014 Davis St, Evanston. Room 4. TN7-1tc PERMANENT, ALL YR. ROUND POSI- tion for man who can take care of lawn, drive car and do hswk. Tel Winnetka 328. LTN30-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE NORTH SHORE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE WE CLEAN WALL PAPER, CALCI- mine, grass cloth; we wash painted woodwork, and windows as well as polish furniture and wax floors. First class ref. Edward T. Handy. Office Tel. Wil. 1647 after 6 P. M. Res. Tel. Wil. 685. LT22-tfc SITUATION WANTED--FOR CARE- taker of private place, lawn and garden. Address Lang. 5243 So. Albany Ave. Chicago. TNT7-1tp LAWNS, GARDENS TAKEN CARE OF and housework done by reliable man. Tel. Winn. 2011. T7-3tc HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid, scraped, cleaned, Our own patent sanders Advance Floor Co. A. WASLEFF, Prop. 542 So. Dearborn St. LTN27-4tp EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONE BY hour or contract. Call Winn. 1902. LTN27-tfc HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WOMAN; WHITE; IN small family; thoroughly exp'd in gen. hswk. and plain cooking; ref. Winn. 1284 or apply 1161 Hubbard Woods. LTN30-1tc WANTED--EXP. WOMAN AS HOUSE- keeper for a bachelor; ref. req.; must be capable of taking complete charge. H. Keene, 829 Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 95. LTN3-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL; WHITE; to assist with housework and cook- ing; own bedroom, sitting room and . bathroom; easy hours; 2 in family; good wages. Tel. Glencoe 355. LTN30-1tc WANTED -- GIRL, ABOUT 20, TO work in drug store; must be neat and well recommended. The Hub- bard Woods Pharmacy, Hubbard Woods. LTN30-1tc WANTED -- MAID -- COMPETENT white girl; good cook; permanent position; small family; small house; req.; tel. Oakley Ave. excellent wages. Tel. Wil. 2289. TN7-1te WANTED -- EXP'D SWITCHBOARD operator for Skokie Country club. Tel. Glencoe 600, ask for manager. LTN30-2tc WANTED--MAID, $18; COMPETENT; white; small family; no washing; must have references. Te! Winn. 30k. ee LT30-1tc YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work and care of children in small house, own room and bath. Tel. Glencoe 964. LTN30-1tc WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HSWK.; cooking and downstairs work only; small family; good wages; exp. and ref. req. Tel. Winn. 1561. LTN30-1tc WANTED--REFINED INTELLIGENT woman or girl for 6-year old boy; daily 3 to 7 P. M. Call 495 Ash St. Phone Winnetka 1417. T7-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID for general housework; family of 3 adults; wages $18 per week. Tel. Winn. 1628. TN7-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT, AGREE- able, willing cook; for family with children; good wages. Address Talk, A-170. T7-1te EXPD. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOK- keeper wishes position; references. Address Talk, A-172. T7-1tc Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J. B. MacFarlane Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 I/TN4-tfc FIX UP YOUR LAWN. LANDSCAPE gardening, all branches, spraying, etc. Men for general cleaning and whitewashing; bldg. repair work by practical mechanic. Low rates. Tel. Goodrich Winn. 1774 . LTN30-1tp NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE House and window cleaning, floor waxing, lawn and garden work, first class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn 1035 (after 6 P. M.) LT25-tfc | Floors Have Your Old Floors Made Like New by a new electric sanding pro- cess. Prices very reasonable. Call for estimates. . CLARK Evanston 4517 LTN27-tfc FOR RENT--FRONT OFFICE, SECOND RELIABLE COLORED MAN WITH WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE- work in small family. Ref. req. Tel Glencoe 737. TNT7-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework and care of year old baby. Tel. Winn. 1516. T7-1tc ENGLISH SPEAKING GIRL FOR gen. housework; 3 in family; no washing. Tel. Wil. 3010. T7-1te WANTED -- WHITE WOMAN FOR gen. hswk.; good cook. Tel. Winn. 1491. 525 Sunset Road. LT30-1te GIRL WANTED -- NATIONAL TEA Company, 623 Main Street. Tel. Wil. 2226. LTN30-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home, finished work and rough dry. Will call and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave., Wil. Tel. Wil. 1351. LT27-4tp REFINED YOUNG LADY DESIRES position os governess or child's nurse with family going East or to Europe; best references. Address Talk, A-171. T7-1te CAPABLE, MANAGING HOUSEKEEP- er for widower or small family; best references; refined and educated. Address Talk, A-153. Né6-tfc SITUATION WANTED -- EXP'D practical nurse and companion to in- valid or elderly person. Tel. Shel- drake 0785. For reference Tel. Glen- coe 347-M. LTN30-1te SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST class female cook to go away for summer. Phone North Chicago, 3424. LTN30-1tc WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING or cleaning or cooking and serving by day. Tel. Wil. 2987. LT30-1te floor; Glover-Brown Building, 1159 best references desires position as] EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER OR Wilmette Ave.; reasonable. Phone caretaker of estate, lawn, etc. Can remodeler by the day. Tel. Evans. 2399. LTN26-tfc| drive car. Tel. Glencoe 73 or write | 8321. TN7-1te 412 Glencoe Road--Caretaker. FOR RENT--GARAGES T7-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS GARAGE FOR RENT--164 WOODLAND | CHAUFFEUR, A NO. 1; SEVEN YRS.| FOR SALE--2 PIECE LIVING ROOM Ave.,, Winnetka. Tel. Winn, 1543. exp. on high grade cars; mechanic; set; 8 piece polished oak dining rm. T7-1tc married; white. Tel. Northbrook set; and buffet, 4 piece light oak 220-R LTN30-tfc bedroom set; brass beds; twin beds; 1 CAR GARAGE FOR RENT--MAY 1st; 798 Cherry St. Tel. Winnetka 2087. T7-2tp WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE WINDOW WASHING--WHITEWASH- ing; floors waxed; walls cleaned and calcimined. Lake Shore Home Ser- vice. Tel. Wil. 135. LT30-1tp WANTED--PRIVATE GARAGE FOR one or two cars; near residence. 495 Ash St, phone Winnetka 1417. T7-1tp GARAGE FLOORMAN, OR COMBINA- driver. Best ref. Northbrook 220-I.. day bed; 6 Congoleum rugs, 9x12 and 6x9; gas range; carpets; large ice box, porch swing; floor lamp; chairs and couches. Cheap for immediate tion washer and floorman or truck?' LTN30-tfe | disposal. 1109 Central Avenue. Tel. Wilmette 3068. LT30-1tp KITCHEN CABINET FOR SALE--985 Spruce St., Audion radio, $50. Winnetka; 3 tube Ultra T7-1te \ '>

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