Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 30 Aug 1924, p. 16

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1924 BUY A USED CAR AND DRIVE A BARGAIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to | Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three : MINIMUM CHARGE the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. papers. 50c. Average of five words to ; ! Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions-- 255! up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE MY Tear noes HE wT bois iar nnetea -- 6-rooms; 2 Winnetka Home 00, Winnetka, 6-rooms; 1 bath, Specials . W. Winnetka--5-rooms; 1 bath, $10,500. Glencoe cottage, newly decorated, 1. bath, $6,000. Complete list, $15,- 000. to $150,000 homes. Complete list vacant. Some very good buys in acres. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex Winnetka 1226 Winnetka 18200 1LTN43-1tc $22 PER FOOT 8. W. COR. LAKE AVE. AND HIB- bard Road. West of Wilmette, Acre lots--146x264, with Lake Ave. con- crete road frontage. North Shore Bus Line transportation in front of property. Wilmette and North Shore Golf courses nearby. Taxes about $5.00 per acre. Will sell on terms. Deal direct with owner. Winn. 246. 1LTN48-1tc Kenilworth Bargain Vacant LOT 47x125; 3 BLOCKS TO INDIAN Hill station, $2,400. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Phone Winnetka 1800 10 Carlton Annex 1LTN48-1tc TODAY'S BEST BUY NINE ROOM HOUSE; CHOICE WOOD- ed east location; near schools; three blocks to transportation; short walk 'to' lake and bathing beach; library 'with log burning fire place on first floor; five large bedrooms, $16,000. sasy terms. a "HEINSEN & CILARK 556 Center St. Tel. Winnetka 254 1LTN48-1te FOR SALE--BY OWNER, COUNTRY home; 6-room brick veneer house; sun-parlor; bath, built-in tub; tile floor; wood-burning fire-place; book- cases, oak trim; water heat; gas; electric light; all conveniences of Wilmette. Just completed. Lot 656x192; 15 bearing fruit trees, 60 large currant bushes; 100 red rasp- berry. Located on Reinwald, one block south of Lake Ave. Gross Point, Ill. Owner on premises. Tel. Wil. 3194. $13,000; terms. 1LTN44-tfc IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 10 YEARS' TIME OR MORE Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut Ave., Ashland Ave. 7th Ave. 10th St, Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; L. 2, B, 2; with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 5; L. 3 and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B. 10; 1.5 EB. 13, 1.1 and 3 B. 11. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. 1LTN29-tfc Elgin, IIL. (ONE HOUR FROM THE LOOP.) Beautiful homes and improved acre tracts; also farms at bargain prices --(live in beautiful Fox River Val- ley District). Write or call for my offerings. Wm. H. Abelmann, 26-27 Home Bank Bldg. Elgin, Illinois. 1LTN48-5tp WOULD LIKE TO BUY A HOUSE IN Winnetka on a substantial monthly payment plan without initial pay- ment at this time. Financially able on account of permanent stated in- come. At least seven rooms with garage. Address Life, 299. 1T25-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6 RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans., lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd. 2 blks. west of Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc AM IN THE MARKET FOR A DE- sirable 5 or 6 room house, between Kenilworth and Highland Park. Want to buy direct from owner and pay cash. Address Talk, 297. 1TN25-1tc WANTED TO BUY--WILL PAY CASH for home in good location. 10-rooms or larger. Must have at least one acre of ground. Give full descrip- tion in reply. Address Talk, 294. 