Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 20 Sep 1924, p. 10

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10 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1924 LOUISE HOMER APPEARS IN NORTH SHORE RECITAL OCT. 15 Tickets for Artist Recitals Are Ready For the Subscribers ADAME, Louise Homer, the cele- brated contralto, will give a song recital at the New Trier high school on Wednesday evening, October 15. Inasmuch as this is one of the most extraordinary concerts ever given on the north shore the assembly hall will be sold out long before the concert date and, therefore, those who desire to hear Madame Homer should make arrange- ments at once. Notices regarding this series of art- ists' recitals of which Madame Homer's is the first, have already been sent out. Winnetka and Hubbard Woods sub- scribers are asked to call for their tickets at the Winnetka State as soon as possible. All other subscribers will receive their tickets by mail as soon as payment is made. At present there is a limited number of season tickets, which may be obtained from Mrs. Bessie Grant at the Winnetka State bank. club bridge parties every Wednesday are very well attended, and a week from Saturday, September 27, there will be a club dance. The Skokie club Harvest Home dance will take place September 27. The North Shore club is having most successful luncheons and bridge parties every Wednesday. There is a large attendance and great enthusi- asm prevails among the members. Pivot games take place the last Wed- nesday of each month. Winnetka Woman's Club Resumes French Classes HE Winnetka Woman's club is to be congratulated as it opens its tenth season of French classes and conferences under the able direc- tion of M. George Cauult. M. Cauult is widely known through his school, LaFrancaise. As one of the most in- teresting French lecturers of Chicago and the north shore, he has won the sincere. gratitude of many Winnetka women 'who have been in his classes for years. Because of the interest he has awakened and the help he has given both struggling beginners and Woman's Club to Begin New Season with a Tea HE Wilmette Woman's club, of which Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline is president, will have its formal opening October 1, when a tea will be given for the members and their friends. Each person is to bring a gift which is to be given to the Economy shop. There will be stunts, music, and a general good time. The doors will be opened at two o'clock. Women Hockeyites Open New Season Wednesday HE Winnetka Field Hockey club will open its third season of play on Wednesday, September 24. The club now numbers 39 members, with two full hockey teams and sub- stitutes, and is a member of the Chi- cago Field Hockey association, which it was instrumental in founding. Last year, the club played two or more games with each of the clubs in that association, namely, the Hockey clubs . of Lake Forest, Evanston, Lincoln Park and Midway--and lost but one game during the season. They also lost one game to the North Shore Country Day school girls, but wiped the defeat away in a later match. Practice will be held this year on Mondays and Wednesdays at 3 o'clock and on Saturday mornings at 9 o'clock. The Indian Hill Park field, near the Indian Hill station, has beene secured for play and it is hoped that the club will thus avoid the difficulties with floods encountered last year on the Skokie. The club is to have the benefit of instruction from an English coach at the afternoon practices, be- ginning October 12. Any woman in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods, or Kenil- worth, interested in joining the club, may learn all particulars by telephon- ing the president, Mrs. Robert Brown, at Winnetka 1755. Women who have never played before are eligible for the second team. Sticks and shin guards may be purchased at Taylor Hardware store. Officers of the club are as follows: Mrs. Robert Brown, president; Mrs. Preston Boyden, vice president; Mrs. William Laing, sec- retary-treasurer; Mrs. Sebastian Hin- ton, captain of first team; Mrs. Rob- ert Brown, manager; Miss Virginia Miller, captain, second team; Mrs. H. Urion, manager; Committee heads: Mrs. M. Dickinson, Mrs. H. F. Tenney, Mrs. W. G. Harvey. This official notice to club members-- "Please come Wednesday, this week, at 3 o'clock, at Indian Hill field. IN NOTRE DAME The great bells of historic Notre Dame de Paris, once pulled by Quasi- modo, the hero of Victor Hugo's novel, "Notre Dame de Paris," now are rung by electricity. KENILWORTH HAPPENINGS Miss Cornelia Keith, 310 Warwick road, entertained her evening bridge club Tuesday. ---- Jack Lockett, 66 Essex road, left this week to enter the freshman class at Yale. What Kitchen Aid RE 3 Ly For the especial benefit of new sub- d dustudante, tb ti § scribers the dates and artists for this BC sii Re pare. o bes hae | Will Do for Y Dowell npr Wo Mass proval. It is the hope of the club that z 9) ill