Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 16 Aug 1924, p. 19

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1924 19 WANT ADS WILL HELP YOU TO SAVE TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 »- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS i 7 | G : : Classified advertisements will be charged only i Jeneral N otices to residents of the district from Evanston to | Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three MINIMUM CHARGE the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. Deadline fo . Classified advertisements will be ac- the WIL 5 r Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for en METTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the ETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 50¢. Average of five words to or WINNETKA 2000-2001. | 1 REAL ESTATE 3 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WINNETKA OFFERINGS NEW 7-ROOM BRICK; SUN AND sleeping porches; 2 tile baths; hot water heat; garage attached; beau- tiful, large wooded lot; $27,000; E-Z terms. A brand new 6-room pressed brick Winnetka home with tile bath, hot water heat; toilet and lavatory 1st floor; fine lot, all for $17,500. $4,000 East Hubbard Woods lot. Building permit guaranteed on this 50x165 foot lot, in choice neighbor- hood. HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. Center Winnetka 254 (Formerly W. R. R. Ave.) 1LTN46-1tc 556 Kenilworth Bargain Vacant LOT 47x125; 3 BLOCKS TO INDIAN Hill station, $24,000. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Phone Winnetka 1800 10 Carelton Annex 1LTN46-1tc FOR SALE---621 STATE ROAD, AR- lington Heights, Illinois. New house, Kellastone finish outside. Nine rooms, double garage and room over. Built by the day for permanent home. Hardwood finish throughout. Two bathrooms, tile finish. Hat water heat system, oil burner, electric light, gas, hot water, cement drive and walks. Lot 115 ft. by 220 ft.; shade trees. Sell less than cost; moving to California. Write for full specifications. L. C. Norton, 2900 N. Western Ave. Chicago. 1T23-1te Wanted for a Client FURNISHED HOUSE; 4 BEDROOMS; 2 or 3 baths; 6 or 12 months lease. W, G. Stacey & Cos Realtors 308 336 Linden Ave. 1LTN46-1tc Phone Wil, FOR SALE--BY OWNER, COUNTRY home; 6-room brick veneer house; sun-parlor; bath, built-in tub; tile floor; wood-burning fire-place; book- cases, oak trim; water heat; gas; electric light; all conveniences of Wilmette. Just completed. Lot 65x192; 15 bearing fruit trees, 60 large currant bushes; 100 red rasp- berry. Located on Reinwald, one block south of Lake Ave. Gross Point, Ill. Owner on premises. Tel. Wil. 3194. $13,000 terms. 1LTN44-tfc IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut Ave, Ashland Ave. 7th Ave, 10th St, Lots: 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; 1.3, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 5; L. 3 and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B, 10; L. 5 B. 13; 1.°1 and $, B, 17. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. 1LTN29-tfc FOR SALE--COMFORTABLE HOME on large lot; view of lake; has 4 bedrooms; 2 enclosed porches; 30- foot living room, with fireplace; fine location; near schools and transpor- tation. For particulars address own- er, P. O. box 75, Winnetka. 1LTN46-1tp SOUTHEAST WINNETKA BARGAIN; OWNER MOVING TO FLORIDA. 6-room stucco; sleeping porch; gar- age; hot water heat; lot 50x155; $15,000. Tel. Winnetka 1226. 1LTN46-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6 RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans. lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd. 2 blks. west of Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfe FOR SALE--JUST CUT TO $10,000 ON terms for quick sale, 6 rooms and sleeping porch; good location. Wilmette Realty Co. 513 4th St. Tel. Wil. 1304. 1LTN46 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--A FURNISHED HOME for months of September and Octo- ber. Reasonable terms. 717 Green- wood Ave. Glencoe. Tel. 817. 2L'TN46-1tc -- 3 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FUR- nished or unfurnished house in or near Kenilworth, from October 1st to May 1st. Tel. Wilmette 2237. 