1TN25-1te 564 ARBOR 7-rooms; 2 FOR SALE -- HOUSE, Vitae Road, Winnetka. baths. Price $22,000. G. F. GONSALVES, Owner 746 Elm Street, Winnetka 1LTN48-1te VACANT--ADJOINS VILLAGE PARK 115 feet, price $25 per foot. Owner must have cash. Think this over as an investment. Then act. Phone Winnetka 1226 1LTN4S-1te FOR SALE -- DEERFIELD LOTS; beautiful corner location; 2 blocks from transportation. Cash or terms. See Cosmas Bros. 1153 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, IIL 1LTN48-1tc FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL frame; 6-rooms; large living room, with fireplace, and sun parlor; own- er's bed with private bath, with two other bedrooms and bath; 2-car gar- age; home in perfect condition; owner moving; price for quick sale, $18,000. New Col. brick; 6 large rooms and sun parlor; hot water heat; attached garage; choice fixtures; complete in all detail, wonderful buy at $17,500. New 7-room brick; large lot; *vap- or heat; ready to move in; special price of $17,000 if sold this week. Other attractive buys for Oct. 1st; possession. See us for service and satisfaction. HILL & STONE Winnetka Office, Winnetka 1544 1T25-1te WANTED TO BUY--DIRECT FROM owner; 60x100 ft. wooded vacant, between Kenilworth and Highland Park. Give location. Will pay cash. Address Talk, 296. 1TN25-1te FOR SALE --LOT IN GLENCOE-- Northwest corner of Washington and Vernon; 65x182; wooded; near transportation. Price, $4,500; terms. Tel. Winn. 2032. 1TN25-1tc FOR SALE -- 8-ROOM HOUSE ON Forest Ave; 2-car garage; 50 foot lot. Must be sold; price $16,000. First reasonable offer takes it. Telephone Wilmette 3041. 1LTN48-1te 6--5 ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE IN the finest spot for coyntry homes on 7 FOR RENT--GARAGES 11 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 18 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES TO RENT--ONE CAR GARAGE, 807 | WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE Wi i a1 Cherry. Phone Winnetka 2002. woman; general housework; no Used ills Sainte Claire 7T24-2te laundry; must like children; refer- 1 ences required. $16. 500 Lake Ave. hen Automobile old ane] Wilmette. 11LTN48-1tc riven miles. 1d. 8 FOR RENT--ROOMS Well taken care of; just repainted. FOR RENT--- VERY DESIRABLE | WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID| Looks and runs like new. Price apartment of 3-rooms; separate en- trance; also large room with twin beds, running water and separate entrance. Hot water heat; neartrans- portation. 1046 Linden Ave. Wil- mette. SLTN48-1tc MIDDLE AGED WIDOW OWNING well furnished home 21% blocks from "L," North Shore electric and the lake would like to share same or rent room; garage if desired. Ref- erences exchanged. Address Life, 298. SLTN48-tfc FOR RENT--2 'FURNISHED ROOMS with bath on 3rd floor. Electric grill for cooking. Suitable for couple or party employed. Want services in evening as payment. References re- quired. Tel. Winn. 2032. 8T25-1te FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room for one or two gentlemen or married couple, employed, also 2- car garage, 1815 Walnut Ave. Wil- mette. Phone Wilmette 2928. SLT48-1tp WIDOW HAVING A NICE, COZY home centrally located would like to share it with two adults. Refer- ences exchanged. Tel. Wil. 253. SLTN48-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM suitable for couple or two ladies; also single room. Near transporta- tion. Breakfast if desired. Tel. Wil. 3206. SLTN48-1tc FOR RENT -- CHARMING FRONT room with private bath and large closet. Hot water heat. 490 Hazel St. Tel. Glencoe 805. S8LTN47-2tc FOR RENT -- TWO CONNECTING rooms;bath and sleeping porch. Tel. Kenilworth 1865. 637 Abbottsford Road. SL TN48-1tc for general housework with or with- out washing. Tel. 1743, Winnetka. 11TN25-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; 2 adults and baby; no laundry. Tel. Winnetka 651-R. 11T25-1te WANTED--MAID; WHITE; 2--7:30 P. M.; no Sunday work. Tel. Wil. 3185. 11LTN48-1te $1,650. Wersted Motor Co. Tel. Winnetka 165 18LTN47-1tc DEPENDABLE USED CARS FOR SALE--RECEIVED IN TRADE on new Dodge Brothers and Wills Sainte Claire Motor cars. WERSTED MOTOR CO. WANTED -- LAUNDRESS; WHITE; 62 Li In Ave. for Monday. Winn. 1514. B42 Linco T, 11TN25-1tc 1SLTN46-1tc 13 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--BY COLORED man, day work. Experienced in car washing, polishing and simonizing; also in cutting lawns and shrubbery. Telephone Glencoe 142. 13TN25-1tp RELIABLE MAN WANTING GAR- dening and housework by the hour, can furnish best of references. Tel. 'Winn. 2011. 13T25-3tc Used Cars--All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 18LTN42-tfc SITUATION WANTED--AS BUTLER or houseman; will do gardening and tend to furnace. Tel. Glencoe 1117. : 13LTN48-1tp HIGH SCHOOL BOY WOULD LIKE to work for room and board in New Trier Township. Tel. Oakland 2470. 13LTN48-1tp 14 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE COLORED WOMAN WILL DO NURS- ing for $12 per week. Tel. Douglas 9295 any evening after 7 o'clock and ask for Mrs. Carter. 14LT48-1tc PLAIN SEWING AND LIGHT LAUN- dry work done at home. Will do catering. Tel. Wil. 3206. 14LTN48-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE SOLO SOPRANO OF EXPERIENCE rooms; for transients and residents. and ability wants Church. 490 Hazel 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. Ave. Telephone Glencoe 805. SLT1-tfc 14LTN47-2tc FOR RENT --FURNISHED ROOM, 893 | SITUATION WANTED -- COLORED Elm Street. Tel. Winn. 1719. woman to do housework. Tel. Seeley 8T25-1te 9258. FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM in east side home; near all transpor- tation. Tel. Wil. 1940. SLTN48-1tc FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISHED room. Tel. Winnetka 2213. SLT48-1tp 4 R p FOR RENT--FURNISHED ATTRAC- North Shore. fel, I a, tive room. 1618 Central Ave. a ; SLTN48-1te 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR 'RENT--FURNISHED ROOM AT IS YOUR HOME FOR RENT? WE have clients waiting for furnished or unfurnished. Phone WINNETKA 1226. Give us particulars. We will give you prompt action. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex 2LTN48-1tc FOR RENT---FOR THE WINTER months or longer; unusually well furnished house in delightful re- stricted residential neighborhood; 2 blocks from the lake: 10-rooms; 3 baths; 2 lavatories; 2-car garage. $350. 4259 Hazel Avenue, Chicago. Tel. Wellington 6983. 2LTN48-1tc FOR RENT--SOUTHEAST " WINNET- ka, furnished, 9 rooms, 5 large bed- rooms, 3 baths, garage. Elegant home. 1 year lease. $400 per month. Phone Winnetka 1226 2LTN48-1tc FOR RENT--BUNGALOW IN GLEN- coe. 627 Green Bay Road. Will put in good condition. Rental, $80 per month for 6 months or longer. Tel. Winn. 2032. 2TN25-1tc MODERN 6-ROOM FURNISHED HSI. l-car garage; 2 blocks from trans- portation; corner lot. Tel. Glencoe 465. 308 Hawthorne Ave. 2LTN48-Ltc FOR RENT--FOR WINTER--VERY. attractive furnished house; near station and schools. Tel. Win. 1910. 8T25-2tc FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM house with 2-car garage, $150 mo. Tel. Winnetka 1821. 2LTN48-1tc -- 3 WANTED--TO RENT--HOUSES RESPONSIBLE YOUNG COUPLE with best of references desire to rent 2 small furnished house or bungalow for six months or a year. Unusual opportunity to leave your home in good hands and well cared for. Call Winnetka 390. 3LTN48-1tp a 566 Lincoln Avenue. ka 2288. Phone Winnet- 8§T25-1te FOR RENT--LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, 2 furnished rooms with private bath. Phone Winnetka 455. 8T25-1tc FOR "RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; private family; gentleman preferred. Call Winnetka 1686. 8T19-tfe FOR RENT -- VERY REASONABLE office space with desk. Phone Win- netka 1294. STN24-2tc FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISHED room. Tel. Winn. 2213. SL T48-1tp 14TN25-1tp LAUNDRY WORK WANTED. TEL. Glencoe 1044. 