Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 Sep 1924, p. 21

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1924 Z1 LET A WANT AD SELL YOUR HOME CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 11 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 8 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- VERY DESIRABLE apartment of 3-rooms; separate en- trance; also large room with twin beds, running water and separate entrance. Hot water heat; near transportation. 1046 Linden Ave. Wilmette. SLTN50-1tec WOULD LIKE TO COMMUNICATE with protestant couple desiring Rates--1° cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three warm, nicely furnished front room, papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 350c. Average of five words to with housekeeping privileges; in the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. family of three adults. Hubbard a 150 oF 4 ito Woods. Tel. Winnetka Be vik ' ; : lassified advertisements w e ac- 8 -1te D eadline f or Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM IN WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 c'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. private residence. Central location. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. Garage space if desired. Business man preferred. References. Tel. Wil, ,L A 41. SL/TN50-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE with twin beds; suitable for two X % men; 556 Center St.; % block north FOR RENT FOR SALE--CHOICE RAVINIA VA- of Elm Street. Tel. Winnetka 1186. cant property; east of Sheridan Rd. and close to lake; heavily wooded; 110x145; owner needs cash and will sell for $60 per foot. Fine specula- tive value. HILL & STONE Tel. Winn. 1544 543 Lincoln St. T27-1te 5 RM. BRICK BUNGALOW, 1 BLOCK west of Ridge Ave. hot water heat, J garage; immediate possession; 6 rm. frame residence, furnace heat, large lot, fruit and shade trees; immediate possession. $60.00. rm., frame bungalow on Lake Ave., % mile west of Ridge Ave. all modern conveniences, garage, hot water heat, furnished or unfurnished, or will sell. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 909 Ridge Avenue Phone Wilmette 364 We have some very choice tracts LAKE FOREST 2 to 100 Acres For Sale--Some of the choicest acreage left in or near Lake for country homes and are prepared Forest, wooded or open. to write all kinds of high class in- < Also surance, Beautiful lot 100x350, $6,000. 1LTN50-1tc £00350, 78 Improved and vacant from Evanston to Lake Forest. Suburban North L. SHERMAN ALDRICH 105 W. Monroe Street KENILWORTH--9-ROOM COLONIAL Rand. 2766 Winnetka 1173 frame, with 2 baths and 2 extra lav. splendid large rooms and closets, liv. rm., 16x28, tile bath, 2-car gar- age, wooded, $28,000. N. E. Winnetka--The best value in TN27-1te FOR SALE--316 FT. ON GLENVIEW N. E. Winnetka, Tapestry brick, 6- Road in Wilmette limits; large or- room home, sun and sleep porches, chard and 10-room home, recently tile bath, hot water heat, lot 75x150,| remodeled; furnace heat; water and trees, shrubs, unusually well built all modern improvements; will di- vide. Address Wilmette Life, 306. and a buy at $20,000. 1LT50-2tp oV-2Z Vacant--A good lot near Country Day School, 60x132, trees, at $90. Acreage--A fine list of investment properties along proposed North Shore line, Sead Buy Through hot water heat; 727 Clover Road; 3% blocks west of Kenilworth station; E.E.StultsRealtyCo.| fu' wi. tw "inkl 933-W. 1LTN50-1te Phones WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR : THE announcement of the opening of the Duffy sub-division located in the FOR RENT OR FOR SALE--ATTRAC- tive new brick bungalow; 5 large rooms .and screen porch; garage; Winnetka 1800-1226 1LTN50-1te most beautiful part of Deerfield, A REAL HOMIE, write in for advanced information. F. W. Russo, Deerfield, Ill 1LTN50-1te 100 ACRES OVERLOOKING BRIAR- gate Golf Club, $1,100 per acre; ripe 7-ROOM COLONIAL; OVERLOOKING lake; 2 sun rooms; sleeping porch; breakfast room; all glazed and heat- ed; extra toilet and lavatory, 1st for sub-dividing. This is an excep- floor; hot water heat; 2-car garage; tional buy as property across road beautiful wooded landscaped lot; brought $3,000 per acre. Act quick- ground value, $20,000. All for $33,- ly W. Russo, Deerfield, Ill 000! 