Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 20 Sep 1924, p. 19

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*» AY pp { ~~ = > > WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1924 19 "LET A WANT AD SELL YOUR HOME a. mr ---- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE apers. 20 cents per line in all three 50c. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. { . Classified advertisements will be ac- D eadline for I nsertions--. i.q up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 1% o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Ss FOR RENT--ROOMS 13 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 16 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR RENT--A PLEASANT ROOM with small family. Use of kitchen if desired. Prefer young woman employed. Phone Winnetka 690. 8T28-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS; suite two rooms; also two single rooms; gentlmen preferred. Tel. Winn. 1201. 8TN28-1tp RELIABLE MAN WANTING GAR- dening and housework by the hour, can furnish best references. Tel Winnetka 2011. 13T25-3tc HONEST, RELIABLE MAN WANTS any kind of work with living quar- ters. Tel. Winn. 1443. 13LTNb51-1tc 14 SI"UATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISH- ed room; near transportation. Tel. Glencoe 923. 8TN28-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED . ROOM; private family; gentleman preferred. Call Winnetka 1686. 8T19-tfe : - - ; 8 Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-200 5 A TTEDI TO REE Coons -- TEACHER WISHES ATTRACTIVE . room in private home, walking dis- 1 REAL ESTATE 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES tance to North Avenue; preferably with breakfasts. Evanston 5496. ° 9T28-1te East Winnetka For Rent A YOUNG WOMAN TEACHER IN Winnetka wants to go shares wit ATTRACTIVE, GOOD AS NEW, 6-RM.|§_ ROOM BRICK COLONIAL RESI- another woman having an apart- Colonial, heated sun and glazed slb.| gence (new). Hot water heat; im-| ment, or to find one together. Ev- pchs., hot water heat, tile bath, im-| jedjate poss. Ridge Ave. $100.00.| anston 5496. 9T28-1tc mense south front, beautiful wood- 6-rm. frame residence, furnace ed lot. Garage. Only $22,500. heat, large lot, fruit and shade]|10 HELP WANTED--MALE o trees, immediate poss. Ridge Ave. " Heinsen & Kroll Ine $60.00. WANTED--MAN FOR GARDENING 9 0 6-rm., sun and sleeping porch, and general work, including fur- Sole Agents bath, hot water heat, possession nace and similar house work. All 556 Center St. Winn. 254 Oct. "1st, Winnetka ........ $150.00 year job. Call Saturday or Sunday (Form. W. R. R. Ave.) at 1350 Tower Road (North Ave.) 1LTN51-1te J Hl S lh fF & C Hubbard Woods or Tel. Winn. 183. o Mle DCINAECIEI Qo 10T28-1te o o 909 Ridge Avenue REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WITH Im Indian Hill Phone Wilmette 364 car, familiar with Winnetka, Hub- 2LTN51-1te bard Woods and Glencoe. Must be Protestant, Christian Scientist pre- Grounds TO RENT ferred. Address Life, 314. id 10LTN51-1te 7-RM. COLONIAL, CLAPBOARD, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, adj. lge. sun parlor, at $27,500. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Telehone Winnetka 1800 1LTN51-1te golf course, a genuine bargain IN WINNETKA BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE with two baths and two sun porch- es; choice location; close to shops and trains. October 1st. Tel. Mr. Foster, Dearborn 3730. 2LTN51-1te Southeast Winnetka MUST SELL 6-RM. FRAME IN choice neighborhood, schools and transportation, garage, garden and large oak tree. $15,000. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Telephone Winnetka 1800 1LTN51-1tc BUILDER !! FOR SALE--CHOICE VACANT; EAST side Winnetka; suitable for three homes; two blocks from transporta- tion; "196 ft.; $65 per ft. Owner wants to sell to reputable builder, who will build this fall or next spring. Address Talk 321. 