Do for ou i R13 many north shore women will find & . . = follows : . : Z Mixes dough for bread, cakes, pie, gin October 15 : time to take advantage of these fine EER Re te roller ete, 4 ctober 15-.......... Louise Homer E led 14 g November 4 Ossip Gabrilowitsch opportunities to acquire a Knowicqge AN 2 Mashes potatoes--two or two dozen, to Pebruaty 10 Sg oid W W. h of French language and literature. a tty fiuftiness. March 3 Patt earls eed Makes mayonnaise (drops or sa os . : . , Or as ma Ivogun. Friends-in-Group Aids graqualiyy, one.eup S in Defense Test Work Dente Supy spd Jomgsi patter for pen- Women Golfers Busy with HE Friends-in Council, a north Whips cream or evaporated milk, Man Late eason shore organization, proved itself meringues, icings, ete. vents , i i ient: ONSIDERING the 1 to be most worthy in the Defense Creams various other ingredients. the ateness 2 of Day preparations and activities. Miss Beats and creams fudge, fondants, etc. $sa500) when golfing activities | Austin Stanley, vice president, as- With attachment, it fresess kee a . ol Fens to a close, the var-|sisted with fifty other women from Shethels, Monts ay pe meat, 1ous oy 3 along the north shore are various clubs of Chicago, served sand- It grinss cofies, gins ce, chops ? gy ably busy and making up for|wiches to the men mobilized in Grant RUS, (TaiNNS So Direls, through a Ane ns pened by the excessive-| Park, and other members of the ad rueing Soups, ¥ ng and summer. "Friends" took part in various ways. 3 i 1 " Teats p tr 1 auce. It is not necessary beat Shake last Week thee hie] ts Mrs. William Lawton is president. igh Togo the apples. This adds D1 oresome, wi rs... immeasurably to the flavor. Zinke, Mrs. E. P. Bartlett, and Mrs i i : y Bn : . age It slices potatoes (to any desired thin pi Godfrey Phillips starring. Putting Daughters of British WAN 4 P events also featured. Next week, to Empire Arrange Bazaar Cuts shortening in pastry. follow up this week's choice score on : we And it will retain the temperature second nine played twice, there will HE Daughters of the British (either hot or cold) of whatever product be medal play, a first and second low Empire will hold the first gather- it is mixing. 8 play, "y I = 3 d ! net prize to be awarded to players ing of the season at the LaSalle All of this it will do--and more! not winning a prize during the season. | hotel, on Thursday. The annual ba- = In the afternoon, a putting contest |zaar will take place in November; and : ) p g will take place. on September 29, the corner stone of At North Shore, this week, there|the British Old People's home at was an interesting event entitled [River Forest will be laid. Sostme day when all members ap- peared garbed in costumes represent- 3 " ing a wide range of Se and Musical Club to Open hs 4 originality of design. The event Season September 29 ot on uic er-not on easier was decidedly successful and the HE North Shore: Musical chib ' prize for the best dressed member WAS : t was awarded to Miss Mary Doland will meet September 29, at the who came attired ast a Chinese home of Mrs. Orval Simpson, 932 woman. To the most attractival Tower road, Yinnetka, She odor ga ut ette ER eS. etter gowned guest, who was Mrs Ty to begin its sixth year of successful / 1 9 4 . ' . > : . 1 J 4 Kingsbury, a prize also was given. music work. She came as Pierott. 4 > : id : ie 3 Mrs. R. C. Boozer captured the p oY Kitchen Aid saves time and work, and produces much mixing accomplishes a most gratifying result, without the p ; ; Ve prize for low net. Next week a two- py THE NS better results in the preparation of foods than any human element of failure that so often follows hand methods. It some will be played for the best ball, [F===" SgHI\VGRL| FPF """" can. No cake stirred by hand will compare with a Kitchen is mostly a matter of turning the switch and letting and, incidentally, the contest for the : NE J : Aid cake, which is so much more thoroughly and evenly Kitchen Aid do the work. club championship will be in progress. !u A 1 beaten that it comes out of the oven extra fine in texture, Kitchen Aid mashes potatoes to a tempting rich light- ' This match will undoubtedly be com- : : wondrously light and fluffy, truly delicious. ness impossible to achieve by hand. It beats in much pleted next week, as the only remain- | F Il Motor Tours 1 Many long minutes devoted to stirring pound cakes, ove milk than mashed potatoes ordinarily take. ing contestants ale, Mrs. H. H. Har-|u a 1 angel food, sponge cake and cup cakes by hand are saved Consid tn the Ust of Kitchen Aid accomplishments rison and Mrs. A. D. Collins. 