14 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1924 Winnetka Weekly Talk LLOYD NO LATTE. INC. 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Telephone ........... Winnetka 2000 Telephone SUBSCRIPTION All communications must be accom- son of business ability and pos- sessing very definite qualities of leadership. Such a Scout council would serve the valuable purpose of S Sap gdaas Wilastes 1820 keeping local Scoutdom in direct communication with National $2.00 A YEAR| headquarters and would lend im- mediate offical sanction to every panied by ire neue en irs are phase of the movement in this writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Thursday noon to jnsure appearance in current isstie. Resolutions of condolence, cards of municipalities thanks, obituary, poetry, notices of en- territory. Under the plan of a council for the several north shore villages, the cost of the individual would be corre- tertainments or other affairs where spondingly moderate and prorated an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged at regular -advertising rates. Entered at the post office at Win- netka, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1924 Depress: the Tracks. Give the Business Men Fair Play. }i inthe community Build a New Village Hall. Enforce the Traffic 'Laws. Build the Truck Road. SCHOOL DAYS Another week 'and Winnetka's small army of public school in- structors will have returned for another season of work concern- ed with the education of the rising generation. This influx of educators is of more than ordinary moment, for, in the instance of our educational system, at least, every instructor belongs in the category of ex- perts. The school ma'am of other generations--she of the smattering knowledge of the pre- scribed three "R's"--has given way to the highly trained speci- alist in education. In her place we find the graduate student who has made a thorough studys of education in its many subject that is now regarded as one of the major branches of university work. Winnetka's teachers are re- cruited from various sections of the coufitry. Every one of thém is selected with greatest care and only after it has been' determined that the qualifications conform with the exacting standards of the local systenmy of instruction. They are chosen by Supetintend- ent Washburne only after a most scrutinizing is of colleges and graduate schools. i Because every one of these in- structors must qualify for expert service in the schools, it follows that their coming each fall is ift- deed a notable event. BOY SCOUT COUNCIL = National headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America directs the attention of north shore Scout leaders to the necessity for the organization of an executive council in the territory from Wil- mette to Lake Bluff, inclusive. Previous efforts to establish such a council have not been in accordance with the develop- ment of Scout work in the in- dividual communities. The imperative need of a Scout council and a paid Scout Execu- nized by all local Scout workers, Mr. Chadwick declares. It re- mains for the other civic leaders tq the con- vinced ofthe fierit of such an en- terprise. That complete cooper- ation will be secured may be re- garded as virtually a certainty. COMMUNICATION The connecting link between London and Boston for radio communication has been estab- lished and messages of goodwill with Furope have been ex- changed. Instant transmittal of mes- sages to our neighbors across the Atlantic is one of the achieve- ments of the Radio Corporation of America, said General Haryg bord, president of the corpora- tion, in announcing the Boston service. Establishing physical circuits, connecting continent with con- tinent and nation with nation, will have a tremendous civilizing a| influence in the direction of good- will and cooperation. The long arm of the radio connects Amer- ican commercial and social life with that of England, France, Germany, Norway, Ttaly, Poland and Japan. In a demonstration at the opening of the Boston station, six minutes and thirty-two sec onds passed from the time mes- sages were sent until the answer was received. ing power, of radiej the operator at Boston picked up the captain of the 8S. §u ii 1045 miles east. = Millions of pe world gre stand t ecinl aengror t Ny . -- The' Manufacturer. CABELESSNESS Figures rec eodpite by the state of gon show" that 93 per cent of Lits* atoniobile wrecks are causéd by careless- ness. Of 9,131 accidents report- le all over the So to funder- welcomed with enthusiasm inmthe|ed fromsJanmary 1 to. June -30, various villages probably because the need for 'such an or ganization was not properly présented or sufficiently emphasized. At the present time, however, there is a determined é&ffort on the part of National headquarters | to have an effective, businesslike supervisory council organized and functioning on the north shore, under the personal direction of' a paid Scout executive. The plan is working effectively in the west suburbs of Chicago, according to F, D. Chadwick, field manager of the Boy Scout movement in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan, to whom has been assigned the task of establishing the north shore organization. Evanston has its Scout council and executive, and a similar supervisory body is do- ing excellent work in Waukegan and North Chicago. It remains for the intermediate towns to come under the same sort of supervision. The proposed Scout council, Mr. Chadwick has explained, will comprise representative commun- ity leaders from each community and will bring to the territory a full-time salaried Scout Execu- tive who is trained for that par- ticular service and must be a per- last, '5,457 are charged entirely to carelessness. Added to these may be included the following : speeding, 183; failure to give right of way, 1381; reckless driv- ing, 200; cutting corners, 372; double at intersections, 155; driv- ing w hile intoxicated, 123; failure to give "signal, 290; driving on teft Side of street or highway, 64; improper parking, 79: reverse direction in middle of block, ¢40; passing to left of. street..cars while discharging passengers, 31; inexperience, 24; jockeying on bridges, 21;'a total of 8480 ac- cidents which might have been avoided, according to the report drivers been careful. Its prob- able that these Oregon figures would be a fair average for other states. That too many automobile drivers "let the insurance com- pany pay the bill" is responsible for many avoidable accidents. Let drivers remember that no in- surance policy has yet been de- vised which will return the life of a person killed through an automobile driver's carelessness. Safety to life and property rests almost wholly in the hands of the automobile driver. --The Manufacturer. tive for-the north-shore is recog- | --Dbecause it was once a custom in Northern Europe that newly wedded couples should drink mead (wine made from honey) for. a: "moon," 'or-27 days. In the new home, or any home, Puretest™ 10DINE is one of the first requirements for wounds, burns and sprains. Whenever you suffer a cut or scratch, paint it with Puretest Iodine to prevent infection and quicken healing. Excellent also for taking the soreness out of insect bites and inflammation. One of 200 Puretest prepara- tions for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. ADAMS PHARMACY Elm and Linden Winnetka 2 770 Rexall Drag store SPECIAL THIS WEEK FIGS, DATES and NUTS in New York Ice Cream 50c Adams Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. G. Matteoni Bros., 742 Elm St. Snider-Cazel Drug Co., Hubbard Woods "Purer Because Carbonated" Full Quart Brick Ristow Confectionery, Hubbard Woods Pharmacy Kenilworth Pharmacy Division of National Dairy Products Corp. Llc lie iii iii iidirriiiriizs Further, as a test} of the wonderful world- search-| LLL iii ISS ISSSLLSGSLLLSLSLSLLSSSLLLLTSSSLS SLI ASLLSIL SSIS SSIS YS, a" " < of the secretary of stateyhad the | er 74 ' pur iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiisiiiiiiiiili iii did dd Dd ddd dl dl 8 \ rv OV iil iiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidd » =. Why not follow the good judgment' of & % hundreds of your friends and Ref hoRs They have subscribed for the 7% Pre- ferred Shares. Of this company. getting a dividend' check every three months. Why, net you? "Tef'6 our repredefitative call upon me and x wr give you the full~details of how 'you can a "put your surplus | funds or your savings to work garging. 7% right here at home. Get in Tos 8 with us without delay. NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY HS SSSSLS ISS SSSS STAT a find They are | LR Wh 2 TE SSIS S IIIS ISIS FSIS