Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 16 Aug 1924, p. 16

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16 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1924 JAPS F Sa ANISH ee Fees| First Aid for Doctors ESTABLISHED 1854 FY A few automobile investigators, working under the direction of Secre- > . C H JORDAN & COMPANY Winston C. Murray, a graduate of the Lory ol Boul or Emmerson a y Ld ° College of Liberal Arts of Northwestern [10TC€ i es % Shi =i ; university of the class of 1922, now |duarter of a million dollars a year in AVA TY holding a responsible position with the aittotebile fees which otherwise International Banking Corporation in A investigator | mus: Tokyo, Japan, in a recent letter to his| * REEL g a 21: 5 | a a Florence Murra Schmidt cover several counties, as a rule, by 2-Pass. Utility Coupé save thot 2 areith ti-A Ys '| co-operating with local authorities | Sy Pr 20 hry po Prtroan SCN 1 and happening in at unexpected times he Bin, Boas EL A Ee they succeed in keeping the state sctiment of' the: immigration) law py. Con- pretty well clear of last year's license | gress, is rapidly dying out. Mr. Murray plates 3 | was in the thick of the Imperial hotel } 1, "addition to rounding up delin- riot where a number of Japanese rowdies quent owners, they also co-operate in entered the dining room and insulted a 1 b iA . the enforcement of automobile laws arge jpumber o merican men and |anq because their authority is not women. =, : limited by county or city boundaries, "I was sitting at a table in a central 2 f a ; they do very effective work. position and at this table were several 2 o Over 2,000 arrests were made per- Japanese," Mr. Murray wrote. Sud- sonally by these investigators last denly one of the party at my table arose year, and 30,000 drivers who were ig- and started the riot. He seemed to be noring traffic laws were warned. the ring-leader of the disturbances which threatened to be serious for a while. Cynthia Stockley's story, "Dalla, The FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 69 YEARS 612 Davis Street, Evanston, Ill Phone University 449 *640 164 N. Michigan Ave. Phones Randolph 1346-1347 f. o. b. Flint, Mich. % BLACK DIRT | FERTILIZER LIME To Beautify Your Lawns 7 H 2 7% 777 % 722% 7 7 WELLS-WESCOT CO., INC. No American, so far as I could learn |Lion's Cub" has been made into a 1103 Chicago Ave. Phone 8856-8857 was injured and the disorder was| Paramount Picture and called "The quickly controlled by the police." Female." Betty Compson has the E t R HED S ONE The Northwestern alumnus added that | part of Dalla. It will be shown at yaneton ! N\ following this display of bad temper | McVickers next week, starting Mon- Evanston Peoria Bloomington Yyarious Japanese stores put up placards, !day, August 18th, 7/7) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ To Dress Up Your Driveways Edinger & Sons Established 1907 "No Yankees Allowed" while many other printed bulleting tondemning America's attitude were posted in prom- inent places. In his last letter to his sister, just received, Mr. Murray ex- plained that these bulletins and placards have disapeared and that the people seemed to have forgotten the incident. Mrs. Schmidt, Mr. Murray's sister, holds a secretarial position in the Ev- anston office of President Walter Dill Scott. She says that in the bank where her brother works there are only four | Americans and that all of the other em- ployees are either Japanese or Chinese. Her brother, she says, has recently met several Northwestern university students and alumni who are traveling around the world and have stopped over in Tokyo. EVANSTON WILMETTE WINNETKA Noyes and Colfax 1301 Lake Avenue 722 Elm Street Evanston 5035 Wilmette 641-642 Winnetka 643 % 7 \ Pay as you use it! Liberal terms-- To Now! Survey Water in State to Protect the Tourist Safe water for thirsty tourists is the object of a new project under- taken this week by sanitary engineers attached to the State Department of 5 Public Health. A systematic survey ; of all public and private water sup- plies available to tourists along the principal highways will be carried out as rapidly as is possible, according to Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, director of public health, and an official seal, in- dicating that the water is safe for i i Juiposes will be! Sseusely : Reports of big catches come from Wiscon- astened to the pumps and faucets a Pt * Lak uski 3 i all sources found to yield water of a sin's Land 0 kes, M Ie LE + satisfactory sanitary quality. The Two and trout are RE, tsarrea O1 eat Ply Perk ocean fo Susen highway, Fis ons season in the Cool North Woods. which is State route No. 10, in Illinois, herm is the first on the schedule for the sur- Specials Wisconsin Lakes Special 2 : Oo Can a a yy irs york along she hard Zonas P Lv Chicago at 7:00 p.m ips a a price y u P y will probably occupy the attention o . : : i y Daily, ex. Sunday the engineers for several months. iy ---- an He Fetent enormous increase in the for Lie Lak36 Bayle River, Conover, on terms you can afford a new pl number of tourists and campers and Phel