WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1924 COUNTY PONDERS SKOKIE REMEDY Engineers Discuss Plans for Permanent Drainage Definite action looking toward re- lief from the seriously flooded condi- tion of the Skokie region in the west of the village is expected to follow the conference, Wednesday, of village of- ficials with representatives of the board of county commissioners and the Forest Preserve commission and the Chicago Sanitary district, called for the purpose of devising ways and means of securing adequate and per- manent drainage facilities in the ter- ritory. Wednesday's conference was at- tended by Frederick W. Penfield, of the board of county commissioners; Thomas M. Sullivan, representative of the Forest Preserve board; Ransom Kennicott, chief forester of the Forest Preserve; Langdon Pearse, sanitary district engineer ; Frank Windes, Win- netka village engineer, and H. L. Woolhiser, Winnetka village manager. The conference was made possible through the courtesy of Mr Penfield, it was said. Seek Cooperation The announced purpose of the con- ference was to interest the Forest Preserve and Sanitary district author- ities in cooperating with the village in opening up the Skokie channel in order to eliminate the standing water the Skokie region which has pro- duced a condition that is detrimental to health and results in severe damage to public and private property in the territory. It is confidently expected that plans will be worked out by the Forest Preserve and Sanitary district author- ities to secure an adequate clearing out of the Skokie channel over its distance from Willow street to the Glenview road, according to a local official. Permanent Relief In Sight It is also possible, this official in- timated, that steps will be taken by the county authorities to construct a channel midway in the Skokie that will connect with the present channel in Lake county and extend south to the sanitary district channel, a project which, if realized, would result in adequate drainage to readily carry away all flood waters. The Skokie channel, which was con- structed by virtue of the initiative and at the expense of the late William Gold Hibbard, has, during the years since his death, become clogged with vegetation to the extent that it has been rendered practically impassable, it was explained. Meanwhile, the village has instruct- ed its department of public works to clean out the outlet ditches in the in- terest of securing temporary relief from the flooded condition. Sidewalk Scientist Has Opinion on Skeeter War The program is all set for the inva- sion of the mosquito settlements along the Skokie channel. The first operation is scheduled for Monday, July 28, when five salaried warriors under command of Dr. Harry W. Moore will move into the enemy's stronghold and begin the war of extermination. The campaign. will continue until the last skeeter will have been slain. One of the most eminent sidewalk sci- entists in the village, however, claims the "On to Skokie" movement will be of little direct benefit to Winnetka. "The skeeter," he says, "is never troubled with wanderlust, because it can't travel beyond 600 feet from the place of its birth. "There's only two ways for a fellow to be sure of relief from the mosquito pest," he goes on; "one is to live on a patch of land 600 feet square and keep the skeeter off; the other--when one must live on a small lot--is to have an ordinance compelling one's neighbors to keep their live stock to home." Rev. Seashore to Preach Farewell Sermon July 27 Rev. Paul T. Seashore will preach his farewell sermon at the First Scan- dinavian Evangelical church this Sun- day. The Young People's group will meet at 5 o'clock and the evening services will begin at 7:45 o'clock. The first of next week Rev. Sea- shore will leave for Wisconsin, where he will spend his vacation before tak- ing the pulpit at Keene, Nebraska, on October 1. The Winnetka church will have visiting preachers for the re- mainder of the summer. R. C. A. Radio 'The Season's Biggest Hit BRUNSWICK RECORD 2640 From the Show--(No, No, Nanette) Now Playing--Harris Theatre, Chicago "1 WANT TO BE HAPPY" From (No, No, Nanette) Fox Trot "NO, NO, NANETTE" Introducing--"YOU CAN DANCE WITH ANY GIRL AT ALL"-- "TEA FOR TWO"--"WHERE HAS MY HUBBIE GONE BLUES" Fox Trot. Played with extreme success by Carl Fenton's Orchestra. Winnetka GEramawich Shor W. J. DEHMLOW, Prop. 576% Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1811 Kimball Pianos s\° When Moving Day 4 = £30 > rr ) ND = § ) (L = = i TEER isnsingE 8 RF 4S 118 8 --- 3 BES | oe] R A --3 = Sy -- = aa 1 -- e = a N= = £ --u ad =r md 1 17 ET Ik mb Li). y B19: (= 4 The Persistent Saver J " is the one who reaps the reward of 4 financial independence in the fu- A ture. The spasmodic saver never . seems to get anything accumu- k lated. A small amount deposited 2 regularly will mount up with sur- i prising pleasantness. = Give the plan a few months' trial A ~ / 7 Jd Gol > J a ------ and see for yourself. Save first and then spend afterwards. The Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank is a mighty good bank to choose. WINNETKA-TRUST a SAVINGS -BANK Elm Street at Center pn) o Canning Time Is Here will make your canning time pleasur- able and successful. We have everything in stock that does thunder follow Comes Round - be sure that we're on the job to attend to the heavy work. Why should we be on the job? Because our men are careful, courteous and thoroughly experi- enced. Our equipment is unex- celled and our rates very reason- able. The number is 232! SCULLY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Tre i Rhy Eire Proof CE agile orage y 0 8] 0 §] 0 5] §] 0 a 0 | 'ill | \ | ) SCULLY TRANSFER CO. A Ph one INNETKA ILL PACKING = . Pi Winnetka B32 "%¢ PROUTY ANNEX Jelly Glasses, Fruit Jars, Regular and wide Mouth, Jar Rings, Preserv- ing Kettles, Jelly Strainers, Parafine Wax, Extra Jar Tops. Make our store your supply house during the Canning season. Eckart Hardware Co. 3 735 ELM STREET Tel. sa WINNETKA, ILL. sa --because light travels faster than sound. Therefore, though thunder and lightning start at the same spot, we become aware of the lightning first. The al- most lightning-like effect of Aspirin Puwielest Tablets makes them a blessing in cases of cold, headache, neuralgia and all sorts of pain. ; Absolutely true aspirin, tablets so skillfully made that their beneficial action begins in 15 sec- onds. Highest purity, never ir- ritate or burn. One of 200 Puretest prepara- tions for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. Adams Pharmacy ELM AND LINDEN Winnetka 2 776 Rexall Drug stare Th iv RS