12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1924 Carroll Ridgway, Inc. "The Store for Children" TUESDAY SEPT. 23 DOI.LAR D AYS WEDNESDAY A few of the many bargains for $1.00-- 3 pr. Hose Bloomers Blouses Suit Underwear Blue Serge Caps Wash Trousers Wool 34 Sox BIG SAVINGS IN Dresses Hats . Sweaters Shoes Take this opportunity to inspect our new line of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING TWO STORES Coats Suits Evanston 619 DAVIS STREET University 3511 Wilmette 1120 WILMETTE AVE. No Phone Orders Filled Wilmette 311 A Rule of Transportation for the North Shore STRAIGHT line is the shortest distance between two points-- and a fast and comfortable line is the best. That character- izes the service of the North Shore Line between any two points on the North Shore. Local, express and fast limited service is carefully arranged to meet the requirements of North Shore citizens. With double-tracked, stone-ballasted roadbed, the latest steel equip- ment, including dining and parlor-observation cars, and an operating personnel picked for efficiency and courtesy, the North Shore Line is a real transportation factor of the North Shore. It is more than a coincidence that the name of the North Shore Line is the same as the territory it serves, for it is identified in every way with the interests of the North Shore. And when residents of every community from Chicago to Milwaukee refer to the North Shore Line as "our line", we are proud of the co-ownership implied. Fast, frequent trains from the heart of Chicago, the Loop, to the heart of Milwaukee serve every intermediate city and town. Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Winnetka Passenger Station Elm Street Telephone Winnetka 963 North Shore Merchandise "Despatch Service Opver-night service for shippers between every important point on the North Shore Line. Merchandise received up to 6 p. m. delivered the next morning. Through service to Sheboygan, Burlington, Watertown and all points on the Milwaukee Northern R.R. and T.M. E.R. & L. For rates, deliveries, etc., write or telephone local North Shore agent, or Traffic Department: Chicago office, 72 West Adams St., phones 3 State 5723 and Central 8280; Milwaukee office, 403 Security Bldg., . 'phones Grand 990 and Grand 2762. Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company SE OCIAL CTIVITIES Eastern Star to Give Card Party T= Winnetka Chapter of the Eastern Star and the Winnetka Temple club will give a card Temple on Monday evening, September 22, at 8 o'clock. party and dance at the Masonic Bridge and Five Hundred will be played and refreshments served. Tickets may be procured from the following: Mrs. Jacob Replogle, 910 Oak street, Winnetka 1416; Mrs. J. Franklin Nelson, 314 Walden road, Winnetka 1190; Adams Pharmacy, and Mrs. Lloyd Hollister, 813 Pine street, Winnetka 1609. Louise Gertrude Schafehen Becomes Bride R. and Mrs. J. Schafehen announce the marriage of their daughter, Louise Gertrude, to John F. Zelle, September 10, at the Sacred Heart church, Hubbard Woods. After a wedding trip to New York, and various points in the east, Mr. Zelle and his bride will make their home in St. Louis Announce Engagement at Bridge Luncheon T a bridge luncheon, 'given by Mrs. Paul G. Turner on Sep- tember 6, the engagement of Miss Sylvia Esther Turner to Harvey N. Bowen of Wilmette, was announced. The wedding date has not been set. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Newburgh of 832 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, announce the engagement of their --Reick Studio Miss Marjorie Newburgh daughter, Marjorie, to Clarence Ed- inger, of Winnetka. The wedding will take place in the spring. ----Q-- Mrs. Albert H. Weber, 826 Chest- nut avenue, Wilmette, is assisting Mrs. Claire More with the tables for the benefit bridge party to be given Tuesday, September 30, for the Illi- nois League of Women Voters at Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormick's home. This is the first time Mrs. McCormick has opened her entire home to any function of this nature, it is stated. ---- The announcement which appeared in the paper several weeks ago, stat- ing that Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Fowle of the Kenilworth Inn had moved to Buffalo, was in error. Mr. and Mrs. Fowle and their sons are still at the Kenilworth Inn, ---- The Willow street circle will have its first meeting of the winter at the home of Mrs. George Devenmuehle, 526 Willow road, on October 14, at 11:30 o'clock, with a buffet luncheon. Miss Leigh Gerard will be assisting hostess. --C-- Mr. and Mrs. William