iN NE esl ER a WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1924 WOMEN KEEP UP THEIR INTEREST IN CLUB GOLF DAYS Varied Events Hold Golfers' Attention in Skokie Matches HE usual large number of goli- ers who have been taking en- thusiastic interest in the Mon- day golf at Skokie are expected to turn out next week, with additional players, to compete in the all-day events, which will consist in the morn- ing of match play against par handi- cap, and a putting contest in the after- noon. This week's events were very suc- cessful and the intense humidty of the atmosphere failed to smother the in- terest and energy of the contestants. A 9 hole match in the morning and 18 holes in the afternoon comprised the day's events, with Skokie mem- bers carrying away the honors. Mrs. W. R. Watson of Highland Park, won the first flight, Mrs. Hackett of Chi- cago, the second, and Mrs. Burtt Clover of Glencoe, the third. In the afternoon Mrs. Godfrey Phillips was winner of the consolation flight of 9 holes, the throphy for which was given by Mrs. Paul Chace. It was thought early in the week that Skokie would be represented at Indian Hill by at least two players. Mrs. J. Milton Trainer and Mrs. God- frey Phillips planned to enter the special events planned for the Open Day for the Women's Western Golf association on Wednesday of this week. Women Enjoy Second Day of Golf at Sunset Ridge OUR matches were included in the schedule for the second day of women's golf at the newly open- ed Sunset Ridge club, west of Winnetka. "In the 18 hole class A, medal play handi- cap, the honors were taken by Miss Vir- ginia Ingram. Mrs. M. J. Hickey, Jr. had the low score for the 4 short holes on the 18. In class B, Mrs. Thomas F. McNally won the 9 hole medal play handicap, with Mrs. A. S. Webbe hold- ing the best score on the 4 odd holes of the 9 played. The luncheon and bridge game follow- ing were well attended by members and their guests. Library Club Membership Drive Terminates Aug. 1 HE membership drive of the fin- ance committee of the Wom- an's Library Club of Glencoe comes to an end August 1. Names of the applicants received up to that time will be listed in the year book for the coming club season to be pub- lished in September. After that date it will be impossible for the names of new members to be printed as their] names must be posted for four weeks before being passed upon by the board. Many Women Compete in "Open Day" Tournament HERE were evidences of great activity at Indian Hill on Wed- nesday with many players start- ing out in the events planned for Open Day for the Women's Western Golf association. At the time of go- ing to press information regarding the number of the players or the schedule of matches was not avail- able. Mrs. A. Fletcher Marsh had the best score on odd holes, the event played on Wednesday, July 16. Next week the women will contend for 18 hole medal play, for the best low gross and low net scores. Professor Heath Talks at Little Garden Club HE regular July meeting of the Little Garden club was held Fri- day, July 11, at the home of Miss Emma Schreiner, 1110 Greenleaf avenue. After a short business meet- ing, Professor Meath, professor of Botany at Northwestern university, gave an instructive talk on "Roses," including in his lecture, the subject of "Grafting." The next meeting of the club will be held on August 15. Northwestern Course Club House Nearing Completion The new fireproof club house on the recently opened Northwestern Golf grounds, Emerson street and Harms road, is rapidly nearing com- pletion and will be ready for use some time in August, according to officials of the semi-public course. A section of the club house is now under roof. Included in the facilities of the house will be a spacious main dining room, a roof garden restaurant, lounges, toilet, locker and shower sec- tions. It will be strictly up-to-date in every appointment, it is stated. The Northwestern club has entered a foursome, comprising Messrs. Boyke, Fells, Miller and McKenna, in the Cook County Municipal Golfers' league. Match games are played every Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock on all the public links in the Municipal Golf association. CIRCUS COMING FOR RAVINIANS Twenty Big Features for Children's Day A stupendous, super, surprising circus and entrancing, entertaining, encouraging side shows will make up the carnival day celebration at Ravinia Park at the sixth Children's Day program Thursday after- noon, July 31, starting at 3 o'clock. The world famous circus has 20 fea- ture acts listed in what is believed to be the greatest gathering of performers and animals ever to "trod the greens" of Ravinia Park for a children's day. Some of the featured performers will be Professor Gaytunes' clown band, the world famous high school ponies, Span- doza, the largest elephant in captivity, Isabell the Illinois giraffe, a wild west show, little Leo and his wild "animal friends, Charlotte and her snake Trixie, Pasha Palla's caravan, dancers of dif- ferent nations, trained animals and fish, strong ladies, and chariot races. The side shows will be operated by "barkers" from the north shore villages. