» Ne WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1924 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices--, residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50¢. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. / ! Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions-- cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 1% o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. 1 REAL ESTATE i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--WINNETKA HOME FOR RENT--7-ROOM HOME, GLAZED sun and sleeping porches, on the lake, wooded lot, three blocks from station. $200 a month. > TVET CUFT ps x For sale--7-room stucco, 1 year §-ROOM, ARTISTIC AND MODERN, old. 4 bedrooms and bath, with ex- brick home in exceptionally fine local- tra lavatory and toilet on first iloor ity; 2 baths; hot water heat; well Glassed and heated sun porch. Large built; choice lot; reduced for quick living room with fireplace. Open sale to $31,000. screened porch. Hot water heat. TT IToNT « Wooded lot, 50x198. Three blocks to i=in & NN TA E station. $14,500--terms. run otone For Sale--Attractive 5-room stuec- Tel. Winnetka 1544 co bungalow. Living room, 24x13 1T26-1te with fire place, connecting with French doors to screened sun porch, VAC #4 NTI 20x9. Large floored 2nd floor. Base- A pit bit LR ment complete, plastered, high and > £ EAL HOME B ; airy. $10,000--terms. 8-rm. stucco with steel construction.| 3," UT ) > Spacious living, dining and br'f'st Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. rms. 4 fine slp. rms. and bath, with ) §} ; " pind, ' XC 3 » Agents. slp. pch. Maid's rm. and bath on 3rd| 359 Park Fxolusivs Set Glencoe 971 floor. H. W. H.; 2-car gar. side drive. A k : 1LTN49-1to Lot 50x196 with fine trees. This a home is in splendid condition and must be seen to be appreciated. N Mn \ TT lata Price $23,000. Phone Wilmette 699 GOLF SOU UE RT for appointment to inspect. 1LT49-1tp HIGHLAND PARK OVERLOOKING COMMUNITY GOLF FOR SALE--IN RIDGE VIEW, THE Course. Very attractive lots, 60x137. highest and dryest spot between Sewer, water, gas, electric lights and Deerfield and Highland Park; facing side walks in and paid for. $40 per Deerfield Road. Lots in this beau- foot on terms. Within six blocks of tiful location at $20 per foot and up. schools and transportation. $2,400 a Terms to suit. lot. > Tr Also F. W. RUS SSO New seven room, 2 bath Colonial Tel. Deerfield 130 home. Sun, open and breakfast 1ILTN49-1tc porches on beautifully wooded Lin- den Ave. IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON| (\; ae Je) Or Ar A EPPO WILMETTS Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut| 382 Central Ave. Highland Park 268 Ave. Ashland Ave. 7th Ave. 10th 1LTN49-1tc St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; L. 2, B, 2; with riparian rights, 3 and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B. 10; L.5, B. 13; 1.1 and "3, B, John P, Gage, Vineland, N. 1.4, B 5; Ln East Winnetka J. 1LTN29-tfc | ATTRACTIVE, GOOD AS NEW, 6-RM. Colonial, heated sun and glazed slp. On. © oF ISK: v pchs.,, hot water heat, tile bath, im- E: : X ara oe , €99 F blocks from depot. Price, 550. ed lot. Garage. Only $22,500. FT W. RUSSO T as Deerfield 130 1LTN49=3te rg Sole Agents Center "St. y 556 Winn. 254 ) . (Form. W. R Ave.) Elgin, TL 1LTN49-ite (ONE HOUR FROM THE LOOP.) Beautiful homes and improved acre] tracts; also farms at bargain prices Schaefer BE Lei (live in beautiful Fox River Val- ¥ 3. Schaerer ed Wout ley District). Write or call for my 7 Pe offerings. Wm. H. Abelmann, 26-27 J H S Th 3 CE &C Home Bank Bldg., Elgin, Tllinois. ° Lo C laCLer OF 1LTN48-5tp REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--LOT IN WEST HIGH- land Park, 50x150. Price, $1,350; tidge & Lake Avenue $350 cash; $25 per month; beautiful