3LTN46-1tc WANTED--BY TWO PERSONS EM- ployed, 1 or 2 light housekeeping rooms. Address Life, 281. 3LTN46-1te WANTED--IN WINNETKA -- FUR- nished house; five or more bedrooms; until Oct. Write or phone A. M. B. Room 801 Orrington Hotel. 3T23-1te WANTED TO RENT--6-ROOM HOUSE with porches; nice lot; not more than $110 per month. Address Talk, 285. 3TN23-1te WANTED--UNFURNISHED 7 room house for one year starting Sept. 15 or Oct. Winn. 866. oR 3 or more Ist... Tel. 3TN43-tfc 4 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- OCT. 1ST--4 - ROOM apartment; steam heat; janitor ser- vice. J. C. Phillips, agent. 1159 Wilmette Ave. Tel. 2399. 4LTN46-tfc FLAT WITH FOR RENT--5-ROOM garage on Lake Avenue; half mile west of Ridge Avenue. Tel. Wil. 889-Y2 or call at 80 Locust St, Winn. 4I.TN46-2tc FOR RENT--APARTMENT OF SEVEN rooms, 2 baths, 2 porches with abun- dant sunshine and trees, choicest lo- cation in Evanston. Address Talk, 282. 4T23-1te FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF- fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winnetka 62. 4LTN43-tfc FOR RENT--FLAT; 4 LARGE ROOMS. 1st floor; 2 porches; near transpor- tation. Tel. 1405. 4TN23-1tc Ss FOR RENT---ROOMS FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOMS beautifully furnished; East side lo- cation, near transportation, cafeteria and beach. Tel. Wil. 1940. SLLTN46-1tc FOR RENT -- CHARMING FRONT room with private bath and large closet, hot water heat; to business or professional man; musician, ar- tist or school teacher, $50. 490 Hazel Ave. Glencoe 805. SLTN46-1te FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO in attrative Hubbard Woods home. Protestant adult family; light house- keeping privileges. Tel. Winnetka 567. SLTN46-1tc LARGE, WELL FURNISHED FRONT room; east side home; near transpor- tation. Suitable business man; ref- erences. Wil. 844-J. 8L46-1tp WILL BOARD COUPLE OR MAN IN nice home; best of board and mod- erate price. Tel. Wilmette 736-J. SLTN46-1tp CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. SLT1-tfc FOR RENT -- TWO CONNECTING rooms; bath and sleeping porch. Tel. Kenilworth 1865. 637 Abbottsford 11 HELP WANTED--FEMALE --LADIES-- MAKE MONEY AT HOME EASY, PLEASANT SEWING ON YOUR own machine, whole or-spare fim; highest possible prices paid; no : 'ge investment required. For full par- ticulars write--KENNETH HACK- LEY, Drawer--30, Earl Park, lndi- ana. 11LT44-4tc WANTED -- RESPONSIBLE WOMAN to stay with children by the hour, day or evening. This is not house- work but to relieve a busy mother. Tel. Winnetka 2278. 11T22-2te WANTED -- YOUNG LADY BOOK- lis FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- DETROIT ELECTRIC car; new paint; new slip covers; two new tires; batteries one year old. Tel. Glencoe 473. 18LTN46-1tc 19 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Bob Skelton, Swim Champion de Luxe, Acme of Modesty BARGAINS IN USED WASHING MA- chines: Eden's--Thor"s--Mola and Palomine. From $15.00 to $65.00. NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP 544 Center St. Phone Winnetka 44 19LTN46-1te FOR SALE--A PRIVATE COLLEC- tion of antique Spanish brocades, to do work for family of four; may keeper and stenographer for small needlework, fillet, lustre and china. business concern in Winnetka. Call Telephone Evanston 1580. Ayres-Tefra Company, Winnetka 19T23-1te 1146. 11TN23-1te FOR SALE--BEST NEW HUNDRED WANTED--MOTHER'S HELPER, TO foot hose and reel; furniture; base- assist with two children; best burner; coal heater; Eureka vacuum wages. Tel. Winnetka 58. cleaner. Tel. Wil. 1565. 11LTN46-1tc 19LTN46-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL | FOR SALE--ONE STOVE; ICEBOX; for general housework; references. baby carriage; other household 292 Sheridan Road. Tel. Winnetka goods in good condition. Tel. Glen. 262. 11LTN46-1tc 937 or call at 725 Bluff St. 19LTN46-1tc WANTED--A WHITE LAUNDRESS FOR SALE--A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL Tel. Evanston 13LTN46-1tp perience; best ref. 5135. 