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb and Uncle Sam, Siamese twins and circus riders' show will be in charge of the Kenil- worth group. The old woman who lived in a shoe and Raggedy Ann will be oper- ated by Ravinia. "Tecumseh" and In- dian children and Snakes and their keep- er will be sponsored by the Winnetka and Hubbard Woods barkers. Wilmette will Out today RED SEAL RECORDS Manon--Gavotte (Obéissons quand leur voix apelle--Hear the Voice of Youth) (Massenet) In French Galli-Curci Don César de Bazan--Sevillana (Fair Maidens of Seville) (Massenet) In French Amelita Galli-Curci Victor Record No. 1018 10 inch Carmen--Soldiers Changing the Guard (Bizet) Stokowski and Phila. Or. Carmen--March of the Smugglers (Bizet) Stokowski and Phila. Or. Victor Record No. 1017 10 inch LIGHT VOCAL Little Alabama Coon Shannon Quart. My Creole Sue Shannon Quartet Victor Record No. 19343 10 inch You're in Love With Everyone Franklyn Baur Swanee River Rose Helen Clark- Lewis James Victor Record No. 19368 10 inch Nobody's Sweetheart Aileen Stanley-Billy Murray It Had to be You Aileen Stanley-Billy Murray Victor Record No. 19373 10 inch DANCE RECORDS Maytime--Fox Trot Waring's Pennsylvanians Plain Jane--Fox Trot International Novelty Orchestra Introducing "Don't Take Your Troubles to Bed" Victor Record No. 19367 10 inch A New Kind of Man--Fox Trot George Olsen and His Music He's the Hottest Man in Town--Fox Trot (Featured in "Kid Boots') George Olsen and His Music Victor Record No. 19375 10 inch Pretty Soon--Fox Trot : Jan Garber and His Orchestra Please--Fox Trot Jan Garber and His Orchestra Victor Record No. 19376 10 inch . North Shore Talking Machine Co. 554 Center St., Winnetka New Victor Records, Once a Week, Every Week --Friday be responsible for the organ grinder and monkey. The favors and banners will be disposed of hy Glencoe representa- tives and the balloon vendors will be Winnetkans. Highland Park, Lake For- est and Lake Bluff wlil also be repre- sented. The World Famous Circus is to be presented by the Children's Civic theatre of Chicago, Inc: The general director is Bertha Liles, the group manager is Mary Taft. A number of organizations in Chicago and the north shore are co- operating with the children's institution to make this the outstanding event of the season. Music during the carnival will be furnished by the band from the Great Lakes Naval Training station. WHY THEY DO IT ' An Englishman, recently explffin- ing the British system of begin ing telephone conversations by saying, "Are you there?" instead of the American "Hello," defends his style thus: "We ask, 'Are you there?' If you aren't, obviously there is no need for proceeding with the conversation." PUI 4 4 4 4 L 4 € < 4 4 4 4 CHILDREN'S FREE CLINICS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 to 10 A. M. and Mondays and Fridays from 3'to 5S P.M. Don't guess about your child's eyes. Conservative authorities estimate that 25% of all children suffer, or are handicapped be- cause of Eye-Strain. Don't wait for them to com- plain, bring your children in for examination, and we will advise you regarding the con- dition of their eyes. 14 Years of Successful Practice Dr. 0. H. Bersch Optometrist Former Mgr. Optical Dept. C. D. Peacock, Inc 1177 Wilmette Ave. For Appointment Phone Wil. 2766 or Residence Wilmette 1707 Hours daily from 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P.M. Eve's by appointment. POP PY Pu PY PN Attractive Main Entrance To The Orrington Unfurnished Apartments With Hotel Service ERE in a cozy apartment of two, three four or more rooms you can enjoy all the comfort and pleasure of your own furnishings plus the many advantages and conveniences of hotel service. The rentals are economical. No light bills, gas bills, ice bills or servants wages. Every- thing new, up-to-date--beautiful! If you are selling your home, or if your lease expires this fall investigate this hap- pier, easier mode of living in Evanston's finest apartment hotel. first. Ready September Visit us or telephone Evanston 8700. IS on The Voice Highway UST as our railroads form a great system and a traveler may be reached. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY One Policy - boarding a train at any station may travel to any other, so the Bell System combines the telephones of the nation and every Bell Telephone is a station from which every other Bell Telephone "Station-to-station" long distance calls meet almost every requirement and the day rates are about 20% lower than for | "person-to-person" calls. Evening rates are about 50% and night rates 75% lower than day rates for "station-to-station" calls, but no rate is reduced below 25 cents. Consult the tele- phone directory for further details or call "Long Distance." BELL SYSTEM One System - Universal Service