Wilmette, Ill. high location. Can build at once. Phone Wilmette 364 A ITIQQ E. W. RUSSO We specialize in acre tracts and Tel. Deerfield 130 SS are prepared to write all classes 1ILTN49-1te || of insurance. FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6 RM. NOTARY PUBLIC houses; new; big lots; close to trans., : lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. IL TNs 1te Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. UnlY ie Rd. 2 blks. west of - reen Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. | COMPLETE LIST OF HOMES, $5,000 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc| to $175,000. Sa syria po my = Sn Vacant, $25 per foot and up. FOR SALE -- 10 ACRES NICELY If you are interested in choice acre wooded; west of Deerfield, $500 per property, in or adjacent to Winnet- acre. Terms. ka or Glencoe, don't fail to see us. F. W. RUS SO Make it a pleasure rather than a task. BUY THROUGH Telephone Deerfield 130 LTN49-1tc 518 WASHINGTON AVE. WELL LO- cated 7-room frame; h. w. h.; 4 bed- E.E.StultsRealtyCo. rms. ; lge. 2-car gar.; to be newly painted. For terms and appointment|10 Carlton Annex Winnetka call Wilmette 2327 1LTN49-1te Phones--Winnetka 1800-1226 1LTN49-1te DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN A YEAR. Deerfield vacant corner location; 2| FOR SALE OR RENT--EXCEPTIONAL blocks to station; can be bought as 7-room home; garage; Winnetka low as $20 per ft. Cosmas Bros. Heights; beautifully landscaped; at- 1153 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 2693. tractive price. For appointment, ad- 1TN26-1te dress Talk, 302. 1LTN49-1tc -- | ORS | . f are equipped to give you results whether you want to buy, sell, or rent. { The following Real Estate firms are all members of the North Shore Real Estate Board affiliated with the National Association of Real Estate Boards and their conduct in the transaction of the real estate business is governed by a "code of ethics" antees which guar- to owners and buyers of property an honest, intelligent service in all matters of buying, renting and leasing of property. : selling, Lloyd C. Ayres Heinsen & Clark Hill & Stone Hill & Wheeler A. D. Herrmann Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. R. M. Johnston & Co. E. P. Maynard & Co. Murray & Terry Clark T. Northrop Frank A. Reid Schaefer & Golbach W. G. Stacey & Co. Frederick B. Thomas & Co. Mrs. D. E. Wink Wyatt & Coons 1 REAL ESTATE Ss FOR RENT--ROOMS | 13 SITUATION WANTED--MALRE 2TN26-1tc 10T26-2tc FOR SALE--BY OWNER; MODERN 6-|{ FOR RENT--TWO VERY ATTRAC-|JANITOR WORK AND DAY WORK. room frame and stucco house on one tive double rooms; one with twin References. Tel. Glencoe 530. 2 lot; 2-car rage on adjoining lot. beds; east and south exposure; close 3LTN49-1tc Wish to dispose of both at $15,500. to transportation and schools; suit- : : a Si = $4,000 cash; liberal terms on balance. able for teacher. Tel. Winn. 28. 14 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALIL curtains, drapes, breakfast set and ST26-1te 0% Te = TTR ITNT N porch furniture very reasonable to ORGANIST OF EXPERINNCE AND purchaser. Tel. Wil. 777-M. 920- | 2-ROOMS FOR RENT x 'RIVATE ahdlity wants substitute or Legit 15th Street. 1LTN49-1tc bath; kitchen privileges K] i yosition. Tel. T niversity : 87. 2% blocks. to station. Address "342 Sherman Ave. Evans- b NT 4 OWNER LEAVING CITY, WISH TO Ave., Kenilworth. Address Box HN. _¥ 141'TN49-1tp rent completely furnished 7-room STN ETE ATT CT USIVE house for 6 or 8 months, or will sell; RE} cH DESIG) ING, EXQLAsY B 2-car garage; hot water heat; 4! FOR RENT--FURNISHED RO( £ } ¥ nr Rome RO ea: blocks to steam and electric lines. couple emploved or two 3 ahi Md CELE ha i > 3 5 Reasonable. 973 Cherry Stree Leto 1379. 