14 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- FEMALE; mother's helper. Young girl wants permanent position to assist with housework and care of children. Tel. Winn. 472. 14LTN46-1te WANTED--BY GOOD LAUNDRESS; steady work for the winter, begin- ning now. Good ref. Mary Webb, 66 Abbottsford Road, Winnetka. 14TN23-1te EXPERIENCED WHITE LAUNDRESS with good references wishes work. Tel. Wilmette 3156. Call after 5 o'clock. 14T23-1tp SEWING AND SMOCKING; NEAT and reasonable. Children's dresses a specialty. Tel. Winnetka 502-J. 14LTN46-1tc POSITION BY EXPERIENCED NURSE. Invalids, nerve cases, massages; hospital training. Doctor's ref. Will travel. Tel. Winn. 987. 14LTN46-1tc EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING BY the day. Call Edgewater 3023, after 6 P.M. 14LTN46-1tp WANTED--POSITION BY WOMAN AS first class cook in small family. Best 8T23-1tc PLEASANT FRONT FOR RENT room for 1 or 2 teachers; 1 block from transportation; Horace Mann school. Tel. 650-R. 8TN23-1tp FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE LARGE room near lake. Tel. Winnetka 500-J. T23-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; private family; gentleman preferred. Call Winnetka 1686. 8ST19-tfe FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS FURNISH- ed or unfurnished, with use of kitch- en. 969 Spruce Street. 8T22-2tc FOR RENT--1-ROOM; 1615 SPENCER Avenue. SLTN46-1tp 9 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS Road. SLTN46-1tc ref. Tel. Glencoe 148. 14TN23-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE; ALSO A FUR-|SITUATION WANTED; EXPERIENCED nished room; near transportation nursemaid; good references; Evans- and cafeteria. Tel. Wilmette 1977. ton 1220. 14T23-1tc SLTN46-1tc ' WANTED -- WASHING TO TAKE TO RENT -- FURNISHED. LARGE home. Winnetka 692-J. 14TN23-1tc front room and kitchenette to one or two rso red; rT re Eason fmployed; reasonable. |ys SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- COLORED couple will do general work about home; chauffeur. H. Johnson, 312 Essex Road. 15LTN46-1te 16 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 8-PIECE EARLY ENGLISH DINING room set; extension table; 6 chairs, leather seated: buffet; $50; brown mahogany floor lamp with silk shade, $10; oil paintings. 446 Wash- ington Ave. Glencoe. Tel. 74. 16LTN46-1tp FOR SALE--FURNISHINGS OF 10- room house recently done by interior decorator; furniture, carpets and draperies of distinction. Tel. High- land Park 1722. 16LTN46-11p WANTED -- SOMEONE TO BOARD and care for child 2 years old in $150 SET AUSTRIAN GOLD AND white china, $35; icebox, $3; leather piano for teaching two afternoons a week. Beginning Sept. 22. Call Miss Lasier, W-250. 9T22-2tc ROOM AND BOARD WITH CATHOLIC family, wanted by young lady em- ployed. Reasonable. Address Life, 279. ILTN46-1tp good home. Must be kind and trust- seatee, $8; sewing machine, $2; worthy. References. Address, Win- single bed, $5. 466 Adams Ave, netka Talk. 9T23-1tp | Glencoe. 16LTN46-1tc WANTED -- TO RENT--A ROOM | 17 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS near Greeley school with use of WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 17TLTN24-tfc 18 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES 10 HELP WANTED--MALE YOUNG MAN; HIGH SCHOOL EDU- cation; to act as assistant caddy mas- ter and tournament official balance of golf season. Must have some knowledge of golf and ability to handle boys intelligently. Apply by letter giving qualifications. North- moor Country Club, Ravinia. 10TN23-1te 11 HELP WANTED--FEMALE DEPENDABLE USED CARS FOR SALE--RECEIVED IN TRADE on new Dodge Brothers and Wills Sainte Claire Motor cars. WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, Ill 18LTN46-1tc use washing machine. 377 Sunset. Chinese floor jars, $50. Tel. Win- Winnetka 2152. 11TN-1te netka 607. 19LTN46-1te WANTED -- FIRST CLASS WHITE |FOR SALE--$900 MAHG. PLAYER laundress. Steady Mondays. Tel. piano; bench, and rolls. Excellent Winnetka 943. 11T23-1te condition. $185. Phone Wilmette 1923. 