1LTN50-1te LOT 4 BLOCKS FROM THE NEW depot of the North Shore electric line, proposed Blodgett, West High- land Park on Deerfield Road, $1,350; $350 cash, balance $25 per month. F. W. Russo, Deerfield, I11. 1LTN50-1tc FOR SALE--COZY 4-ROOM HOUSE; stove heat; newly painted and dec- orated, $5,000; $2,000 cash. 271 Lin- den Ave. Tel. Glencoe 429. Heinsen & Kroll, Ine. Exclusive Agents 556 Center Street Winn, 254 (form. W. R. R. Ave.) 1LTN50-1te FOR SALE--AT A VERY LOW PRICE. One of the most attractive brick residences in Glencoe. Living and dining room walls are canvassed 1LTN50-1te and beautifully beamed. Brick fire place, sun parlor, three spacious| WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNER, bedrooms, hot water heat, two reasonable, bungalow. Write full bath rooms, large screened porch, particulars. Address 310, Winnetka brick garage, large wooded lot. Is| Talk. 1TN27-1te one of the finest of its size in vil- -- lage. Clark, northwest corner of|2 FOR RENT--HOU Green Bay Road and Mary St. Phone lini Glencoe 355. 1LT50-1te | FOR RENT--UNFURNISHED. NEW house in S. E. Winnetka; 5 large . bedrooms; 2 baths, an extra lava- Elgin, 111. tory; two heated porches. Tel. 851. (ONE HOUR FROM THE LOOP.) 2TN26-2tc eautifu omes and improved acre] i J] : tracts; 'alse farms at bargain prices)! ob FFN1 --FOR WINTER; AT- tractive and convenient 7-room hse.; near schools and transportation. Winnetka 1910. T27-2tc --(live in beautiful Fox River Val- ley District). Write or call for my offerings. Wm. H. Abelmann, 26-27 Home Bank Bldg., Elgin, Illinois. Zig: 1LTN48-5tp IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 10 YEARS' TIME OR MORE Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut Ave, Ashland Ave. 7th Ave. 10th St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; L. 2, B..2; with riparian rights, IL. 4, B. 5: L. FOR RENT--NEW house. G. F. Gonsalves, 746 Elm St. Telephone Winnetka 62. 2LTN50-1tc 3 WANTED--TO0 RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED 7 or 8 room house, for six months or J 1 ; inni § ; $ and t, BO: LW 10and 12 B10: | Golgper 1. Tel. Winnetka 878. © » B. y La y B, 11. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. BLN te 1LTN29-tfe | WANTED TO RENT--IN WINNETKA for winter or longer, furnished 9- 5-Room House, $8,500 room house. Phone Winnetka 794. 219-13TH ST. FINE CHANCE TO LO- Jip cate in Wilmette for small sum.| WANTED--UNFURNISHED 7 OR § Monthly payments $50 and interest. room house for one year or more, Good neighborhood of well kept starting Sept. 15 or Oct. 1st. Tel. homes among trees. Owner moved Winn. 866. 3TN43-tfc to New York, left key with Miss King, 1126 Central Ave., 2nd floor. A 1LTN50-1te FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 7-ROOM BRICK | 8T27-1te FOR RENT--2 LARGE, LIGHT FUR- nished rooms; single or in suite; pri- vate bath; near N. 7. 'H, 8S. and transportation. Tel. Winn. 1543. SLTN50-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS; suite two rooms; also two single rooms; gentlemen preferred. Tel. Winn. 1201. 8TN27-1tp FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS; ONE OR two ladies; kitchen privileges if de- sired. Reasonable. 973 Cherry St. 8T27-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM 1130 Oakwood Wil. 3014 or SLT50-1tp for couple or 2 men. Ave.,, Wilmette. Tel. University 7607. CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. SLT1-tfe TO RENT--2 LARGE ROOMS; WEST side Wilmette; near transportation; garage if desired. Address Life, 303. WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE nurse to care for 1% year old baby; permanent position for right person. Tel. Winn. 247. 11T27-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, 2 adults in family, no laundry. Phone Highland Park 1862. 11TN27-1tp WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework, 2 days a week. Tel Winn. 638:J. 11T27-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework, family of four, 821 Foxdale Avenue. 