WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1924 'BEAUCAIRE' ON C. HL. FILM LIST Elaborate Drama to Be Seen Here Soon "If the word "super-production" had not been so sadly abused and mis- used, one would be sorely tempted to apply it to Rudolph Valentino's latest Paramount picture, 'Monsieur Beau- caire," which is due at the Commun- ity House, Friday and Saturday, Oc- mY Rudolph Valentino in the Paramount Picture "Monsieur Beaucaire? A Sidney Olcott Production tober 17 and 18," declares Burton H. Atwood, Jr. director of Community House pictures. ; "If ever a picture deserved super- latives it surely is this screenplay, which Forrest Halsey adapted from Booth Tarkington's gloriously human story and which reaches the silver sheet via the directorial guidance of Sidney Qlcott," continues Mr. At- wood. "Imagine the love interest of 'The Sheik,' the romantic coloring of 'Blood and Sand' and the spectacle of 'The Four Horsemen' combined in one photoplay and you begin to understand why 'Monsieur Beau- caire' is a photodrama of amazing beauty and power. To the students of history it will be an inspiration; to the schoolboy it will be an educa- tion, and to the blase film fan it will be a revelation. All the pomp and magnificence of the court of Louis XV, notorious for its love affairs, its intrigue, honor and vice! The schem- ing Mme Pompadour, the dissolute King, the crafty Richelieu--they live once more! ; "And there isn't a man or woman, who will fail to sympathize and thrill with the merry, dashing Duke de Chartres with all his amours and all his fights! Verily, it is a role that only Valentino can play to perfec- tion! z "As for the supporting cast, it may well be set up as a standard of ex- cellence, including as it does, Bebe Daniels, Lois Wilson, Doris Kenyon, Lowell Sherman, Tan Maclaren, John Davidson, Paulette Duval and many, many others famous on stage and screen. 335 Film fans, you who rave about the great pictures you have seen, see "Monsieur Beaucaire" and you will have something to brag about! GRASS FIRE The fire department was summoned to extinguish a grass fire on Center street, Monday night. SA J TE) EACH MORNING'S SUN BRWNGS GREAT CONTENT- TO THOSE WHoSE CASH IS WISELY sSeeNT. - HEN the morning sun _ greets your daily arrival in Real Man's Land you feel content about the manner in which your money was spent if modern plumbing has rendered your home sanitary. If not call to see the plumbing doctors-- that's us. We sell and install RUUD GAS WATER HEATERS VIC J. KILLIAN Plumbing Contractor 874 Center St. Winn. 1260 "LOCATING GOD" IS SUBJECT OF SERMON Rev. James Austin Richards, pastor of the Winnetka Congregational church, will' preach tomorrow morning on the topic, "Locating God." The service of worship begins at 11 o'clock, and not only members of the church and parish, but any interested friends in the village are cordially invited to be present. At the same hour, in Rudolph Matz hall, Dr. J. W. F. Davies will conduct a junior service of worship, for chil- dren below high school age; and the youngest children may be left in charge of the Chancel Guild, in the assembly room. The Church school, in all its depart- ments, has its session 'from 9:30 to 10:45 o'clock, and includes classes for all ages, from the four-year-olds in the kindergarten up to classes for men and women. The Women's Bible class began its new course last Sunday with en- thusiasm. This is a study of the life of Christ, with attractive textbooks, and with Rev. Ralph Morphett as leader for the month of October. Mrs. Douglas Smith is membership chairman, and will be glad to hear of any who will welcome this opportunity to spend the Sunday morning hour in study, it is explained. Evening appointments include the Sun- day Evening club, in the Camp Fire room, at 6:30 o'clock and the Young People's club, for high school boys and girls, at 7 o'clock in the Neighborhood room. The leader of the latter groups will be Robert P. Ely. Chamber Concert Tickets Are Now Nearly All Sold The first concert of the series to be given under the auspices of the North Shore Chamber Music association will take place on Sunday afternoon, Oc- tober 26, at 4 o'clock in the Kenil- worth assembly hall. The artists on this occasion will be the Gordon string quartet assisted by Howard Wells, pianist. The