tate Line, atersmeet, Rhine- : : the ever present danger to 'health ny Tomahawk Lake, Woodrufi, Lac No more coal piles. No more dirt and ashes. from drinking polluted water," Dr. Big reductions in itowi No getting up at dawn to start the furnace off. Rawlings declared, "makes imperative season, 30-day and du Flambeau, Powell, Manitowish, Mercer, Note now how to obtain world's cleanest heat the application of every available| week-end tickets ~~ Winchesterand Winegar,arrivingearly next ithout financial strain. Mail the coupon now. safety device to help individuals pro- morning. Drawing-room ad open-section" wi po tect their health. For these reasons sleeping cars, observation-lounge car, serv. OW oil heat is ture. The burner al- TE Sante Health hos ing appetizing buffet luncheon and breakfast. within the reach Don't Wait Till lows for fluctuations 4 wan x t ti- the source and analyzing samples of > Rr ASHLAND LIMITED og Cold Weather Ying er automati public and private water supplies / gt \ : : Sh The heating season starts : : available to travelers along the main f/ Bm \ Lv.Chicago 5:00 p.m. daily Coda economical heating- 2 si ry How unlike the old- highways of the state. [ fe | [HE Ask for illustrated map folder, information and fares plant in the world y fashioned coal fur- \ ie wiliggsaagy 5 M. H. Licber. Ticket Agent can be yours onsuch | Get your order in | nace | Up at dawn to Beck vs. Haughdahl ete / "CG. &N.W. Ry. easy terms you can't NOW! start it. Down at night in Auto Races Sunday Cian TERMINAL Winnetka, 11), afford to be without to bank it. Possible : 907D it. Read thefactsnow. fire-failure to chill the ' Peoree Beck, _ driver-promoter, a Oil heat hassuccessfully been used family when you're away from home. i Fo uly Sng (HicaGO & ORTH ESTERN ® inlarger homesfor years. Thousands That's all finished now, with this chance to Stina national me id of our oil-burners are in i today, new oil-burner. day afternoon at the North Shore Polo Ve 8 oe ox rv sieve ele ent ae and have been for many years. But Fire the furnace man. He's obso- club speedway, Lincoln and Peterson thedemand from small home-owners lete today. Why pay $15 a month avenues. He is matched to meet Sig. was insistent. They wanted oil heat, to have the furnace stoked; and $3 Haughdahl, world champion, in a too --for homes of 6 and 8 rooms, 1 nth to have the ashes carted? special event. -- 22 bungalows, two-apartment houses. ge that toward this new oil-burner! Haughdahl is the greatest dirt track ei HRS X . Today we offer you this perfected RR as ; new ofl Dune he lowest Briced Find out the facts NOW a staggering array of national re gomplelely automatie oii! wa This new oil-burner fits any type of ords. He holds the beach straightaway We make all types of oil-burners furnace. The price includes its in- marks at Daytona, Fla, for all dis- --for the tallest skyscraper down to ation A smell down ayment tances from one half to ten miles. the smallest bungalow. Our war- stajation. 1 25 pa th He made the mile in the astounding ranty is your protection. 2nd terms as low as 325.2 month, ¥ Firethe furn ACE TR Then worries end over heat. Uv time of 19:97. Haughdahl has the records from one to ten miles on a With this new oil-burner you Clip the coupon now --get the half mile dirt track and from one to simply set the thermostat in the liv- facts. Mail tonight and learn more ing room at the desired tempera- about this new oil-burner. Act now. ten miles on a one mile dirt track. Klleemniileet He will pilot his famous "Wisconsin special." Another match event which will at- tract national attention is that be- Automatic Oil Burning Systems (Winslow Boiler & Engineering Co., Chicago, Manufacturers) WINSLOW BOILER & ENGINEERING CO. 817 Chicago Ave. Evanston, Ill. tween Cliff Woodbury, celebrated Telephone Evanston 9235 Whatever the Circumstances the same courtesy--the same helpful service in managing all perplexing details--are ac- corded you whether you desire an unlimited expendi- ture or whather circumstances suggest that you refrain from undue costs. 1 Chicago star, and Fred Horey, one of the world's greatest drivers. They competed recently at Aurora, Illinois, and now Cliff has another chance at the veteran. Horey piloted a Miller "8", and holds the national records for 15, 20 and 25 miles on a half mile dirt track, and from 15 to 50 miles on a one mile dirt track. He estab- lished these marks at Springfield, Ill. and at Louisville, Ky. At Springfield Horey made 3434 miles in one-half hour, which also is a record. WEAR GAS MASKS The Post Office Department has equipped more than five thousand mail 817 Chicago Ave. Evanston, Ill. [checkone] | Please send free book on oil heating + « +» + + + « o oo « « []} i i Without obligation, send your engineer to examine my | clerks with gas masks supplied by the I an A WEA a ele SSRI WOR oy army's chemical warfare service be- I I cause of the recent mail-car robberies 1124 Central Ave. I I in which bombs of poison gas were i used to force the guards to desert Wilmette i PR Bi A =} their posts. Rp is i, mn p-- RC ---------------- SA.

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