14LTN48-1tc 16 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Furniture Auction Sale TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND, 1924, AT 10 A. M. Attend this sale. Owner leaving city. Rugs; dresser; dining table; chairs; rockers; Simon beds, twin and single; antique pieces; lamp; bronzes; davenport; bedding; dishes; also many other articles. Warble Warehouse 521 West Main Street Wilmete, Ill. 16LTN48-1tp SOLID OAK HALLRACK HAS DRAW- ers and perfect mirror, $30; com- mode, marble top, $10; oak hall rack with mirror, $15; mahogany tea cart, $15; solid walnut dining room tea table, $25; mahogany din- 10 HELP WANTED--MALE ing table and four chairs, $20; solid mahogany. settee, $25; solid mahog- YOUNG MEN AGES 16 TO 30. BEST| any full sized bed, $45; assortment opportunities are in Mechanical, of 'chairs. H. A. Lindwall, 58 Lin- Electrical and Building Construction den Ave. Phone Winnetka 145. lines. Become a draftsman, engineer, 16T25-1te architect or builder. Your spare time is enough. Earn while you learn. FOR SALE -- ONE DOUBLE BED; Day or Evening classes. Positions| Walnut finish, with mattress and for graduates. Quick results; low | spring, one walnut finish dresser. expense. Write for 52 page "Blue Will sell both for $25. Also one Book" sent free. CHICAGO COL- small size Clark Jewel gas range, LEGE. Dept. 1006, 118 East 26th almost new, $25. Tel. 760. St., Chicago. 10L/TN18-1tp 16T25-1tc WANTED IMMEDIATELY, HANDY |LIVING ROOM FURNITURE FOR man to care for lawn and heater; sale; four large chairs; table; Mis- steady position; part time; good sion style; upholstered in tapestry; wages. 735 Sheridan Rd. Tel. Win. also double brass bed. Tel. Sunny- 414. 10TN25-1te side 6988. a 16LTN48-1tp WANTED--FOUR $100.00 PER WEEK | FOR SALE -- DAVENPORT AND men to sell BEST Ford Oil Gauge chair to match; modern; fine condi- made. Automobile furnished. Stan- tion; also child's iron bed with hair dard Products Co., 709 Main, Gran- mattress. Tel. Winnetka 1721. ville, Ohio. 10L.T48-1tp 16TN25-1tc a1 HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--AT A BARGAIN--DOU- WANTED -- LAUNDRESS TO DO washing in her own home for two families. for and return clothes. Call Mrs. John Ritchie, 565 Arbor Vitae Road. Tel. Winn. 1579. 11T25-1te WANTED--CHEERFUL YOUNG OR middle aged woman as companion and to eare for lady convalescing from accident; nursing experience not necessary. Tel. Wilmette 1774. 11LTN48-1tp Prefer one who will call | ble oak bed; box springs; new mat- tress; chiffoneer; straight bedroom chairs. Tel. Winnetka 2162. 16LTN48-1tc FOR SALE--COLONIAL DINING SET; mahg. table, 6 chairs, sideboard and cabinet. 368 Elder Lane. Tel. Win- netka 958. 16LTN48-1te FOR SALE -- PRACTICALLY NEW full-sized Horton mangler; also com- bination gas and coal range. Cheap. Tel. Winnetka 755. 16LTN48-1tc FOR SALE--OVERLAND 4 TOURING; good condition; front and rear bumpers; spot-light; spare tire; $150. Tel. Winnetka 1392. 18TN25-1tp 19 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--LARGE SCYTHE, SCOOP scale, mahogany library table, dess- er, 2 bed-side tables, music cabinet, mission oak table, reed fern box. In- quire Tuesday. Phone Wilmette 2368. 19T25-1tp FOR SALE--WILLIAM AND MARY dining room table and six chairs. Tel. after Monday. Winn. 2211, 19TN25-1tc FOR SALE -- FOUR POLICE DOG puppies; 10 weeks old. For further information telephone Winnetka 332. 19T25-1te FOR SALE -- QUANTITY OF A-1 hard wood, cut ready for furnace or fireplace. 468 Ridge Avenue. 19TN25-1tp FOR SALE--WOMAN"S CLOTH COAT, medium size; also two dresses and skirt; exceptional values. Tel. Win. 1205. 19LTN48-1tc FOR SALE --W. R. CRYSTAL SET; A-1 condition, $5. Tel. Winnetka 632-M. 19T25-1te FOR SALE--PEDIGREED AIRDALE; male; 6 months old. Bargain at $20. Telephone Wilmette 3165. 19TN25-1te FOR SALE -- OIL BURNER COM- plete for small home, $100. Winnet- ka 1686. 19T24-tfc FOR SALE -- GIRLS SCOUT SUIT, size 12, complete for $5.00, like new. Tel. Wil. 2590. 19LTN38-tfe WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE STORE stoves, autos, 1045 Ash 20 WINNETKA buys and sells rugs, pianos, anything useful. St. 20LTN-tfc 22 LOST AND FOUND WILL GENTLEMAN WHO TOOK, BY mistake, brown, new Gladstone bag from C. N. W. train leaving station Saturday at 1:30 M. have it re- turned to owner, F. E. Hubbard, 199 Hazel Ave. Glencoe, Ill 221 TN48-1tec LOST--GREY BEADED BAG JULY 22nd containing handkerchief and possibly calling cards. Finder please telephone Winnetka 1504. Reward. 22T25-1tc LOST--MALE, BROWN SHEPHERD dog; answers to name of "Jiggs;" last seen between Wilmette and Kenilworth; liberal reward. Tel. Winnetka 34. 