Morse of 433 Provident avenue are back from their summer home at Pelican Lake, Wis- consin, and report a wonderful season for fishing, having, at one time, in a Spake of two hours, caught forty-three fish. --Q-- Mrs. Emma Miller and her daugh- ter, Florence, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Burt Brown of 618 Willow street, for the past week have gone to their home in Marne, Michigan. ---- Miss Harriet Thomas of Newport, Rhode Island, is visiting her niece, Mrs. David Kennicott of 1111 Spruce street. Mrs. Kennicott gave a tea for her on Sunday evening, and a lunch- eon on Tuesday of this week. --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boulter and children of 706 Foxdale avenue have returned from northern Wisconsin, where Mrs. Boulter, with her children, have been spending the summer. ---- Mr. and Mrs. William A. Otis of 644 Oak street have returned from the south, where they spent the month of August. =--=0-- . Mrs. Arthur Dean, and her sons, Fuller and Louis, of 441 Willow road, are back from a two weeks' vacation at Lake Mills, Wisconsin. --C---- Mrs. Paul Williams, 487 Ash street, entertained at luncheon and bridge, on been Friday, at her home. Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. Nels Peter Anderson, of 809 Michigan avenue, Evanston, formerly of Wilmette, for the marriage of their daughter, Mary Catherine, to Robert P. McArdle, of 111 Broadway, Wil- mette. The ceremony will take place Wed- nesday morning, October 1, at ten o'clock, at St. Francis Xavier church, Wilmette, with the Rev. Francis Cle- ment Kelley, D.D. Ph.D. Bishop-elect of Oklahoma, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Patrick Griffir. A wedding breakfast for the im- mediate members of both families and the bridal party will follow at the Evanston hotel. Miss Anderson will have as her at- tendants: Miss Georgia Marks, maid of honor; Miss Mary Hartnett, Miss Eleanor Aubere, Miss Angela Koenig and Miss Mary McArdle, bridesmaids. Edward McArdle will serve his brother as best man, and the ushers will be Vincent Sheridan, George R. Anderson, Frank Cullen and Thomas McArdle. Miss Anderson entertained her bridesmaids at a luncheon at her home on August 16. Several affairs have been given for Miss Anderson. Miss Eleanore Aubere entertained in her honor, at a tea and shower on September 7. Miss Helen Bichl and Miss Rosa Miller gave a luncheon and bridge at the North Shore club, Wednesday, September 10, and Miss Mary Hart nett, on September 14, gave a tea and shower. There will be two others. On Sat- urday, September 20, Miss Lillian Phelan is having a bridge party, while Miss McArdle will give a luncheon and bridge for Miss Anderson on Sep- tember 27, at the McArdle home in Wilmette. --C-- Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Walsh of 1170 Scott avenue have returned from spending July and August at Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Walsh, who have been living in the Richard Walsh house, during their absence, have moved into their new home on Dinsmore road. --Q-- Dr. and Mrs. Edwin O. Sullivan and family of 550 Ash street have re- turned home from Minneapolis, Min- nesota, where they had motored to at- tend the wedding of Miss Ruth Mec- Crea, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McCrea of Minneapolis, and Frank Elmer Hall of Winnipeg, Canada. ---- Miss Harriet Plowman of 421 Lin- den avenue has departed for Van- dalia, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, where she will resume her studies for the winter. Her grandmother, Mrs. Sweet, arrived home last week from a long stay in California. ---- The Walden Road circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Stanley Simpson, 794 Walden road, Monday, September 22, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Guy Stuart Bailey will entertain with a group of songs. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Anderson and their sons, Elbridge and Owen, of 565 Willow road have returned by motor from Mackinaw City, where they spent a few weeks. -- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Woodward of 565 Sheridan road are back from Champion, Michigan, where they have sojourning for the last two months. Ce The James Porters of Hubbard Woods are expected to return to the village next week from their Euro- pean trip, which included visits in Norway, Iceland, England and France. ------ Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Young of 708 Prospect avenue have returned from their summer home at Sayner, Wis. ples The A. M. Ferrys of Ash street have returned from Whitehead, Michigan. Ww