1T28-3tc Owner Leaving City MUST SELIL« 1-YR. OLD SIX-RM. brick Colonial in N. E. Winnetka. Sun and sleep. porch, tile bath, lot 75x150, trees. $20,000. Phone Win- netka 1226. 1LTN51-1te FOR SALE--WINNETKA, east side, 6- room modern house, two blocks from transportation; steam heat; large sleeping and sun porches, new breakfast porch; Lovekin hot water heater; excellent condition through- out. Price $13,000. $3,000 cash and balance in easy payments. Address Wilmette Life, 316. No dealers. 1LTN51-3tp Elgin, IIL (ONE HOUR FROM THE LOOP.) Beautiful homes and improved acre tracts; also farms at bargain prices --(live in beautiful Fox River Val- ley District). Write or call for my offerings. Wm. H. Abelmann, 26-27 Home Bank Bldg. Elgin, Illinois. 1LTN48-5tp IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut Ave., Ashland Ave. 7th Ave, 10th St, lots 2, 7.and 10, B. 1; 1. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 5; L. sand 4, B, 3; L. 9 10 and 12, B. 10; 1. 5, B. 13; L. 1 and 3, B. 11. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. 1LTN29-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6 RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans, lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd. 2 blks. west of Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc FOR SALE--316 FT. ON GLENVIEW Road in Wilmette limits; large or- chard and 10-room home, recently remodeled; furnace heat; water and all modern improvements; will di- vide. Address Wilmette Life, 306. 1LT50-2tp WILL SACRIFICE ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS MY homesite in Ravinia Woods. Trans- portation and schools. All improve- ments. Address Life, 318. 1LTN51-1tp WANTED--LOT 50 TO 100 FT. IN Kenil. or Winn, at a bargain. Ad- dress Life, 317. 1LT51-1te CHOICE DEERFIELD LOTS AT special prices for the next ten days. Cosmas Bros, 1153 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 2694. 1LTN51-1te WILL CONSIDER TRADING MY 6- room new home on Cherry St. for vacant lot in Winnetka. Address Talk, 320. 1LTN5!-1te 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE TUN- furnished brick house; T7-rooms; glazed sleeping porch; glazed and heated sun room; lot 100x300; heav- ily wooded and shrubbed; conveni- ent to trains, school, and country driving; $130 per month. Oct. 1 oc- cupancy. 395 Milton avenue, Glen- coe. 2TN28-1tc FOR RENT--SEVERAL DESIRABLE Winnetka homes. From: five to eight rooms. Possession now. 3 QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. Prouty Building, Winnetka Winnetka 2199 2LTN51-1te FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE house; east side; tation; garage; SMALL near all transpor- electric light; gas; stove heat; lot 50x210; $65 per mo.; 2-year lease to responsible party. 418-10th street. Wilmette 2264. 2TN28-1tp FOR RENT--A WELL-FURNISHED house to responsible party, from Oct. 15 to May or June. 8 rooms; 2 baths. Rent reasonable to right party. Tel. Glencoe 851. 2LTN51-1te 6-ROOM BUNGA- TO -RENT--FURN. low; beautiful grounds; adults; veca- sonable. 540 Jackson Ave. Glen. 1024. 2LTN51-1te FOR RENT -- FOR WINTER; AT- tractive and convenient 7-room hse.; near schools and transportation. Winnetka 1910. 2T27-2te 3 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED--FIVE ROOMS OR MORE for housekeeping. Either cottage, old house, or apartment. Will pay $40 unheated, or $50 heated. Will take best offer. Address Life, 315. 3LTN51-1te 4 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--BY WIDOW, 7 FURN- ished rooms (entire 2nd fl. and kitchen and dining, room on 1st fl.) in her beautiful home one-half block from Sheridan Rd., Wilmette. Heat, light, etc. included at $135.00 per mo. to right party. Address Life, 319. 4LTN51-ite FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED living room, bedroom, kitchen and private bath. WILMETTE INN 11 HELP WANTED--FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATING is a desirable occupation for young women; the work is permanent, interesting and near home. Our oper- ators are well paid; they like their work and associ- ates. Vacations with pay are given each year, and a liberal benefit plan is pro- vided. Come to the office and talk it over with the Winnetka Chief Operator. Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 11LTN51-1te WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER; young girl fond of children, who wants good home in pleasant sur- roundings; good wages with in- crease if satisfactory. 1078 Elm Street. Tel. Winn. 666-J. 11LTN51-1te WANTED--SECOND MAID; FOND OF children, who will look after 2 school boys, 7-11; wait at table; neat, refined; ref. req. Tel. Winn. 1380. 1163 Scott Ave, Hubard Woods. 11LTN51-1te WANTED--A MAID; WHITE; IN family of three adults; light work; surroundings pleasant. Mrs. D. D. Fennell. Tel. Winn. 2183. 11T28-1te SECOND 565 or apply 1173 Hubbard Woods. 11T28-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT maid. Tel. Winn. Tower Rd. WANTED--GEN. HOUSEWORK GIRL; white; no laundry; ref. required. small family. Tel. Ken. 2610. 11TN28-1tp WANTED--2 GIRLS; GEN. HOUSE- work; no laundry; nurse; experience necessary; ref. Tel. Winn. 1087. 11TN28-1tc WANTED--WOMAN FOR GENERAL 726 11th Street Wilmette 1868 work and cooking; German pre- 4. TN51-1tc ferred; $80 per month. Tel. Glen- coe 903. 11LTN51-1te FOR RENT--625-11TH STREET; 4- rm. modern apartment; steam heat;| WANTED -- EXPERIENCED LAUN- janitor service; In-a-door bed in D. dress for Mondays. Have electric R. Tel. Wilmette 2399. washer and iron. Tel. Winn. 1843. 4LTN49-3tc 11TN28-1tc FOR RENT--6-ROOM FLAT; HOT|WANTED--GIRL TO HELP IN CARE water furnished; stove heat; room of baby and two-year-old boy; pre- for car; $50. 269 Linden avenue. Tel. 'ferably for half days. Tel. Win- Glencoe 554. 4TN28-1tc netka 927. 11T28-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF¥-| WANTED--COOK (WHITE), JOHN fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. R. Leonard, 861 Bryant Ave. Tel Winnetka 62. {LTN43-tfc Winnetka 121. 11TN28-1tc 2 § FOR RENT--GARAGES WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WAIT- ress; best wages. Winnetka 58. FJARAGE FOR RENT--TEL. WINN. 1TN28-1te 1038. 7T28-tfe WANTED -- MAID; WHITE; GEN. 8 FOR RENT--ROOMS work; 3 adults; laundress employed; FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR two; housekeeping if desired. Tel. evenings after 5 o'clock or Saturday and Sunday. Winn. 2231. 8TN28-1te FOR RENT--2 CONNECTING ROOMS, private bath and sleeping porch; can be used as kitchenefte apt. Kenilworth 1865. SLITN51-1te 2 LARGE FURNISHED FRONT rooms, south window, steam heat, hot water; east side, near transp. Tel. Wil. 1940. SLTN51-1tc VERY DESIRABLE ROOM NEAR ALL transportation and restaurants, per- sons employed. Winn. 1404. SLTN51-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--IA T, OUTSIDE rooms; for transients' and residents. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. SLT1-tfe FOR RENT--LARGE SUNNY FR(NT room; private home; central loca- tion. Tel. Wil. 965-M. SLTN51-1te FOR RENT--5-ROOMS; 2ND FLAT; $40; stove heat. 491 Madison Ave- nue, Glencoe. 8T28-1tp Tel. Winn. 1330. 11LT51-1te WANTED--A COMPETENT WHITE girl for gen. housework. Family of two. Wil. 931-J. 11LTN51-1te LADY, EXPERIENCED IN THE CARE of children, will take pleasure in conducting outings for pre-kinder- garteners from 2% to 4% years old. Hours from 9--11:30 every morning. Children will be called for and re- turned in a closed car. Charges rea- sonable, about 55¢ per day. Tel. Winnetka 2032. 14T28-1te REFINED NURSE, ACTIVE AND RE- liable, wants position as child's nurse, references. Address Talk, 313. 14T28-1tp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS large family wash at home. Can fur- nish good references. 284 Glencoe Road, Glencoe. 14TN28-1tc WANTED--BY TWO EXPERIENCED girls, situation taking care of chil- dren evenings. Phone Winn. 639-W. 14T28-1tc DRESSMAKING AND HAND SEWING to order. Call 916 Ash St., or Tel Winnetka 1758. J. B. Anderson. 14T28-2tp FRENCH GIRL, EDUCATED, NEW comer, wishes to care for children. Tel. Winn. 1261. 