11T27-1te HELP WANTED-- MALE AND FEMALE WANTED--A REAL ESTATE SALES- man or saleswoman; previous ex- perience unnecessary; must have a car. Good opportunity for right party. HEINSEN & KROLL, Inc. Winnetka 254 566 Center (form. W. R. R. Ave) 12L'TN50-1te 12 13 SITUATION EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR WITH references wishes employment and is willing to do other work. Charles Franklin, care of A. J. Metzel, Syca- more Place, Highland Park. 13L/TN50-1tp SITUATION WANTED--IN PRIVATE home; can drive car; experienced in WANTED--MALE general house cleaning. Tel. Doug- las 3467. 13LTN50-1tp RELIABLE MAN WANTING GAR- dening and housework by the hour, can furnish best references. Tel Winn. 2011. 13T25-3te 16-YEAR-OLD BOY DESIRES POSI- tion where he can gain storage bat- tery experience. Address Life, 307. 13LTN50-1tp WANTED--POSITION AS HOUSEMAN and gardener. References. Tel. Win, SLTN50-1tec 2055. Call evenings. 13T27-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; |SITUATION WANTED--AS FURNACE private family; gentleman preferred. man and day work for the winter. Call Winnetka 1686. 8T19-tfc Tel. Glen. 530. 13TN27-1te FOR RENT--ROOM, WITH OR WITH- HONEST RELIABLE MAN WANTS board; also table room for four. 731 10th St. SLTN49-2tp FOR RENT--ROOM IN FRIVATE family, with bath. Tel. Glen. 805. SLTN50-1te out board. Indian Hill Station. Tel. any kind of work with living quar- Winn, 287. 8T27-1tp ters. Tel. Winn. 1443. 13LTN50-1te FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM WITH |14 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry; also wet wash. Will call for and de- liver. 418 Prairie Ave. Tel. Wil 1351. 14LT50-4tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. Telephone Winn. 712. SLTN50-1te 9 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS LADY WOULD LIKE TO GET IN touch with refined Christian family in Winnetka that would be inter- ested in receiving into the home life as paying guests, two high school students, brother and sister, 16 and 18 years old respcetively. Prefer home where there are students in family. refinement and culture is desired and offered. For details, address Mrs. Leila M. Blomfield, lecturer, 640 one or more Association of Sheridan Road, Chicago. Tel. Grace- land 7258. 9T27-1tp WANTED -- NICE FAMILY OR boarding school for 5-year old girl; near North Shore Health Resort. Address 308 Winnetka Talk. 9T27-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN - for GLENCOE OWING TO INCREASING BUSINESS in Winnetka and Highland Park, we find it necessary to place a man in 10 Glencoe to handle this territory ex- clusively. An experienced man familiar with the territory, whose record and reputation measure up to our stand- ard, can make a profitable connec- tion with us at this time and is in- vited to consult in confidence with the Manager of-our North Shore De- partment. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Fountain Square, Evanston University 2600 10T26-2te WANTED--YOUNG MAN IN OLDEST established real estate office in Win- netka, to make himself generally useful and learn the business or good opening for experienced sales- man. Call 788 Elm St. 10TN27-1te WANTED---HIGH GRADE AUTO ME- chanic. Wersted Motor Company. Tel. Winn. 165. 10LLTN50-1te 11 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL FOR OFFICE POSI- tion; must be able to take short- hand. Apply at Winnetka Coal and Lumber Co., 823 Spruce St, Win- netka. 11LTN-1te WANTED--STEADY AND DINNER waitress. Tel. Wil. 1826. Wilmette Food Shop, 417% Fourth Street, Wilmette. 11LTN50-1te FOR RENT--625-11TH STREET; 4- FOR SALE--5-ROOM ENGLISH HSE.; modern apartment; 4 rm. atl; ready for occupancy October 1st; janitor service; A EA i heats fireplace; tile and built-in-bath;| R. Tel. Wilmette 2399 : hard wood trim; oak floor; sun rm.; : : © 4LTN49-3tc beamijout shrubbery; lot 57x179; hot water heat; 2 blocks from St. P.| FOR RENT -- 6-ROOM FLAT: HOT depot; fare 1lc to loop; easy terms; water; stove heat, 269 Linden Ave. for quick sales, $9,250. F. W. Russo,| Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 554. ! Deerfield, Ill 1LTN50-1te OWNER LEAVING TOWN MUST SELL 6-ROOM FRAME RESI- dence in S. E. Winnetka, splendidly built, grade and high schools, gar- age, garden, large oaks. Priced at $15,000. Phone Winnetka 1226 1LTN50-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6 RM. |S houses; new; big lots; close to trans., lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd. 2 blks. west of Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc FOR SALE--5-ROOM HOUSE; FUR- 4TN27-1te FOR RENT --3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment; private bath; hot water heat. Tel, Wilmette 935-M. 4LT50-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OW- fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winnetka 62. 