22T25-1te LOST DIAMOND - PLATINUM BAR pin, between Winnetka and Skokie Country Club. Reward. Phone Winnetka 818. 22TN25-1tc LOST ON AUGUST 22; BROWN FOX Terrier puppy. 665 Vine Street, Winnetka or telephone 65-W or 1141, 22T25-1te 25 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WIN- dow washing; floor waxing; furni- ture polishing; odd painting and cal- cimining jobs. Tel. Winn. 1035. 25LT45-tfc 99. NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE Cleaning Co.,, 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994. Winnetka, 111, 25T21-tfe 26 PIANO TUNING WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED house, 7 or 8 rooms, for 6 mos. or longer, beginning September 15th or Oct. 1st. Tel. Winnetka 878. 3LTN48-1tc WANTED TO RENT -- FOR ONE year; from October 1st; unfurnished 6-7 or 8 room house. Responsible party. Address Talk 300. WANTED--UNFURNISHED 7 OR 8 room- house. for one year or more, starting Sept. 15 or Oct. 1st. Tel. Winn. 866. : : 3TN43-tfc SIX OR SEVEN ROOM HOME UN- furnished; one or two years; phone Evanston 1633. . 3T25-1tp a. _ 4 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE FURNISH- ed 3-room apartment with bath, for $65. Sept. 1st occupancy. 1027 Spruce Street. Wil. 928-W. 4LT48-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE nurse-maid to take care of infant and walking child. Apply to Mrs. R. E. Doonan, 1086 Spruce street, Winnetka or telephone Winnetka 626. 11LTN48-1tc WANTED--GENERAL MAID; WHITE, competent; with references; no washing; best wages; family of 3. Tel. Wilmette 1290. 819 Ashland Ave. 11LTN48-1tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO HELP with children and upstairs work, willing, fond of children, no experi- ence necessary. Tel. Winnetka 1261. 11T25-1tc WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no experience necessary. $10 per week. Tel. Winnetka 976. 11LTN48-1tc OPPORTUNITY TO EARN $30 PER week working 2 to 3 hours daily. Write Mrs. Dow, 1619 Ridge Avenue, Evanston. 11LTN48-1tp FORSALE -- MAHG. DINING ROOM set; table, 7 chairs, buffet; a bargain for $50. 240 Essex Road, Kenil- worth. Call any time. 16LTN48-1tc FOR SALE--FULL SIZED WHITE wooden bed; box springs; mattress; good condition, $50. Tel. Winnetka 1162. 16LTN48-1tc FOR SALE--ONE "EASY" WASHING machine; one cabinet victrola; one library table; one dining table. Tel. Winnetka 1327. 16T25-1tc ANTIQUE FURNITURE OF ALL kinds. H. A. Lindwall, 58 Linden Phone Winnetka 145. 16T25-1te 17 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 17LTN24-tfc avenue. FOR RENT -- OCT. 18T--4- ROOM 'apartment; steam heat; janitor ser- vice. J. C. Phillips, agent. 1159 Wilmette Ave. Tel. 2399. 4LTN46-tfc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF- fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winnetka 62. 4LTN43-tfc WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID; 3 adults in family; $15 per week. Ref- erences required. Mrs. Ira Jones, Tel. Glencoe 83. 11LTN48-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WAIT- ress; $20 per week; 9 hours; pleasant surroundings. Sheridan Cafe, 901 11LT48-1tc Main St.,, Wilmette. 18 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--BUICK ROADSTER, 1919. good cord tires. Reasonable Wil 1431. 18LTN48-1tc FORD SEDAN, $75 FOR QUICK SALE. 716 Ridge Ave; near Washington Ave.,, Wilmette. 18LTN48-1tp EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR- ing; old pianos made new. L. W. Foster. Tel. Winn. 509-J. 26 LTN44-tfc 29 BUSINESS SERVICE RENT-A-CAR DRIVE IT YOURSELF PAY BY THE MILE IDEAL FOR Salesmen Pleasure rides Doctors Fishing trips Collectors Week-end trips Realtors Hunting trips or While your car is in repair or paint shop. Open car, 13c per mile. Closed car, 16c per mile. These cars are insured for your pro- tection. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165 29LTN46-1tc 30 KENNELS VICKERY KENNELS Barrington, Illinois Tel. 60-Y Wire haired terriers for sale. Dogs boarded; cared for. MRS. FRANCES SCHWARZ 30LTN48-1tc gd

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