14T28-1tc WANTED--BY FIRST CLASS LAUN- dress, 2 or 3 days a week. Tel. Wil. 2240. 14TN28-1tc WANTED -- LAUNDRY 70 TAKE home. Tel. Wil. 2708. 229 Nanzig Ave. 14T28-1te EXP. LAUNDRESS; TUES. AND WED. Prefer machine. Tel. Univ. 2764-J. 5 P M 14LTN51-1te 15 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED BY COLORED MAN--POSI- tion as chauffeur or will accept posi- tion for both man and wife. Phone University 5667. 15LTN51-1tp FOR SALE--OLD ROSE DRAPES and tailored valance to fit windows 110 in. wide; also 3 panels net cur- tain; floor lamp and extra shades; All very reasonable, almost new. Tel. Winn. 938. 16T28-1te FOR SALE--EDEN WASHING MA- chine in good condition; original cost, $130; will sell for $50. Tel. Winnetka 680. 16TN28-1te FOR SALE--HIGH CHAIR AND CRIB 30x54; very reasonable. Phone Win. 551-M. 16T28-1tp FOR SALE--FLEMISH OAK DINING room table. Glencoe 632. Call at 780 Sheridan Road. 16T28-1te FOR SALE--DARK OAK BUFFET, $10. Tel. Winn. 1580. 16LTN51-1tec 17 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 17LTN24-tfe WISH TO PURCHASE A RUG 9x12. Tel. Glen. 702. 17LTN51-1te 18 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Clearance Sale GOOD USED CARS 1922 Buick: TOU, . vu. venersnns ..$425 1922 Chevrolet ....... cc vvieens $200 1919. Ford Toul. sav-vvrracwneee $50 1919 Ford. Del. cc vve + oieie me " $150 1920 Dodge TOUr. ...ecrecervnss $175 1923 Wills St. Claire ......... $1,500 WERSTED MOTOR CO. Dodge Bros. Dealers Tel. Winn. 165 18LTN51-1te FOR SALE--CHEVROLET SEDAN, 10 months old, in best of condition; looks like new; seat covers have never been off upholstery; complete equipment -- bumpers, motometer, spotlight, step plates, 5 good tires, seat covers, and large wheel with lock. Price $650. Glencoe 702. 18LTN35-1te 16 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--ONE RELIABLE WHITE enamel gas stove, $55; Thor electric wash. machine, $25; single white bed complete, $10; full sized brass bed and box spring, $15; one 3- burner oil stove, $18; one oak din- ing set, 8 pieces, $125. Iredale Fireproof Warehouse 560 Center Street, Winnetka 16T28-1tc FOR SALE--ONE UPRIGHT PIANO, one fumed oak library table, 2 hard enameled beds complete, oak dining table and 6 chairs, large mirror, one white enameled chiffonier, one step ladder, one heater, miscellane- ous. Tel. Winn. 1852. 966 Linden Avenue. 16LTN51-1te FOR SALE--LARGE PART OF FUR- nishings for 9-room house; Georgian period dining room set, antique four-poster bed, kitchen cabinet, porch furniture, and numerous other articles. 1012 Greenwood Ave. Tel. Wil. 2284. 16LTN51-1tc FOR SALE--1 DOUBLE IRON BED, springs and mattress, and one 3 iron bed, springs and mattress; 1 morris chair; 1rocker and 1 straight chair, all fumed oak and leather and one small fumed oak stand. Tel. Winn. 542-M. 16T28-1te Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 18LTN42-tfe FOR SALE--1924 5-PASSENGER OAK- land sedan; driven only 7,000 miles; looks like new; fully equipped. This is a bargain, terms if desired. Can be seen at our salesroom, 1141 Greenleaf. Wilmette North Shore Buick Co. Tel. Wil. 62. 18LTN51-1te FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN; NEW cord tires; motor just overhauled; now in excellent running condition; numerous accessories; price very at- tractive. Phone Winnetka 1248. 18TN28-1tp FOR SALE--STUDEBAKER SEDAN, 1922, light six; lots of extra equip- ment; actual mileage less than 14,000; best offer over $600 cash takes it. Tel. Kenilworth 2583. 18LTN51-1te FOR SALE--FORD COUPE, 1923 model. Tel. 9880. 18TN28-1tc _.- coe. 19 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS HAND CARVED ANTIQUE WALNUT bed; new box spring and hair mat- tress; walnut chest of drawers; com- mode; large mirror $200. Will sell separately. Tel. Rogers Park 1862. 16LTN51-1tp SELLING OUT--COMPLETE HOUSE furnishings; very reasonable. Tel. Wil. 1341, Tuesday Sept. 23. 623 Linden Avenue, Wilmette. 16LTN51-1te FOR SALE--CHICKERING PIANO AT fraction of original cost. Tel. Win. 672, or see owner at 541 Lincoln Ave.,, Winnetka. 