WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1924 Community House WEEK OF OCTOBER 13, 1924 Gymnasium and dancing classes began last week in Community House. Registrations are being taken now for these groups and those wishing to take advantage of these classes are urged to reach the office of Commun- ity House as soon as possible. Monday, October 13 Morning--Kindergarten at 9. Women's Gym Class at 9. Afternoon--Social Dancing Classes at 3:45--two classes. 'Folk Dancing at 4. Evening--Men's Classes, gym. 7:30 and 8:30. American Legion at 8. riangle Club at 8. Rehearsal for Pageant at 8. North Shore Theatre Guild at 8. Tuesday, October 14 Morning--Kindergarten at 9. Art Class at 9. All Day Sewing Class. Afternoon--Small Boys' Gym Class at 3:45. Evening--Young Ladies' Gym Class at 7:30. Pilenduilp Circle Class and Club at Classes at 8. Board of Governors Meeting at 8. North Shore Theatre Guild at 8. Motion Pictures at 4:15, 7:15 and 9. in English for Foreigners Wednesday, October 15 Morning--Kindergarten at 9. Women's Gym Class at 9. Art Classat 9. Afternoon--Camp Fire Girls at 4. Special Gym Classes at 3:45. Evening--Basketball, Gym, at 7:30. Czecho Slovakian Club in Neighbor- hood Room at 8. Rehearsal for Pageant at 8. North Shore Theatre Guild at 8. Thursday, October 16 Morning--Kindergarten at 9. Art Class at 9. Afternoon--Aesthetic 3:45. Rvening~Boy Scouts 3 troops at Dancing at Rehearsal Pageant at 8. Triangle Sisters at 8. Friday, October 17 Morning--Kindergarten at 9. Women's Gym Class at 9. Chamber of Commerce Luncheon at noon. Afternoon--Aesthetic Gymnasium at 3:45, g Motion Pictures at 4:15--"The Birth of a Nation." Camp Fire Girls at 4. Blue Birds--two groups at 4. Evening--Motion Pictures at 7:15 and 9 Dancing in Saturday, October 18 Afternoon--Motion Pictures. Evening--Motion Pictures and 9 Scandinavian Pleasure Club dance. MASONS TO INDULGE IN BILLIARD MEET Announcements have just gone out to members of the Winnetka lodge of Masons indicating that the fine billiard room on the third floor of the Masonic temple is to be the scene of consider- able activity this month. According to the announcement a bil- liard tournament will be staged begin- ning October 21, which promises to be one of the largest affairs of its kind ever held in Winnetka. In addition there will be a pocket billiard tourna- ment at the same time and entries have been coming in quite rapidly during the last few days. One of the advertised features of these tournaments is the fact that the poor players have just as good chance to win prizes as those who think they are particularly good. This should sway many to enter who may not have had much experience or who lack recent practice. The committee in charge consists of Charles J. Eastman, chairman, Elmer E. Adams, U. C. Abel and Harry Cad- enhead. Entries close on October 13, and are to be sent to the chairman of the committee at 984 Cherry street. All members of Winnetka lodge are eligible to compete. at 7:15 Lynn Williams President of Country Day P.-T. Body The Parent-Teacher association of the North Shore Country Day school at its meeting last Monday evening held elections for the coming year. The officers now are: Lynn Williams, president; J. F. Dammann, vice presi- dent, and Mrs. Hathaway Watson, secretary-treasurer. The Monday meeting holds a record for attendance, the Assembly hall be- ing packed to the doors. After the general meeting, the various grade as- sociations met§together as planned, organized for year, and brought up problems interest to their re- spective gradesffor discussion at meet- ings during th&* winter. At an early date each grade will meet to enter upon its work of study and cooperation. CHURCH AWAITS ITS ANNIVERSARY FETE (Continued from page 1) the time during the week so that guests may write letters, rest, or meet old friends for a quiet visit. Tea will be served in the afternoons. Here too, one may arrange to participate in the sight-seeing 'auto trips which are planned for the mornings. It is thought that those who had been away from the village for some time will be greatly interested in the changes and improvements, which have taken place in their absence. Anniversary Meeting The special anniversary meeting of the Woman's society will be held on Wednesday, beginning at 10 o'clock in the morning. Several former mem- bers will be present and take part, starting with a devotional service led by Mrs. Quincy IL. Dowd. Mrs. Ed- win E. Snell will furnish some of the same music which was such a delight in other years. Mrs. "R. E. Member," an incarnation of the days of 74, will relate a few interesting tales of those early times. She expects to bring with her some old cronies dressed in the costumes they wore fifty years ago. And then when Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber starts telling what she knows about later developments in the church and the Woman's society it will make those older women open their eyes. Luncheon is to be served, for the usual charge, in Rudolph Matz hall at 12:30 o'clock and in the afternoon there will be just a happy re-union meeting and talk-fest, with perhaps more music, in the Neighborhood room. Dinner Committee Notice The dinner committee urges especi- ally that all planning to attend the fellowship dinner on Monday evening, send for their tickets at once. The caterer and corps of service must know as far ahead as possible how many to prepare for, and with such a large crowd, it may be hard to take good care of late