3 a A > EE ---- WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1924 11 BOOK REVIEWS Life is an adventure, mingled with the wiles, caprices and whims of man- kind. That idea is developed in such a skillful manner to comply with the old and new in mystery tales, that one is both surprised and highly en- tertained by "Adventure in the Night," by Warrington Dawson, published by Doubleday, Page and company, with a foreword by Joseph Conrad. An American seeking the rights to the title that belonged to his ante- cenants in France. It was once Count de Lourency, but Americanized, it be- came Lawrence. And Gilbert Law- rence is the man of the story. In other words the hero. There is heroism that is in keeping with the days of the cavaliers, and yet it is of the sort not too extreme as pictured in the King Arthur tales. It is the sort of heroism that comes in moments of distress and adventure, if not reduced to yielding to the un- conscious. There is mystery.. And development is of such a nature as to create a sus- pense, with the knowledge of what is going on. There are times when the reader feels the objects put before Gilbert Lawrence and the girl in white. The reader experiences the testing and torturing schemes and means used by the Marquis de La Villeratelle, that man driven by lunacy and the urging of the Spanish Marchioness to play a little comedy, as she called it. It is by a careful and intelligent manipulation of the scenes and hap- penings in the Manor of Cour-de- France, that the story is brought to life. Plus the artistic simplicity in the use of the English language, War- rington Dawson has produced one of the best mystery stories in book form. His descriptions are not flowered with a synonymatic collection of adjectives, yet there is sufficient life to them. His little suggestions and simple ways bring a fuller meaning to his enter- taining book than would a great deal of descriptions and explanations, as are usually found in mystery stories. The characters are all complex. They live the life of mystery and ad- venture, but are not dissertable for analysis. With lunacy leading some of the characters, the attempt at dignity and regality, the failing of the emo- tions and the continuous scheming to avenge, makes it impossible to build any one of the characters' behavior in the future. The circumstances are too well closed in among the little circle to attract outside attention. It is practically a small group acting out a bit of mystery in the night, surrounded by dark halls, creeping and waving drapes, and an infinitesimal planning and acting by a half lunatic. All in all it is an entertaining ad- venture, "the sunset of one day ring- ing up the curtain, and the sunrise of the next bringing it down again." --Jac Tulman WORD TO OPERA PATRONS For the accommodation of local residents who are generally too busy to visit the Auditorium theater dur- ing the day, the Chicago Civic Opera company announces that the subscrip- tion department hereafter will be kept open Saturday afternoons until 5 o'clock and it will be kept open Sundays also from 12 noon until 5 o'clock. Weekdays the subscription office, which is located in the main lobby of the theater, is open at 9 o'clock in the morning. HEINSEN AND KROLL, NEW REALTY CONCERN Reorganization of the Paul Heinsen and company real estate concern pro- vided the most important real estate news on the north shore this week, when it was announced that the new firm would be known as Heinsen and Kroll, Inc., with George C. Kroll as president, John J. Rink, vice president and Paul Heinsen, secretary and treas- urer. Offices of the concern will be re- tained as they were under the previous organization, it was explained. Mr. Kroll, who has been with Paul Heinsen and company for 18 months, has resided in Wilmette for 15 years. His home is located at 1023 Green- wood avenue. He enjoys a broad ex- perience in the real estate and build- ing field. During the late war he was associated with General Kniskern in the construction of vast government building projects including a $2,000,000 chemical plant and other extensive projects. Shortly after the war he was interested, with General Kniskern, in the construction of several homes in Wilmette. Mr. Rink and Mr. Heinsen are well known and highly reputable real estate men of the north shore. Heinsen and Kroll, Inc., will serve the public of the north shore from five offices: 7 W. Madison street, Chi- cago; 1611 Sherman avenue, Evans- ton; 421 Fourth street, Wilmette; 556 Center street, Winnetka, and 520 Cen- tral avenue, Highland Park. Parisian Rug Cleaners Observe Tenth Birthday In celebration of the tenth anni- versary in business on the north shore, the Parisian Cleaners and Dyers have expanded the boor space of their Winnetka plant at 578 Lincoln avenue. This extension gives the concern the largest and best outfitted plant on the north shore, it is stated. The plant which is owned by John B. Nazarian has developed gradually from a small room which was used ten years ago, until now it is the largest on the north shore with branches in Evanston, Wilmette and Highland Park. In observance of the tenth anniversary, Mr. Nazarian has announced a temporary 20 per cent reduction on the cleaning of rugs, carpets and draperies. HOLD FALL FESTIVAL The annual Fall Festival of the St. Joseph's parish was held September 8 9, 10 and 11 at the St. Joseph's school. Members of the parish and others attended the festival and pur- chased things on display. This festi- val is held every year for the benefit of the school. Telephone 1098 ALEC W. KYLE Contractor PLUMBING--HEATING 674 Vernon Avenue GLENCOE, ILLINOIS Plenty of it--Beach and e/a mm 128 WOOD your fire place--Order Now. Every Lump of Coal nee OAL WOOD FEED °- winneTn+ AND BUILDING MATERIAL HUBBARD WOODS. ILL. Maple--well seasoned--for 74 SLL LLL LLL LLL SLSLLLLLLLL LLL LESS LILA L SLL LLLL SLL LLL SLL L LSS LLL ALLS ASSIA SILLS LLL SLL SALSA LS LLL SAL SSS SL SSS L LSS L ASSIS SSS SSS LASS SSS SVS SAS S74 ALLIS LSSSSLSSSLSLS ISLS SSIS LS SS ISLS SS SSS SSSS SSS S LISS SSSA SSS IIS SSSI SASSI ASIA I SPF 7D ALLS LLLLLSISS SLL IS SSIS SILLS SL IS LISS SILL SSS IS SSSI SSS SS LS SSS LISS LSS SALSA SA SAAS AS SAHA NEW GAS RATE FOR HOUSE AND INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES In order to more adequately serve the demands of the rapidly grow- ing residential and industrial North Shore a new rate for gas service has been put into effect as of August 1st. ze, Our engineers have just completed an exhaustive study of the de- mands for this class of service and also the economical application of gas service for this particular business. Our Industrial Department will be pleased to make a survey of your industrial and house heating problems, giving you a complete report as to installation and operating costs. The adopting of this new rate places the North Shore Gas Company in position to serve you completely. We will be delighted to serve you at your request. NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY A772 2 27 radii iiiiidiidiiiiiiiiiiiiiuidd B/S SSL LILILILLSLISISISSSSSLLLS LSS SSSSLLL LSS SIL LILLS SSIS LLL LISS SLL LLLIL SSSA SASSI LSS SLL LSS LSS S SS SSS ISLS ALLS SSS SAS SSSA SSS SSS SSS So L277 22d rddr7i7zzziziiiiiiiiiiiiziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii added to the pile in your cellar means just so much warmth and comfort next winter. And there's a heap of satisfaction in knowing that one's cellar is well supplied with protection against the cold sure to come. Why don't you give us that order now? The longer you delay, the more likely you may be to be disappointed. ©- Dopnpee BROTHERS SPECIAL 4-PASSENGER COURE Popular for shopping and social use because women feel im- plicit confidence in the car's dependability. Moreover, the inside appoint- ments and the many items of special equipment are admired for their good taste by those who know and value quality. Five Ba.loon-Type Tires The price is $1535 f.o.b. Detroit; $1650 delivered © WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS MOTOR CARS TELEPHONE WINNETKA 1465 COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE