WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1924 GIVE GCTOBER DATE SCHEDULE Office of Community House Compiles First Record of Permanent Date Book AVOIDS DATE CONFLICT Plan of Community List Gains in Favor Community House is publishing this week a schedule of village events for October as recorded in the office there, in the hope that it may be of service in giving information to the public and in helping organizations to avoid conflict- ing dates 'in scheduling events. Such a monthly schedule will be published just before the beginning of each month. As was stated two weeks ago in the Talk, Community House is keeping a "date book" of village events and is willing to act as a clearing house in this matter. But is can.only serve efficient- ly if organizations scheduling events will notify the office of dates planned, and make use of the information already recorded of events scheduled. = Response from village organizations to this ef- fort on the part of Community House has been most enthusiastic. A confer- ence of school leaders and heads of dra- matic oraginzations was held Tuesday, which proved the need of such a service, and which resulted in the change of date of a number of events scheduled for the future. No organization wishes to put an important event in conflict with an- other, nor is the public pleased or well served when two good events come on the same night or follow each other so closely as to make attendance at both not a matter of inclination. But this service, it is explained, can be satisfactory only if leaders of groups and organizations keep constantly in mind and notify the office of events planned, and make use of records in Community House. Any information may be phoned to Mrs. E."W. Wortley at Community House. October Date List The October schedule of events is as October" --All-day meeting, Woman's Congregational pny Hub- bard "Tvwooas improvement association. k Christ Church Sunday School Teachers' conference. ; : October 2--Winnetka Woman's club. Opening meeting and luncheon. October 3--Christ church parents and teachers meeting. Speaker, Miss Mabel Lee Cooper. October 6--Christ Church Guild luncheon and opening meeting; Dasch Players (Little Symphony orchestra) concert--evening ; North Shore Country Day school parents and teachers' meet- ing. October 7--Village council. (1st and 3rd Tuesdays); New Trier High School Parent - Teacher association-- sophomore parents. October 10--Columbus ance--all schools. October 11--Masonic temple. October 13--I.eague of Women Vot- ers' luncheon and meeting, Community House. Concert, Skokie School to dedi- cate Jane Kuppenheimer piano; Meet- ing of Park Board, Community House --8 o'clock. October 15--MacDowell club recital. New Trier auditorium. October 16--Women's club meeting. October 18--Dr. Slutz's Lecture at Skokie school--evening, under auspices of Women's club and Parent-Teacher association. October 19--Winnetka Congregational church. Opening of celebration of Fiftieth anniversary. October 20--Winnetka Congregation- al church--Fiftieth anniversary. North Shore Catholic Woman's club. Open- ing Meeting at Woman's club. October 21--Winnetka Congregation- al church--Fiftieth Anniversary. October 22--Winnetka Congregation- al church--Fiftieth Anniversary. October 23--Winnetka Congregation- al church--Fiftieth Anniversary. October 24--Winnetka Congregation- al church--Fiftieth Anniversary. October 25--Winnetka Congregation- al church--Fiftieth Anniversary. October 27--ILeague of Women Vot- T society, Day observ- dance at the artist ers--Rally meeting, Woman's club-- evening. October 28--ILecture -- Rev. James Austin Richards--morning. October 29--Skokie Parent-Teacher association. October 30--Winnetka Woman's club meeting. Open meeting. October 31--Hallowe'en Community House--evening. Regular Lodge meetings at the Ma- sonic temple every Tuesday evening. party at ORGANIZE LA FOLLETTE CLUB A meeting will be held at Winnetka Community House Monday evening, October 6, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of organizing a local "La Follette- Wheeler club," it was announced this weck. SWEITZER URGES THE VOTERS TO REGISTER (Continued from page 1) County Clerk Sweitzer's warning to the voters reads as follows: "TO THE VOTERS OF COOK COUNTY, -OUTSIDE - CHI- CAGO, CHICAGO HEIGHTS, CICERO AND SUMMIT. "You no doubt are aware of the fact that the voters of Cook county, not under the jurisdiction of the election commissioners of the City of Chicago, are not compelled to reg- ister in person. The judges of the various election precincts and dis- tricts sit as a board of registry and enter on the register the names of all known eligible voters, also tak- ing names from previous poll hooks and registers. Avoids Inconvenience "Because many judges in the past have overlooked this important duty and, further, because many of the districts or precincts have a large number 'of voters not known to the judges, many voters have not been entered on the register, thereby caus- ing the voters a great loss of time in making out 'An Affidavit: of Non- Registered Voter' together with a supporting affidavit of a householder, when the voter appears on election day to vote. "To alleviate this inconvenience and to