14LTN49-1tp IT © 7 NG tka. 8 TETAS % R.M., J stoncz Lo, [tk ! FHANDSEWING, AS 1 OR 2 NICE ROOMS FOR ADRI#S; He fish Streets or del, Wilmette 68 centrally located; light house¥ge Gf Johanna Anderson, 1LTN49-1te! ing if desired. Tel. Wil. 253 for pal ToS 14TN26-1tp ticulars. SLTN494tc 3 tH WANTED TO BUY--DIRECT FROM : a 1 GIRL, COLORED, owner; 60 to 100 ft. wooded vacant,] FOUR TEACHERS PREFERRED, I" yous: mother's helper of between Kenilworth and Highland with or without light housekeeping; al work. Ref. Tel. Ken- Park. Gays location. Will pay cash. near transportation; schools. Tel. wood 14TN26-1tp Address 'Talk, 296. 1TN26-1tp Ti 2 ST26-1t} hii oo a5 LR F261 SITUATION WANTED BOOKKEEP- FOR SALE OR FOR RENT--BY THE |TWO LARGE, LIGHT FURNISHED| er. Part or full time. Good refer first of October; T7-room modern rooms; single or in suite; private ences if desired. Call W innetka 9. house; sun parlor; 2 baths; garage. bath; near lake and transportation. 14TN26-1tp 1410 Hill St. Tel. Wil. 883. Tel. Win. 1543. SLTN49-1te = - 1LT49-1tp WILL TAKE WASHING HOME AND FOR RENT--LARGE SUNNY FRONT| deliver it. Tel. Wil. 2708. ~ -- --- - WANTED--6-ROOM BUNGALOW IN room. Private home; central loca- 14T26-1tc Wilmette or Winnetka. Prefer one|l tion; no children. Tel. Wil. 965-M. : Sm priced at $16,000 or $18,000. Address SLTN49-1tc | DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING Life S01, 11.T49-1tp bv the day. Reference. Tel. Univer- = FOR RENT -- TWO CONNECTING sity 6789. 14LLTN49-1te 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES rooms; private bath and sleeping | se porch. Tel. Kenilworth 1£65. 637116 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS ROVE » TANT TR A CYTTU TR TIT Abbottsford Road. SLTN49-1te RC RC La hy FOR SALE_HOUSEHOLD GOODS, IN- Oey ON aI ¥ oms and! FOR RENT--3 FURNISHED ROOMS; cluding deerskin rug, Wilton rug screen porch; g Age; 10t water ok hath: eM - , J Cer Stated ofp heat: 727 Clover Road: 31 blocks Private hath; SE ocated home; antique andirons, over-stu rT che * a i i tw ne m Tint 9 oie ~ 3 4 « " Pp DT west of Kenilworth station block two people. Tel. Winn. 729. si brass bed with matt: and spring. south of Kenilworth Ave L.- Wil, ST26-1tc one four-poster single bed with mat- 933-W 2LTN49-1te tress and spring one buffet, one = . mile ROOM; chifforobe, electric fan, enameled- FOR RENT {E BLUFF: FACING eferred. kitchen table, several oil paint- FOR RENT LAKE BLUFF; FACING BN top ite ; ni: ake; attractive S-room modern ST19-tfe 1 tools, law 7 moet, . furnished: bis y . -- - w-- yooks, piano bench, bag a Pe PI ater heat | CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE| Sf soit cabs, 1045 Ashland Avenue, er. tit for year. ; for transients and, residents. Wilmette. For appointment phone Sunrise Ave Tel. I. B n St. Tel. Wil. 1080. w : evenings at W nd tte 2696. 5 : rue 2T26-1tp SLT1-tfe 16 TN49-1tc -- ARGE FRONT ROOMS TOP «A ah r mE. n SEN) FOR RENT--GLENCOE, FURNISH at side Lana 2 RON Pe Ba Ms FOR SALE _-W - I Fa JC B pox, 8-100 1se; 2-car garage; "En Her RE all franshors Breman silver tr ¢ g s 2S, ie user Tony Sones: yeug) tation. Tel Wil 1946, SLIN{S.lte| GRID SSG STI Oo S130 will 250. MURRAY & TERRY, 40| oR RBNT_LARGII ROOM wiTH| Scll for $55. Also Singer Seying ma Thorn. 8t., Chicago. " board; also table room for four. 731 chine, like ney Tel WAL Pe 2LTN49-1tc 10th St. SLTN49-2tp uy 33 Nala FOR RENT UNFURNISHED NEW |GOR RENT_FURNISHED ATTRAC. [FOR SALE--SMALL OAK FEXTEN- house in S. E. Winnetka; 5 large tive room. 1618 Central Ave g sion table; 6 chai §, stained Sree n, bedrooms: baths, an extra lava- E y = TRLTN49 itp suitable for porch or breakfast rm. tory; two heated porches. Tel. 85 Labial Also Clark-Jewell stove, used less 2TN26-2tc | FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM, ss3| than 3 years. Tel Glgnooe TN1s-ite FOR RENT--FOR WINTER--VERY Elm St. Winnetka 1719 ST26-1te A Fa a J 9 RED -J 14 2 R-- VB 8° -- -- ------------------------ YD . - NTT . > « RRQ. attractive furnished house; near { gg HELP FANE ren--m AL | OF FOR "SALBE--C BY BIR H DRE station and schools. Tel. Winn. 1910. able and desk; mahogany i- 8T25-2tc WANTED brary table; rose and taupe velour 25-2 % Al ) fore Bite gabe 'ch rugs. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN porters ie ON grass FOR RENT -- FURNISHED: OUR : for GLENCOR Fel. Winn. 1998. 16LTN49-1tc pleasant home near Indian Hill sta-|{ OWING TO INCREASING BUSINESS| mmm sgn = = FA HR tion, and overlooking the A Ae Cia oR Highland Park, we FURNITURE FOR A -- BREAR- Tel."Winn. 197. find it necessary to place a man in fast set and rug; kite hen ca in Lt; Glencoe to handle this territory ex- oak chiffoneer and oak davenpor 1. FOR RENT -- FOR. WINTER; AT-| ucivelv. an EN Tel. Winn. 296 or call 1096 Laurel tractive and convenient T-room hse.; An experienced man familiar with avenue. 16TN26-1te near schools and transportation. the territory = who Yecords and rm /'i tke ; by Re LE a POR SALE -- WHITE ENAMELED Winnetka 1910. 2T26-tfe reputation measure up to our stand- a aE gas range; '"'Sanitor" re- BN ONT. y TORTADTV ard, can make a profitable conne rr ieerator. Ghd Boren. swine. © A. AN ! OR REN r-- 6-R( JOM. C OMFORTABLY tion with us at this time and is in. 4 ge pa OF ae p Tel. Winn. 1328 furnished new house for 6 months. ap TE So ; : good condition. el. . 1322. > vited to consult in confidence with 16ILTN49-1tp Hubbard Woods. October occupancy. the Managor of our North Shore De- JTNA4EC Tel. Winn. 1441. 2TN26-1tc ars ; 3 - = hy id BS MERE FOR SALE -- DAVENPORT AND FOR RENT--6-ROOM (ONE ATH) Qu INLAN & TY SON, INC. chair to match; modern; fine condi- well furnished house for winter un Bruns, BRapston tion; also child's iron bed with hair months. Tel. Glencoe 119. niversity 2600 mattress. Tel. Winnetka 1721. 16LTN49-1tc Ii HELP £5 : i r WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED DAVEN- 3 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES port; double oak bed; box Sprinasl WANTED--A COMPETENT GENERAL new mattress; chiffoneer; straigh WANTED TO RENT--MODERN 6 OR housework girl; white; no laundry; bedroom c¢ rs, easonable. Tel. 7 room house with garage in Win- small family; room with bath; good Winnetka 2162. 16LTN49-1tc netka or Wilmette. Near transpor- wages. Call 200 Maple Hill Road. - - tation, one year lease. Hot Glencoe. Tel. 802. 11TN26-1tc | FOR SALE--GAS RANGE; ICE-BOX; heat, possession October 1st. S 2 burner gas-plate; leather couch; per month. Tel. Winnetka 1¢ WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- mission library table 'and etc. Tel. SLT eral housework; no washing; good Winn. 1506. 16 TN26-1te wages; small house 303 riew WANTED TO RENT--IN WINNETKA| Ave. Tel. Winn. 852 1tc| FOR SALE--PULLMAN wai gl for winter or longer, furnished 9- |= : ay bed and mattress; tapestry up- BO iy EEE hg WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL pt TRL ra sl. 'Wil, netka 794. Saturdav or Sunday ah work; white; small family; no 206 16L.TN49-1tp ? > 3T26-1te laundry. $15.00 per week. Phone niche ial 2156 Ti Tc: TN CM a A HLTA Ite | oR SALE--7 PIECE DIN. ROOM SET, oF 8 room Dons, for gin months ne. | WHITE GIRL WANTED---FOR GEN.| 'reasonable. Tel. Winn 231L_ SInHIhE September 1E- or October 1 eral housework; good permanent > g 1g f 7 ay DY ananel Fel, Winnecka S78. PEN2G-1tc] Domes. b children in family, $15. Ph.{ FOR SALE--SOLID WALNUT DINING WANTED--UNFURNISHED 7 OR 8 ra eg table and 6 chairs. 700 Linden Ave. J Sousa NB Lv < r TITY nl DANTE .) 