16T28-1te FOR SALE--ELEC. RANGE, THREE plates, broiler, oven, excellent con- dition; bargain. Tel. University 8127. 16TN28-1te |' FOR SALE--T7-PIECE WALNUT DIN- ing room set; baby's play pen, jumper stand, and baby walker. Tel. FOR SALE--AIRDALE PUPPIES, 6 wks. old; male, $15. Inquire Gard- ener"s cottage, 640 Hill Road, Win- netka. 19LTN51-1te FOR SALE--BLACK SATIN CREPE dinner gown, ostrich trim, worn twice, very cheap. Tel. Wil. 2758. 19LTN51-1tp FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL BLACK Persian cat of fine pedigree. Also her blue Persian kitten. Phone Win. 237. 19LTN-1tp FOR SALE--CHEAP; 5 DRESSES; size 38; shoes, size TAA. For des- cription telephone Winnetka 2162. 19LTN-1tp FOR SALE--BEST QUALITY HUD- son-seal coat, full length, wed sleeves, late style, $75. el. inn. 1033. 19TN28-1te FOR SALE--LADY'S RANGER BI- WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. housework; no washing; other help kept. Winn. 1137. 11LTN51-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Tel. Glen. 11. Ref- erences required. 11LTN51-1tp LADY WANTED TO SEW IN TAILOR shop. Address Life, 312. 11LT51-1te WANTED--MALE EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND all around handy man will do gen- eral work and take care of furnace; permanent position, or work by the day or hour. References. Phone Winnetka 639-W after six P. M. 13T28-1tp A YOUNG COLORED MAN WANTS position as chauffeur; will do gen- eral work around house; experi- enced. Address 255 Illinois Road. Phone Lake Forest 627. 13 SITUATION 13LTNb51-1tp i rcle, $20. Tel. Winn, 40. Winn. 550-W. 16TN28-1te | cvele, $ 19T28-1te FOR oT LE RAL DW i SLIT COR SALE -- OIL, BURNER: COM. piano; splendid condition; mahogany f 11 home, $100 Win- case; bargain for $195. Tel. Winn.| Plete for sma ! 19T24-tfe 1491. 16LT51-1tc| netka 1686. FOR SALE -- DAVENPORT AND|20 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS chair to match; small table and drapes. Reasonable. Tel. Win. 1204. P. WEISS & CO. 16LT51-1tc| Wilmette junk dealers; buy old clothes; papers, 50c per 100; maga- FOR SALE -- DAVENPORT AND zines, 70c per 100; metal. Tel Wil. overstuffed chair; mulberry velour; 636. 20TN28-1tp very reas. Tel. Wil. 2499. 16LT51-1tc( WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES for paper, magazines, rags, etc. FOR SALE--UTILITY HOT WATER| North Shore Paper & Metal Co. Tel. heater. Cheap if taken at once. University 5133. 20LTN50-4te 1376 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. 16LTN51-1tc | WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, FOR SALE--VICTROLA; PERFECT| pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash cond.,, mfg. price $150. Will sell Street. 20LTN-tfe for $75. 411 Washington Ave. Tel | mmm -- Wil. 2963. 16LT51-1te 22 LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE--LIVING ROOM, DINING LOST--SMALL, BLUE, LEATHER room and bedroom furniture, cheap. Tel. 1511. 16LTN51-1te MUST SELL ALL HOUSEHOLD FUR- niture by Sunday. 931 12th Street, Wil. Wilmette. 16LTN51-1te FOR SALE--EDEN SWING WRING- er washing machine, $60. Phone Winnetka 44. 16LTN51-1te FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED DAVEN- port; 2 rugs; library table; lamp. Tel. Wil. 2961. 16LTN51-1tc FOR SALE--BLUE VELOUR DAVEN- port, loose cushions. Tel. Wil. 1449. 16LTN51-1te FOR SALE--CARVED MAHG. LIVING room table. Tel. Winn. 966. 16LTN51-1te coin purse, on North Shore Electric or in vicinity of Central Avenue, Wilmette. Return to 1222 Central Ave. Reward. 22LTN51-1te LOST -- BLACK COCKER SPANIEL puppy; 5 mos. old. Finder please notify Mr. Joseph Husband, 661 Blackthorne Road. Tel. Winn. 239. Reward. 22LTN51-1te LOST--GOLD WRIST WATCH, LAST Sunday, in street near north end of east platform of North Western Sta- tion. Reward. Phone Winn. 108. 22T28-1te LOST--POLICE DOG; DARK GREY and black; 2 years old. If found, return to R. Elmer, 639 Spruce St, Winnetka. Reward. 22LT51-1te

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