4L/TN43-tfc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room for one or two gentlemen or married couple, employed; also 2- car garage. 1815 Walnut Ave. Wil- mette. Phone Wilmette 2928. SLT50-1tp nace heat; North Evanston; $6,500; FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOMS small cash payment; balance like in east side home; near all transpor- rent. Tel. Wil. 732-7. 1LTN50-1tc tation. Tel. Wil. 1940. SLTN50-1te WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO assist with housework in return for room, board and some pay. Mrs. Guy Reed. Wil. 781-W. 11LTN50-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl to assist with housework and care for one child in small family. Tel. Glencoe 871. 11LTN50-1te WANTED--COOK AND SECOND MAID to help with children. No colored. Tel. Winn. 986. 11LTN50-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN... 3 IN family; references required. Tel. Wil. 3010. 11LTN50-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL OF- fice work. Wersted Motor Company. Tel. Winn. 165. 11LTN50-1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED NURSERY governess. Tel. Winn. 58. 11LTN50-1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED COOK & waitress; best wages. Tel. Winn. 58. 11LTN50-1te TEL. 121 WIN- 11TN27-1te WANTED--A COOK. netka. FRENCH WOMAN SEEKS SITUA- tion as nursery governess. Will do fine needlework, $20 per week. Ref- erences. Address 311 Winnetka Talk. 14T27-1tp REFINED WHITE WOMAN WITH one child wants position as house- keeper or maid. Tel. Wil. 713-J after 7 P.M. 17LTN50-1tp SITUATION WANTED--EXPERIENC- ed laundress for Tuesday and Wed- nesday; prefer machine. Tel. Uni- versity 2764-J. 14L'TN50-1te SITUATION WANTED -- WILL DO curtains, luncheon sets, etc. Will do plain sewing at home; also catering. Tel. Wil. 3206. 14LTN50-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRY TO TAKE home. Tel. Wil. 2708. 229 Nanzig Ave. 14T27-1te WILL TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN evenings. Tel. Winn. 1867 after 5:30. 14T27-1tc WANTED TO BUY---SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Sore, onest Mmertson St., ton, kL one L, Byers on 17TLTN24-tfc 18 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--S8-CYLINDER, 7-PASSEN- ger Peerless sedan; Houidaille shock absorber, seat cover, spring cover, five new Firestone balloon tires 7.20; machinery, upholstery, all in perfect condition, $2,000. Selling on account of owners serious ill- 720 Lin- ness. John M. Henderson, coln Ave. Winnetka. Tel. 1819. *. 10LTN50-1te Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 18LTN42-tfe DEPENDABLE USED CARS FOR SALE--RECEIVED IN TRADE on new Dodge Brothers and Wills Sainte Claire Motor cars. WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, Ill 18LTN49-1te FOR SALE -- OLDSMOBILE; GOOD- looking; good running condition; will take $100 for quick sale. Call me for further details. Wil. 485. 18LTN50-1te FOR SALE--BUICK 6 TOURING; 1919 5-passenger; in excellent condition; god buy. Tel. Winn. 599-R. 18T27-1te TOURING; FOR SALE--NASH 1923 FOR SALE--RAUSCH-LANG ELEC- tric, including Huertner generator, $500. Tel. Wil. 1992. 18LTN50-1te 19 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--LARGE WHITE BASSEN- ette with canopy, $35; white ward- robe, lined in blue, $20; scales, $5; four bedspreads for twin beds, $3 each: two double spreads; winter coat, good condition, size 16 or 18, $35; pink taffeta dress, 14 or 16, $25; like new. Tel. Wil. 2090. 19LTN50-1te FOR SALE LARGE, COAL BLACK, PERFECT, very rare Belgian Police (Shephard) Dog. Handsome, affectionate, intel- ligent male. Ideal watch-dog and playmate. House broken and well trained. Apply 854 Cherry Street, Winnetka, Illinois. 1 FOR SALE--NICKLE PLATED BOY Scout bugle, never been used. y sending equipment and ice skates on shoes, size 9 (rockers); also com- plete equipment for mechanical Tel. Wil. 67 be- 19LTN50-1te ceptionally cheap. tween 6 and 8 P..M. Radio Bargain Neutrodyne 5-tube factory product. Walnut cabinet. Coast- to-coast record. Excellent tone. List $150. Without accessories $55. Winnetka 457. 