4 K 7 i ] P, 6 N i - room house for one year or more WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL Tal. 113 Wilmelte LYN Ip starting Sept. 15 or Oct. 1st. Tel. | housework. $18 per week. First |e o--om-- C DINING Winn S66 : : 3TN43 tfe class references required. Phone room s¢ t: 6 chairs; H4 in table Price in. 366. Ss TN45-1 ri te 225 mar = "OC set; che 8; D4 . Le . ena TET ro Wilmete 4. 11LTN49-1tc $30. Tel. Winn. 1176. 16T26-1tc ANTE TO AENT--LONG LEASE; y reve r mE SND si Er Eh A ig WANT ED--WHITE GIRL POR Sin FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY PLAYER : fod re J: usework; Ss > neat; E: y # th we ' age; reliable party. Fel. W inn. 1414. COOK? 2 Spay Tel. Winn. Sr ain piano. Perfect condition. Tel Glen- 3T26-1tp 11TN26-1te coe 948. 16TN26-1te JANTED TY (ENT--BY YEAR; 6 OR r ANTE rg 3 TOR ri Ee 'g > CHAIR, » 3 hi OR Lr nt Tran son W ET aMpRENTY r " IRL SEOR : ST ger Ds Arey Oh STR 73 op Toa geners usework; rences rQ- vid ' rs . rFTYRTS Phone Winnetka 1363. 3T26-1tp aren Tel. Winn. 18 Hk ITNG6- to price. Tel. Winn. 1204. 16TN26-1tc 4 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--62 rm. modern janitor R. "Tel 5-11TH partment; service; In-a-door Wilmette 2399. STREET; 4- steam heat; bed in D. 4L/TN49-3tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO HELP with two small children from 2 to 5:30. Tel. Winnetka 912. 11T26-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR G eral housework. Tel. Univer ) 7265. 11T26-1te 5 OR 6 ROOMS NEAR and Sheridan, Garage. Tel. UNI- furnished or Evans. 1468. 4LTN49-1tc unfurn. FOR RENT--4-ROOM APT.; REA- sonable rent. Apply 5 Lincoln Avenue or phone Winne 'tha 72 1T26-1te FOR RENT--2 FLOOR, 5-ROOM FLAT; stove heat. Price $40. Tel. Glencoe 343-R. Small family; references. 4T26-1tp FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND O%'- WANTED--OFFICE GI answer telephone. 1145 Ave., Wilmette. AND TO Greenleaf 11L/TN49-1tc LAUNDRESS; 11% Winn. 1224, 14T26-1te WANTED--WHITE days a week. Tel. 13 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--BY man. Experienced in house clean- ing, car washing, polishing and simonizing Te lephone Glencoe 142. 13TN26-1tp COLORED garage if desired. Address Life, 303. SLTN49-1te fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. | SIT. WTD.--COLORED CHAUFFEUR; Winnetka 62. 4L/TN43-tfc will do some housework. References ---- if required. Tel. University 7665. FOR RENT--GARAGES 13LTN49-1tp FOR RENT--GARAGE. TEL. WIN-ISITUATION WANTED--AS BUTLER netka 1998. TT26-1tc or houseman; will do gardening and p-- tend to furnace. Tel. Glencoe 510. S FOR RENT--ROOMS 372 Park Avenue. 13LTN49-1tp Tn Sexy rrr HONEST AND RELIABLE MAN MIDDLE AGED WIDOW OWNING wants any kind of work, with living well furnished home 21 blocks from quarters. Tel. Win. 1443. "L," North Shore Electric and the 4 13LTN49-1tc lake would like refined lady to room or share same. Garage if de-| RELIABLE MAN WANTING GAR- sired. Reference exchanged. Address dening and housework by the hour, Life, 298. SLTN49-1tp can furnish best of references. Tel. Winn. 2011. PY 13T25-3te TO RENT--2 LARGE ROOMS; WEST side Wilmette; near transportation;| SIT. WTD.--COLORED CHAUFFEUR; houseman; city reference. Tel. Boul- evard 2962. 13LTN49-1tp 17 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 17LTN24-tfe WANTED--SECOND-HAND WASHING machine. Tel. Winn. 655J. 17T26-1tc 18 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES DEPENDABLE USED CARS FOR SALE--RECEIVED IN TRADE on new Dodge Brothers and Wills Sainte Claire Motor cars. WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, Il. 18SLTN49-1te Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 1 18LTN42-tfe FOR SALE--RAUSCH-LANG ELEC- tric car and charging plant in good condition. Reasonable. Tel. Shel- drake 1600, Room 438. .18LTN48-1tp FOR SALE--CHICAGO ELECTRIC; batteries and tires in good condition. Owner leaving town; will sell very cheap. Phone Winnetka 1848. 18T26-1te