19LTN46-1tc 12 HELP WANTED--MALE a Q n ~ 7 h Te FOR SALE--ONE RACCOON COAT IN AND FEMALE excellent condition. _ Price $200. Tel. WANTED -- COLORED COUPLE AS Wil. 1259. 735 Michigan ayonue. 19LTN46-1te cook and butler; must have first class ref. 878 North Ave. Tel. Win-| pg 9 a MAN'S ICYCLE: LIKE netka 1090. : 12ILTN46-1te FOR Sap A Is ? > eG x 19T23-1te OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE GOOD money part or whole time. Tel. EvV-l por SALE -- REED RECLINING- anston 6575. . 12LLTN46-4tc back go-cart. Tel. Glencoe 893. 19TN23-1te 3 SITUATION WANTED--MALE : i FOR SALE--GIRL'S BICYCLE; WIN- SITUATION WANTED -- BY HOUSE dow awnings. Tel. Wil. 753WX. man; gardener; chauffeur: steady 19LTN46-1tp work desired. Tel. Winn. 2055, or Tr - " address Louis Cajka, 909 Linden |FOR SALE-gIRLS i Ave., Hubbard Woods. 13T23-1t size 12, complete for $5.00, like new. b Tel. Wil. 2590. 19LTN38tfp EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND houseman has one or two days each |20 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS week open for additional work. Ph. Winnetka 563. 13TN23-1tc {| WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, WANTED POSITION BY RELIABLE pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash man as chauffeur. Nine years ex- St. 20LTN-tfe WANTED TO BUY A GO-CART. TEL. Glencoe 386. 20LTN46-1te 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST--AUGUST 13TH, LONG STRING of small pearls, diamond clasp and knotted together at bottom. Finder return 1411 Edgewood Lane or call Winnetka 2072. Liberal reward. 22T23-1te LOST--A RING OF KEYS ON SPRUCE west of Rosewood St. Tel. Winnetka 811. 22T23-1te 24 GARDENING HIGH CLASS GARDENER; 13 YEARS experience, including 3 years as head grounds-keeper on golf course; will transplant trees and shrubbery, grade and cut lawns or do other gardening work. Best results as- sured. Tel. Glencoe 345. 241 TN46-1tp 25 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WIN- dow washing; floor waxing; furni- ture polishing; odd painting and cal- cimining jobs. Tel. Winn. 1035. 25LT45-tfc NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE Cleaning Co., 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994. Winnetka, 111, 25T21-tfe 28 PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR- ing; old pianos made new. L. W. Foster. Tel. Winn. 509-J. 26LTN44-tfc 28 TUTORING WANTED--SOMEONE TO TUTOR STH Tel. Kenil- 28LTN46-1tc grade boy in arithmetic. worth 1021. 29 BUSINESS SERVICE RENT-A-CAR DRIVE IT YOURSELF PAY BY THE MILE IDEAL FOR Salesmen Pleasure rides Doctors Fishing trips Collectors Week-end trips Realtors Hunting trips or While your car is in repair or paint shop. Open car, 13c per mile. Closed car, 16c per mile. These cars are insured for your pro- tection. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165 29LTN46-1tc AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR DISPOSAL TOUR BY AUTO DRIVEN BY PRIVATE OWNER. Will take small party (three or less) on any trip desired, overnight if necessary. Car and driver thoroughly reliable. Reasonable Wilmette Life 29LTN46-1tc rates. Address 283. Used Cars -- All Makes WANTED--6 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE; unfurnished; for 1 to 3 years. Address Talk, 284. 3T23-1te WANTED -- GOOD COOK, WHITE; references required. Tel. Glen. 154. 11LTN4%-1te WANTED--FOR YEAR OR MORE-- small unfurnished house; inexpen- sive. Tel. Winnetka 363. 3TN23-1tc EXPERIENCED WAITRESS; BEST wages. Tel. Winnetka 58. 11LTN46 -1te OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Evanston 140 Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers 18LTN42-tfc CARD OF THANKS Gratefully acknowledging the ex- pressions of sincere sympathy and beautiful floral offerings from our many friends, neighbors, the Win- netka Rotary club and the Chamber of Commerce during our sad be- reavement. Mrs. E. G. Brochu and Family. Robert D. Skelton, 511 Park avenue, holder of several world's swimming records, who recently won the 200 meter breast stroke event at the Olympic games at Les Tourelles, France, establishing a new world's record in the event, has returned to the village and is finding much of his time taken by requests to "tell the folks all about it." Being a champion appears to be all in the day's work with "Bob," who is a former New Trier student. Pressed for details of his remarkable achievements by members of the Wil- mette Rotary club who were his hosts at luncheon this week, the upstanding youth insisted upon talking about everything but himself. He gave the Rotarians a comprehensive idea of the method of conducting an Olympiad, but said nary a word about the phe- nomenal race that won him the cham- pionship and helped to materially boost the averages of the victorious American entries. He declared, in the course of his talk, that, everything considered, the Americans received fair treatment at the Olympic games. Housing condi- tions and food were not of the best at all times, he said, but the hardy Yankees soon accustomed themselves to the strange surroundings and went about the business of capturing the bulk of the honors just as though they were on their "home grounds." Bob talked about ten minutes and managed to say absolutely nothing about himself. At the close of the Rotary meeting, however, he was be- sieged with questions and contrived to "open up," just a bit, to the utter delight of those who held him captive. | Kenilworth Happenings William S. Kies of New York City, formerly of Kenilworth, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap, 239 Essex road. Mrs. Cresap entertained former acquaintances of Mr. Kies for dinner Saturday evening. Mrs. Percy Eckhart entertained for him at Sun- day dinner and Mrs. Charles G. Burn- ham gave a Sunday night tea in his honor. He and his family have been spending the past year in Europe. Mrs. Kies, Miss Margaret, and Wil- liam, Jr., who are passing the summer in Paris, will not return until Septem- ber, when Miss Margaret expects to attend Vassar and William, Jr., will be a student at Hotchkiss school, Lakeville, Connecticut. --0-- An announcement of interest was made by Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease 320 Leicester road, of the engagement of one of their twin daughters, Bea- trice, to Donald W. Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Baker of Battle Creek, Michigan. Mr. Baker was the house- guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pease last week. --_--)-- . Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rathbone of Pasadena spent three days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Rath- bone, 523 Abbottsford road. They were on their way to Long Island to pass a month with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas, formerly of Wilmette. On their way home they will stop off again in Kenilworth for several days. -- Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wheelock, 132 Oxford road, the Misses Florence and Rebecca Wheelock, and Ralph Wheelock, are leaving today for a trip to California, stopping at Banff and Lake Louise, coming home by way of the Canadian Rockies. --) Walter Shattuck is entertaining this week at a house party at his summer home at Land o Lakes, Wisconsin. Miss Betty Darling, Miss Mary Gil- lett, Robert Danley and "Cap" Star- rett are the guests. --(---- Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett, 333 Richmond road, are being congratu- lated upon the birth of a daughter, Thursday, August 7, at the Evanston hospital. They have named the baby Nancy. s a Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth came home on Thursday of last week from the east, but left immediately for Lake Ripley, Wisconsin, where the choir boys were in camp. He will conduct the services in the Church of the Holy Comforter Sunday. ------ Miss Eleanor Eckhart, 206 Cumber- land avenue, entertained at dinner Saturday evening at the Exmoor club in honor of her guest and fiance. Walter Turle, who left Monday for his home in Duluth. ee (ee George P. Nichols, 519 Warwick road, is in the Evanston hospital, re- covering from a recent illness. ---- Stedman Willard, 330 Abbottsford . road, leaves today for Canada to at- | tend Mr. Child's camp.

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