members of this quartet are Jacques Gordon, first violin, con- certmeister of the Chicago Symphony orchesta, Henry Selinger, second vio- lin, Clarence Evans, viola, and Alfred Wallenstein, cello, first cellist of the Chicago Symphony orchestra. According to the committee on ar- rangements the tickets for the four concerts in the series are selling rapidly, only a limited number now being available. The above-mentioned Harrison Mettler for Winnetka; Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline and Howard Wells for Wilmette; Mrs. Percy Eck- hart, Miss Helen Sears, and Mrs. A. B. Spach for Kenilworth; Mrs. Homer E. Cotton for New Trier high school; William H. Barnes and Edward D. Wheeler for Evanston. Orders for tickets should be sent to the treasurer, Walter Marx, 522 Essex road, Kenil- worth. PUBLIC FORUM Editor, Winnetka Talk: The Talk deserves the hearty com- mendation of everyone for publishing the Reverand Gerhardt's sermon on Defense day, a sermon which I have just had the pleasure of reading. Does it not seem un-American that in a matter as important as the develop- ment of public sentiment towards our national military policy we find few newspapers and practically no public speakers with courage to present the views of those who do not agree that Americanism. Very truly yours, Charles A. Kinney. QUARTERLY DIVIDEND The North Shore Gas company has issued quarterly dividend checks for the period ending September 30. The com- pany has recently effected a reduction in rates. Read the Want-Ads Crosley 51 Needs no introduction. Within twenty-four days from the time that it was announced it be- came the biggest selling radio receiving set in the world and it holds that position to-day. Price complete with Loud Speaker, Tubes and Batteries $48.00 The Radio Service Shop 18 Prouty Annex WINNETKA, ILL. committee consists of Mrs. Albert O. Phone 1840 Olson and Mrs. Maurice F. Miller for Glencoe; Mrs. P. B. Kohlsaat and Dr. k ey . 4 ¢ Good News for the Housewives : Phone At last you are going to have a Home Laundry Highland on the North Shore where your clothes will be Park taken care of just like in your own home. 1587 No worrying about a laundress, and it won't b cost you any more. 326 Ginghams and Silks all washed by hand. North Special care given curtains and blankets. First Let us convince you that this is the most Street economical way. QUICK SERVICE 3 9 DURMENT'S HOME LAUNDRY Highland Park SHEET METAL 874 Center Street William L. Wente Furnaces and Repairs Slate and Tile Roofing Phone Winnetka 225 CONTRACTOR Hubbard Woods Ee Ee ---- -------------------- EA a Concern Did it ever occur to you that in all probability, a merchant unacquainted with you, is only interested in making a present sale, that he figures the chances are against him ever seeing you again? You purchase from him. and may be you are not. May be you are satisfied Be that as it may, do you imagine that he is in any way concerned about your well being? chant? Can you say this of your home mer- No; for he is concerned about you. He goes out of his way to please you. He is interested in your prosperity. He is interested in the health of you and your family. He is personally con- cerned about everything connected with you. He wants you to be happy. Trading at Home. 546 Center St. HARDWARE There are advantages in Phone 998-999 Winnetka Expensive Furniture I SCULLY TRANSF WINNETKA ILE should be moved by men who know what they're doing, and that have all the proper equip- ment available for the work. That's why folks who value their household goods invariably call Winnetka 232 when they move. li STORAGE 1 li 3 Se eee: rn ------ Phone Winnetka 32 16 Prouty Annex WINNETKA TEAMING & SUPPLY CO. L. J. HAYES, Prop. GENERAL TEAMING AND EXPRESSING, BUILDING MATERIAL, DRIVEWAYS, GRADING AND BLACK DIRT Residence Phone 426 Winnetka, Illinois PAINT Rasmesen's STORE 550 Center St. of all kinds. Tubes and Special colors 021208 20) A" (0))Y) 0 ERY: 07/1 (S07 1:44 (6) X FREELY GIVEN (QINAV:N 5 R40] 6 288 2,0 B04 Ml 2420) 23 53 03" 8) Painting and Decorating Whatever the Circumstances the same --the same helpful service im managing all perplexing detaile--are ac- corded you whether you desire zm unlimited expendi- ture or whather circumstances suggest that you refrain from undue coots. 1124 Central Ave. Wilmette