3 Septem! d October dure pre ' for other tasks. And they are strired just as long as you onsider again the list ot hatchen p 0) At Sunset Ridge, the best ball fore- |} de PM Touring. Jn op sx A like without tiri See how it picks out the hard tasks, the arm-aching, Bilfjse SO ost Jallyore |Y Bion CEE eg : Hes Jr iontating "you fe: . nerve-disturbing, time-wasting drudgery, and all those some was won by Mrs. S. Edwin |8 sated when cool] Joa free com- The secret of good mayonnaise is to secure quick emul- o¢ Vv h g, ) : g ay in tl doi Farle and Mrs. D. Price, in the firgt |] « JONADY S00 emsiomioh is 0. sifying which on Kitchen Aid is insured by the automatic bin at have 0 Shen Wh ho an a a one place. In the second place, Mrs. J.|u Serr Weagesany. Priday "and 1 slow dripping of oil into the rapidly whipped mixture. thethjjor you ike Look Wola Ynon raw Or. Mustake. 2 W. Macy and Mrs. Mellen Martin : ' Supt Ys daysl is 850 : Adding the lemon or vinegar with desired condiments The turn of an electric switch,--that's your part of were ynne The prize for os H as Sunday. 4 expenses 1 right into the mixing bowl, and rapid, sure, mechanical the work. The rest is left to Kitchen Aid. one making tewest putts was awarded | 8 cluded. 1 days)....81706 fo rs Gerald Burnham. g } Clgely Tou en to Njagara Fai Now 1 ® ® Next week, there will be Blind|y York. JAuante C 7 Wasa 8 Bogey play. 2H ie A : includes all expens:s except meals. y Indian Hill had "Choice of Partner's i A few reservations open for Fighteen Hole Score" this week.|y tours leaving Sunday, Sept. 28 4 Next week, there will be Match play - and Oct. 12. 1 against par. Social events have been |, : . quite numerous at this club. Mrs. H. | 1 TRADE MARK REGISTERED T. Turner gave a luncheon and bridge : : y on Thursday, and on Tuesday, of this| H as ome to t e O rt O Y 8 week, Mrs. W. S. Taylor gave ala 1 luncheon for twenty guests. Next : Gray Line Motor, Tours Co. : : 2 week, there will be Judith Boddie's tea | g 12 So; Ja. ate. 3250 1 While Kitchen Aid has only recently come to the North Shore, it is not 7 and Mrs. Green's luncheon. The Usual lu um mm me mm mm mm mm mm ---------------- Wi : : new, not untried. Representative homes on the North Shore have used y at Leading Magazines Kitchen Aid for two years or more and regard it as indispensable. It is Say About Kitchen Aid in daily use, many times a day, in thousands of homes, in many cities in the a United States. yest . IN THE LADIES HOME JOUR- iiss : 1 : §f All the Facilities of a Great Metropolitan School NAL Test Kitchen, Kitchen Aid was £ In Dayo Ohio, Rigen Aid as jot iaduced two yeas ago Withou . . : : ut through every possible test an advertising and now, sim throu nthusiastic owners and users tellin, of Music are Available m Your Neighborhood Peta itself so perfectly that in their ri Bg you will fod Ee Aid in. homes ha every Boi es He jens, Ah an gine throughout the city--north, south, east, west. ; p) The 24th vear of COLUMBIA SCHOOIL, OF MUSIC devoted to telling the readers about 2 Largs a mach oes of Kitchen Aid type are in Sogy day use in te > . r it and what it could do. nest hotels in the United States, many of them in Chicago, with this sses INNETKA ) ; Sart : es, Xi £0, wit y opens September 15, and classes in the WIN IRR ; : obvious justification: Kitchen Aid saves time and labor, and being infalli- BRANCH will resume on that date GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Institute : : ; . : subjected Kitchen Aid to every test bly accurate does away with the cooking failures. 3 < : : known to Kitchen requirement with Note again, at the top of this advertisement, what Kitchen Aid _4*® Private and class lessons. Piano, key board harmony, the same satisfactory results. They | ill do for you. Don't you want to know more about Kitchen Aid, ,4#* sight reading and ear training. ave E 2 : this almost magic electrical machine--what it is; what it oo The TRIBUNE Institute had the does ; how it solves your problem. Not what we say, but, Pid same experience ang Sove Sitnagt for example, reprints of the editorial articles from ,#* > or COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC A BURR de newspapers and magazines? ~° Ras : ISOTIA Send the coupon today for information. Rad oS Ye MODERN PR JL roving , 2 X A ; Pls ees Sheri J 0 | SRO ORNG REED Dhess plant sopeel be sytimat and | Troy Metal Products Con, 7" oo incoin Avenue elephone innetka ers the country over have adde Cd 0S (3 their endorsements. Troy, 0. ~° o- o° a 3 he ' 3 KATHLEEN AIR, Principal : The September issue of HOUSE > od' oS md wo i Katherine P. Hedglin, Mary Esther Winslow, BEAUTIFUL Magazine has com- ol RT © oo . . s mented on the virtues of Kitchen ) N »* o £ &¢ 5%. Phyllis M. Kellogg, Teachers in Charge Aid at some length. o*' Ne CF a Ld (3) < Cid i . CHARM has the same favorable 6 > . as re MAIN SCHOOL, 509 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago comments to make on Kiichen Aid ' > & RS ot . in @ sditorial i its accom- & -* Telephone Harrison 5930 in an editorial Teview of its ace Sa ET . » ANTE) Students in Branch Schools are entitled to all the free ad- Ask for names of users on the ood Pa aE ne Be A vantages offered by Columbia School of Music. North Shore, Re Ry zi or) er ; ' °° © oF os Eee # 5

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