19T27-1te WANTED--BY FIRST CLASS LAUN- dress, 3 or 4 days steady. Lincoln 3433 after 6 P. M. 14LTN50-1tp COMPETENT COLORED LAUNDRESS; experienced, wants steady position. Tel. Glencoe 987. 14LTN50-1te 15 SITUATION WANTED-- MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--COUPLE FOR general housework; exp.; will work separately. Tel. Lincoln 2616. 15LTN50-1tp A NEAT AND RELIABLE COLORED couple as cook and houseman. Phone University 5667. 15LTN50-1te 16 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--"ALL METAL" ELEC- tric washing machine, swing wring- er, gas heater underneath, price $25. Good condition. Single fumed oak davenport; breakfast set, 6 pieces, and 6x9 Congoleum rug. Phone Win- netka 296. 16TN27-1te FOR SALE--FART OF A COLLEC- tion from a private home, pictures, water colors, oils, bronzes and anti- ques. Can be seen at 646 Prospect Ave., Winnetka. 16LTN50-1te FOR SALE--FOUR POSTER bed complete, brass bed two tone walnut chifforobe, Gay buffet, walnut, books and oil paintings. 1045 Ashland Ave. Tel Wil. 2696 for evening appointments. 16LT50-1te EARLY ENGLISH DIN- SINGLE complete, Birk & FOR SALE FOR SALE--AT THRIFT SHOP OF of Woman's Library Club, 366 Park Ave., Glencoe; used clothing for men, women and children; furniture, bric- a-brac, books, etc, at prices; open week days from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Tel. Glencoe 26. 19LTN35-1te FOR SALE--NEW 3-TUBE RADIO receiving set. All parts are of prov- en quality. Neatly assembled in a walnut cabinet, 7x21. Price $55, in- cluding tubes. Will demonstrate any evening. Tel. Glencoe 403. 19TN27-1te FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL GROWN male Merle collie; splendid disposi- tion; excellent companion for child. Tel. Glenview 26R-2. Peg's Kennel, Winnetka Rd. 1% mile east Wau- kegan Rd. 19LTN50-1te FOR SALE--RELIABLE GAS STOVE, $20; mahogany color brass bed, con- tinuous post, $5; box springs, 12; wheel barrow, $3; lawn mower and basket, $4. Tel. Wil. 562. 19LTN50-1te SALE--LARGE NEW DOG house; also two long oriental run- ners; large overstuffed chair. Can be seen at 1123 Chatfield Road, Hub- bard Woods. Tel. Winn. 1252. 19LTN50-1te FOR SALE--FULL-SIZED UPRIGHT FOR piano; good condition; brown case, $250, also beaut. old-fash. mahg. bureau, $75. Must be sold by 20th; for appointment Tel. Winn. 955. 19LTN50-1te ing room chairs, table and serving |FOR SALE -- TWO NEW 5-TUBE tables; also mahogany floor lamp Neutrodyne radio sets; one equipped and small round living room table. with solid mahg. case and best loud Very reasonable. Tel. Wil. 2042. speaker; reasonable. Tel. Wil. 2351. 16LTN50-1tc 19TN27-1te FOR SALE--GAS RANGE; CLARK-|FOR SALE--9-TUBE HAYNES-GRIF- Jewell; oven heat regulated; cedar fin super-hetrodyne. Can be seen chest; ice-box. Tel. Winn. 724. N. any evening. Price $85. Tel. Glen. H. Brown. 16T27-1te 403. 19TN27-1te FOR SALE--ANTIQUE SPOOL PAT-|{FOR SALE--CHEAP; 5 DRESSES; tern full sized bed box springs and mattress, absolutely new. Phone Winnetka 462. 16LTN27-1tc size 38; shoes, size TAA. For des- cription telephone Winnetka 1262. 19TN27-1te FOR SALE--ONE LARGE ENGLISH oak buffet; dining room table and chairs. Tel. Glencoe 923. 16TN27-1tc BICYCLE FOR SALE--CHEAP. PH. Winnetka 514-R or inquire at 995 Oak Street. 19T27-1tp FOR SALE--KRAKAUER PIANO; AL- so Eclipse gas stove. Tel. Winn. 958. 368 Elder Lane. 16LTN50-1te FOR SALE--LARGE BOILER FOR house heating; cheap. C. F. M. Mil- ler. Tel. Winn. 1065. 19TN27-1te HAVE SOLD MY HOME; WILL SELL furniture and furnishings of six rooms. Tel. Wil. 1804. 16LTN50-1tc FOR SALE -- OIL BURNER COM- plete for small home, $100. Winnet- ka 1686. 19T24-tfe FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE, 6 chairs and serving 'table. Tel. Winnetka 1196. 16LTN50-1tc FOR SALE--FUR NECK PIECE, $10, cost $35. 1793. Tel. Winn, 19LTN50-1te Worn twice. 9T27-1te reasonable good condition; run 7,000 miles." Tel. 228. 302 Greenwood Ave. Glen- coe. 18SLTN50-1tp drawing work at high school. BEx- | adi kali i REE

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