make for a more perfect reg- istration for this most important coming election, I would suggest that each eligible voter present himself or herself for registration at their respective polling place on Saturday, October 4, 1924, (first registration day) or Tuesday, October, 14, 1924, (second registration and revision day) and make certain that he or she is entered on the register as required by law." Yours very truly, ROBERT M. SWEITZER, County Clerk. Community House Monday, October 6 All-Day Meeting North Shore Sew- ing Guild. Kindergarten at 9 o'clock. Rehearsal for Pageant. Community Drama clubs at 8 o'clock. North Shore Theatre Guild oclock. Progressive Party meeting at 8 o'clock. Tuesday, October 7 Kindergarten at 9 o'clock. Sewing Class--all-day. North Shore Theatre Guild at 8 o'clock. Rehearsal for Pageant. Drama, clubs at 8 o'clock. Wednesday, October 8 Kindergarten at 9 o'clock. Camp Fire Girls at 4 o'clock. Community Drama clubs at 8 Czecho Slovakian club at 8 o'clock. North Shore Theatre Guild at 8 o'clock. Thursday, October 9 Kindergarten at 9 o'clock. Rehearsal for Pageant. Community Drama clubs at 8 o'clock. North Shore Theatre Guild at 8 o'clock. Boy Scouts at 7:30 o'clock. Boy Scout Council at 9 o'clock. Friday, October 10 Kindergarten at 9 o'clock. Blue Birds at 4 o'clock. North Shore Theatre Guild o'clock. " Motion pictures--afternoon and eve- ning. at 8 organization Community at 8 Saturday, October 11 Triangle Club dance at 8 o'clock. That Yelling You Heard Was Skokie Cheer Leaders After going through a set of cales- thentics that would be the envy of Swedish gymnasts, three boys and three girls were chosen cheer leaders from the large field of candidates at the Skokie school this week. During the tryout sessions the rhyth- mic yelling for Skokie could be heard for blocks surrounding the school build- ing. All the pupils cheered with their favorite candidates as though they were urging the school team to hold 'em in a close game. The successful candidates were Ruth Root, Mary Forrest, Helen Smith, Ben Thompson, Allen Stults and John Mil- ton. These girls and boys will lead the Skokie rooters in all inter-school con- tests. State Bank Shows Big Advance in Two Years The Winnetka State Bank celebrated its second anniversary of its occupancy of the new building October 2. On Mon- day, October 2, 1922, the bank started business in the new building on Elm street with $84,000 resources, October 2, 1924, the bank had rcsources of $1,- 100,000. Friends of the officers of the bank sent bouquets of flowers which were placed on the bannister separating the desks from the main lobby of the bank. Henry R. Hale is president; Louis B. Kuppenheimer, vice president; Sanborn Hale, cashier; and Victor Elting, Carl- ton Prouty and Noble Hale members of the board of directors. Among Life's Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd Tells Students They Have a Great Responsibility "Great lives in little places" was the subject of an address given by Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd of Wilmette to the students of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college at their open- ing assembly last week. Mr. Lloyd pointed out that in reality life is simply a combination of two elements --a set of apparent facts, which we call our environment, and 'the inter- pretation of these apparent facts. "The thing that makes life different," said Mr. Lloyd, "is not the variety in the sets of facts, but the differences in the interpretation which is made of these facts. If you can put upon all the facts which we call environ- ment an interpretation which will make for good will and satisfaction and happiness, you will live a big life, be the place large or small. "As a matter of fact," continued Mr. Lloyd, "You don't need a very big place to live a big life. In this work-a-day, commonplace world, life is measured, not by its setting, but by its content. You are all entering upon some field of service. Some are think- ing of a home, and may feel that it is narrow and restricting or binding. It need not be. You may not have all the latest books or the finest furniture, but it takes more than furnishings to make.a home--it takes true lives. It is a wonderful thing to find joy in life--it is a still bigger thing to make joy in life. Chance to Build Lives In speaking of the opportunities ahead of those who are to be teachers of little children Mr. Lloyd called at- tention to the fact that it is not enough for the teacher to train minds --she must build lives as well. She has the first chance, and the best World Friendship, Theme at Woman's Society Meet The World Friendship meeting of the Woman's society of the Winnetka Con- gregational church is to be held at the home of Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, 435 Elm street, on Wednesday, October 8, at 2:30 o'clock. This is the first program of the autumn series, and the committee, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Charles F. Karnopp, has secured as speaker of the day Mrs. Lucius O. Lee, of Chicago, who has recently returned from a six- month's trip to Japan, China and India. Mrs. James A. Richards will open the devotional part of the program, and Mrs. Burton F. Atwood