comers. Send your check to "50th Anniversary Dinner Committee" at Community House for your tickets, or call and pay for them in person. The entertainment division of the dinner group has arranged a program which will not be divulged until the night comes. But inside information in the hands of the press committee indicates that the evening will be long remembered by old timers and new comers alike. The Woman's Guild of Christ church is resuming its regular weekly meetings Monday. Tea is served at 4 o'clock to the members who meet to sew. On the first Monday of the month, the women meet all-day. iy The first meeting of the New Trier circle will be held Monday, October 13, at the home of Mrs. Roy A. Whip- ple, 170 Woodland avenue. Mrs. Sherman Orwig will be assisting hos- fess, 1s for Camphor Candy Collodion Cascara Cosmetics Careful folks keep well sup- plied for emergency use. Come in and test our Smiling Service COMMUNITY PHARMACY 574 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 164 Local Residents Endorse American Opera Movement The American Opera Society of Chi- cago announces the accomplishment of its two objectives; namely, the adequate translation of foreign opera librettos by Charles H. Meltzer and the creation of the David Bispham Memorial Medal award for American opera. The avowed purpose of this society is, among other things, to encourage the use of the En- lish language in opera and concert and the performance of American operas; also to give just recognition to the American composer of ability. A renewal of interest in American opera, according to Mrs. Archibald Freer of Chicago, national chairman of this society, has resulted in the pro- duction, in part or whole, of works by Stearns, Cadman, Deleone, Carter, Chadwick, Browne, and other Ameri- can composers. The latest list drawn up by the society contains the names of 99 native operas. Anyone desiring further aetails should address Mrs. Howard Tracy, 332 Cedar street, Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Harding of Hubbard Woods have returned from the east where they visited their daughter, Jane, who is attending Smith, and their son, Victor, who is going to Exter aca- demy. Otto Dovidat Ladies' and Men's Tailoring 794 Elm Street Over Vollmann's market. I am in the new building and ready to serve you as before with the very best made to order clothing; also cleaning and pressing. A specialty is made of Ladies' Tailoring and Fur work. The Reo Line Coupe - - $1875 Sedan - - . 1985 Brougham - 2235 Balloon Tires T-6 Special Touring Reo - 1595 With Balloon Tires Standard Touring Reo- 1335 REO EVANSTON CO. 1101 Chicago Ave. Evanston Phone University 6194 SuDS AND DUD S 7A 4 rS.Duds meet Mr Suds, the laupdryman of fame r His sanitary, cleanliness . won fo Rim his name. and Mis. Duds are M" authorities on laundry work. They agree that our spotless reputation is found- ed upon fact. They will tell you that we treat both you and your clothes right and that our prices are popular. Phone us for price list. 5 LOOK FOR SUDS & DUDS. 1 Bd AJ ry JURMENT SESE 84 . » sie} ® ry - s William directly in our 874 Center Street, L. Wente SHEET METAL CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on Sheet Metal work; also on the famous NUMETAL WEATHER STRIP which will put the finishing touch on your home and save you many times its cost in fuel and comfort. FURNACES are also i line--new ones cleaned and put in the "pink of condition" for winter. Call us at Winnetka 225 installed--old ones repaired, Hubbard Woods Local Justices Elevate the Ante on Speed Fines Speeders and automobile traffic violators are not finding much favor before Magistrate C. T. Northrop and Tustice B. M. Nelson. Stifler finer are imposed on speeders. The roll of fine payers this week for violation of the traffic regulations includes Wallace Ross, Glencoe, $25 and costs; Robert Olson, Evanston, $10 and costs; M. Friedman, Chi- cago, $10 and costs; G. S. Platto, $10 and costs; Robert Lee, Chicago, $15 and costs; Dalas Robinson, High- land Park, $5 and costs; Alfred Childs, $5 and costs; J. L. Cassiere, Chicago, $10 and costs; E. B. Oulash- in, Chicago, $5 and costs; Percy Arden, Wilmette, $5 and costs; I. R. Landon, Chicago $3 and costs; W. W. Owens, $15 and costs; Jack Lundin, Chicago, $20 and costs. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Talbot of 815 Ridge avenue, Evanston, formerly of Winnetka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Violet Blanche, to Albert J. Vogele of Chicago. you need it. Water Service immediately. payments. ' Plumbing Contractor 874 Center St. Inexpensive To Use~To Get NSTALL a Ruud in your home, then turn any hot water faucet and the water flows HOT, instantly--at any hour of day or night--whenever You can get Ruud Instantaneous Hot It will pay you to do away with your "watch and wait" method of heating water. A small down payment installs the Ruud. Pay the balance in easy monthly VIC J. KILLIAN Winn. 1260 The Radio Service Shop 18 Prouty Annex Phone 1840 Volutron 201A tubes $2.95 Goodrich ear muffs, a relief for fans using phones 80c Extra Large "B" Batteries for Neutrodyne Sets $4.75 Crosley 51 Two Tube complete $48.00 Electric Radio soldering irons $2.00 Open Evenings 7t09 We can get any Radio Receiver you want. Come in and see the Crosley Trirdyn 3R3 P.M. Open Evenings Good Auto Supplies oe (00D AuTo REPAIRING *e hat oe "8 Studebaker - Agency Oakland Motor Cars Hanson Motor Co. 555-557 CHESTNUT STREET Phone Winnetka 330 Wolff Tires Te TT |