will sing a group of songs. The annual mission- ary thank-offering envelopes are to be brought at this time. A number of women who have cars will be glad to take any who would like transportation, if such will telephone Mrs. Jewell, 535-W, or Community House office. This indicates that the invitation to attend the meeting is given to every woman who thinks she would enjoy the afternoon. $50 AND COSTS Melvin Shangrean, Evanston, will be more careful when he drives through Winnetka hereafter. When be was brought before Justice B. A. Nelson for speeding and reckless driving, this week, Shangrean agreed with the justice that it was advisable to drive slow and be careful, after he had been fined $50 and costs. Places Kindergarten Teaching Important Tasks chance, to put into the lives of little children the things that stay, the quality of manhood and womanhood that makes life worth the living. "You will have a part in writing the laws of the nations for the next generation," reminded Mr. Lloyd. "Though you may not hold the pen, you will direct the mind and heart and soul of those who will bring the nations together and make the world fit to live in. This is living the big- gest kind of a life in a small place. "You are going to have your part in all the reforms of the future--in making the world a tolerant place, a place of patience and virtue in the coming years. You will have some- thing to do with raising the standards of living--not putting radio sets or fine bath tubs in every home, but creating a state of mind which will make our country more nearly what it should be. "Harvest Time is Spring" "You are going to be a bringer of real religion, which, if anything, is to save the wold. Religion is the inter- pretation of experience which puts a sense of worth and dignity and good- will into life, and if you live this and carry it with you into the school and home and community there will be a fine harvest in the coming years. "Does that seem a long, long way ahead? The time for harvest is not September--it is the spring when the first furrow is turned and the seed is planted. What the harvest is to be in 1940 or 1950 is determined by the seed you plant now--on whether you choose to put a great or a petty inter- pretation on your environment." Super-Success Guaranteed New method shows you ex- actly how to build your own Super-Heterodyne with absolute guarantee of results. So simple you cannot fail, even if you have never built any kind of a set before. Exact location of | every part, exact length and position of every wire so clearly pictured you cannot make a mistake. Service and installation by ex- perts at reasonable prices. Korsgren Radio Service Phone or write Central 3861 City Hall Square Building Chicago COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC Clare Osborne Reed, Director Winnetka Branch 545 Winnetka Ave. Phone 974 Private and Class Lessons Keyboard Harmony, Ensemble Playing, Sight Reading | and Ear Training Piano Lathleen Air, Principal Katherine P. Hedglin, Mary Esther Winslow, Phyllis M. Kellogg voice Evelyn Wienke, Soprano Violin and Ensemble Playing Valona Brewer Students of the Branch are entitled to all the Free advantages offered at the Main School, 509 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago Musical Kindergarten . Natural Enfoldment through Medium of Music TE u ---- Children from 3 to 6 years at COMMUNITY HOUSE WINNETKA Phone 6587 New Prices on Rug Cleaning Our modern methods and low prices make Big Sav- ings and give our hundreds of customers better clean- ing. Repeat orders from al- most every customer is proof of this statement. 9x12 Domestic Rugs, cleaned $3.24 6x9 Domestic Rugs, cleaned $1.75 John Nazarian 578 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA Phones Wilmette ! i? 2 7 Winnetka oe 551 Lincoln Avenue "The place where eating is a pleasure" Cameo Restaurant and Lunch Room GOOD, CLEAN, WHOLESOME, EATS That is what you get at this Restaurant, and that is why our business has and is continually increasing. Joe Stoner & Co. rn ------ A mm Foxglove, Larkspur, etc., at very Hardy flowers must be planted 3 good results next year. Jos. Herzig "GARDENER 436 Woodlawn Avenue, Corner Randolph Street, Glencoe; [Phone 555 I have a nice group of Perennial Flowers, Large Choice Phlox, reasonable prices. weeks before frost if you desire Dancing Classes Kenilworth Country Club, Kenilworth, Fridays, Beginning Oct. 10 CHILDRENS CLASSES 3:00 to 6:00 P. M. JUNIORS Modern Ballroom Dancing 7:15: P. M. ADULTS, 9:15 P. M. TOE, : CLASSIC vand: .IN- TERPRETIVE DANCING Evanston Woman's Club, Thurs., Oct. 9th, at 4 P. M, Private Lessons by appointment MISS ROSE COX Tel. Armitage 729 does the | firefly : flash ?/ / 0 --because, in flying, it exposes a phosphorescent substance which covers its body under the wings. Regular use of Puwieledl" Castor Oil helps to keep the human body glowing with health. Puretest Castor Oil is a gentle internal cleanser, so pure that its taste is sweet and nutty, suggesting a fine salad oil. At last, a castor oil that children find easy to take! One of 200 Puretest prepara- tions for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. ADAMS PHARMACY Elm and Linden Winnetka 2 720 Rexall Drag store -